AN OLDER LOOKING woman is seen cooking breakfast above the kitchen stove while humming a tune. Something she most likely overheard from her son's room across the hall. She appears to be preparing bacon and eggs. A toaster is plugged in the background, so you may assume she's making toast as well. On the topic of her son, here he is.
"Morning, Mom. Is the food gonna be done soon?" Asked her son, clearly fresh out of bed. You can tell by his hair, it's all sorts of messed up, and some parts even sticks out in the back. Other than that, her son appears to be pretty attractive. Tall, fit, appealing, and fresh out of high-school.
Being 17 and 6'1 is considered pretty tall for his age. He also appears to be in good shape, indicating that he takes good care of himself. "Almost. You alright? Nightmares again?" The mother questioned. Noticing a tired look on her son's face. He's been having nightmares every few nights when he sleeps. For what reason? Not even the 'doctors' know.
His nightmares are gruesome, like a war in some ways. Every day, he was killing people and standing knee-deep in bodies. He didn't tell his mother about what he sees in his dreams because he didn't want her to be concerned. All she knew was he was having nightmares. "A-alright, I'm gonna freshen up real quick, I'll be out soon. Thanks for breakfast too." The boy told his mother.
"Oh, Y/N. Wait a second. What all do you want for your birthday? You're gonna be an adult in a week." The mother asked her son, now known as Y/N. "I'm fine Momma, I might order a vinyl though, not sure yet." Y/N replied. He truly didn't want anything, more like, he couldn't think of anything. He swears he wanted something all throughout the year but, when it's time to get what he wants, he just forgets. (relatable)
"At least let me pay for it. That could be your gift, right?" His mother requested. "It's fine, I can pay for it. I got that job at the cinema a few weeks ago. I'll be good." Y/N replied. "Fine. Hurry up with your routine, I'm almost done." His mother told him. "Yea, alright." Y/N replied before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.
He splashed the water from the sink on his face. After that, he squirted some of his face cleanser into his hands and scrubbed it all over his face. He would let it soak for a few minutes before rinsing his face with water. After drying his face, he applied moisturizer.
He brushed his teeth for a few minutes after cleansing his face. He swished mouthwash in his mouth for a few moments after he finished brushing. As he is swishing his mouthwash, he looks at himself in the mirror. What are these... visions, he wonders. Could they be memories? Or, is he just a weirdo?
He spits his mouthwash into the sink and takes a piss before leaving the bathroom to enjoy his breakfast, a classic breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and toast. (Cliche, I know.) "Thanks, again." Y/N thanked his mother for this bomb ass food he is about to tear up. "No problem, you working out today?" His mother questioned. "Nah, not today, probably tomorrow." Y/N responded, taking a bite out of his toast.
"Oh, ok. Sounds good. I gotta get a few ingredients at the commissary tomorrow. I shouldn't take long at all. When I get back, the cars all yours." His mother told him. "Alright, that sounds good. Where do we park again?" Y/N asked. "Same number as our apartment. Or, if the one closest to the elevator is open, take that one." His mother informed him. "Alright, sounds good." He said as he finished eating, on his way to put his plate and utensils in the sink.
"You got anything going on later?" Y/N asked. "No. Why?" His mother questioned. "I was wondering if I could use the car?" Y/N wondered. "I was planning on going out with this girl later. The same one I had that Calc project with, Amy. You remember her, right?" He questioned again.
"Ohhh," she said dragging the word out. "Yeah, I remember her. The girl you said moved here this year, right? Blonde hair, pretty face, rich because of her parents. Her right?" She questioned, kind of unsure. "Yea, her." He replied. "Yeah, go for it. What time?" His Mom questioned again. "Sometime around 7-8 tonight." He told her. "Alright, you going anywhere after?" She questioned once again, this time with a sly smile.
"Depends how it goes. Who knows?" He replied with a smirk of his own. "Now, I don't care what you do. Just be home by midnight, and make sure to use a ru-" "Alright, I get it." Y/N cut her off mid sentence, chuckling a little bit. "I'm gonna be honest, I'm kinda tired. I might take a nap, hopefully nothing happens. It's weird, some days I have nightmares then some days I don't." Y/N told her. Though, kind of talking to himself in the last sentence.
