[๐ด] ๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ข๐ญ๐ฎ๐๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง.. (SEASON 1: EP 8) [๐ด]
Tension rises between the remaining objects that are still trapped in the abandoned town..
But they brushed it off, and went into an Abandoned Lab to find a certain somebody to be free.. But monsters are blocking their way..
But.. When they managed to avoid them, They ran into another problem..
Two People were chosen to go into Mr. Hand's Office to do a challenge to set him free.. And Apple's luck is still there.. Making Hailstone failed the challenge..
They are one step closer to escaping this town..
Gelatin and Teardrop were talking to each other, same to Shieldy and Mirror.. and MePhone4 and Apple.. Everyone is really on their own pair..
๐ฎ๐ข: Sooo... There's only 6 of us left, huh?
๐ง: (nods and sign language) " Yeah, Do you think we can escape? "
๐ฎ๐ข: Yes, I'm sure..ย
๐ง: (sign language) " Alright.. If you say so.. "
๐๐ค: So, what did I miss when I died?
๐ก๏ธ: Well.. Cup died unfairly because of this guy named "Oodle".. and Nacho died because of Apple.. So, you didn't miss that much but yeah.. That's really all you miss..
๐๐ค: Oh ok, I just hope I won't die again..
๐ก๏ธ: I hope I don't die too.. But.. It doesn't really matter, Because some of us are gonna die anyway every person we free or every creature we killed..
๐๐ค: Yeah, true..
๐: Hey MePhone4, Are you doing alright?
๐ฑ: Y-yeah, I'm f-fine.. (MALFUNCTION)
๐: Ok, that's good.. You know, I think everybody hates me now after I killed 3 people every time I'm in The Death Challenge.. First, I killed Nickel, Second, I killed Nacho and now I killed Hailstone.. because I was lucky..
๐ฑ: O-oh, W-well.. I think y-you should p-prove y-yourself to t-the g-group that.. y-you should b-be trusted.. (MALFUNCTION)
๐: Ok.. I'll try, Thank you for the tip, MePhone4.
๐ฑ: Y-you're welcome. (MALFUNCTION)
And with that, Apple stood up and asked for the group to look into the map and see if there's something new..
๐: Guys, We should get going now.. We could all die at any moment if we just stood here.. Come on, let's get the map and see if some new place appeared in the map.
๐ฎ๐ข: You're right, Let's go, guys.
๐ก๏ธ: Okay.
๐๐ค: Alright, I don't wanna die again.. It was really bad when I was killed..
๐ฎ๐ข: So, I grabbed the Map and looked at it to see if there's something that has not been there since the whole Abandoned Lab thing.. And there is.. It's a... Farm.. kind of.
๐ง: (sign language) " Guys, It looks like some kind of barn or something on the map.. That's an abandoned farm. "
๐ฎ๐ข: A farm? I wish they have food right now.. Since I'm hungry! >:/
๐ก๏ธ: Yeah umm.. Should we go there?
๐: Yeah, we should..
๐: I'm just trying to be more helpful to the group just in case if there's a vote again in to the Death Challenge..
Everyone went outside and followed the map to The Farm, and a few minutes later... They set foot on an abandoned barn, with no animals and no life at all..
๐ก๏ธ: Well, were at the barn but.. Where are the animals?
๐ฎ๐ข: Don't you know that this is an abandoned barn.. Of course, there's no animals here! >:(
๐ก๏ธ: Oh, right.. Sorry.. Is there also farmers in he-
๐ฎ๐ข: Quiet! There's nobody here.. It's an abandoned farm!
๐ก๏ธ: Oh, my bad..
๐: Well guys, we should investigate inside the barn, maybe we can find something useful.
๐ฎ๐ข: Ok, hurry up guys, I need food!! >:/
Just as Everyone was about to get in to the Barn, There's a note on you guess it.. On top of a Barrel.. yay.
๐ฎ๐ข: Oh great, a note.
๐: I'll read it!
๐ง: (slowly nods and sign language) " Sure, You can read the note. "
๐: Yay! Ok.. (clears throat)
๐ฎ๐ข: So the not said that a certain farmer used to work here.. Until he was ambushed by apparently.. Blobs.. and then quit his job.. I think the blobs ate their crops..
๐: So we went to the barn, and immediately.. We saw the slimes directly at the back end of the barn.. They're really cute though which is really nice! But I don't wanna wake them up Soo.. yeah!
Everyone went in to the barn, and they immediately noticed that the Blobs are there on the back end, staring at them as they try and investigate to find clues for the location of the Staff..
๐ฎ๐ข: Guys, we need to be careful and slowly search around a bit..
๐๐ค: Ok... I'll try..
Everyone investigated the barn a little bit.. Sometimes they found a bone sticking out of the hay, while others found a skull AROUND the hay.. Geez..
๐: Wait, guys.. I found another note..
