☠︎︎𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 6☠︎︎
The lights flickered once more pulling (Y/n) out of his thoughts a sigh leaving his mouth as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Alright, this is ridiculous." He says watching as the flashing died down. "Either the bulb is gonna burn out or the damn wiring is messed up." He adds walking over to the door and walking out, he stared at the door ahead of him about to open it before turning his head to the left. Almost doing a double take as he noticed a young girl standing in the middle of the living room, the two stared at each other in silence as (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
"Um... Hi?" (Y/n) says with a small wave, the girl flinched as she fidgeted with the ends of her sleeve only calming down when she noticed who he was. "Hi... I'm guessing your Eddie's brother?" She asked her voice was soft but shaky, making it clear that she was nervous.
"Yeahhh, I'm (Y/n)... I'm sorry could you excuse me for one second." (Y/n) says lifting up a finger as he turned back around and walked towards his brother's room not giving the other a chance to answer.
When he entered the room he could see his brother dashing around his room rummaging through the mess, which he had been told to clean several times by (Y/n), who watched as Eddie continued to shuffle through the mess not even aware of the man standing in the doorway. (Y/n) rolled his eyes as he faked a cough making Eddie whip his head over to him a smile grazing his face.
"Oh! (Y/n) I didn't know you were home! Say, do you remember where I put the K?" Eddie asked before going back to the mess before him. "No, I don't, but I am hoping that you don't plan on taking money for it." (Y/n) says with a raised brow, watching as Eddie turned to him.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Eddie asked tilting his head to the side. "You know what I'm talking about Eddie, that girl in the living, you better not be selling anything to her. I've told you several times no clients in the house." (Y/n) answered as Eddie shook his head and continued his search.
"(N/n) it's just one time, plus it's her first time buying so I thought I'd help her out. You know ease her nerves about getting caught." Eddie explained. "I get that Eddie but that rule is in place for our safety, some people are crazy Eddie and you won't know that until it's too late." (Y/n) explains as Eddie opened up another box finally finding what he had been looking for.
"Oh come on (Y/n), normally I'd say your right but you saw her yourself, she's practically shaking in her shoes. She's not hurting anyone." Eddie stood up walking over to the door, which was still being blocked by (Y/n). "I'm not saying that she is, all I'm saying is that not everyone is like that, deals go wrong and I just don't want you getting hurt." (Y/n) explains stepping aside to let Eddie pass through.
"Found it!" Eddie shouts holding it up for the girl to see, (Y/n) trailed close behind him. "Peaceful bliss, just moments away." He adds with a smile, though as Eddie drew closer he noticed that she had been awfully quiet.
"Chrissy?" He asked walking closer but still getting no answer. "Chrissy?" Eddie asked once more but this time he held out his hand waving it in front of her as if that would snap her back to reality when that had failed he continued to call out her name.
"Um, Eddie I don't think that's working." His brother says as even he began to grow a bit concerned. Eddie turned to look at him letting out a sigh as he turned back to the girl this time snapping his fingers. "Hey, Chrissy." He called out once more but this time the lights around them began to flicker making both of them share a look of confusion as even the lamps that were plugged into the outlets began to flicker. By now their concern had mixed itself in with fear as Eddie began clapping in front of her face.
"Time to wake up! Hello? Can you hear me?!" Eddie asked grabbing her by the shoulder and shaking her gently. "Wake up, Chrissy. Chrissy, wake up! I don't like this, Chrissy! Wake up!" He continued to yell as an idea popped into (Y/n)'s head.
"Water! Eddie, keep going, I'll get the water!" (Y/n) says turning back and jogging over to the kitchen filling up a glass of water, as Eddie continued to call Chrissy's name. But soon Eddie noticed that Chrissy was growing in height making Eddie look down only to realize that she wasn't growing she was floating, the shock caught him off guard as he stumbled back. "Eddie, did she snap ba-" (Y/n) started upon hearing Eddie go silent, looking up to his right his eyes widened as Chrissy's body hit the ceiling the loud bang making him drop the cup which shattered into pieces all around him. As much as (Y/n) wanted to look away his eyes stayed glued to Chrissy as her body began to twist into itself her bones making loud cracks before her eyes were sucked into their sockets.
