The next day Jimin practically skipped to school. He hadn't been in such a good mood for ages. He was in one of those mood where you feel as though nothing could bring you down and ruin your spirit, because you're just too damn happy!
After Jimin had returned home the day before, he received a couple of messages from A new phone number saying:
Hey jiminie
It's Yoongi
Just making sure I got the right number
With a big grin, Jimin rushed upstairs into his bedroom before he replied to the older.
Yes you have ㅎㅎ
I'm glad you messaged ^^
Yoongi hyung
That's good then
Jimin lay down on his bed for the rest of the night, mostly chatting with Yoongi until he was called downstairs for dinner. When he returned to his bedroom after eating, he went back to the same position and carried on his conversation.
He even had revision he could be doing but Jimin couldn't seem to take his eyes off the phone screen just in case Yoongi sent another message, even if their messages were just talking nonsense.
So now you can see why he was in a good mood the next day.
Jimin strode into his classroom and put his bag down on the floor underneath his desk. "Good morning Tae. Good morning Kook." He said smiling brightly to the two said boys who we sat at the desk opposite staring at him with their mouths hanging open.
"Wanna get milkshakes with me?"
Taehyung was the one to close his mouth first, wetting his dry lips before he opened it again to speak. "Sure" he replied, making it sound almost like a question.
Jimin grabbed the two of them and pulled them out of the room with a skip.
"You seem happy" Jungkook laughed as jimin linked his arms with the couple and walked down the hallway.
"Am I not allowed to be?" Jimin smiled.
They stopped when they reached the vending machine and Jimin unlinked their arms. He pulls out a pile of change from his pocket and begins to push them individually into the coin slot. He selects four milkshakes, two strawberry and two banana.
"Four?" Taehyung asks.
Jimin nods with a smile even tho he wasn't facing him. Taehyung didn't ask any further than that.
Jimin took back what he said earlier. Maybe there was something that could affect his mood.
Jimin was sat in the classroom with two milkshake on his desk, hands on his lap, waiting for the black haired boy to arrive. Well to be honest, he had been waiting for almost half of lunch time and Yoongi still wasn't here— it doesn't usually take more than a minute for Yoongi to walk through the door.
Happy Jimin was now a sad Jimin. Yoongi wasn't going to turn up. He knew that.
Though he knew Yoongi would have got to have a reason, Jimin couldn't help but feel a bit hurt. He waited all this time for him but the older didn't even message to say he wouldn't be there. At the same time he feels concerned, concerned that Yoongi might be caught up in something bad as surely his hyung wouldn't randomly not come to see him right? Right? Or maybe Jimin was just overthinking.
Definitely overthinking.
Ill see him tomorrow or something. No big deal. Hyung will have a reason.
Since he had no company, Jimin wondered what he should do next. He had multiple options: get up and leave, then find Taehyung and Jungkook, get up and leave, then find Yoongi, get up and leave, then wonder around the school until the bell goes, stay in the classroom and drink the milkshakes.
As much as he thought Taehyung and Jungkook could most likely cheer him back up, Jimin didn't really wanna leave the classroom at all.
But then a thought pops into the youngers mind. The music classroom
What if Yoongi went straight to the music room!?
Maybe he's waiting for me there too!
Jimin scooped up his milkshakes and scurried down the hallways until he reached the room Yoongi had shown him. As he neared the classroom, the sound of a piano could be heard from the outside, making Jimin excited. His mood had bounced back—Yoongi was in there!
As his hand was on the knob, Jimin looked through the glass window on the door. He quickly stopped himself from turning the handle any further and jumped out of sight. The milkshake bottles almost dropped to the floor but Jimin managed to catch them in record speed timing. His back hit the side of the wall next to the classroom door, his arms pressed tightly against the wall as through it would help him hide better.
Yoongi was in there alright.
It was just a shame someone else was with him.
His shoulders slumped slightly after he heard the music stop and muttering replaced it. Moments later the music started again, this time a little slower and a little less... perfect.
As much as Jimins mind voted against it, he leaned sidewards and took another peek as the first time he didn't catch who was sitting beside Yoongi at the piano.
He almost wanted to close his eyes, to not see who it was and carry on his way back to this home classroom. But he told himself to not be silly, why am I making such a fuss?
There's no harm in taking a look.
He urged forward just a centimetre more, just to get a glimpse.
Jimin held his breath.
His eyes, desperately trying to focus, landed on the figure next to Yoongi. Only the the head and shoulders could be seen.
Long hair, chestnut brown, slim shoulders and arms, thin face, pink lips, curled black eyelashes. A girl, Jimin didn't know her name.
Jimin moved out the way of the window and finally let out the air he had held in. Maybe he had released too much as he felt pretty empty.
What happened to that happy mood earlier?
Jimin stood there for a moment, sort of wishing he hadn't have left his seat. After deciding he didn't want to look back, Jimin walked back to his classroom, milkshakes hanging loosely in his fingers.
The younger didn't want to overreact— why couldn't Yoongi see other people aswell as him? Why couldn't he play piano in the music room with other people than him? However it affected Jimin more than he would have liked. Going to the music room had felt like his and Yoongis thing, their thing. Spending their lunch time there was their thing. It was something Jimin liked to keep just to the two of them, even if it did sound selfish. Therefore, Jimin felt slightly betrayed and heartbroken that Yoongi would share that moment with someone else, someone he didn't even recognise.
Stop being petty Jimin!
When Jimin got back to the classroom he sat down at his desk once again and shoved the milkshakes in the draw underneath. Now he wasn't even in the mood for milkshakes.
No matter how much Jimin tried to forget it, Yoongi teaching that girl was not moving form his mind. It only made him think of the day before when Yoongi was teaching him.
Jimin frowned.
Why was this making him so sad?
He tried to switch his focus onto Jungkook instead, a trick that used to work and make Jimin smile with and instant. The younger boys face popped up in his mind, Jungkook smiling with gleaming eyes. But something happened and within an instant the picture in his mind wasn't Jungkook, but Yoongi instead.
It almost made Jimin want to pull his hair out.
He placed his head on the table with a groan, resisting the very strong urge to bang his head on the desk. Even though the thought of Yoongi right now was stressful, it was so hard for Jimin not to close his eyes and admire the olders features.
Not long after, the bell rang and Jimin has never been so thankful for that.
Students pile in, including Jungkook and Taehyung who gather around him.
"No Yoongi today?" Jungkook asks as he looks around the room for the older. Jimin looks away and stays quiet.
Jungkook and taehyung give each other a look before they leave and make their way to their desks.
Jimin sighs. Seconds later he sees Yoongi enter out the corner of his eye. He's so tempted to look. He should look, after all it's not like the older has done anything wrong. But he doesn't.
He can't tell if Yoongi looks his way or not, though he strangely hopes he does.
I hope this is good,,, ciao
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