๐ฎ๐ข: Oh, what does it say?
๐: It says..
๐ฎ๐ข: Oh, alright.. Let's check the back.
๐: Yeah, Sounds like the kind of place where they put their secret bases at, in Minecraft..
๐๐ค: Oh.. what's Minecraft?
๐: It's a video game! Where you will survive and avoid monsters when it's night time and stuff!
๐๐ค: Oh ok.. Thank you for the information, Apple.
๐: You're welcome! :D
๐: So glad to make friends again... I just had to answer her question very politely and.. She can trust me now!
๐ก๏ธ: So we went into the back of the barn outside, and... We found a secret passageway underground.. Maybe that's where the staff is.
๐: Come on, guys.. We have a staff to grab.
๐ก๏ธ: Wow, Apple..I've never seen you this determined before.. Where did that come from?
๐: Oh umm.. It just went out, that's all.
๐ก๏ธ: Oh ok!
๐ฎ๐ข: Ok!
Everyone went down to the passageway and everything is covered in green slime..
๐ฎ๐ข: EW! Even though I'm also green.. This is gross..
๐ง: (sign language) " I agree. "
๐: Well, the smell doesn't matter.. The staff is.
๐ฎ๐ข: Yeah, you're right, let's go!
๐๐ค: Ok..
๐๐ค: As we were finally reaching the end of this really long tunnel.. We are now in the King's Throne Room.. and It's The King Slime who is sleeping.. Now we must find the staff..
๐: Ok, where is that staff?!
๐ฎ๐ข: I don't know, Let's just investigate everything.
๐ง: (nods)
And so, They searched everywhere to find some sort of key to the staff, maybe another secret passageway to the staff, Or it's hidden in plain sight..
๐๐ค: Guys, we searched everywhere.. and there's no staff..
๐ฎ๐ข: I have a feeling.. were getting tricked here..
๐ง: (sign language) " That's what I've been thinking.. Maybe the staff is not real.. I think we're getting- "
Just as she was about to finish her sign language, A bunch of slime blobs came out of the tunnel that they went earlier, They got tricked into thinking that the staff is here.. But it's not..
๐ฎ๐ข: Oh, well great... We got tricked..
๐๐: Hoo hoo hoo! Yeah, You got tricked by my minion's fake notes.. Now.. I will tell you WHY you're here..
๐: Umm.. Why are we here?
๐๐: Well because... Since there's no staff.. How about we make a deal? All of you will be up for the Death Challenge.. excluding the Broken Phone over there.. He's been through enough..
๐ฑ: T-Thank you.. (MALFUNCTION)
๐๐: That's the first option.. The second option is the usual... The Two People chosen to be in the Death Challenge will fight in my arena... But there is a twist that I will not tell you..
So... What do you choose?
๐ฎ๐ข: Oh my god..
๐๐ค: I would lose immediately and.. die again..
๐ฎ๐ข: There's no way we're all gonna fight, We have to do the usual..
๐ง: (sign language) " Ok.. There is NO way we're fighting each other.. I don't wanna fight Gelatin! He's too nice to me! >:( "
๐: (whispers) " We should do the second option, Gelatin.. "
๐ฎ๐ข: (whispers) " Yeah.. That's what I've been thinking.. Let's see if everyone else agreed.. "
Gelatin stood up and asked the others if the second option is the final choice, and they all agreed so... Gelatin went up to the king and spoke..
๐ฎ๐ข: King... The second option is our final decision..
๐๐: Are you sure..?
๐ฎ๐ข: Yes.. I'm sure..
๐๐: Are you really sure? Reminder that there is a twist at the end of the Death Challenge, are you sure that's your final decision?
๐ฎ๐ข: Yes! We all agreed on it! >:(
๐๐: Alright then, The Second Option it is then.. You, Broken Phone, do your job..
๐ฑ: Oh o-ok.. You g-guys know h-how this goes.. (MALFUNCTION)
๐ก๏ธ: This is really short, There's no puzzle, There's no obstacle course, Were just going straight to the voting.. This author really needs to step it up.. I realized I'm breaking the 4th Wall... Oh well.
๐ฑ: It's t-time to v-vote.. Starting with y-you.. Apple.. (MALFUNCTION)
๐: To be honest, I kind of want to vote for myself because.. I've killed 3 people now.. And I kind of want to.. redeem myself by.. joining them.
๐ฎ๐ข: Ugh.. this is hard.. I want to vote for Apple but at the same time.. her luck will still be there and she's gonna kill someone else.. I guess I'm voting for Shieldy..
๐๐ค: Shieldy's really nice, and Apple is nice as well.. So... I'm sorry.. I'm voting for you, Gelatin.. Even though your nice as well, Shieldy and Apple are a lot more nice to be around.. :(
๐ก๏ธ: I know, I got one vote.. I'm gonna vote for Gelatin..
