☠︎︎𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 7☠︎︎
"That's enough of that, we better get inside before it's too late." He says taking one last drag (Y/n) threw it onto the floor and quickly put it out, bending down to pick it up and take it back inside. Eddie followed his lead soon after as the two went back to hiding, the silence took over once more as (Y/n) began to wonder whether anyone had found Chrissy yet. He hated the way they had to leave her as she just seemed to be a sweet yet deeply troubled girl but what more could he have done?
She was already dead and (Y/n) was sure as hell that the cops would just think that they were off their rocks if they explained what had really happened, not to mention the two don't necessarily have the cleanest reputation, not that they had ever been caught but of course people talk. Especially when your father gets busted for abuse and now the whole town is either watching you out of sympathy or out of fear that you might be exactly like him. Everyone becomes aware that your dad taught you how to hotwire a car, how to pickpocket, and how to pick a lock instead of taking you out fishing or to the park.
People grow to fear you and these skills you never wanted but instead needed in order to survive, they go off and warn their kids about you and even use you as an example of what will happen if they 'don't stay in school' like that was what determined the quality of life. They never do explain how life can sometimes hand you a bad deck, in which the odds are unfairly stacked against you, and try as you might you just can't beat them so instead you adapt to it and to their rules in hopes that you can at least outlast the game you were forced to play. No, of course not, because that makes them seem human.
Another sigh left (Y/n)'s mouth as he began to dig deeper into his thoughts after all there wasn't much for the two to do in the empty boat house, at least nothing that can be done without being seen after all they didn't know if Chrissy had been found and if she was then they were already suspect number one, which meant that they would eventually be mentioned by name and then the witch hunt would begin. And people who were once his friend might just end up turning their backs on them, speaking of friends (Y/n) began to wonder what his friends were up to now. Maybe they were all together hanging out or each doing their own thing since it was still pretty early. He would never really be able to know, but that didn't stop him from going through some old and arguably his favorite memories.
The school bell rang as (Y/n) rushed out of his math class and to the cafeteria where his friends were there waiting for him.
"(N/n)! Where the hell were you?" One of his friends asked as he sat down throwing his backpack onto the ground. "Sorry Ms. Churchhill kept going on and on about the homework and then somehow started getting into a story about an ex-boyfriend who didn't do his work and now he's in prison or something. I don't know I tuned her out halfway through." (Y/n) explains as the other nod.
"Anyway, Jasper you got the cassette?" (Y/n) asked and as though Jasper had read his mind beforehand he pulled it up for the others to see. "Led Zeppelin Ⅱ, just released." He says tossing it over to (Y/n) who caught it with ease, a grin on his face as he puts it away in his book bag and pulls out some money.
"You're a lifesaver Jasp and as promised your money." He says handing the money over. "Say, do you guys ever think about what it would be like to be like Zeppelin, as in what it's like to be a band? You know making music and stuff." Sylvia asked tapping her fingers on the table.
"No, not really, but I bet it would be awesome!" (Y/n) answered pulling out his lunch, that Jessica had made for him, it was just a simple sandwich with some juice and a cookie. "(N/n) is right, wouldn't it be awesome if we made a band? We'd get so famous that our worldwide tours would be sold out!" Calvin says already dreaming about the possibility of them ever reaching that dream. This made (Y/n) pause as he began to think a smile on his face.
"Yeah, your guys are right. Why don't we make a band! I already have a guitar, Calvin can be the second guitarist, Jasper can be our bassist and Sylvia be our drummer!" (Y/n) exclaims as the others nod in excitement. "Wait really? You wanna make a band?" Sylvia asked looking over at all the boys.
"Yeah, I mean we don't have to get super famous, we don't even have to be known at all I just think it would be cool to have a place where we can go after school and play music." (Y/n) explains biting into his sandwich. "Well, in that case, I'm in, we can even use my basement I'm sure if I ask my mom wouldn't mind. After all, she does work late." Sylvia adds making the other three even more hyped up.
"Awesome, we each have our role, and a place to practice, now we just need a cool name!" (Y/n) says looking at the group and waiting for some suggestions. "Oh I know, in class, we were learning about a snake called the Adder it's a venomous snake in Europe. What about Adder Agony? Or maybe Corroded Phantoms?!" Jasper shoots spewing out ideas.
"Being named after a venomous snake would be sick! I'm all for Adder Agony if you all are?" (Y/n) asked as everyone else voiced a positive opinion. "All right then Adder Agony it is!"
Later that day the kids all rushed home and met back up at Sylvia's place where she was waiting downstairs.
"All right the first Adder Agony practice is now in session, so the first task at hand, who's gonna be the lead singer?" (Y/n) asked looking between the group, they all turned and pointed to (Y/n), who was shocked, to say the least. "What?! Why me? Jasper was the one who came up with the name!" (Y/n) says raising an eyebrow and looking over at Jasper.
"Because you have a nicer voice and also all of us are friends because of you, you're a natural leader and have a way of bringing people together. So naturally, we are all going to pick you." Jasper explains as (Y/n) signs. "Alright fine, I'll be the lead then. Now then what's a song we all know?" (Y/n) asked as the band got to thinking.