"It's ok, I understand. Get some sleep, my boy. It's still early, you got work at what? 3?" She asked, making sure. "Yup, 3:30." He responded on his way to his room. "Ok, what time do you want me to wake you up?" She asked. "Uhh.. Whenever lunch is ready. Is that good?" Y/N asked as he took a sip from his water bottle. "Yeah, that's perfectly fine. Go for it. Sleep well, hun." She told him. "Thanks, Mom." He replied one last time before shutting his door and laying down in his bed.
Now.... How did we get here?
Y/N IS SEEN being escorted out of the relief center's bathroom. Unconscious. A few men from the first hallway's door came in and snatched him up, preparing to take him to the PATRIOTS' lab. "Nice work, Amy. Don't forget about your experiment too." Said one of the men escorting Y/N out of the room. "Yup, won't forget." The girl responded.
Y/N WAKES UP, strapped to some sort of metal table, shirtless. Now, if it were regular restraints he'd be able to break out in a second. However, these were thicc metal restraints. On top of all that, he felt unusually weak. Extremely weak, even. No way in hell was he getting out of this. The cold metal table and restraints didn't help in comforting him whatsoever.
On that table, he was shivering. In an attempt to divert his attention away from the cold, he looks around the room, which is completely white with a bright light shining on him. His attention is diverted as he hears a door open. The boy looks down, where the sound came from. Seeing a man with an all white coat and the PATRIOT logo on the pocket. Exactly what Amy was wearing.
He was wearing one of those surgical caps. The ones that a doctor puts on before a surgery. That was Y/N's first thought, and after putting everything together, he began to try to break free from his shackles. He tried even though he knew it wouldn't work. "Stop squirming, Ripper. It'll all be over soon." The Doctor eerily whispered into the boys ear.
The doctor reached beneath the table for something Y/N couldn't see. For the first time in god knows how long, fear began to creep into the boy's mind. The doctor came back up, with a mask in his hand. "Propofol.. N-No! Shit! Shit!" Y/N screamed in his mind. The doctor put the mask onto the boys face and he fell fast asleep.
"I need 4 more people in here, Now!" The doctor demanded. Eventually, 4 more doctors entered the room. "We have plenty of time, but I need to explain what we're doing so none of you fuckers mess it up. " The first doctor said to the other 4. "Listen, this kid, is THE Ripper. The one Solidus claimed as his own and gave OUR serum to. Even though we stole it..." He mumbled the last part.
"Although, if he does wake up, he won't be as strong. We devised a countermeasure when we had the serum in our hands. What I'm saying is, we got rid of the serums effects for a limited amount of time. So, we need to hurry the hell up." The main doctor said to the others, trying to get his point across.
"The procedure here is quite complex. But, you all trained for it. To start off, we know this kid is fucked in the head. So, we fuck with it some more. To do that, we start by planting a high concentration of nanomachines into his cerebral cortex. This has him function as a back-up system for an optic-neuro AI." The main doctor lectured the other 4.
"These same nanomachines are also capable of memory manipulation by connecting or stimulating synapses, primarily nerve sections in the dormant part of the brain. After this, we take him out of every U.S. database. This way, nobody knows where he is, he'll just be a myth." The doctor informed everyone.
"Next, we alter his memories and make it seem like he lives a normal life with his Mom. However, his 'Mom' is one of us. A member of the PATRIOTS', I mean. Everybody understand?" The doctor asked the others and they all nodded.
"Amy will come in when the Ripper is about to turn 18 years old. Since she is 17 right now, it's setup perfectly.. Hopefully. In the next room, we're putting a second experiment to the test with Amy. It's an anti-aging experiment that slows down the aging process. We're giving it a shot for the first time, and we're hoping it goes well. Unfortunately, only time will tell if it succeeds." The doctor said.
"We need eyes on him at all times. When he goes to school, teachers, staff, nearby workers at the grocery store. Just, any area that is within a 10 mile radius of his apartment. We need people there. Eyes on him, at all times. Questions?" He asked as a doctor raised her hand. "What is it?" He questioned to the doctor with her hand up.
"What's the point of him being 18?" She asked a great question. "Ah, shit. I forgot to mention that. So, we handed the Physician the super serum, and he injected it into Y/N. Early adulthood is when the serum reaches its pinnacle. He'll return here when he reaches the age of 18. We then jog his memory to ensure that he remembers everything. After that, we perform the Cyborg experiment. Put him in VR training simulations and use the nanomachines to control him." He said to the female doctor.