๐ง: (sign language) " I'm voting for Apple.. I don't know how she's still alive but.. Okay, fine. "
๐ฎ๐ข: Umm.. MePhone4?
๐ฑ: O-oh.. Sorry... I'm really b-broken so much that I f-froze from time to time.. A-Alright, I'll shuffle and d-draw two...
The First Person going to the Death Challenge is...
๐: Again, Of course..
And the Second Person going to The Death Challenge is...
๐ฎ๐ข: WHAT?! Who voted for me?!
๐๐ค: ...
๐: Oh, Gelatin..
๐ง: (sign language) " W-WHAT?! NO!! "
๐ฎ๐ข: I can't believe this.. I'm going up against Apple.. The girl who survived 3 DEATH CHALLENGES.. gosh.. I don't think I'm gonna make it.
๐ฑ: Y-you two, Follow me to King S-Slime's Death Challenge Room..
๐๐ค: Wait, King Slime, You have your own Death Challenge Room?
๐๐: Yuppity Huppity! I never used that room until now!
๐ก๏ธ: Oh, alright.
[๐ป๐ผ๐ธ๐โ โโ๐ธ๐๐๐ผโ๐พ๐ผ]
Gelatin and Apple went into The King Slime's Death Room to compete in this Death Challenge..
๐๐: Well, hello Apple and Gelatin.. It's about time that you two will be competing in MY Death Challenge..
๐: Alright, what's the challenge?
๐๐: Well, the challenge is in this slimy note.. Good luck!
๐: Oh, ok.
๐ฎ๐ข: I'll let you read it.
๐: Ok! (clears throat)
๐ฎ๐ข: Oh alright..
๐: So once I read that note, I just and sat down.. and Gelatin was confused on why I sat down in the middle of a Death Challenge..
๐ฎ๐ข: Umm, Apple?
๐: Just go finish the challenge..
๐ฎ๐ข: What, why?
๐ฎ๐ข: Ok, ok, fine!! I'm gonna finish the challenge.
Gelatin got up and went to his computer to answer the questions.. The questions are all about Slimes.. (IMMA DO A TIMESKIP BECAUSE WHY NOT!! :/)
๐๐: Alright, Gelatin.. What your gonna see is the last question, and you'll win.. I don't know what's up with Apple right now, Are you okay?
๐: Yeah, I'm fine..
๐ฎ๐ข: Alright.. Time to check what the last question is..
Gelatin looked at the last question and answered it, Making him won the challenge!! Apple on the other hand, is ready to die.. But then..
๐ฎ๐ข: Wait what?!
๐: WHAT?!
๐๐: Yeah, that was the plot twist.. The reason why is because... I'm glad that you two get to compete on my challenge.. I don't wanna kill any of you.. But the people who didn't compete in my show.. is a dead object. >:(
๐: Oh..
๐๐ค: Wait, what are the slimes doing?
๐ก๏ธ: Hey, why are you coming towards us?!
The slimes went after the 3 people who didn't do the challenge.. and... Someone got caught..
๐๐ค: What the..
๐ก๏ธ: TEARDROP!!
๐ง: (sign language) " HELP!! I NEED HELP!! "
๐ก๏ธ: What the heck is happening?! The slimes are gonna kill one of us?! That doesn't make sense! >:(
๐๐ค: Why are the slimes doing this?! I thought it's Gelatin or Apple... Maybe.. that's the plot twist..
Teardrop got caught by the slimes.. She was struggling to get out since there's too many slimes.. She was screaming in pain since the slimes are absorbing Teardrop, The slimes are getting bigger.. To the point.. where the screaming stopped.. and TD.. is gone..
๐ก๏ธ: ...
๐๐ค: ...
๐ฑ: ...
๐ฎ๐ข: .... No... NO!! WHERE'S TEARDROP?!
๐ก๏ธ: Umm...
๐ฎ๐ข: She's not dead, right?! She's not... dead... right?
Everyone except Gelatin started to mourn, He means that... she's actually gone... Gelatin fell down to his knees... He can't believe that.. TD out of all people got killed by the slimes.. After a few minutes, The Slime King asked politely the people to leave..
๐๐: Well.. Your job ends here now.. WE ARE FREE!! :D
๐ฎ๐ข: Shut up.
๐๐: Oh, ok, geez..
๐ก๏ธ: Guys, let's just go..
๐๐ค: O-ok..
Just as they were about to head back to "The Lounge", Gelatin turned around to see the place where TD died and said...
๐ฎ๐ข: I'll avenge you, TD.
===========================================================================Oh my god, this episode sucks.. THE STORYLINE AND THE ADRENALINE SUCKS!! But yeah, thanks for reading this cringy Episode 8 of CORRUPTED MEMORY, The second to last episode, Episode 9 will come out after BFAPB 3.. Alright, bye bye now.
4 left..
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