as soon as i got home, i noticed a message from dominic and immediately typed back.
yo that shirt you have
the one that says
'i love dominic fike' do you
have a photo wearing it.
wtf how'd you even know
i have that shirt
when i was over i may
have peeked in your
look i didn't want to be
with someone who has
shitty style
in my defense
shay got me it
after she heard we
were talking 🤷♀️
i'm sure that's true
now send it over asap
here ya go
you're the best
and i have this one
it's me and shay in the photo tho
i sat in my room and reviewed the email that mr. brad sent me, looking over the different candidates to be my manager before someone barged into my room.
"your little boyfriend dominic dropped!" raelynn said as she ran through my room and headed into my closet.
"oh already?" i asked calmly.
"mhm!" she said as she looked through my closet before pulling out my jorts that had those dominic fike designs on them. "that's you in the photo isn't it?" she called out with a smile as she waited for my response.
"woah what photo?" i asked, now completely focused on the conversation.
"his single cover??" raelynn said now pulling out her phone to show me.
cloud surfing
dominic fike
0:00 2:33
dominic fike
0:00 2:00
"he used them both" i said with a laugh as i studied the album covers on raelynn's phone.
"both what?" she asked.
"the photos...they both are of me." i explained.
"wow" she said "and you're still only testing the waters but he's doing all of this??" she questioned.
", he asked me to be his girlfriend. i'm his girlfriend." i said with a smile.
"you're such a superstar...i mean you have the new album on the way, got signed to a hardcore record label, and pulled dominic fike. touché elaine, touché." she said with a nod.
after a while of looking into the managers that were sent to me, i finally came across one. snoh hanmer. (played by: jennifer aniston)
i clicked on snoh's name and she had a long list of past clients, including olivia rodrigo and the weeknd. her management company had successfully managed two huge artists and i now wanted snoh to work with me. i emailed mr. brad about my decision before going to bed and falling asleep to the sounds of dominic's latest single playing in the background.
APRIL 21, 2024
9:20 AM
i wake up and check my phone, seeing the notification from mr. brad saying that he will contact snoh and get things situated. a smile instantly grew on my face as i laid in bed and thought about signing with a manager whose had such successful clients. i sat on the edge of my bed and thought before jumping up and starting my morning routine.
in my connected bathroom i brushed my teeth while humming dominic's new song, 'cruisin.' after i washed my mouth out, i quickly jumped in the shower and washed my hair and body in ten minutes flat. after wrapping myself in a towel and applying an abundance of my new tatcha face cream, i went into my closet and looked for something i felt like wearing. suddenly i spotted a white tank top on a hanger and snatched it out before digging into my dresser. i threw on some clothing and then looked at myself in the mirror, i was satisfied with how i looked.
i sat on the edge of my bed, releasing a sigh before grabbing my phone. dominic had texted me.
you should come over
when he tells you
good morning 😍
good morning.
now will you come over?
yeah i'll swing by
bet i'll be here
and the doors unlocked.
i grabbed my keys and put on my converse before heading out the door. my phone vibrated as i walked to the door, dom had sent me the address.
when i got in the car, i connected my phone to the carplay and followed the directions to his place. i had butterflies the entire drive there, thinking about finally officially becoming the girlfriend of dominic fike.
as i got closer and closer to dominic's house, my heart beat faster and faster. i was getting ready to see the house of the person i'm dating. this was a milestone for me, and our relationship. dominic had been over to my place, but never the other way around. i finally pulled up into the long driveway and into dominic's property's gates. i sighed before i got out of the car and slowly walked to his front door.
i walked nervously up to the front door and gently knocked on the door. dominic had texted me to say the door would be unlocked, but i didn't want to invade his space by just waltzing in with no warning. the door suddenly opened and before i stood dominic, in just a boxers. my breath caught as we made eye contact with each other. "hello" i finally managed to say.
he smiled at me before standing off to the side so that i could come inside. i walked inside as he closed the door behind me. i looked around and saw that his house was very nicely furnished, giving a very california beach vibe. "wow, your house is really nice" i said in awe.
"thanks, i moved in here recently from my old place nearby." he said as we stood awkwardly. he leaned in and planted a kiss on my right cheek. i blushed as his lips pressed against my cheek and smiled slightly as he backed away.
"so...what did you want me to come over for?" i asked, fiddling with my fingers awkwardly. i wasn't sure what the vibe was in this situation.
"uhhh" he looked at my hands noticing the fiddling before cupping my hands to stop me from fidgeting. "i don't have a reason...i just missed your company."
i blushed as dominic held my hands tightly. "i missed your company too" i admitted softly as i stepped closer to him, closing the distance between us. he smiled as i leaned my forehead against his and looked into his eyes.
he kissed my forehead before walking into a room, dragging me along with him. "so welcome to my humble abode" he said with a chuckle. i laughed as he led me into his room. it was a bit more chaotic than the rest of the house as clothes, shoes, and music equipment were thrown everywhere. i sat on his bed while he sat at his desk, getting his controller. "hold on, i'm gonna exit the game..." he said before putting his headset on, looking like a genuine gamer boy.
i laughed softly at him and pulled out my phone to take a quick photo of the adorable sight ahead of me. it wasn't long before dominic joined me and on the bed and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "so here it is, the bedroom of dominic fike" he said as he grinned at me.