"That answer your question?" "Yes it did." The two talked to each other. "Alright! Awesome! Get started, I'll be with you in a little. This is PATRIOTS' biggest project since the cloning of Big Boss." The main doctor said as he walked out the room.
War as a video game -- what better way to raise the ultimate soldier?
Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds.
The missions are generally divided into three modes: sneaking mode, weapons mode and alternative mode. Sneaking mode consists of simple sneaking missions, where the user is forbidden to use weapons and as such had to sneak past any simulated guards. In weapons mode, as its name suggests, the user can use weapons, but gains bonus points for unused bullets or for not "killing" the enemies. Finally, alternative mode contains an array of missions with different objectives so that the user can practice specific skills, such as bomb disposal or minding.
Besides VR training for direct combat, there were also VR training programs relating to areas within combat indirectly, such as piloting weapons.
7:25 PM
Y/N IS WAITING for his date outside a pretty fancy restaurant. He's been working overtime to be able to pay for his and hopefully, his 'partners' dinner. "Man, I hope I have enough for this shit. God, as rich as she is, and no matter how bad I want to ask her to pay, I have to be a man. I worked hella hours handing out popcorn and cleaning theaters for this. Please, God. Let this be enough. Please tell me she'll show up." He said in his head.
"I probably look like a fuckin idiot. I'm wearing my 'dead dads' suit that's pretty loose. On top of it all, I'm using a shoelace as a belt. Fuck me. Please tell me I'm not extremely underdressed... What am I saying? I got this shit. I'm gonna get a second date and get laid by the end of the night." Y/N said in his head once again.
As he finished his pep talk, his date walks up to him and goddamn. It's safe to say the aging experiment worked beautifully. She wore a short black dress that went up to her neck. Along with see through stripes just above her breast. (I have no clue on how to explain it. It's just margot robbie in wall street lol) And her legs. God, her legs. She had those black stockings. "Hey, Y/N." Amy greeted the bo-man... She greeted the man.
"Hey, Amy. You look beautiful tonight. You ready to head in?" He questioned the woman. He was sort of in disbelief at the fact he was able to get a woman this pretty to go on a date with him. "Of course." She said with that perfect smile of hers. They walked up to the door and were met with a woman in there, holding a piece of paper. "Reservation?" She asked. "Yes, reservation for 19:30, under Y/N L/N." He replied. "Alright, follow me, please." She said to the pair.
They followed the Lady to their table and she began to set it all up, make it look pretty with the napkins and shit. To be fair, it did look really pretty. So, he gave her his props for that. "Press this button here when you are ready to order. Or, if you need a waiter. Have a nice night." The lady told them and left to go back to the front of the door.
(Alright, I don't know what the hell goes on at a date like this. Plus it's late and i'm kinda tired so, I'll skip towards the end.)
Fast forward an hour later they were still in their seats. Although, the awkward tension at first is all gone, now full of laughs and smiles. The two truly enjoyed each other's company... Well Y/N enjoyed her company. Talking about past experiences and about who they were was lots of fun, it was quite relaxing.
Y/N finished the last bite of his now cold steak. He enjoyed talking with her to the point he nearly forgot about his food. Disregarding the fact he wouldn't be able to pay for both meals, he didn't really care anymore. He was happy to just be on this date with her. Maybe he can give the waiter the money and do dishes? Who knows?
Since they both finished eating, Y/N was about to call a waiter. "Oh, wait. Just one second." Amy said, stopping his hand from pressing the button. An idea came into her mind and thought it was the perfect time to pop the question. "What do you think of a second date, Y/N?" She asked with a small smile.
"Holy shit." He thought in his head. "Y-Yes. I would love to. When is a good time for you?" He asked her, getting a bit red in the cheeks. "Umm... Do you have anything going on next week?" She asked. "Nope, just my birthday. Any day after 5PM is good." He replied. "Ah, when's your birthday?" She wondered with a smirk. "Next Tuesday." He replied with a smile of his own.
"Ok. How about Tuesday, same time. This time, I choose where we eat. Actually, where do you live? And, what's up with the 'after 5PM' thing?" "I live in the apartment building right across the grocery store on Iverson. It's about 5-10 minutes from here. You can't miss it. Oh, and the 5 pm thing, is a job." "Really, what do you do?" "Uhh... I work at the movie theater..." He told her.
