Y/N = Your Name
* 3rd Person's P.O.V
Grinning cat's eyes flashed red, Stella's eyes turned red. The grinning cat gave her a huge grin. Y/N asked " Stella? What are you doing?." Stella picks up the key and turns to Y/N. She said, " Here, take this." Stella hands out the key " I'll watch for the monsters while you find Nathan." Y/N asked, " Are you sure?." She said, " Your eyes look red." Stella said, " I'll be fine, Kitty will protect me." Y/N turned her head to Grinning cat. The grinning cat stared at her, Y/N shivered ' Oh god....' She grabs the key and runs out. The grinning cat went up to Stella and rubs his face on Stella's leg. Stella turns to him " Yes my lord, Y/N, and Nathan are a threat." She adds " They must be removed before they ruin our plans."
* Meanwhile
Y/N searched the halls, she looks around. Y/N thought ' Where could be he be?.' She noticed a white door. Y/N walks up to it and opens it. She saw a room full of hairy werewolves. Y/N quickly shut the door. Her face was pale ' What was that?.' Y/N walked away, she saw a black striped door. Y/N grabbed the knob and turned it. She saw a room filled with fire. There were humans being torture by scary devils. Y/N screamed, she slammed the door. Y/N drops to the ground and sighed. She thought ' Okay....that was Hell.' Y/N took a breath ' Come on Y/N, there's no time to mess around.' She pulled out the key, Y/N looks at it. She looks around " Maybe there's a key lock." Y/N noticed a wall, it had a small keyhole. She looks at the key and back to the wall. Y/N got up and walked towards the wall. She places the key in the hole and turned it. The wall started to rumble, Y/N backed away. The wall slowly opened. Y/N looks inside and saw a long staircase. She thought ' This must be the place.' Y/N saw a lit torch, it was hanging on the wall. She grabs it and went inside. Stella was walking down the halls, Grinning Cat was following her. Stella noticed the secret room was opened. She turns her head to Grinning Cat, Grinning Cat was holding a knife in his mouth. " Yes, Master" Stella grabs the knife. She walks into the room, Grinning Cat just sat there and grinned widely.
* Meanwhile
Y/N was walking down the staircase, she turns her head to see a face. Y/N screamed and moved away. She noticed it was a skeleton chained to the wall. " Oh my god..." Y/N placed her hand over her chest. " How long is this staircase?" she kept walking. Y/N finally got to the last step, she saw a large wooden door. Y/N walked towards it and opened it. She peeks inside and gasped. Y/N saw Nathan, " Nathan?!" she runs up to him. Nathan was tied to a chair, his clothes were covered in blood. " Nathan, wake up" Y/N shook him. " H-hello?" she heard a voice said. Y/N turned her head to see Nathan's parents. Their clothes looked ripped, " P-please...help us" Nathan's mom cried. " Are you hurt?" Y/N ran up to her. " No, But they've threatened to kill us" Nathan's mom shook her head. " Don't worry, we're gonna get help" Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder. " I don't think so," a voice said. Y/N turned around and saw Stella. Stella had her hands behind her back, " Stella, what are you doing here?" Y/N asked. " You should've come here" Stella slowly walks up to her. Y/N was afraid, " S-stop playing around. We've to got to leave" she said. " Sorry Y/N...." Stella pulls out her knife. Y/N gasped, Stella grabs her by the collar and points the knife at her knife.
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