☠︎︎𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 4☠︎︎
"Alright, I'm off to work now, I'll see you in the morning," Wayne says making his way out to the door, (Y/n) was seated on the couch flicking through the channels on the TV, before looking up.
"Alright then, be careful." (Y/n) says smiling at the older man, who nods before leaving, (Y/n) continued to flick through the channels once more.
After a while, he let out a long sigh throwing his head back and staring at the ceiling.
"Nothing good on TV." He mutters as he stands up, shutting off the television and tossing the remote onto the couch, (Y/n) stands there for a bit before stretching hearing the satisfying pop as he straightens himself back up.
"Guess I'll just go to my room then..." (Y/n) says as he moved past the kitchen and into his room.
Upon entering his room, (Y/n) closed the door leaning against it, his eyes wandering around the room before landing on a stuffed animal that sat on the shelf. A smile grazed (Y/n) face as he walked over and picked it up, the animal was of a bear and was soft to the touch, a (F/c) ribbon was tied around its neck in a nice bow.
Taking a look at the ribbon his smile faltered, his hand reaching to feel the fabric. (Y/n) remembered the ribbon it was the same ribbon his mother always wore in her hair, the only time she had taken it off was to place it onto this bear because she wanted (Y/n) to have a piece of her while she was still in the hospital. Somedays (Y/n) looked back on the memory thinking it had been a sign, it was his mother's way of saying that she couldn't go on anymore.
His mother never did make it out of the hospital and (Y/n) remembers curling up into a ball on his bed holding the stuffed bear for a couple of days after the announcement was made, it haunted him because it marked the start of a dim future.
The lights began to flicker pulling (Y/n) out of his thoughts as he looked around before rolling his eyes.
"Seriously? Don't tell me the light bulbs already gonna give out." He mutters to himself, just before the lights went back to normal. "Note to self, check if we have new light bulbs." (Y/n) adds placing the bear back on the shelf, turning back around he walked over to the rack which was filled with cassettes, looking through them his eyes fell on one by Julio Iglesias.
It wasn't one that matched his taste in music but it was one that Jasper had shown him, at first it didn't appeal to (Y/n) as much because he couldn't understand the words being said, but after Jasper had roughly translated it he couldn't help but remember his mothers. It had been 22 years since his mother died and only 16 since Jessica had passed.
Quickly he popped the cassette in and pressed play, the sound of a guitar and the drums filled the room, and (Y/n) walked back over to the bed, laying down closing his eyes.
Unos que nacen otros morirán
The gray clouds rolled over the sun as the rain began to pour down, a young boy could be seen in a black suit as the tears rolled down his face, the grave in front of him was newly made as seen by the lack of grass which covered every other. The boy stood there quickly wiping his tears as he heard the footsteps approach him, a gentle hand rested on his shoulder as he turned around to face the woman while his gaze went over to the man, then eventually made its way back to the ground. The woman began to speak but the boy heard none of it as he focused on his shoes, the mud from the ground started to paint the sides hiding the dull black color.
"(Y/n), she asked you a question, now answer it." The man commanded as (Y/n)'s looked back up his eyebrows knitted in confusion, the woman let out a sigh shaking her head. "John, please, be gentle with the poor boy. Today was a lot for him to handle, there is no need to use such a heavy tone." She glances at him before turning back to (Y/n) and bending down to his height, her dark brown eyes staring into his (e/c) eyes bringing him a sense of comfort that he missed so greatly.
"It's about time we start to head out, so I'm gonna need you to say goodbye for today, but if you are up for it we can take you out for a bit of ice cream. Your father says it's your favorite, so would you like to do that?" She asked again but only received a mere shrug, to which John was not satisfied as he frowned his brows. "Hey! Don't be disrespectful, Jessica asked you a question. It's either a yes or a no, are you in the mood or not?!" John shouts, causing the boy to flinch, gluing his eyes back onto the ground feeling smaller than before. Jessica quickly stood up and turned to look at John with a scowl, revolted at the fact that he had no sympathy for his child.
"John, what is wrong with you!? He is only eight, do you think today is any easier than those in the past week? We need to be patient, he might still be processing everything." She scolded him, only for him to roll his eyes with a scoff. "He can cry all he wants, but he has to learn that it doesn't mean he can just drop all respect, if I don't show him that now he'll grow up to be a rotten brat. That woman was always too soft on him, I mean look at his hair, it's a bird's nest! I would tolerate it more if he had an ounce of respect in him!" The man yells tears start to well up in the boy's eyes but he fights them back not wanting to get into any more trouble with the man, while Jessica stands there with a shocked expression which quickly changes to anger as she grabs (Y/n) hand.
"Sometimes I can't believe you, John, honestly!" She shouts as she walks away, pulling the young boy with her. "Aye! Where the hell are you even going?!" He asked, trying to gain her attention again.
