One month later
alexdowney: Louis photobombed my mirror selfie :(
tagged: louispartridge
milliebobbybrown: HOT
-alexdowney: thx hun
finnwolfhard: i can't see ur face dude.
-alexdowney: that's the point lol
louispartridge: come on love, my hand being there made the picture wayyyy better.
-alexdowney: ur hand ruined the picture.
-louispartridge: are you calling my hand ugly?
-alexdowney: maybe :)
user1: i love seeing Louis and Alex flirt in the comments lol
user2: Even just his hand is hot ;)
-milliebobbybrown: ew louis ur fans are weird.
user3: how's filming going Alex?
-alexdowney: it's going great! I can't wait for everyone to see the film :)
louispartridge: Alex looks amazing in this picture
-alexdowney: help Alex stole my phone so I stole hers - Louis.
-louispartridge: I did no such thing- Alex
user4: they're so cute i cant
"chaotic ppl"
el- millie
oh snap- noah
billionare's daughter-alex
rob's other daughter- maya
maxine- sadie
dusti-bun- gaten
froggy- finn
lucas- caleb
oh snap
billionare's daughter
oh snap
my sister just asked me if you and Louis were dating
billionare's daughter
aww tell Chloe I miss her!
so, are you guys dating?
billionare's daughter
no? we're just friends guys.
billionare's daughter
Millie told me how you guys are on set. super friendly Lex.
billionare's daughter
what are you talking about? we're literally just friends, I swear.
oh come on, Lex. you guys are always with each other, constantly flirting, always taking picture or goofing off. you act just like a couple.
billionare's daughter
but we're not??
rob's other daughter
poor girl is in denial.
billionare's daughter
i'm not in denial, Maya. Louis and I are strictly just friends. I'm not ready for another relationship yet.
but if you were...you admit you like Louis?
billionare's daughter
no. I don't like him that way
you sure? it sounds like you do.
billionare's daughter
okay maybe, I sorta find him attractive. and he has a really nice personality..
oh snap
she's in love
billionare's daughter
no. absolutely not. it's only been like, a month and a half since I broke up with Rhett. I'm not ready for another heartbreak. Louis doesn't even like me like that anyway. It's never happening.
Lex, not every guy is going to be like Rhett. I know for sure Louis isn't. And I guarantee if you give him a chance, you'll see it yourself.
billionare's daughter
I've told you guys a million time already. Louis and I are just friends. I just got out of a horrible relationship that ended in me getting cheated on. So excuse me if I'm not exactly ready for jumping into a relationship with a guy I just met a month ago.
billionare's daughter has left the group
rob's other daughter
crap. I think we pushed her too far this time guys.
oh snap
I feel bad for bringing it up now
i'm sure she's fine, I'll talk to her later after she calms down.
real life
"You alright, Alex?" Louis says as Alex throws her phone onto the side of the couch of Louis'trailer, where the two were during their break from filming. After the first day of filiming, the pair became quick friends, and were often found in one of their trailers while they weren't needed on set. She lets out a breath before covering her scowl with a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Everyone in the group chat is just being annoying." She says with a laugh. Louis smiles cautiously, something telling him that wasn't the full story. "Hey, when will I be able to be in the infamous group chat?" he asks with a goofy grin. "Woah, buddy. Don't get so ahead of yourself. It took Maya three years to get into that groupchat." Alex says, folding her legs onto the couch so she could face him. Louis' eyes widen in shock. "It originally was a groupchat for just the stranger things kids, but after letting us have countless sleepovers at her house during filming, we decided it was time to let her in. Besides she's like our mother at this point." She explains. Louis nods understandingly, resting his head on his arm that was leaning on the couch, loving listening to the girl in front of him talk about her friends. Everytime her friends or family were brought up, Alex's eyes would light up like a child on Christmas morning. He loved it. "Maya lives in Atlanta, yes?" he asks her, wanting to listen to her calming voice more. She nods. "She lives with her boyfriend just outside Atlanta, I used to stay with them when Dad was out of town for work. I have my own apartment in town now." The conversation fades out after a moment, the two staring at each other, a comfortable silence surrounding them. At a attempt to save the conversation Alex stares at Louis before stating, "Let's play 21 questions." Louis smiles at her randomness and sits up. "Sure, love. You ask the question first." Alex thinks for a minute before asking her first question. " Biggest fear?" "Spiders." He says instantly. "Those little things appear out of nowhere, I hate them." he further explains. Alex playfully runs her hand up his arm, moving her fingers as a spider's legs would do. Louis gently shoves her hand off before shuddering. "Okay, if you could have dinner with one famous person, dead or alive, who would you choose?" Louis asks, continuing the game. After a bit of thinking Alex answers him, "Stan Lee." Louis' gaze softens as he sees sadness set in her eyes. "He was like a grandpa to me, him and my dad were super close, so Maya and I grew up around him." She says, tears in her eyes. As she lets out a breath she says, "I also kinda owe him my whole career." with a laugh, trying to lighten up the conversation. "Celebrity crush?" Alex asks, raising her eyebrows. A part of her was hoping it was Alex that Louis would say. When the question left her lips Louis had a hard time masking his shocked reaction. Because, it had been her. Young Louis had been infatuated with the girl since he and his friends watched the first Iron Man movie when they were kids. He wasn't going to tell her that. Louis knew that she had just gone through a nasty breakup, at least with how the media was making it seem. He didn't want to encinuate anything between the two, or cause and awkwardness. "Uh, Florence Pugh. She's such a good actress and really pretty." He admits. "What's one thing no one really knows about you?" He asks, wanting to brush past the previous question. Alex takes a minute to think. "Oh, um, I play piano and write music." She answers shyly. Louis' mouth gapes open. "Are you serious? Why haven't you ever released anything?" Alex waves him off. "It's nothing really. It was just something I did in my free time. The songs weren't good either, I played a couple of them for my ex, cause you know, he's a musician, so I figured he could give me some advice. He said they were terrible and that I should stick to acting." she says with a sad smile. "That's awful, Alex." Louis responds. How could someone who loved you say such awful things about something you created? "Okay my turn, umm, favorite superhero?". Louis looks at her with an eye roll before saying, "Not to enlarge your ego but, Dreamer has always been my favorite. I think she has the coolest powers." Alex smiles and dramatically flips her hair. "I mean I totally agree, but what's so cool about her powers?" she asks. "Think about how epic it would be to be able to control anyone's dreams. Think about all the crazy things you could do with that." Louis says, an adorable smile etched on his face. "Are we ever gonna find out how she got her powers?" He asks her. Alex shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. And even if I did, I wouldn't be able to tell you. I would love to hear your theories, though." And that sparked a rant from Louis that went on and on before one of the crew members came along to call them back to set.
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