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chapter nine
third person's pov
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"I could really use a tough guy like you. The team's a bunch of princes. If you know what I mean." Coach Jenkins, he's the coach of the tourney team at Auradon Prep. He is sitting on the bleachers with Jay as he's trying to talk him into being a part of the tourney team.
"You're telling me. It's all 'after you, old chum' Oh pardon me, did I bump into you? But, where I come from its 'prepare to die, sucker!' As my father says, 'the only way to win' is to make sure everyone else loses!" Jay says standing up with his fist in the air, as the Coach tries to get Jay's attention.
"Jay! Jay, Jay, Jay!" Coach Jenkins says as he grabs Jay's hands.
"You rip..." Jay says.
"Let me explain a team. Uh, it's like a family." Coach Jenkins says to him.
"You do not want to be at my house at dinner time." Jay says as the Coach shakes his head at him as he's miss-understanding the point.
"Okay, okay, um...You know how a body has a lot of different parts? The legs, elbows, ears. But they all need each other. Well, that's what a team is...different players who work together to win. Make any sense?" Coach tells him as he tries to get through Jay, as he knows that it's possible.
"Can I be the first?" Jay asks as Coach nods his head as Jay has a wicked mischievous smile on his face as the Coach hands him his jersey that he will have.
Mal and Evie's dorm
"Yo-ho-ho!" Jay says as he walks through the door with his new jersey on, as he's happy. A little so happy for Josie to take, as she rolls her head back on Mal's bed.
"Hey!" Carlos says happy to see his other friend.
"Okay, turn down your energy level, okay. It's too early." Josie says as Carlos smiles at her as he grabs her hand and gives it a squeeze.
"Did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand?" Jay asks Mal as Josie knows what's going to happen, as she prepares herself by covering her ears.
"Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book? If I hadn't completely struck out." Mal says losing her temper at Jay as Josie can still hear Mal yelling at him.
"Oh, someone's in a bad mood." Carlos mutters under his breath as Mal rolls her eyes, as Josie slowly unplugged her ears.
"My mom's counting on me! I can't let her down!" Mal says before she thumped his head.
"We can do this...if we stick together." Jay says.
"..and we won't go back until we do. Because we're rotten..."
" the core." They all say in unison.
"Oh yeah, I found out that the fairy godmother blesses Ben with the wand at the coronation and we all get to go. I have nothing to wear, of course." Evie randomly says as Josie looks up at her as she's sketching her father's crest. She sees that Mal is looking at her. "What?"
"Hold that thought." Mal says as just then there's a knock on the door that gets everyone's attention. Mal opens the door, and she sees that it's just Ben. Josie looks up from her sketch book to see the prince.
"Hey, Mal. I didn't see you guys today. I was just wondering if you had any questions or need..." Ben says as Mal looks over her shoulder towards her friends as they all shake their heads.
"Not that I know of." Mal says as she turns back towards Ben.
"Okay. All right. Well, uh, if you need anything, just, uh...." Ben says as Mal closed the door as Josie cleared her throat as Mal got the hint as she opened the door.
"Oh, wait! Um, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" Mal asks as Josie rolls her eyes as she could think of a better question.
"Yeah, the whole school goes." Ben says as Josie looks down back at her sketch book and continues drawing.
"Wow. That is beyond exciting. Do you think that it's a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row next to Fairy Godmother, just so we could soak up all that goodness?" Mal says as Josie shakes her head at Mal.
"I wish you could. Up front it's just me, my folks, and my girlfriend." Ben says as Josie raised her eyebrow without looking up at Ben.
"... and your girlfriend?" Mal asks confused as Ben nods his head at her.
"Yeah. I'm sorry." Ben says apologetically to the girl.
"Okay. Thanks, bye." Mal says as she slams the door in Ben's face before she turns back over to her friends, with a small smile on her face. "I think it's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend. And I need my spellbook." Mal says as Josie grabs it and tosses it to Mal.
"Look, it's Mal." A girl says.
"Hi, Mal! Love my hair, Mal!" Went a second girl as Josie was giving them weird looks.
"Are you feeling kind of weird about this? I mean, it's not so bad here, you know." Jay says as Josie gave him a look.
"Are you insane? Long live evil! You're mean! You're awful! You're bad news! Snap out of it!" Josie says to Jay as she snapped her fingers in her face.
"Thanks, JJ. I needed that." Jay says to her.