Y/N was about to shit himself after he answered that question. Would she call him broke and cancel the second date? Or would she not care. "Embarrassing. I know." He said as he looked through his wallet, like more money would randomly spawn in.
"I think it's fine. Here, you probably don't have the money for it, no offense." She said as she handed Y/N her card. "I'll let you hand the waiter my card, it'll make it look like you paid. If you know what I mean." She said, adding a wink at the end of the last sentence. "Seriously? Thank you. Thank you so much." He replied with the biggest smile imaginable on his face.
"Sorry for choosing a place I couldn't afford. I probably should've checked the online menu." He said, adding in an embarrassed chuckle. He pressed the button and a waiter came over. He "paid," for their meals and were on their way out of the restaurant.
"I had a really great time tonight. So, you said same time, Tuesday?" He asked, just making sure. "Yes, I did." She replied with a smile. "Alright, I'll wait outside the tower." He said, flashing a small smile. "Do you want me to walk you to your car?" He politely asked. "It's fine, I'll take a taxi. Thank you for tonight." She thanked.
"It's no problem. Have a nice night." He waved, about to head to over to his 'Moms' car.
(Where i'm from, the apartment buildings are called towers. So, i'll just call it that.)
Amy voice spoke through a hidden earpiece as she got into her 'Taxi.' "Excellent work, Amy."
FORTUNATELY, Y/N WAS able to get a good night's sleep. He's still in bed, trying to get a few more minutes of sleep, thinking about that date. "God, her smile, her eyes. Most of all, her legs. The way those stockings hugged her thighs really made m-"
His pervy thoughts were interrupted by loud knocking on the door. "Boy, get your ass up. It's nearly 1." His 'mother' yelled from behind his door. "I'm coming, wait a second." He yelled back.
He didn't even know it was already afternoon. "Huh, I slept pretty damn good." Y/N thought to himself. His hair was in all sorts of tangles and was even flat on one side. He sat up in his bed, intending to spend the next 5 minutes staring at the ground. Why? I'm not sure, but I think it's normal.
As he walked out his room, his Mom was sitting at the dinner table, smiling at him. "Someone got some good sleep... So, what time did you come home last night? Don't lie." She asked, with the same smile on her face. "I went home right after. I swear." The boy replied with a smirk on his face. For some reason, when he's telling the truth, he smirks, and it makes it look like he's lying.
"Yeah... You're lying. Well, at least she helped you sleep." She replied, adding a bit of laughter. "Tch, whatever." Y/N replied, as he was about to walk into the bathroom. "You get a second date?" His mother questioned. "Yeah, I did. On my birthday too." He told her with a small smile.
"Huh, I'm proud of you. Go do your routine, I'll make lunch now." She excused him.
OUTSIDE HIS TOWER, Y/N is leaning against a pole, humming a tune. This time, he's dressed in a suit that actually suits him. Because it's his birthday, his mother agreed to let him buy himself a suit.
"When I see you, I see ecstasy. A thrill like I've never known before. I close my eyes and hear a rhapsody of melodies from deep in my soul." Y/N sang along in his head. Tapping his foot on the ground to go with the rhyth. Along with his suit, he bought the 'Hey Lover - EP' a few hours ago. A band that his mother listened to that she got from her mom. Y/N's grandma. Or so he was told.
While tapping his foot on the ground, the sounds of a car in front of him diverted his attention away from the ground and toward the car in front of him. The window rolls down to reveal none other than Amy herself. "Hey, you." She called out to Y/N with a smile. "Come on in." She let out, opening the door for him.
"Hey, thanks for picking me u-mph!" Y/N is cut off as a towel from the backseat wraps around the lower half of his face. Whatever was on it, put him to sleep. "Great, take him to our lab. Obviously not our old one." The man in the back told Amy. "Got it." She replied.
Y/N IS LAYING on a very cold metal surface, shirtless. Strapped down, by thicc heavy restraints. Everything felt all too familiar to him. Something about being strapped down and shivering on a similar metal surface made him feel like he had been here before. The sound of a door opening diverted his attention from the bright light above him, to the doctor standing above him.
"W-who the hell are y-you. Wh-Where's Amy?" He managed to let out while shivering. "Ah, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. It's been so long since we last saw you. I mean, look at you now. You're a grown man. You're even mentally stable." The doctor said pacing around Y/N. "Well, last time you were here, you were... What? 12?" He said. To which Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"When I was 12, I was playing kickball in the field behind my home." Y/N told the doctor. "I don't know who the hell you are. Where is Amy?" He asked. "I can assure you, Amy is fine. Very fine, in fact." He said the last part with a smirk. "What does that mean!? Is she ok?" Y/N questioned, still shivering his ass off.
