Tagged by the lovely coffeewad
Not very good with talking about people I care for XD but I'll try! Plus I don't really think there's 15 people I know on here or talk to much anymore so yee!
coffeewad I'll start with you you lovely thing ^0^. Ahh I've missed talking to you and we really should start talking again! Wish school wasn't such a pain in the ass sometimes 😭 but yee! It was always fun talking to you and roleplaying and everything so as soon as I'm out of school for the year I'll hopefully be able to talk to you more again!
Howlers4Ever oml. You keep me from just like regretting life and all our roleplay things are all so fun and awesome especially with all the ideas and such! Even just playing Fortnite with you or talking to you over text is awesome and funny at times too XD idk I've been able to rant to you and stuff and been able to talk to you for awhile and let's just say I'm glad for posting Kyle in my roleplay book cause I got to meet you that way! XD glad that you joined a few days after my birthday last year too because I was starting to get lonely and you've kept me company now up to here! I'm going to sob if we ever stopped talking or something like eh- yeah anyways XD thank you for being there for me!!
HaI_UnIvErse ahh! Birthday buddy!!!! And my fellow potato godess!!! I've known you forever on here!! From the very beginning of my cringe roleplay times! XD sorry we haven't talked much since all the group roleplays and everything! I miss it lots and I feel like we should all do a group roleplay again sometime XD I miss everyone! Luvs ya and we should start talking more again!
AmethystAir *^* I miss you!! I remember when we first met in my first roleplay!! Ahh! I even remember the nicknames we gave eachother and I'm sorry we haven't talked much! The only people I've really stayed in contact with since is you and Anime! I miss our group roleplays lots with everyone it's always so fun and weird with you guys XD especially with all the ships are made. We must talk more soon!!
Yaoi_King_Suga You. Are. So. Sweet. Good I love roleplays with you and even talking with you! You let me rant to you and I'm so greatful and you're always so sweet and passionate about things like your characters and your cosplays! Idk what I'd do without you and I'm so happy that we met in the Fairytail roleplay and then I worked up the courage to talk to you on your message board about something REALLY long ago XD you're one of my closest friends and I'm so happy to say that!!
IReallyWantToLoveYou I miss our roleplays together and all the unique things and everything that we came up with them and managed to make the both of us happy with it! I miss talking to you and I'm sorry for not talking to you much lately my school is just overwhelming. Yush I still care for you lots and that will never change because you've made an impact on my life and no matter what I'll always care for you :D hopefully we can start talking a lot again and continue our Hunter and Aaron roleplay because they just had their precious babies and I'm so happy and excited to have them get married and stuff!! Especially to see what comes their way ;) but yush!! Even if we don't talk just knowing really do care for you! And I'm always here for you!
I believe that's everyone I'm sorry if I forgot you j didn't mean to :/
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