"Do you think they actually paid for those?" Audrey says as Tiffany rolls her eyes at Audrey.
Jay goes to the railing and talks to some girls. "Oh, hello. The name's Jay. Are you all going to the tourney game, tonight?" He asked the girls.
"Yeah." They say.
"Keep a lookout for number eight, all right? Scoring the winning goal." He says to them as Josie shakes her head as her and Mal are talking about how ridiculous Jay is being.
"Okay." One of the girls say.
"She did it to Jane's hair, too, and Fairy Godmother's not happy about it." Audrey says as it's Tiffany, her, Chad, and Ben. Ben is the only reason why Tiffany is even with him right now and trying not to lose her cool but it's getting very difficult to do so when Audrey is being a bully.
"What's the harm?" Ben asked.
"It's gateway magic! Sure, it starts with the hair. Next thing you know it's the lips and the legs and the clothes and then everybody looks good, and then...where will I be?"
"Wearing a trash bag while being barefoot in the woods where all the animals will think your food and they will eat you. Bit, my bit." Tiffany says which had a petrified look on Chad as Audrey rolled her eyes.
"I'm too good looking to be looking like a servant." Audrey said as she scoffed at Tiffany's remark.
"You may think that you'll marry into royalty because of your 'royalty status', but I hope you find someone who can deal with yourself ego, because you're not being a friend, but a huge, wicked jerk, who no one likes. Princess." Tiffany says standing up as she's had enough of Audrey's nonsense.
"What you going to do about it, go all fairy on me?" Audrey says as she lightly shoved Tiffany as Tiffany grabbed Audrey's arm and twisted it.
"Watch me. I have no problem, making sure that jerks like you go down." Tiffany says as her eyes changed colors from their normal blue color to a dark red color which made Audrey nearly pale herself just by watching it.
"I-I-I gotta go." Audrey says leaving along with Chad of course, who went after Audrey.
Once, Audrey was gone Ben was honestly impressed as he's never seen that side of Tiffany ever as it lowkey scared him, not knowing what she was going to do next. He was proud of her that she stood up to Audrey, and may have twisted her arm, but that was only because Audrey tried shoving Tiffany away. He was proud of her as no one has ever stood up to Audrey like that.
"I'm proud of you, for doing that, Tiff." Ben says to her with a small smile as he watched as her eye color went back to their normal blue.
"Thanks, it was about time for that to happen anyway. Someone had to put Audrey in her place that the way that she's been treating the VKs and everyone else here, like they're scum to her because of her popular status. Someone had to told her who's boss, which is me, clearly." Tiffany says with a little chuckle at that.
"Yeah, to be honest, I was getting sick of her, but I didn't want to say anything to her, and you get the picture." Ben says to her which she nods her head at him.
"Makes sense, well I got to go, Doug wanted me this morning." Tiffany says as she grabbed her backpack.
"See you at the game." He says to her as they did their handshake before she went towards where Doug was.
"Hey, Mal." Ben says to Mal as she turned around Josie had hit her arm.
"I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip do, you want one?" Mal asked as Josie nods her head at Mal.
"Oh, I uh, I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so, so much. Thank you though." Ben says.
"No, yeah. We completely understand. 'Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains." Josie says as Ben shakes his head at her.
"No, no, no." Ben says to the two girls.
"No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that." Mal says.
"No, that's not it. No, no, no, I... I really do..." Ben says.
"No, I get it. You're cautious. That's smart. Oh, well, more for me and Josie, I guess." Mal says as she went to eat one, but Ben took it from her.
"No, no. Hey....see that? Totally trust you. Totally." He says as he took a big bite out of the spelled cookie.
"How are they?" Mal and Josie ask in unison as she rest of the group gets to where Ben, Josie and Mal were.
"They're good. They're great! They're amazing." Ben says as he continues to ramble on about the cookies, as it was starting to get weird for Josie.
"How are you feeling, bro?" Jay asked, as he slung an arm around Ben.
"I feel...I feel...I feel like...Like singing your name. Mal....Mal." Ben says before Josie put a hand over his mouth, so that the whole school doesn't know.
On the field
Josie was with Mal, Evie and Tiffany in the audience as they and everyone else was watching the game. However, Josie felt herself being on edge making sure that Carlos doesn't get hurt too bad. She wasn't entirely paying attention, that was until Ben stole the announcers microphone stand.