"Gah! You're so stupid! She set you up, you fuckin idiot." The doctor told him. "What? That doesn't make sense. Then why was she in school senior year?" Y/N wondered. "Because, we sent her. You've had eyes on you since the last time you were here. Teachers, cashiers, your boss at the cinema. Hell, even your own mother!" The doctor yelled at Y/N.
"Your real Mom is dead. Her brain is splattered against some rocks in Liberia." The doctor told Y/N. This time tapping his fingers against the table. "What!? Hey! Don't say that! My mother is very much alive! What am I doing here!?" Y/N yelled back at the doctor. "Y'know what. You want me to be bland? Fine. You're a murderer, a child soldier who killed thousands in a Civil War. You were born on a rainy day in Liberia. Raised by both parents. But, they were killed the same night you were kidnapped by a man. Solidus Snake." He informed Y/N. "Does that help!?" The doctor yelled at Y/N.
"No!? None of it does! You're lying to me. Stop gaslighting me you fuck." Y/N spoke, purposely spitting on the Doctor. "Alright, Ripper-" "Wait! Ripper? How do you know that name." Y/N cut-off the doctor as he asked him a question. "Ohh. So, you do know a little bit. You're The Ripper. The man who killed hundreds of enemy Units. In the Liberian Civil War." The doctor spoke, leaning against a wall.
"Tch, yeah right. That dude is talked about in the history books, right? Just because I see it in my dreams, doesn't mean that's me. Books say he's a myth. He's not real." Y/N said. "Yeah that's what you think." Doc said smugly. "You wanna know why you're here, or what?" He asked, now getting annoyed. "Yes! Please." Y/N responded. "Okay. I'll show you." The doctor replied before reaching under the table where Y/N was laying.
"Uhh... Where'd you go!? What are you gonna show me!?" Y/N asked, not being able to see the doctor. "I'm right here." The doctor replied, now holding a mask in his hand. He quickly put the mask on the boys face, putting him to sleep almost instantly.
"Rest of you! In here, now!" The doctor yelled at the door. The doctors who were there last time came into the room and stood side by side. "Alright fellas, it's been a rough few years. Very, rough few years. With PATRIOT coming to an end, then the Paradise Lost Army. God, it's been so much. But, we start fresh, wipe the slate clean. " The main doctor told the others.
(Is this me being lazy to write about the entirety of The Patriots? Yes it is. Forgive me because that would be a lot of shit to write)
"But! This! This man right here, is our future. We start from the ground up with this man right here. We get rid of our countermeasure, undergo the cyborg experiment, VR train his brain, and then, we use the nanomachines to control him. We've had our experience with exoskeletal enhancement surgery. We can get this done. Understood?" The main doctor explained to the others in the room as they all nodded.
"Great! Get to work! This is an 18 hour experiment! Start with the upper-half, make sure to inject the serum right now! We don't want the Lost Army to show up!" The main doctor commanded.
///// THE LOST ARMY\\\\\
The Paradise Lost Army is an anti-patriots group made up of war orphans, much like Big Boss's Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land. The group's name is a reference to Paradise Lost, John Milton's famous poem.
MULTIPLE BLACK VANS are parked outside of the small lab building. Many men clad in all black holding rifles begin to exit the vans. Inside, an unconscious Y/N is laying on the metal table. Although, the upper half of his body is not human. His upper body is all cybernetic. The body is primarily colored white, silver and black, with his shoulder areas colored gold, the overall appearance of the exoskeleton was largely masculine by design, but not too buff.
Back outside, the men in the black vans are preparing to get out. "Alright, we know the mission. We have the upper-hand and they're clueless. Kill them all, save the kid, and then we takeover the surgery. We give him over to Drago Pettrovich Madnar, he'll know what to do." Said one of the men in the back of a van.
"Alright, great! First half is done. Just look at him!" The doctor said, celebrating a little. "Now, onto the next!-"
The doctor was cut-off by an excruciatingly loud noise coming from behind the door of the lab they were currently in. "Shit! The Army is here! We gotta go!" The main doctor cursed. Unfortunately, they were too late.
