A week later.
"Stop being scared Yulan. He is not gone disown you or nothing." Yulani said, on the phone with her twin.
"It's not that I-bro. It's just like, I been liking girls all my life, to his knowledge. So now I'm finna tell him I been fucking with a nigga for almost a year. This is not just casual conversation you know? How am I not supposed to be scared?" He frowned at her through the camera.
"Well it's okay to be scared. Just trust him twin, he's trying to be there for us more. He loves both us-even though he sometimes has a hard time showing it-more than anything. He won't judge you." She told him, and he sighed, nodding his head because she was right.
"Thank you twin. When you coming home?" He asked, and she shrugged.
"I might just move in with Jai. He asked me to." She smirked, and he smacked his lips, making her laugh.
"Nah but tonight. I started my cycle and I need to be home in my bed with my heating pad chile." She sighed, and he nodded, chuckling.
"Aight then, Ima have some food and yo candy here for you. I love you." He told her, and she smiled.
"I love you too baby. Good luck." She waved, before hanging up.
Yulani had been with Jai for the last week, going to school and back from his house. Yasir didn't mind, but he'd only given her 6 days. After that, she had to come home.
Yulan, on the other hand, had been spending his days with Adonis, before coming back home at night.
Yasir had thought he'd been playing ball during the time he would leave, but really he was either out on a date with Adonis, or spending time at his house.
Yulan sighed, standing up from his bed and walking out of his room.
He glanced at his mom who was in the kitchen, RnB music playing as she cooked dinner-herbed rice with fish tahdig, Persian chicken meatball soup on the side-for the first time in a while.
He knew that she needed something from Yasir, because she was making his favorite meal.
She did it every few months, and she'd attempt to butter up to the three of them to get whatever she needed from Yasir.
The twins loved their mom, no matter what she did. They loved the random moments she was in moods like these.
And all Yasir wanted was for them to be happy. So whenever Skye made the twins happy, Yasir would give her whatever it was that she asked for.
A small smile graced his face, and he kissed her cheek.
"I love you mama." He told her, and she smiled, dancing along to the Iranian beat coming from her speaker.
"I love you too Yulan. Gone nie'." She waved him out of the kitchen, and he chuckled, walking downstairs to Yasir's room.
He knocked, walking inside once granted permission.
"You seen mama up there?" Yulan asked, sitting next to him on his bed.
"Nah. I smell the food though. One of those moods?" Yasir questioned, and he nodded, shrugging.
"You good?" He asked, and Yulan rubbed the back of his head, sighing.
"Wassup twin?" Yasir frowned, grabbing his face to look at him, meeting his eyes.
"Can I tell you somethin'?" Yulan nervously asked, looking away to avoid his gaze.
"Anything. Wassup wit' you? Did something happen?" He questioned, and Yulan shook his head no, before looking up at him.
"I-I uh, Yasir-I'm bi." Yulan mumbled, and Yasir rose his eyebrows.
"You g-what?" He spoke, his tone full of surprise.
"I been with Don for nine months." Yulan told him, and Yasir ran his hand down his face as he stood up.
It was like the twins had something new to tell him everyday, they were really growing up into their own person.
"Don? Adonis Don?" He asked, and Yulan nodded, rubbing his arm in nervousness.
"You like boys Mugga?" Yasir tilted his head, very much surprised.
"Just him. Yasir I tried not to-I just, I couldn't help it. I'm sorry." Yulan wiped his face before his tears could fall, and Yasir frowned.
"Yulan I don't care about that. What you crying for? Nothing is wrong with that, aight? Yeah it's different, but it's not wrong. You don't have nothing to apologize for."
"I'm proud of you for trusting me enough to tell me. And if he make you happy, then I'm happy and we good. Don't apologize for being yourself Mugga. I love you baby boy, I'm proud of you aight?" Yasir stood in front of him, and Yulan stood up, wrapping him in a hug.
"I'm proud of you." Yasir rubbed his back, chuckling as Yulan silently cried in relief.
"Sorry for crying I just w-I was scared." Yulan mumbled, wiping his face as he pulled away from Yasir's embrace.
"Understandable." He chuckled, and Yulan smiled, clearing his throat.
"I love you. And like I told yo sister, you don't choose the people you love-that's some shit you can't help. Long as you still got yo head on straight, I don't care if ya dick ain't straight." Yasir mushed his head, and Yulan laughed, swatting his hands away.
"Never say that shit again dickhead." Yulan chuckled, and Yasir smiled.
"I love you Baba. Thank you." Yulan gave him another hug, the two of them rubbing each other's back, before they pulled away.
"Dooset daaram dâdâsh. Forever Mugga." Yasir kissed his forehead, and he smiled.
Translation : I love you brother.
"Masha'Allah." Yulan dapped him up, before walking back upstairs and closing his room door behind him.
Yulan, now in a much better mood, grabbed his car keys, walking out the front door.
He drove towards Adonis' house, picking up his phone and chuckling seeing him calling.
He answered, placing it on speakerphone and sitting it in his cup holder.
"You on yo way to me?" Adonis asked, and he licked over his lips.
"Yeah baby. You gone or somethin'?" Yulan leaned back in his seat, keeping his eyes on the road.
"I'm wit' Sean nem at the sto' on 92nd. Wait for me at my house." He told him, and Yulan frowned.
"The fuck is you doing over there? We said we wasn't doin' that shit no more." Yulan said, hearing him sigh.