(Y/n) remained paralyzed till a scream pierced his ears bringing him back to reality, quickly he ran out of the kitchen and grabbed Eddie helping him back up to his feet, his hand moving to cover Eddie's eyes as he wrapped the other arm around Eddie's waist leading him out of the trailer and into the passenger seat.
"Give me the keys Eddie." (Y/n) says holding out his hand and taking a quick peek back at the trailer. "B-but what about Chrissy? We can't just leave her there!" Eddie says his voice cracked as his lips began to quiver, (Y/n) could tell he was trying not to cry.
"Eddie we don't have a choice! You think the police are gonna believe us?! I need the keys Eddie... I-I need you to trust me, okay?" (Y/n) asked earning a weak nod from Eddie who handed over the keys with a shaky hand. Once they were in his palm (Y/n) ran over to the driver's side and hopped in placing the keys into the ignition, turning the key he quickly drove off checking the mirrors every so often.
The drive to Rick's house was silent, mostly because the adrenaline had finally died down, leaving Eddie absolutely exhausted, at first he refused to sleep after (Y/n) had suggested it but eventually his body betrayed him and he knocked out. (Y/n) pulled up to the boat house and turned off the ignition before stepping out of the car, quickly he walked over to the passenger side and opened the door.
"Eddie, Eddie, come on. We're here." (Y/n) says crouching down as he gently shook him wake. "Huh? W-where are we?" Eddie asked looking around in a small panic.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay Eddie, we're at Rick's." (Y/n) explains, moving his hand to dig into his pocket. "The place is empty, so I want you to inside and stay put alright" (Y/n) adds pulling out a pair of keys and handing them to Eddie. The other looked down at the confused before his eyes locked on (Y/n) who made his way back to the driver's seat.
"Wa-wait, I'm going in by myself? Where are you going?" Eddie asked in a frantic voice. "I'm not going to take long Eddie, I just have to hide the van. Not a lot of people come here but we can't risk it. I'll be quick I promise." (Y/n) answered lifting his hand to run his fingers through Eddie's hair a soft smile on his face, Eddie hesitated for a bit before finally stepping out closing the door behind him. (Y/n) watched him enter the house through the mirror before driving away wanting to be sure his brother had made it inside, even if it was only a few feet away.
It only took him a few minutes to find a place to stash the van the problem was walking back to the house. Normally (Y/n) wouldn't have a problem with it but after the long night, he had he was practically jogging the whole way back while constantly looking over his shoulder. Eventually, the house came into view, and (Y/n) rushed over to the door, but when he turned the knob the door wouldn't budge, (Y/n) was ready to panic but quickly calmed himself down as he remembered that Eddie had walked in the direction of the boat house rather than the front door. So he quickly turned around and walked into the boat house.
"Eddie?" He whispered, feeling his way around the darkness for a light switch, the light of the moon could only do so much. "Ozzy? Are you here?" He asked once more this time raising his voice just a little bit, again there was no answer making (Y/n) anxious as the fear began to rise again. He really didn't want to think of the worse to think that whatever had gotten Chrissy had probably gotten his brother as well, he could already feel the tears welling up at the thought of it his breathing began to pick up as the continued to look. Suddenly he saw it, a mop of black hair poking out from behind the boat.
(Y/n) let out a sigh of relief as he walked over crouching down in front of him the smile finally returning to his face. Eddie appeared to be dead asleep having been too tired to wait up for his brother any longer than he already had been. (Y/n) lifted a hand to brush away some stray hairs as the tears began to flow, 20 years, it had been 20 years since Eddie was born and for 20 years (Y/n) had tried his best to be a good brother.