The door was blown off its hinges and the doctors quickly took cover. "Get the kid and go, we take care of the rest." The voice of the same man from the van said. The Doctor peeked up only to get shot in the head, falling to the floor right in front of his colleagues. A shriek escaped a doctors mouth giving away their location.
One of the men followed the sound and quickly found their hiding spot. He lined up his shot on the doctor who shrieked and swiftly pulled the trigger. The rest of the doctors shared the same fate. Staring down the barrel of the gun as their life flashes before their eyes.
The men walked past the many dead bodies before heading to the exit. Even passing a certain blonde, on the floor. "Alright, we're clear. Take him to the Van. I know where to meet the man." The leader told the others.
THE BLACK VANS pulled up to a secluded looking area. The men exited each van with extra men helping Y/N get out. He was still unconscious so they just carried him out. The men made their way to a small door. The door opened revealing an elderly looking man, guiding them into the room.
"Take over from here, please." The leader told the engineer. "Of course. I'll fix him right up. 10
hours max." The engineer replied. The rest of the Army went back to their vans, presumably on their way to hunt down more Patriots.
The next few hours went smoothly. The surgery was a success, the engineer made sure not to touch certain parts of Y/N, for certain reasons. (wink wink) He was currently making a mold of Y/N's jaw. He didn't want to tamper with his face, so he'll make a mask for it instead. The engineer also just got done making a special sword, one made specifically for Y/N. A high frequency blade.
What's so special about? The blade is a sword reinforced by a powerful alternating current and resonating at extremely high vibration frequencies. This oscillation weakened the molecular bonds of anything it cuts, thereby increasing its cutting ability. Pretty much, it can cut through anything.
Laying on the table, Y/N was ready to be woken up in the real world. What does that mean? Currently, he's awake. Although, only in his mind. He's in the midst of his VR Training.
Y/N ARISES FROM a pool of water, clearly out of breath. He gets to his knees and curves over, his head aching from remembering his past life. He's struggling to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling as he looks around.
He stands up and notices something about himself. He takes a look at himself and he is completely different. His entire body looks artificial. "No...no, no, no." He repeats in his head as he looks at himself. "What the fuck..." He says out loud, still in disbelief.
Suddenly, his surroundings changed. It went from the cloudy sky with a blazing red sun to... an office? It looked like one of those offices with cubicles, although each one was empty. Out of nowhere, three soldier's breached the door. The man in the middle had a gun while the other two had swords. They were clearly looking for something, rather someone.
Y/N instinctively grabbed for a sword on his back, and sure enough, there was one. A beautiful blade in-fact. He inspected it in his hand for a few seconds before focusing on his enemies. To see if they were hostile, he peaked up and whistled. Sure enough, the man with a gun shot at him.
In mere seconds, he dashed at the man in the middle, stabbing him through the abdomen. He pulled the sword out of the man's gut as he proceeds to fall to his knees. Once on his knees, Y/N slashes his sword to the right, slicing his throat. The other two men with swords were ready to attack, they went on each side of Y/N confident in taking him down.
Unfortunately, Y/N did some real ninja shit. He swung his sword in a full 360. He focused on the guy to his left, he swung at cut him right in half. With his momentum from the swing, he swung towards his right side, cutting that dude in half too. Effortlessly.
(IDK How tf i explain this, just watch the gif.)
Once that was over, he cleaned off his blade and stashed it on his back. He was about to take a seat in one of the chairs until his surroundings changed again. That's when it clicked, "What the hell. None of it was real, it's all VR." Y/N said in his head.
BACK IN THE real world, Y/N is still asleep. Seconds of real time, is hours in his head. Perks of VR training, I guess. The engineer was taking a nap in his chair, legs kicked up on his desk while crossing his arms. He was awoken from his sleep by a beep coming from his monitor.
Was what the screen displayed. The engineer ripped off the tape and wires connected to his temple. The second he did so, Y/N's eyes beamed open. He immediately rolled off the table and pounced onto the man with a scalpel pointing at his neck.
"What did you do to me." Y/N demanded an answer as he pressed the scalpel harder into the man's throat. "I-I didn't do anything. I saved you. I'm not a Patriot, I'm part of the Lost Army. I-I swear!" The engineer swore, praying for his life. "Explain. Now." Y/N commanded.
