Thirty Two
The said boy lifted his head from Yoongi's shoulder, fluttering his eyelashes. "Hmm?"
Jimin was at Yoongi's house again, siting closely on the couch while watching some random tv show they clicked on. He watched the side of Yoongi's face, taking in all the little features, examining him like a piece of art.
Yoongi kept his eyes on the tv, but somehow it didn't seem like he was watching it. He seemed a bit distant.
"I told my parents"
"About what?" Jimin asked.
"You." Yoongi answered after a slight pause."you and me."
"That's great!" Jimin smiled at first, squeezing gently on his boyfriends hand to let him know he was proud, but then when Yoongi's expression didn't change, the younger got concerned. "Oh...Did it not go well?"
"Could have been worse" Yoongi sighed and finally faced his boyfriend. "My mum didn't react much but my dad did. We kinda had an argument"
The younger frowned, feeling bad for Yoongi. He felt somewhat guilty that his parents accepted it so quickly. "I'm sorry Hyung" he said sadly. "You kept this in all day? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know, I just didn't want to worry you at school"
"But I'm still worried now!"
"Don't be, it's ok."
"Are you sure?"
Yoongi gave the boy a small smiled before leaning in and kissing his nose. "I am sure. It's not like he's disowned me or anything, just annoyed me a bit"
Jimin smiled and cuddled back into his boyfriends neck. Yoongi ruffled his hair and moved the position of their hands so that their fingers were interlocking.
"As long as you're ok." Jimin says sweetly. "I'm sure it'll pass and he will come to terms with it"
"Yeah, I hope"
The two fell silent for a long moment before Yoongi spoke up again.
"I'm scared they'll be rude to you if they ever met you"
Jimin closed his eyes against Yoongi's shoulder and smiled. "I'm not." He said. "I'm sure your parents are lovely. I mean you must have got your traits from somewhere. They're probably just concerned for you, which is normal"
"You don't know my parents Jimin"
"Then let me meet them"
After a lot of convincing, Jimin managed to get Yoongi to let him stay until his mother came home. He also suggested that the two of them could make dinner as a surprised for his parents. "That way they'll be sure to like me too!" Jimin had said.
Yoongi was hesitant to agree but when his boyfriend started to pull the aegyo trick, he really couldn't say no.
So there the two were, in the Min's Kitchen, preparing some meal Yoongi said his parents enjoyed. Jimin found out that Yoongi was actually a really good cook... and he wasn't so good. But Yoongi helped him through it, as well as laughing at his mistakes of course.
As the time for Yoongis mother to come home neared, Jimin began to finally feel the nervousness. He must admit that he jumped to this plan a bit too confidently.
Don't get him wrong, Jimin wanted to meet Yoongis parents! But now he was overthinking.
He guessed Yoongi noticed when he saw Jimin spacing out while he cut the vegetables, hands shaking slightly. The older cane round and back hugged his boyfriend, wrapping his arms round the boy's waist and leaning his head in the crook of his neck.
Jimin snapped out of his thoughts, almost flinching when Yoongi touched him.
"You ok?" The older asked softly.
Jimin hesitated. "Yeah, just nervous"
"I am too"
"Hyung, what if your parents don't like me?"
Yoongi sighed against his neck. "I don't know how anyone can not like you"
Jimin wriggled in the boy's grip until he was facing Yoongi with a pout. "But Hyung, you said your nervous—that means they have a chance of not liking me, right?"
Before Yoongi even had a chance to speak, the sound of the front door opening pierced the silence. They both turned towards the sound, then back to each other. Yoongi gave Jimin a reassuring smile before cupping his cheeks and pulling him in for a quick kiss. The younger blushed as they pulled away.
"Yoongi?" They heard his mother call from the front door.
"In here" he called back. The two waited nervously as they heard the footsteps of his mother down the hall until the door opened fully to reveal short haired woman, still holding a coat in her hand.
When she met eyes with Jimin, he suddenly felt his heart pounding in his chest. Jimin gave his best smile, hoping the fact he was absolutely terrified wasn't shown on the outside. Her gaze lingered on him for a while until Yoongi broke the silence, saving Jimin from any embarrassment.
"Mum," He said earning her attention. She looked just like Yoongi. "This is Jimin."
His mother straightened her posture and walked up to the kitchen table where the two boys were preparing dinner. She set her coat on the back of a chair. "Oh?" She said as she did so. "The Jimin you spoke about yesterday?"
Yoongi nodded, as usual she didn't seem that interested in anything to do with her son. He wouldn't be surprised if she just left at that.
"Hello" Jimin said shyly, sounding a bit shaky at first as he bowed in front of her. "It's nice to meet you, I'm s-sorry for staying so late I–"
Just as his mother looked down to the kitchen table, Yoongi added "this was Jimins idea, he wanted to cook a meal for you and dad"
Jimin sent a nervous glance to his boyfriend who then slipped his hand into the youngers, as if to say it's ok, don't worry. Jimin certainly felt a little bit better.
When Yoongis mother looked up she sent a smile towards Jimin. "How lovely. It looks delicious so far."
"Thank you" Jimin shyly.