The year passed and then towards the end of August Wayne received a call, it was from Jessica, who Wayne could barely understand as she was speaking so fast. At first, Wayne panicked thinking that his brother might have done something to get Jessica in such a frantic state, but eventually, she called down and was able to speak properly. Jessica was pregnant, her and John would be having their first kid together, Wayne couldn't believe it as a mix of emotions washed over him. He was happy and excited but at the same time he remembered (Y/n), the very boy who was staying in his home because of John, what if the same mistreatment was to befall the new baby? Or did John just not want (Y/n) and found it easier to mistreat him? How would (Y/n) take the news or better yet could the young boy handle seeing his father so loving and gentle to a child that wasn't him? These were all thoughts that Wayne was forced to push away as he congratulated her, the two spent some more time on the phone before eventually, he hung up.
By now (Y/n) was sitting on the couch in front of the tv, he was watching Tom and Jerry, Wayne never really understood the appeal till (Y/n) moved in. He was still weary of the violence in their cat-and-mouse chase but Jessica had assured him it was fine so eventually it became a daily routine for the two to sit down and watch the show together. It seemed to be (Y/n)'s favorite and if it kept the boy entertained Wayne definitely wouldn't complain, he liked taking care of his nephew but boy did he need a break at least once a week.
Sitting down on the couch beside him, (Y/n) looked over with newfound curiosity, the boy didn't need to speak because Wayne already knew what he was thinking.
"That was Jessica, she... Um, well she's having a baby." There was silence after that as (Y/n) began to process the information, he remembered one of his friends telling him the exact same thing last week after not being present the day before, and as if a light bulb had been lit over his head he suddenly was overcome by joy. "I'm gonna be a brother?" He asked standing up on the couch and looking down at Wayne who nods, a smile spreading on his face at the other's reaction.
"I'm gonna be a brother! I'm gonna be a brother!" He shouts jumping down to the ground, a small thud could be heard when his feet touch the ground. "When can we see them?" He asked, looking at Wayne with hopeful eyes.
"Probably somewhere in September," Wayne says, laughing a bit when (Y/n)'s expression deflates. "But that's so far!" He complains with a small pout, but Wayne kneeled down in front of him reassuring him that the less he thought about it the faster time would fly.
And it did, it wasn't long till May arrived, and on the 3rd, Jessica called Wayne again. She was in labor and John was still at work, in a quick minute Wayne was rushing around preparing both him and (Y/n) to go get her. The car ride was practically a blur as they arrived at the house, quickly Wayne left the car and went inside, eventually, he came back out with Jessica and they took off again.
It had been a hectic time but eventually, they had reached the hospital and Jessica had successfully given birth. John had also managed to get out of work in time to be there for Jessica but he wasn't all too happy to see that Wayne had brought (Y/n).
"And why is he here?" John asked, which would have stunned Wayne if he didn't know his brother so well. "He's here to see his brother and he has every right to, I don't know what you have against that kid but he has done nothing wrong. (Y/n) is your son as well or did you forget that after (M/n) passed?!" Wayne asked but his voice was growing louder with each word, he was pissed and so was John, an unhealthy combination and everyone's worse nightmare.
"Don't you dare mention that Bitch's name around me!" John shouts back prompting them to argue back and forth before John became physical, so much so that security had to come and pull the two apart. All while (Y/n) stayed inside with Jessica, watching her as she cradled his brother, Jessica was aware of the fight. She could hear it through her door and so could (Y/n), but there wasn't much for her to do, so she opted to try and distract (Y/n). "Say (Y/n), I haven't really picked out a name for the baby yet. I don't suppose you would like to name him?" She asked her smile widening as she watched (Y/n)'s eyes light up as he gave a big nod, which would make anyone wonder how the poor kid didn't give himself whiplash. Time stood still for (Y/n) as he began to wreck his brain for some names.