Josie didn't know what he was going to do with that microphone.
"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please?" There's something I'd like to say. Give me an M!"
"Give me an 'A'!"
"Give me an 'L'!"
"What does that spell?" Ben asked.
"Give me a beat!!" Ben says as the band starts playing.
"Did I mention. That I'm in love with you? Did I mention, there's nothing I can do. And did I happen to say. I dream of you every day. But let me shout it out loud. If that's okay-ay-ay (Hey!" If that's okay (Hey!) I met this girl that rocked my world. Like it's never been rocked, and now I'm living just for her. And I won't ever stop. I never thought it can happen to a guy like me. But now look at what you've done. You got me down on my knees. Because my love for you is ridiculous. Because my love for you is ridiculous. I never knew (who knew) That it can be like this. My love for you is ridiculous. My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S (R-I-D-C-U-L-O-U-S) It's (RIDICULOUS) Just (RIDICIULOUS) And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss. Well, did I mention. That I'm in love with you. And did I mention. There's nothing I can do. And did I happen to say? I dream of you every day. But let me shout it out. If that's okay-ay-ay (Yeah!" If that's okay. I gotta know which way to go. C'mon gimme a sign You gotta show me that. You're only ever going to be mine. Don't want to go another minute. Even without you. That's if your heart just isn't in it. I don't know what I'd do. Because my love for you is ridiculous. I never knew (who knew). That it can be like this. My love for you is ridiculous. My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (RIDICULOUS!) Just (RIDICULOUS!) And I would give my kingdom. For just one kiss. C'mon now! I love you, Mal!"
You think, you just got done saying it! Josie thought in her head with a small smile.
"Chad's my new boyfriend now! And I'm going to the coronation with him. So, I don't need your pity date." Audrey says before kissing Chad.
"He didn't even ask you." Tiffany remarked making Audrey stop kissing Chad and looking at Tiffany as she got into her face.
"What you going to do about it?" Audrey threatened, as Tiffany had a wicked smile on her face as she stepped on Audrey's foot really hard, making her nearly fall, but Chad caught her, and scurried away with Audrey in his arms.
"Mal! Will you go to the coronation with me?" Ben asked Mal, making Josie smile.
"Yes!" Mal says into the microphone.
"She said yes!" Ben says before Jay came to get Ben.
"Come on, teams waiting for you." Jay says as him and Ben go back to the field.
"I feel very sorry for Audrey." Mal says making Josie look at her, as Tiffany went off somewhere.
"You do?" Evie asked.
"She's a jerk, Mal." Josie reminds as the purple haired girl nods her head at her two best friends.
"Yeah. I feel like if she were talented like you, and she knew how to sew and knew beauty tips, that she wouldn't need a prince to make her feel better about herself." Mal explains as Josie nods her head.
"I guess, I am kind of talented." Evie says.
"You think? Evie you're the most talented person I know." Josie says giving Evie a hug,
"You are definitely talented." Mal says as the two girls hugged Evie.
"Thanks, M and Josie." Evie says.
time skip
After the game which went better than everyone thought, as it's been the first year that Auradon Knights have won in a long time. So, it was good to win on that aspect. Mal was going to the coronation with Ben, Audrey was going with Chad, Tiffany was meeting her parents in Neverland, and Josie was probably going to go without a date.
Josie was doing her homework in her room, when she heard a knock on the door. She looked up and saw Carlos. She was genuinely confused as to why, as the team was meeting up, but Carlos wasn't there.
"Hey, what's up?" Josie says as she takes a bite out of her apple that she got from the kitchen. She's been on an apple kick lately, mainly because they're not rotten and they're fresh.
"I was thinking and wondering if you'd like to go to...the me." Carlos says as he sat on the bed, two feet from Josie.
"Yeah sure. I wasn't really going to go anyway." Josie says with a small smile as Carlos smiled back. He was getting better with girls, but he needed to work on some aspects.
Carlos looked at her, like she grew heads once it hit of what she said. "Wait? Really? You would?" He asked as she nods her head.
"Of course I would! Carlos you're my best friend, in the whole world." Josie says to him as he smiled a bit more at that.
"Okay. That's good to hear." Carlos says before getting up.
"And also...Carlos..." Josie says which made him turn back to her.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"I love you; you know that." Josie says to him which made his heart melt just by hearing those words.
"I love you too, Josie."
hannah speaks!
hope you like this chapter!
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