"What about Good Times Bad Times? It was the first song we all listened to together and we all said we'd learn to play it." Slyvia suggests as the rest nod grins on their faces. "All right Slyvia count us in!"
"(N/n)!" Eddie whispered as the male jolted awake, (Y/n) didn't remember falling asleep but considering how late they slept last night it wasn't that big of a surprise that he ended up doing so. Especially since they didn't have a bed and had to settle for hardwood. "Eddie? What's up?" He asked finally getting a good look at his brother who seemed to be mildly concerned.
"I think I heard a car pull up, I think someone's here," Eddie says the urgency in his voice growing as (Y/n) looked down noticing a broken bottle in his hand, his eyes widen as he stands up looking around and spotting a swiss army knife on the table, quickly he snatched it up and ushered Eddie to follow him. Pulling the tarp off of the boat they settled down nearby using the tarp as a cover just as the door was opened.
"Hello? Is anyone home?" A voice called out, most likely a girl, the wood creaking beneath their feet. "What a dump" Another voice add this time it was a guy's the floor continued to creek as (Y/n) looked over at Eddie just barely able to see the other, both of their eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and worry.
Suddenly the two flinched as they heard the sound of the tarp rustling, most likely due to whoever entered messing with it.
"What are you doing?" Another voice asked as the sounds continued. "What are you doing?" They asked again after not getting an answer.
"He might be in here." The deeper voice said, this only agitated the other as they yelled, "So take the tarp off!"
"If you're so brave, then you take the tarp off!" (Y/n) gently grabs the edge of the tarp and slowly lifts it off to leave a small bit of space so that he could see through. Though with how dark it was he could only see a pair or two walking past him making him drop the tarp, he turned back to look at Eddie holding up two fingers, and Eddie nods.
"Hey, look over here." A new voice came in, this one was also a girl, the brothers could hear her shifting through the burger wrappers that were left on the table. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as he stared at Eddie who shrugged. "I got hungry..." He whispered making (Y/n) shake his head.
"Someone was here." They continued joined in by the first voice they had heard. "Maybe they heard us. Got spooked and ran."
"Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar." The other male voice chimed in. "I know you think you're being funny, Henderson." The voice, which they now assumed was Steve's, started going back to hitting the tarps. (Y/n) looked between Eddie and the edge of the tarp contemplating his next move.
"On three, I'll go first, and then you follow." (Y/n) whispered finally making up his mind while Eddie only nods, the two start the small countdown in their head. "But considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don't find it funny in the slight-" Steve was quickly cut off as the room erupted into screams as two figures jumped out from the tarp grabbing Steve. Who began to wrestle against them.
"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!" Steve yells managing to push one of them off, said person fell to the ground with a thud, the Swiss army knife in his hand. While the other pressed Steve against the wall broken beer bottle inching closer to his neck.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Eddie! Eddie! Stop it!" The other male called out, as (Y/n) groaned from the pain of the fall, slowly picking himself up as he glared at the group. His face only softened when he noticed that the group consisted of two kids, no older than 14 maybe 15, and a teen probably 18 years old. "Eddie! Eddie!" The boy yelled, finally gaining the other's attention, Eddie's head whipped around to look at the boy fear evident in his eyes.
"It's me. It's Dustin. This is Steve." The boy, who they now knew as Dustin, explained his hand out reached as he motioned towards Steve who watched in fear his eyes flickering from the bottle to Eddie's face. "He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?" Dustin asked his eyes darting towards (Y/n) for a second as if silently saying that this applied to him as well.
"Right. Yeah." Steve says his voice was quiet almost hushed as if he was afraid that just the sound of his voice would send Eddie off the edge. "Steve, why don't you drop the oar?" Dustin advised and without hesitation, Steve let the oar go, only for it to startle the brothers. Eddie was quick to inch the bottle closer while (Y/n)'s grip on the knife tightened as he took a step closer.
"He's cool! He's cool!" Dustin repeats as Steve groans tilting his head up to avoid the sharp edges. "I'm cool, man. I'm cool." Steve jumps in trying to reassure the others that Dustin's words held some truth to them.
"What are you doing here?" Eddie asked, not taking his eyes off of Steve as his voice began to quiver, the very sound making (Y/n)'s heartache. "We're looking for you! For both of you!" Dustin says adding the last part for clarification.
"We're here to help." The other teen says jumping into the conversation. "Eddie, these are my friends," Dustin adds turning over to the girl who had just spoken.
"You know Robin, from band." The two watched as Robin lifted up her hands pretending to mimic a trumpet, to which (Y/n) looked back at his brother who looked just as confused, but either way, Dustin continued as he motioned over to the other girl. "This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D" Max only gave a quick wave which could barely be seen by any of the boys.
"Eddie. We're on your side." Dustin says taking in the beat of silence before jumping back in, "I swear on my mother! Right, guys?" Dustin asked trying his best to get some form of reassurance from the other.