"Oh, Edward! Like Eddie Cochran!" The boy shouts, Jessica smiled as she raised an eyebrow. "Eddie Cochran? And how do you know about him?" She asked, though she already assumed that it might have been Wayne that showed him the man's music.
"Uncle Wayne showed me! He had this really cool guitar and would play on tv!" (Y/n) says his eyes lit up as he moved his hands to make it look like he was holding a guitar. "Ah, well then I think Edward is a lovely name," Jessica says just as Wayne came back into the room.
"Ah, Wayne, where is John?" She asked as Wayne shook his head with a sigh. "They're keeping him busy till me and (Y/n) leave. So go on now (Y/n) and say goodbye to Jessica and your brother." Wayne says placing his hand on the boy's shoulder, who nods and walks over to the hospital bed.
"Bye, bye, Jessica. Bye, bye, Edward. I can't wait for you guys to get out." He says with a smile as Jessica waves goodbye to him as well, watching as he rushes back to Wayne's side. "Alright, goodbye Jessica, and congratulations. We'll keep in touch once you're out of the hospital." Wayne then leads (Y/n) back out the door and to the hospital's exit, they walked around till they found the car with Wayne making sure to fasten (Y/n)'s seatbelt before getting in himself.
"Uncle Wayne." (Y/n) called out from the backseat as they started pulling out of the parking lot, Wayne hummed in response looking at the boy through the rearview mirror. "Do you think I'm gonna be a good brother?" He asked, which made Wayne smile a chuckle escaping his lips.
"(Y/n) I think, no I know, you're gonna be a fantastic brother. Now how about we stop for some ice cream before heading home?" (Y/n) threw his hands up in the air with a huge smile as he chanted 'Ice cream'.
(Y/n) let out a long sigh as he sat down next to Eddie quickly wiping the tears from his eyes before staring up at the ceiling.
"Shit, I don't know what to do, I really don't know what to do." He mutters his hands moving to cover his face before slowly making their way to his hair which he grips slightly tugging it wanting to relive some of his frustrations, the tears he had wiped away began to build up once more blurring his vision. "Please, please, if you're watching just help us. Or at the very least Eddie, I just want to know that you're here and that everything is going to turn out okay." (Y/n) begged and was met with the usual silence, which normally wouldn't bother him but today it felt deadly like he was just waiting for something to snap.
"I'm scared Mom, and Eddie is too, I don't know how long we're going to be here but I'm scared that it won't be for long." He starts taking a quick glance at Eddie and then back at the ceiling. "It's not fair, there gonna find her and we might get in trouble, I couldn't give two shits if they take me but Eddie doesn't deserve it." He finished once again met with a long silence causing him to sigh.
'Maybe I should just get some rest." He thought to himself as he tried to get comfortable. "Night, Mom. Night, Jessica." He says before moving his gaze to Eddie.
"Goodnight, Eddie." And with that (Y/n) closed his eyes and finally let sleep take over.
The next morning (Y/n) woke up with a groan, feeling the pain that crept up his back from sleeping against the boat, standing up he rolled his neck trying his best to ease the pain. Looking around he noticed that Eddie had still been asleep and so he quietly made his way outside of the boat house to get some fresh air, pulling the door open his eyes were immediately blinded by the bright light that came from the sun making (Y/n) throw his hands up to shield himself from the sun.
Eventually, when (Y/n)'s eyes adjusted to the light he dropped his arms and instead went fishing into the pocket of his leather jacket pulling out a box of cigarettes and a lighter. Quickly he grabbed one out of the box, making sure to put the rest back in his jacket before lighting it. Placing it to his lips he took a drag letting his worries melt away as the nicotine hit his brain easing all his nerves. The place was quiet as usually nothing but the birds chirping their morning song, which was a nice contrast to the traumatic event they had just experienced, for once it felt peaceful, especially with the way the sun reflected off of the water giving it a lovely shimmer.