"So, what do you remember?" The engineer asked. "I remember everything. Although, before this, I remember being strapped to a table with bright lights everywhere. And, talking to that doctor who was with the Patriots. As well as the rest of my fake life, including that date with the Amy chick." Y/N replied. "So, in the 6 years you lived a fake life, an anti-Patriot group was made to take down the Patriots. This group is called The Patriots Lost Army." The engineer replied.
"This Army saved you-" "Look at me! How did they save me!? Look at my body! You're just as bad as they are." Y/N replied, lifting the scalpel in his hands, ready to stab the man in the heart.
"Wait!" The engineer yelled. Y/N stopped and demanded the man to talk again. "You got 30 seconds, go."
"Okay, Okay. They were going to use you to fight us. They were doing Cyborb experiments on you, I simply finished the job and made sure you wouldn't be mind controlled." The man explained. "Okay! That's all I did, I swear!" The engineer pleaded.
Y/N threw away the knife, got off the man and helped him up. "I believe you. Thanks. But, what now?" Y/N asked. "What do you want to do? Do you want to fight for what's right? Protect the weak?" The engineer asked. "Yes, please. I need to make up for what I did. It won't change anything, but, I need to at least feel better about it." Y/N said, shaking the man's hand.
"Good. That's great. Now, let me explain everything that's happened to you, as well as your new gear." The engineer told the boy.
Primarily colored white, silver and black, with his shoulder areas colored gold, the overall appearance of the exoskeleton was largely masculine by design. However, the feet also somewhat resembled high-heels (When fighting, Y/N will put the handle of his sword at the bottom of his foot. WILL BE USED LATER ON), and his hands possessed claw-like nails. Raiden's head remained untouched, the mask was made by a robotic engineer, named DRAGO PETTROVICH MADNAR. Although, the mask looks like it could be his jaw, it is made completely of cyborg parts. Looking like a skull.
Muscle enhancement - The suit could, when necessary, expand its muscle areas to enhance the user's speed, agility, and strength. If the suit was penetrated by certain projectiles, the internal pressure could be utilized to propel them outwards from the body.
White blood - The suit utilized the white blood, which possessed a higher oxygen carrying capacity than normal human red blood cells. This provided a faster rate of respiration for energy production within the muscles. The main drawback was that the blood had to be externally dialyzed with special equipment following prolonged use, in order to avoid autotoxemia, and had to be replaced if lost through injury.
Pain inhibitors: The subject can show a virtually unflinching demeanor when suffering various wounds. Subject can enable and disable all physical pain from his body.
DRAGO EXPLAINED EVERYTHING, to Y/N over a cup of coffee. "God, that's crazy." Y/N remarked. "It certainly is." Drago replied, sipping out of his coffee. "So, it seems like your personality is different. It's like you merged with your fake life. From what you told me, you used to be a stone cold kid. Makes sense for someone who's fought in a war at 12." Drago stated, leaning back in his chair a bit.
"Yeah, I used to be like that. But, in this memory altering whatever, I made friends and even had a family." Y/N told Drago, taking a sip of coffee. "What was it like? Now, looking back at the fake life you had, how was it?" Drago asked pouring himself more coffee. "Uhhh... I can't lie, I liked it. It was... fun. It was a nice break, who knows how I would've been if it wasn't for those fake years." Y/N replied, leaning back in his chair.
"See, not all bad was it. If you want, I can get rid of your real history and make it so you only know the fake one. Would you like that?" Drago questioned. "Nah, I'm fine the way I am now." Y/N replied finishing up his coffee. "Hey, Drago." he said, trying to catch his attention. "What is it?" Drago replied.
"Do I still have a dick? Can I reproduce?" Y/N questioned. Very worried.
Drago let out a small chuckle. "I stayed away from it on purpose. I made very thick strong padding specifically for your... area. No bullet or kick hard enough is going to touch it." Drago stated. "Wait.... So, only my dick and reproductive organs are normal but, my legs and upper body aren't? I can change that, right?" Y/N asked.
"Of course, you can change it. As a matter of fact, you can change it anytime. The 'skin' is made up of artificial skin. Feels just like the real thing. No difference. With this thing here, you can change whenever." Drago stated grabbing onto something from under the table.
He brought it up next to him but it looked like he was holding.... air. Since it looks like nothing, Y/N points that out. "But, your hands are empty.." Y/N said. To which, Drag smirked.