"it's as expected...but it's cute!" i said as i looked around, taking everything in.
"glad you think it's cute" he said with a laugh as he laid back, bringing me back with him. i laughed as we laid down on the bed together, his arm wrapped around my shoulder and his other hand holding mine.
"i liked your new songs" i said as i looked into his eyes.
"thanks baby." i was starting to get used to the pet names and i was starting to love them too. he caressed my cheek with his hand, "i'm glad that you like the songs i make." he added. "you know...i write them all because they're inspired by everything i see in family...and now you."
"me? well i'm honored..." i said with a smile.
he smiled and laughed as he stared into my eyes and played with my hair with his hand. "you should be. with this new album coming out, you're my muse. the main source of my inspiration..." he said with a smile. "most everything i wrote is based off you" he said softly as he leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips.
i kissed him back and pulled away with the biggest smile on my face. "you're serious?"
he nodded as he caressed my face. "of course, i'm serious" he said before leaning in to kiss me again, this time with more passion. our tongues tangled together as we both shared a deep passion together. he kissed my face multiple times before pulling away leaving me breathless and blushing. suddenly, he hopped off of the bed and stood up. i sat up and looked at him. "you know what i want to do?"
"what do you wanna do?" i asked as i looked up at him, he had my full attention.
he started to speak, his tone confident. "i want to go on a vacation, but it'll last like a month and i'll just go all around the fucking world." he said with a nod.
"yeah, but like i won't just sit in one city for a month or something. we'll fly out to a new place and explore every couple of days. or less" he said as he sat back down on the bed. "think you can come with me?"
"i'd love to...i mean, when do you want to go on this super sick yet super tiring vacation?" i asked, wanting to know the details in case he was being serious.
"next week" he said with a shrug. "we can just take off and go...if you want." he said as he looked at me with his big brown eyes.
"are you being deadass?" i asked him with raised eyebrows.
"deadass. i'm serious." he said and nodded. "we'll go all around the world and make memories. just you and me. no one else...are you in?"
"see, that sounds so promising, but planning an entire month trip around the world in under a week? and i just got signed to geffen...and i have to record that new album of mine, and so do you." i said, i wasn't being harsh, just realistic.
a soft sigh escaped his lips as his smile faded slightly. i started to feel like i ruined his excitement about the trip, but he knew i was right.
"yeah, you're right." he said "it's not a good idea to uproot our schedules to travel around the world in a week. there's just...i want to go somewhere with you and just get away from the world." he said softly.
"and we will, just after things have died down?" i said reassuringly.
"yeah, just after things have died down" he echoed back as he smiled and leaned down to kiss me on the lips. i wrapped my arms around him and we deepened the kiss. as we continued to kiss my phone started to ring. we both ignored the ringing of my phone as we continued to kiss each other deeply and passionately. but my phone continued to ring and ring endlessly, until i eventually pulled away from dominic's lips.
i picked up the phone and looked at the phone to see mr. brad's number appearing. i glanced at dominic before giving him the pointer finger and answering leaving the phone on speaker, "hello?"
"hello miss hooks, it's brad with geffen records. i have some news to share with you and i was wondering if you have a spare moment today?" he said into the phone.
i looked awkwardly at dominic before responding. "sure, go right ahead." i said as i moved a bit away from dominic to focus on the ongoing phone call.
"well, i have a proposition from miss snoh." he said with a chuckle. i looked at dominic awkwardly, who stared at me with his big brown eyes. "she wants to be your manager" he continued and my mouth gaped slightly.
"seriously?" i asked in total disbelief.
"seriously, elaine. snoh has expressed her wish to manage you as a client. though she'd want to meet with you as soon possible." he said.
"okay...anytime works for me, i'm pretty flexible." i explained.
"how about today? noon?" he asked calmly through the phone. hearing today at noon was a lot sooner than i had expected, i glanced over at dominic who was nodding for me to say yes.
i smiled softly at him and spoke up. "yes, noon works for me."
"okay, wonderful" said mr. brad. "i just booked you a table at catch la in west hollywood at noon. miss snoh will meet you there. i'll email you the confirmation details shortly. have a nice day." he promptly said before hanging up before i could respond.
"catch la, huh?" dominic said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind me and pulled me close. "not a bad first meeting spot." i sat in his arms for a couple of seconds before suddenly sitting up straight and gasping.
"this is my first time meeting with a potential manager" i said suddenly, nervousness running through my body.