"Can I have one?" A voice asked catching (Y/n) off guard as he could feel himself tensing up before he turned to realize it was only Eddie. "Jesus Christ, Ozzy, don't sneak up on me like that." (Y/n) says reaching back into the pocket to grab another cigarette and handing it to Eddie before lighting it up for him.
"Hehe, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Eddie apologized as he took the cigarette from the other and took a puff turning around to look out into the water. "It's a nice view." He says seemingly trying to find anything to talk about that wasn't related to last night, (Y/n) nods.
"Sure is, but we better hurry up and finish, I don't know what time it is but judging by the sun I'd say it's close enough. They'll start coming out here soon and we have to be inside when it happens." (Y/n) explained his mind racing as he was already thinking up an escape route in case they were caught. "Right," Eddie mutters as the two fall silent again and he hated it, he always had because in the silence there was just a screaming match waiting to happen, or at least there used to be but I guess if that was all you experienced in your most formative years then naturally even after being taken out of that situation you were still use to it.
It was probably the reason why Eddie found it so hard to stop talking, if he kept going then others would struggle to keep up and if they struggled to keep up then that meant they couldn't process their emotions for too long which then saved him from ever having to hear someone yell again.
"Do... Do you remember when it all started?" Eddie asked looking over at his brother who raised an eyebrow as if asking Eddie to explain what he had meant. "You know..." Eddie paused as if scanning his brain for the correct words.
"With what happened with... Dad." (Y/n) stared back at him before glancing back at the water, his hand began to shake as he took another drag hoping to hide the tears as a product of the smoke. "Of course I do. It's not remembering that is the hardest," He answered now looking at the ground, his hair falling to form a curtain around his face preventing Eddie from seeing his face.
(Y/n) stood still looking at the cold slab of stone that stood in front of him, tears rolling down his eyes as he laid to rest the flowers that were in his hands. Jessica's name, birthday, and death date were engraved into it with a sickening sweet quote at the bottom. (Y/n) refused to read it and instead chose to place his focus on the ground. This scene seemed all too familiar, especially the footsteps that followed afterward.
"Alright, you said goodbye now let's get a move on." His father says growing irritated when the young teen didn't move. "Hey, brat! Did you not hear me? I said let's go." He shouts this time grabbing (Y/n) harshly by the wrist forcing him to look at him.
"I gave you your time now get your ass in the car, I am not gonna ask you again!" (Y/n) glared up at him as he tried to hold back his cries, he rips his wrist away from the other and stormed back over to the car getting in the seat next to Eddie's. The four-year-old looked over at him and then at their dad who got into the car shortly after his brother did.
Life was never the same after that day as their father became obsessed with booze and drugs. Often coming home late at night to scream at the boys, just like tonight. (Y/n) was in the living room watching tv with Eddie, he heard a car screeching to a halt. Quickly he turned off the tv and stood up looking over at Eddie.
"Alright Eddie, it's time to play hide and seek. You already know the rules, yeah? You go hide and I'll go find you. But remember you can't come out under any circumstances." (Y/n) says, Eddie nods and the innocent smile on his face was enough to break (Y/n), but he remains strong as he pretends to look away letting Eddie run off to hide. He always knew where Eddie went off to hide, it was the attic, Eddie always picked that spot because it was high up, and since it took (Y/n) so long to find him every time he thought he was being smart.
The door to the house swung open as (Y/n) turned around to look over his father who stumbled in slamming the door shut.
"Where the fuuuck is my food!" His father shouts stumbling into the living and spotting the oldest of his two kids. "You. Didn't I tell yooou that I wanted that rat's nest off your head, you look just about ready to house a bunch of birds in your hair! Now where the hell is my food?" His father asked again as (Y/n) glares at him.