"I don't expect to meet you so soon, Jimin. Especially since I only heard about you yesterday." She said. Jimin began to worry whether she meant that as a good thing or a bad thing. "But since you've made this lovely meal for us, you might as well stay longer and eat it with us"
Yoongi is actually... surprised. Shocked. Amazed. His mother wasn't a particularly social person so sometimes came off rude to others. And he certainly didn't expect her to invite Jimin to stay longer. Especially when she didn't show much interest at all to what he had to say yesterday.
But I guess she was listening and she did care.
Yoongi looked to Jimin who was grinning back at him with pink cheeks, his eyes disappearing slightly.
"I'm going to wash up, and then I'll help set up the table ready for your father" mrs Min announced.
"Oh-no it's ok Ma'am, we can do that for you!" Jimin replies quickly, a bit more confidently now.
Yoongi smiles fondly at his boyfriend and then looks to his Mother for her reaction only to be even more pleased. She seemed surprised but delighted and it made Yoongi feel much more relaxed.
"I'll be back down soon" she said as she walked away.
Yoongi was happy to see his mother smiling as she usually looked tired and stressed, he guessed it was because of her job–or because of him, either one. But maybe it was a good idea from Jimin after all, a good idea to treat his mother for once.
However, that was only one parent. Yoongis dad would come home in another half an hour and they'd have to go through the same thing, except Yoongi was so much more nervous.
He hoped the argument wouldn't come up again, at least not in front of Jimin.
Yoongis mother insisted helping set the table in the end, her and Jimin did it together while Yoongi finished the last bits of cooking.
His mother began making conversations with Jimins who always answered happily and politely, he even made her laugh a few times. Yoongi wondered how he managed to get the perfect boyfriend.
Why was he even nervous in the first place
Like he said before, how could anyone not like Park Jimin.
Once the table was all set and the Dinner was all complete, Yoongi brought everything to the table with the help of Jimin.
The three of them sat down, Yoongi and Jimin next to each other, his mother across from Jimin. Yoongis mother reassured them that his father will be home any minute so they didn't have to worry about the food going cold.
Just on cue, the front door opens and after taking off their shoes, the person walks down the hall to the kitchen and enters the kitchen.
The man walks in sniffing the air, saying. "Mmm, smells good"
"Dear come sit down, we have a visitor" his mother said, tapping the seat next to her.
"A visitor?" He repeated and examines the people at the table only to realise there's a small blonde boy sitting next to Yoongi. "Oh"
His mother sends a look to her husband and with out further ado he takes a seat next to her.
His eyes remain on Jimin who nervously tries his best to keep eye contact but smile politely at the same time. He's too scared that Yoongis father might not react the same way as his mother did.
"I guess You're Jimin then?" He said as he scoops up some food and takes a bite.
"Yes sir" the boy answers and bows his head. "It's nice to meet you"
"You too" the man says and Yoongis not sure if he means it or not. "Yoongi told us about you yesterday. I'm surprised, you weren't what I expected"
"Dad" Yoongi warns slightly, knowing that maybe he could offend Jimin even if he didn't mean to. Jimin just laughs nervously.
His father somehow takes the hint and clears his throat. "So you, Jimin, are my sons.. boyfriend?"
Yoongi gulped. Oh dear god. Don't make it awkward.
"Y-yes I am sir."
"Dear, Jimin here helped cook this meal for us, isn't it delicious?" His mother helped out and Yoongi almost thanked her aloud.
The mans eyes widen as he takes another scoopful. "Oh really? I am impressed. It tastes good"
"Thank you, I'm glad you like it" Jimin smiles, looking to his boyfriend. "Though Yoongi did most of it, he's much better than I am"
"Nah, you did just fine" the older adds.
"Well thank you for the meal, both of you" Yoongis mother adds and the two boys smile.
They continue to eat the rest of the meal until it's all gone. Yoongis mother kept adding more spoonfuls to Jimins dish to which he was very thankful for and ate it all up. The conversations were relatively ok, considering Yoongi had expected much worse to begin with. His father did occasionally bring up odd topics or make it slightly uncomfortable for the two of them, but would he even be Yoongis dad if he didn't?
Yoongi was simply grateful that the man didn't try to argue with neither him or Jimin for any stupid reasons.
When they finished their dishes, yoongis mother said she would do clean up for them this time so Jimin could spend a little longer with Yoongi before he had to go home.
So they both thanked her and got up to head to his bedroom but just as they did so, his father cleared his throat.
"Uh-hm" he coughed and the two boys turned back around to face him. "Wouldn't it be best if you two stay downstairs? Where we can see you?"
"Why?" Yoongi asked, confused.
"I don't want any dirty business happening in this house"
"Dad! What the hell—why would we—oh my god" yoongi covered his face with his hands while Jimin blushed furiously. He then grabbed his boyfriends hand, pulling him out the room. "Jimin, come on"
Ok so just to let you guys know I'm writing another yoonmin story and also a taekook story and I'm excited to post them.
It might still be a while yet until I do because I want to make sure to finish this one a t l e a st before I post them,,, plus I'm pre writing the chapters before I post them instead of writing them as I go along (what I've been doing with this one) so I'll be ahead of the game AND WONT TAKE FOREVER TO UPLOAD YAY well done me
So I hope you guys can support those two stories too?? :") bc I've really enjoyed writing them! I'll be sure to tell y'all when I've posted the first few chapters of them
A sneak peak of The titles are : clumsy (yoonmin) and Sweet Things (taekook) so huhuhujuhujohoho
Much excite
Anyway that's all from me folks
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you again soon!
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