"and you'll do amazing..." dominic reassured me. i sighed and smiled softly as i laid back against him. i took deep breaths as dominic cuddled me from behind and held me close to him.
"i'm so nervous" i said softly to myself, but dominic heard and gently squeezed me.
"everything will be alright" he cooed in my ear. i took more deep breaths and closed my eyes, feeling dominic hold me close as i calmed my shaking hands.
"so you said you moved out of your old place?" i said, trying to distract myself from my growing anxiety.
he nodded from behind me and i felt the movement of his head. "i used to live with my uh at the time girlfriend in this condo" he said.
"girlfriend?" i questioned sarcastically.
i felt dominic laugh from behind me, his chest vibrating against my back. "don't get jealous" he chuckled as he nuzzled his nose into my neck and kissed it.
"do i know her?" i asked as i moved my head, giving him better access.
"you definitely know of probably haven't met her." he said.
"who? hunter?" i asked.
"someone did their homework on me..." he said with a small laugh.
i chuckled as i blushed when he called me out for basically stalking him. "of course. i had to know who i was getting involved with" i said with a laugh. "and plus that relationship was literally everywhere, everyone was talking about it." i said, but i couldn't help but think about how all of the cheating rumors circulated when people saw dominic with another girl. "did...did you cheat on hunter?" i asked quietly. i was genuinely curious and wondering if the rumors were true.
there was a small period of silence where i almost felt like i had overstepped. "no" dominic finally said softly. "i would never cheat on anyone" he said and i felt his breath hit my neck as he spoke. "they all just got me wrong." he said firmly.
"sorry if i overstepped...curiosity got the best of me." i admitted.
he chuckled softly before replying. "nah, it's okay. i'm just getting tired of the rumors..." he said and i could feel his voice vibrate against me. "but after hunter and i broke up...i just had to move out, i didn't want to live with my ex anymore." he paused. "she offered to move out, but honestly i didn't want to live in a place with such strong memories, you know?" he said with a smile.
"yeah, i get it, dom." i responded.
"honestly, after hunter and i broke up i wasn't sure if i ever wanted to date again. and then i saw you, in that your red fuzzy hat. i mean, you were so captivating." a gentle laugh escaped his mouth as the memory came flooding back to him. he paused with a sigh before continuing. "and i didn't even know you. but hearing you shot the lyrics back was something else." he laughed and shook his head. "i mean you and a couple other people were singing along...and that's why i hate preforming at festivals, because people are really just there to post photos." he said whilst rolling his eyes. "but you..." he went on to say as he looked into my eyes. "you stood out from the crowd. and not just because of your red fuzzy hat." he said with a chuckle. "you just seemed so genuine, you know? the way you were singing with everything you had..." he said in his deep voice.
"you just make good music" i said with a shrug.
"yeah, but your passion and dedication to my performance was so inspiring. it's like you truly believed in what you were singing" he whispered before softly kissing my neck.
"like i said, it was a good song, dom." i said as i leaned into him.
a soft laugh escaped his throat. "you're not gonna admit you're a massive fan, huh?" he grinned as he kissed my neck again.
"fine i'm a massive fan, happy?" i said sarcastically.
a small chuckle escaped his mouth as he replied, "of course i'm happy." he stopped planting kisses on my neck and i felt him pull his head away slightly. "and by the way..." he began as i felt my heart start to pound in my chest. "it's 11:20." he said as he pat my shoulder, telling me to get up. i stood up and heard dominic speak again. "you better get going. you have that meeting at noon" he said with a smile as he looked up at me with his beautiful eyes.
i sighed at the thought of having to leave and looked down at him. "thanks for inviting me over" i said with a soft smile.
dominic smiled back at me from the bed as i hovered beside him. "of course. you're always welcome here" he said, his voice soft as he spoke. i stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of him laid on his bed with his hand behind his head. "i'll walk you out" he said as he grabbed some sweatpants and threw them on before walking out of the bedroom. i looked back at the messy room before walking with him to the front door.
dominic opened the front door for me and a rush of cool air hit me. he placed a gentle kiss on my lips as i stood in the open doorway. "have fun at your little meeting, elaine hooks" he said with a grin. "remember, you've got this" he said reassuringly. as i blushed at his pep talk, he quickly grabbed my chin and kissed me again. i kissed him back before making my way through the door and to my audi, i noticed that dominic waited for me to drive away before he closed the door, which i appreciated. i always appreciated the little things that people did.
as i slowly drove away from dominic's house, my mind started racing over the meeting i was having later. i had a lot of mixed emotions - i was both excited yet nervous, curious yet anxious. i tried to take deep breaths as i remembered dominic's words telling me to have fun.
liked by raelynndakat and 238 others
lainehook someone clean this man's room
shayshay oh nah
raelynndakat that's ur job ma'am
⤷ lainehook i'm going on strike
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