"I don't give a shit what you think it's my hair and you're not getting any food unless you make it yourself." (Y/n) replies as he turns to leave, but his father grips his arm tightly, digging his fingers into the boy's skin pulling him close to his face. "Wha the hell did you just say to me, boy!" His father shouts as (Y/n) winces at the tight grasp and the smell of alcohol that spewed out of the man's mouth.
"I said do it yourself! Now let me go!" (Y/n) shouts trying to get out of the man's grasp but the hand only tightens. "Who do you think you are you ungrateful brat?! I paid that bitch to take care of you and she goes and dies, the only reason I still let you live here was 'cause of Jessica, and now she's gone! Don't forget that cause I can easily throw you out if I chose to. So make yourself use full and make me some food!" His voice grew louder, and (Y/n) began to worry that Eddie might have heard it, but that should have been the least of his worries as his father shoved him to the wall making him wince in pain once again.
"Go on now! I let you go!" he shouts but (Y/n) doesn't move and John gets impatient, he storms over and pushes the boy to the floor kicking him in the stomach. "Stupid piece of shit! I told you to go make me my damn food, are you even good for anything?! I work my ass off for money and you can't even make me my damn food!" By now (Y/n) was crying silently as he clutched his stomach trying his best to get up.
"Ah, soooo now your crying! Now you can't take it, can you? I always knew that bitch raised you to be a pussy! She kept you inside didn't she, never let you play with anything too 'dangerous' well now look at ya, can't even take a beating!" His voice grew louder but this time he was laughing. "Well guess what you have plenty of time to learn now!" He shouts picking (Y/n) back up and slamming him into the wall, a twisted smile rested on his face almost as if seeing the boy in pain brought him some satisfaction, and it terrified (Y/n) his father had always screamed at him but this was the first time he had actually gotten physical and it terrified him.
"Now let's see how much you can really han-" His father started but was stopped by a book that hit his leg, he let go of (Y/n) who was quick to slide to the floor his breathing was heavy as he looked over with wide eyes to see Eddie standing in the hallway. "Stop it! Don't hurt (N/n)!" He yelled glaring at his father who crouched down to his level.
"Eddie! Don't!" (Y/n) shouts as he tried to scramble back onto his feet, but his father looked between them and chuckled. "Oh well look at that, the little one wants to be the hero, don't he? Well, I show you what a hero gets." His father says standing back up and pulling out his belt folding it in half and raising his hand. In one smooth motion he brought the belt down, Eddie winced but never felt the pain, when he opened his eyes (Y/n) was there his eyes squeezed shut as his back was turned toward their father. Tears slipped out of both their eyes, (Y/n) turned back around and looked at the man in the eyes.
"You can hurt me all you want I don't give two shits, but you are never putting a hand on Eddie, I swear if you do I will kill you!" (Y/n) shouts startling Eddie as he had never seen his brother so mad, the tears flowed faster when his father started yelling back. "You think you can tell me what to do, this is my house I do what I want!" He hits (Y/n) again, and this time Eddie runs away into his room sobbing. While (Y/n) stays outside.
After a while their father had gotten bored and left once again, (Y/n) lays there on the floor clutching his stomach as the tears kept flowing. The door to Eddie's room creaks open as the young boy pokes his tear-stained face out of the doorway before waddling over to (Y/n).
"(Y/n)?" He whimpered as the other looked up at him, a forced smile on his face. "Hey it's, okay bud, he's gone. I won't ever let him hurt you." He croaked as his throat hurt, slowly he got onto his knees and stood up. When he had managed to do so he grabbed Eddie's hand.
"Come on, you can sleep in my room tonight." He adds as Eddie nods.
Early the next morning (Y/n) gets up and unlocks the door to his room, he heads for the bathroom and looks at the mirror. The tear stains were still on his face so he splashed his face with water, then slowly lifted up his shirt wincing at the ugly bruise that had formed. His hand hovered over it before accidentally grazing it which almost made him yelp in pain but he kept it in. With a heavy sigh, he let his shirt fall back into place, it was time for school anyway.
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