Chapter 31 - Everything's Black
Y/N = Your Name
* 3rd Person's P.O.V
" Hey!"
Y/N opened her eyes, she was laying in a dusty cage. Y/N rubbed her eyes and yawn. " Morning!" she heard a small voice said. Y/N turned her head to see Sally. Sally gave her a huge smile, " Where am I?" Y/N asked. " You're in my bedroom, silly!" Sally giggled. You took a look around, it was just like any kid's room. A large toy box, colorful walls, and a pink bed with tons of stuffed animals. The one thing that interest you was that wooden shelf, it had lots of porcelain dolls. Each one was more creepy than the other. Their faces looked realistic, much like humanlike. Y/N felt your body shivering. " You like them?" Sally asked. Y/N looks at Sally, " I made them myself" Sally smiled. Y/N gulped, " Look, I don't have time to play. Could you please let go?" she begged. " No!" Sally pouted. " Please, I can't stay in this world forever. I have to get back home" Y/N said. Sally shook her head, " Listen! You can't tell me what to do. I'm getting out of here one way or another" Y/N grunted. Sally was getting upset, she screamed. Her eyes glowed green. " I don't like you" Sally dropped her bear. Y/N shivered, " Little girl?" she asked.
Sally used her telekinesis to pick up the chair. She threw it towards the cage, Y/N screamed. Lucky, the chair missed her. " You're not nice," Sally said. " And my name is Sally!" she floated into the air as her voice echoed. Suddenly, everything started to float. You felt the cage picked up. You tried to hold on to the bars, " That's enough!" a voice said. A Tall man appeared in the room, his face was missing and his skin was white. The Man was wearing a black suit. " I thought I told you to watch your anger. You could've hurt someone" he looked at Sally. " But, the Mean Lady didn't want to play with me" Sally looked at the ground. The Tall man sighed, " She didn't hurt you did she?" he looks at you. ' Who is this guy?' Y/N shook her head. " My name's Slenderman, I'm in charge of the Creepypasta Manor," Slenderman said. " I've heard that you were one of the children who knew of our existence" he walks up to you. " Why are you doing this?" Y/N asked. " Why?"
Slenderman asked. " It all started in Black hallow, where we took the time to haunt the citizens" He explained. " Scaring, Murdering, Kidnapping. Whatever pleases us" Slenderman added. " Our plan was to enslave the town of Black Hollow and continue our rampage" he turned his back on Y/N. " However, we were banished to this world. All thanks to your parents" Slenderman said. " It was horrible! All we wanted was to scare" Sally cried as she held her teddy. " Until a mortal came along and changed our fate" Suddenly, Sally changed her expression into a happy smile. " Changed your fate?" Y/N said. She remembered the strange bottles she found in the basement. " Wait, are you saying that I freed you?" Y/N asked. " Correct!" Sally clapped her hands. " We were hoping someone would be dumb enough to free us from our cages" she floats over to Y/N. " But, look who's in a cage now!" Sally giggled. " Sally, please don't tease her," Slenderman said.
" Hey! don't think you've won. My friends and I are gonna stop you" Y/N said. " That might be true, but we've already got a head start," Slenderman said. Y/N tilted her head, " Keep a close eye on her. I'll be meeting with the others" Slenderman looks at Sally. " Don't worry Slendy! I'll take good care of her" Sally nodded. " Don't disappoint me" Slenderman said before disappearing. ' I've got to find a way out of here' Y/N thought. " Well, then..." she heard Sally said. Y/N looked up, she gasped. " Let's throw a tea party" Sally gave a creepy glare. Y/N shivered, " Why don't I get you out of those ragged clothes?" Sally hovered over her. " I've got the perfect dress for you" she giggled evilly.
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