Twenty Seven
So hello again
Quick intro before I start
Just to say I'm sorry for the wait ah had a rough week + had mock exams and it's s t r e s s f u l so I didn't upload much but!!! I'm here again with this chapter to keep you sort of (?) entertained H
Jimin fixed his hair in a window as he walked down the hallways of school. He felt nervous and excited at the same time as he thought about seeing Yoongi again. It had only been a day but he had spent all night thinking of him and the confession they shared. He didn't realise how long it took him to fall asleep until he checked his clock at night and saw it was past 1 o clock.
The one thing Jimin told himself as he walked down the hallways was: act natural.
Taking a deep breath, he opened the door to his class and walked to his seat. The love birds Taehyung and Jungkook were sat around Taehyungs seat, talking away in their own world.
Jimin didn't realise how hard it would be to not look Yoongis way. He didn't want to make anything too obvious so he kept his eyes on his desk as he sat down. But he was already smiling, he couldn't help thinking about yesterday.
"Hey, what are you smiling to yourself about?" Taehyung asked.
before Jimin could answer, he spoke again. "you still haven't told me what Yoongi said after I left!"
Jimin shook his head, trying his best to control his grinning. He lifted his head slightly, so he could look through the ends of his fringe across the room, and saw Yoongi looking over his shoulder. The older smiled when they met eyes before turning away. Jimins heart practically skipped a beat all over again.
Calm calm calm calm calm calm.
"Something suspicious is going off 'ere" Taehyung said leaning in with an eyebrow raised. "Something definitely happened when I wasn't around"
"I'm confused. What happened?" Asked Jungkook
Jimin stuck a finger to his mouth and used the other hand to shoe the younger away from his desk. "Shh, I'll tell you both later okay?"
"You better"
After spending nearly the whole day staring at the back of Yoongis Head, it was finally time for lunch.
Just as Jimin arose from his seat and packed his stuff away he was approached by a gummy smiling Yoongi, Aka the cutest thing in the world according to Jimins book.
jimin already had pink cheeks thinking about the day before.
"Lets eat with the others" Yoongi said simply in his deep and beautiful voice.
"Ok" Jimin said grinning. He wasn't happy because of the idea of sitting with his friends, but because Yoongi had already somehow sent him crazy.
Jimin turned to Taehyung and Jungkook who were both looking at the two of them. Jungkook had his arm resting on Taehyungs Shoulder as they waited for Jimin to speak.
"We're sitting at the lunch table with you guys today" he said.
"Great! Let's go then" Taehyung said and dragged Jungkook along. Jimin happily put his bag on his back and gently tugged on Yoongis arm as they followed his friends.
As they walked in, Jimin could still hear a few students talking about the other day and how they were holding hands. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous anymore, but there was something about today that made him feel less ashamed and anxious. He thought maybe the fact that because Yoongi was so confident and unbothered by people caring it sort of transferred to him especially knowing that Yoongi liked Jimin for definite now. Whatever it was Jimin was pleased that he had the older by his side as he walked through the lunch hall. He clang onto the boy's arm until they reached the lunch table where he let go quickly.
Jimin sat opposite Yoongi and next to Taehyung again, Jungkook beside him. Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin were already seated and chatting away with food.
Jimin put his bag down beside the table leg and pulled out a container, just as Yoongi did the exact same. The two placed the boxes on the table simultaneously, attracting their friends attention to them.
The pair smiled at their friends and then each other before opening up their containers.
Jimin picked out the special homemade snack he made from his box and held it in front of Yoongi, only to realise the older was doing the same again. Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other in surprise, neither of them expected the other would have the same idea, they both wanted to give each other something nice to eat that was made by themselves. Upon that, their friends had wide eyes as they stopped chewing on their food to watch the scene in front of them.
"What's going on here?" Said Namjoon almost choking on his food.
"A romance" Hoseok said under his breath.
Jimin blushes a bright red. He was about to put the snack back in the box but Yoongi quickly took hold of his wrist, surprising the younger. Yoongi puts his homemade food into Jimins container, then takes Jimins from his hand and takes a bite.
He smiled. "Delicious"
"Ahh" Seokjin sighed as Jimin giggled, covering his mouth slightly. "I do love a fresh high school romance"
The table filled with laughter, And even Yoongi tried to hold back his pink cheeks and gummy smile.
"I knew you guys were lying when I saw you at the couple cafe."
Uhh i don't think this chapter was that great but oh well it's only a filler,,, I'll do better on the next chapter I swear
+ warning a relatively long (and maybe pointless) message coming up >>
I'm thinking about redoing one of my first ever stories again called "you're ugly" which was a yoonmin ff
But Idk whether to or not
I unpublished it a while ago bc it wasn't that popular and I wasn't updating it very much and it was never finished and alsorts of other reasons at the time.
But I never deleted it, I kept it
So I just read over the first few chapters today and realised w o w it was ugly writing
Completely awful writing ... it made me cringe uhhh
Tbh my what is love one does but it seems to be really popular now so I'm like I can't get rid of it? But eh idk
I have a lot of other stories that I've started in my drafts so maybe it's just too much work to re do that one too???
Sorry I don't know why I decided to write this here ? Oof just ignore this hhh
+I hope to see you again on the next chapter! Bai
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