"I know, but it's good money Zaire. $10,000 for each of us if this shit go right. I need that." Adonis told him, and Yulan internally groaned in frustration.
"Aight. I'm on my way there, don't do it without me." Yulan made a U turn, heading the opposite way.
"What? No. Yulan you can't get in no tro-." Adonis started, and Yulan cut him off.
"And you can't either. Whatever we do, you told me we do it together. I got yo back like you got mine, no matter the risk. I'm finna pull up." Yulan said as he pulled at his hair.
"I love you." Adonis replied, and he smiled.
"I love you too Don." Yulan spoke, before hanging up.
About five minutes later, he pulled on the side of the store where there were no cameras, cutting his car off and getting out.
He walked towards the back of the store, seeing Don, Sean, and Jay.
"Wassup Twin." Sean dapped him up, and he chuckled, giving dap to Jay, and doing the same with Don, locking eyes with him.
"Wassgood. So, what's the plan?" He asked as Jay passed him a ski mask, and he pulled it on.
"First, Ima gone go in and take out the only camera that's in there. Nobody here right now except some bitch name Jas. Jay know her though, he gone distract ha'. We in and we out, 2 minutes tops." Sean explained, and Yulan nodded at the clear instructions.
"Aight. Let's do this shit." Jay walked around the building to the front, and Sean broke the lock on the back door, walking inside.
"I love you." Adonis told him, and Yulan looked over at him, softly kissing his lips.
"I love you." He mumbled, and Adonis licked over his lips, smiling.
Hearing a slight clang on the wall, the two of them made their way inside at the signal.
Jay could be seen at the front of the store with Jas, and Adonis chuckled as he followed Yulan to the back room.
"Hurry up. Thirty seconds." Sean spoke low, and Yulan pulled the floorboard back, Adonis grabbing the duffle bag from inside.
"Go, go, go." Adonis directed, and the three of them put everything back in place, replacing the duffle bag of money with a dupe that was full of paper.
They slid back out of the door, and sighed in relief as Jay came around the corner.
"How much is it?" Yulan asked as Sean unzipped the bag.
"$40,000. 10k each. Good job boys." Sean passed out the equal amounts of cash, all of them dapping each other up, and then Jay burned the evidence of the bag, watching it ash.
"Aight. Ima catch up wit' y'all." They all went their separate ways, Adonis following Yulan to his car, before they left the scene.
"I'm sorry for bringing you into that Zaire." Adonis told him, and he shrugged.
"Whatever we do, we do it together. Remember?" Yulan intertwined their fingers, and Adonis smiled.
"Yeah baby. I remember." He chuckled, rubbing his hand.
"Here." Yulan held out his portion of cash, and Adonis frowned.
"Nah Zaire. You earned that shit just like we did. Keep yo share." Adonis said, and he looked over at him, as he parked in front of his complex.
"Don you know I'm good. I only did this because I didn't want you to do it alone. I don't need the money. I know you using yo shit for Mama Kema. Just take it. Please." Yulan locked eyes with him, and Adonis clenched his jaw, looking away.
Adonis' mother had a chronic health condition, and in the last month she'd gotten Pneumonia. She was having a hard time fighting it, and Adonis was hustling harder to keep the bills paid, food on the table for his family as well as her hospital and prescription bills.
Yulan knew that any day of the week, he could ask Yasir for $10,000 and get it easy. Adonis didn't have it the same way, so Yulan tried to help him as much as he could.
"You too good for me, foreal." Adonis mumbled, taking the cash from his hand, and Yulan smiled.
"We in this life shit together. I got you, I promise this shit ain't nothing, she gone be good and yo family gone be good too." Yulan told him, reaching over to hug him as Adonis' sniffed.
"Me and you gone have a family one day. Ima take care of us the same way you take care of me. I love you Zaire. Thank you for being here for me, I appreciate it." Adonis hugged him tight, and Yulan's smile widened.
"I love you too. Ima go drop some food off to twin, and Ima be back over here wit' you aight?" He kissed his cheek, and Adonis nodded, stepping out of the car.
"Hurry up. I got somethin' for you." Adonis smirked, and Yulan bit his lip, chuckling.
"Get that shit ready for me." Yulan rasped, and Adonis held his middle fingers up, making the two of them laugh, before he walked off.
Yulan watched him walk inside, and then he pulled off, going to get Chic Fil A and snacks for his sister.
About thirty minutes later, he'd made it back home, walking inside.
He looked at the couch, not seeing his mom, which meant that she must've got whatever she'd asked for from Yasir.
He walked to Yulani's room, walking inside, and she turned her head.
"Where the fuck yo clothes at?" He smacked his lips, covering his eyes as she laughed.
"Should've knocked. Stupid." She pulled a large tee shirt over her body, fresh out the shower.
Yulan uncovered his eyes, sitting her food and snacks on her dresser.
"Thank you baby." She mumbled, rubbing lotion in on her body.
"You welcome. Yasir here?" He asked, laying in her bed after taking his shoes off, and she shook her head no.
"He left to Baylo's house a while ago. Where you coming from?" She sat next to him, opening her food from chic fil a.
"I was with Sean nem'. And it went good with Baba, by the way. Way better than I would've thought." He told her, and she smiled.
"I told you it w-." She was cut off as her room door opened, and a badly beaten up Yasir fell on her floor.
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