"Yes. Yes. We swear." Max says quickly nodding her head as Robin also backed her up. "On Dustin's mother." Steve also agreed to it this time tilting his head to the left as he felt the corners start to press against his skin.
There was a long breath of silence before Eddie lets Steve go, who proceeds to slide down onto the floor where Robin and Max rushed over to check on him, Eddie makes his over to the wall pressing his back up against it before sitting down. (Y/n) quickly rushed over to Eddie's side pushing his way past Robin and Max before kneeling down beside him, placing his hand on Eddie's back as Dustin came over to join them as well.
"Eddie. We just wanna talk..." Dustin started slowly reaching his hand over to touch Eddie's, which didn't go unnoticed by (Y/n) whose grip tightened once more inching the knife forward while Eddie flinched on contact almost swatting the hand away. "Okay?" Dustin says quickly retracting his hand after seeing the brother's reaction, making (Y/n) feel bad but not for long as he watched the others creeping closer making him turn to them with the tip of the knife pointed at them.
Dustin was quick to shoot his hand up getting the rest to stop in their tracks, a few seconds pass and (Y/n) lowers the knife as Robin kneeled as well.
"We want to know what happened," Robin says but Eddie shakes his head looking over at them. "You won't believe us," Eddie says with a sniffle as he tries to calm himself down.
"Try us..." Max says after a small beat, Eddie looked over at her pausing for a second before looking at his brother who only shrugged unsure of what to do either. "It's up to you." He mutters his hand rubbing circles into Eddie's back to get him to calm down.
"Her body just, like, lifted into the air and, uh..." Eddie paused for a bit to swallow back the tears as his throat began to tighten his eyes glazed over as he stared off into space recounting the events of the night prior. "And she just, like, hung there. In the air. And her bones... Uh, she..." Eddie closed his eyes shaking his head with a whimper as the picture was still clearly in his head.
"Her bones started to snap. Her eyes, man. It... It was like there was something, like inside her head, pulling." Eddie says his voice cracking as he lifted both hands clasping them together before pulling them apart to emphasize his point. "I... I didn't know what to do... I just laid there on the f-floor. It-It was (Y/n) that stood me up and walked me to the car... We-we ran away..." (Y/n) eyes shifted down at the ground as he tried to hide his guilt behind his hair, his eyes watering as he listened to Eddie's retelling each sentence making him wish that he had done something more, something bigger then maybe Eddie wouldn't be in this mess.
"We left her there," Eddie adds before a break of silence which made him scoff. "You all think we're crazy, right?" He asked hiding his face in his hand.
"No. We don't think you're crazy." Dustin tried to reassure him but Eddie snapped, "Don't bullshit me. Man! I know how this sounds!" Eddie's voice cracked again as he turned to his brother who was already wrapping an arm around his shoulder bringing him in closer as (Y/n) looked back at the group the guilt still in his eyes.
"We're not bullshitting you," Max says getting down next to Dustin as Robin jumps in. "We believe you." Eddie shook his head before resting it on (Y/n)'s shoulder.
"Look, what I'm about to tell both of you might be a little... difficult to take." Dustin starts making the two brothers even more anxious. "You probably could have worded that better but, okay." (Y/n) finally spoke up biting his lip as they waited for Dustin to continue.
"You know how people say Hawkins is... Cursed?" Dustin asked only taking a brief pause as he tried to find the right words to say. "They're not way off. There's another world, a world hidden beneath Hawkins. Sometimes it bleeds into ours." Dustin explains, (Y/n) leans in closer raising an eyebrow as the young boy began to speak about a new world. Hell if it weren't for the fact that they had watched Chrissy die he might not have believed a word Dustin was saying.
"Like ghosts and shit?" Eddie asked furrowing his eyebrows, confused was written all over his face. "There are some things worse than ghosts." Max cuts in with a solemn look as if she managed to relive all those memories in that instant.
"These monsters from this other world... We thought they were gone. But they've come back before and that's why we needed to find you. If they're back again, " The brothers looked at Dustin before looking back at each other and for the first time Eddie could see the fear and worry in his brother's eyes, it scared him. "We need to know." Max finished.
"That night... Did you guys see anything?" This time it was Robin who asked grabbing the pair's attention. "Dark particles, maybe?" Max questioned making Eddie shake his head.
"It would almost look like dust, swirling dust," Dustin added hoping to help the brothers get a picture of what it might look like, (Y/n) also shook his head. "No, man, there was nothing you could see or, uh... or touch," Eddie says.
"Eddie tried to wake her up..." (Y/n) starts bringing the attention back to him. "But it was like she couldn't move."
"It was like she... she was in a trance or something," Eddie adds catching Dustin's attention. "Or under a spell."
"A curse." There was a small beat of silence as the word clicked in Dustin's mind. "Vecna's curse." He says thinking back to the small figurine that Eddie had slammed onto the board during their DnD campaign.
"Who's Vecna?" Steve asked looking between the two, Dustin replied without hesitation, "An indeed creature of great power."
"A spell caster," Eddie adds on before it clicks in (Y/n)'s mind who they were talking about. "A dark wizard." He adds remembering how often Eddi would go off about him while planning his campaign.
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