"Ya see, it looks like it, but, no. Come here, come get a feel for it yourself." Drago responded as he handed the invisible thing over to Y/N. The boy, hesitantly reached for it. Surprisingly, he felt something touch his hand. "Dude... what the fuck." He said in awe as he was holding something. "See! Come outside, I'll show you how it works."
"Alright, ready whenever you are." Drago told Y/N. The two were now outside the small building. Not far from it, just outside the door. "Just hold it up, and feel around for a button. Press it, and you're good." Drago instructed. "Alright..." Y/N proceeded to lift his arm up, he found the button and pressed it. To his surprise, the thing he was holding started to reveal itself. It flickered in blue sparks at first, almost like lightning. After about a second or so, it fully revealed a long thin futuristic looking briefcase. Which is surprising, especially with how light it feels.
(It doesn't do this in the game. But, I just don't want to have to write about each time Y/N has to switch bodies. Like I don't want Y/N to go to Drago every time he needs to change his body. So I just did this ifykwim)
And there stood Y/N, butt ass naked. But, he now has skin. He feels his arms and his upper body, noting that they feel eerily similar to the real skin on his face. Only notable difference is very faint lines, although, it's nothing a shirt can't hide. "Uhh... Can I get some clothes, please?" Y/N asked while covering his crotch. Drago let out some laughter as he went back inside the small building. "Yo, am I always gonna be naked!?" Y/N yelled towards where Drago went.
After a few seconds of silence, Drago returned with some clothes. Which included, an oversized T-shirt, a pair of some pretty long jeans, and a pair of some black and white Converse. "Nah, you'll be fine. Whatever you were wearing when you switch is what you'll wear when you switch back. The only reason you're naked is because it's your first time doing that." Drago said, handing Y/N his clothes.
"Oh, and be sure to carry that on you at all times, in case you might need it. Keep it in a pocket, or on your waist or something. Just keep it on you." Drago told Y/N, as the boy nodded at his words. "Where's the bathroom?" Y/N asked. Drago stepped in front of Y/N, "Right this way, bud." As he was following Drago, he was checking out his clothes. He recognized them as his clothes from the apartment he lived in with his 'Mom.'
"How'd you get these clothes? These are from my old place." Y/N asked, once again. "Well, in the time you were gone, the army came back from your old place. I'm not sure where your mother is but, they said they couldn't find her." Drago informed Y/N as he was heading into the bathroom to get changed.
"So, I asked them to bring over some of your stuff. For a little bit, you'll be staying with me, here. We'll get you situated very soon though, I promise that." Drago said, talking to Y/N from the other side of the door. "Alright, sounds good. Thanks for all of this. Y'know, saving me and giving me a new home." Y/N replied, now fully clothed and outside the bathroom.
"Oh, that's nothing. Don't think much of it, kiddo. You look good, by the way." Drago lets out with a small smile . Patting the 'kiddo' on the back. "Thanks." Y/N responded. With a small smile of his own plastered on his face.
"How was our VR training, by the way? More complex than others? It's our special kind, we made up the simulations and enemies." Drago asked and explained. "It was good, it went well." Y/N told him. "How are you feeling when it comes to fighting? We enhanced the serum that was given to you by the physician, you should be even faster and stronger." Drago explained. The two have been talking about things for a while. Mostly about life and stuff but, now, Drago began asking questions about his fighting.
"Uh, yeah. I've been a lot faster, like extremely fast. I feel great, like a brand new person." Y/N said in response to the man's question. "That's good to hear. Were you putting those heels to good use?" Drago wondered, a small smile on his face. "Weird question... Other than me looking like a stripper, I have. Haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet but, I'll get there soon enough." Y/N answered, feeling confident in his ability to learn how to... fight in heels.
"Well, when the Lost Army comes back, do you want to join them in finishing off the rest of the Patriots? Or, do you want to live as a merc?" Drago questioned. Y/N chuckled a bit, "Do I have to do either?" He wondered. Drago look at Y/N with a raised eyebrow. "Stop lying to yourself. You and me both know you want to get back out there."
"Yeah, you're right." Y/N replied. A sly smirk plastered on his face.
If you stuck around to read the whole thing, thanks a lot. This is a very important chapter to Y/N's origin and next chapter will be the last chapter before Avengers!! Thanks a lot for the support and I'm so sorry it took so long to write this chapter, I was just being lazy all week watching shows and shit but, i'll be more consistent. I'm too tired to proofread so let me know about grammar or spelling errors. Thanks a lot ❤️❤️❤️
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