"Away from you! Come on now (Y/n), it's alright, well go get you some sweets. Anything you want on me." She adds after turning away from John, the boy only looked at the ground almost as if he hoped it would swallow him up, Jessica only frowned at the silence but chose not to push any further as the two walked away from the man.
Eventually, the two made it to the ice cream shop, Jessica ordered while (Y/n) stared out the window his hand resting on his cheek watching the people on the other side of the glass. As the people walked by (Y/n) couldn't help but notice all the things that made them different, some were smiling, others seemed mad, and very few looked sad.
Unos que ríen otros lloraran
Furthermore, some people walked alone, others in groups, and there were pairs too. Though the one thing that made it worse was the children who passed by, especially the ones who passed by holding their mother or father's hand, it was cruel and unfair. Why were they allowed to be happy, when just moments ago he had been sobbing his eyes out, why couldn't his father be like the others who would drop everything and anything for their children?
Aguas sin causes ríos sin mar
The fathers who took their kids out to the park or out fishing like his friends had told him so many times, hell he would even settle for a father who would have at least visited him, a father who even if he didn't find his hobbies interesting would still smile and nod as if he did. But unfortunately for him, those moments were just stories, fairy tales even, that his friends had made up or at least they felt made up due to his lack of experience.
Penas y glorias guerras y paz
Suddenly the sound of the glass resting on the table made him flinch as he turned back to the front, Jessica looked down at him with a warm smile pushing the glass over to him which was piled with his favorite ice cream, the spoon sticking out to the side.
Siempre hay por quien vivir y a quien amar
"There you go one (F/f) sundae and one for me." Jessica smiles grabbing a hold of her spoon and looking over at the young boy who could only mutter a small thank you, her smile faded as she let out a small sigh.
Siempre hay por que vivir por que luchar
The poor boy had been through a lot these past few months, she understood that much after all he had just lost his mother, and John hadn't been any help but then again when had he ever been? So with a heavy heart, Jessica decided she wouldn't question the boy any further and let him enjoy the cold treat, maybe even just for a second, the boy could feel normal like he had months prior. After a while of eating in silence (Y/n) dragged the spoon across the bottom of the glass playing with whatever ice cream had melted, his frown laid there on his face undisturbed.
Al final las obras quedan las gentes se van
"Why can't I stay with Uncle Wayne?" The boy asked, looking back up from the glass with a small sigh. "Well, it's because your father is the one who is responsible for taking care of you," Jessica answers after giving it some thought, but this only made (Y/n) frown as he glared back at the glass letting out a huff.
"But he doesn't even want to." The (H/c) mutters under his breath pushing the glass away and crossing his arms pushing them against his chest as he sinks into the chair, Jessica shook her head trying to put on a comforting smile. "Of course, he does (Y/n), it's just that, times are tough for the both of you. Of course, this doesn't excuse his behavior, I don't ever want you to think that it could be justified and I will have a talk with him I promise..." She starts, pushing her glass off to the side, her hands now resting on her lap. It was something that (Y/n) had always noticed, the way Jessica carried herself was very different from his father.
Otros que vienen las continuaran la vida sigue igual
Jessica always sat up straight with her head held high, arms at her side or on her lap, she gave off this warm and friendly aura that made it seem as though everything was going to be alright even when everything was the opposite. Not only that but she always carried herself with such elegance it was hard to believe that she wasn't someone of noble status making it no surprise that she was one of the most respected women in Hawkins, after all, she was deemed to be a very hard worker in the little hair salon that was just a short drive away from his father's house.
Pocos amigos que son de verdad
After all, that is how they meet, or at least that's what (Y/n) was told because he couldn't imagine that his father had actually managed to meet let alone catch Jessica's attention. Not with all the other men in Hawkins, who no doubt also had their eyes set on Jessica, making it the biggest shock when the couple announced their engagement a few years back.
Cuanto te halagan si triunfando estas
"No, because every time he came to the house he would always tell me that I should be grateful for the money. That the only reason he was still around was because Mama wouldn't stop being a pest about it. That I couldn't be a spoiled brat because he would leave me and Mama on the streets." (Y/n) mutters looking down at the table, his eyes welling up with tears.
Y si fracasas bien comprenderás
As he tugged on the bottom of his black coat trying to distract himself from all the negative thoughts, especially the ones about his mother, which his father had always been verbal about since the day he was born.
Los buenos quedan los demás se van
The things his father had said were ones that no child should ever hear especially not about his mother, to him his mother was nothing but the best because no matter how busy she got she was always there when (Y/n) needed her, so to hear how his father viewed her did nothing but upset him so much that he just wished his father would disappear so that uncle Wayne could take him home.
Siempre hay por quien vivir por quien amar
Jessica sat there for a moment trying to choose her words carefully, after all, what do you say to a child who knows very well that their father doesn't care for them? She can't just keep denying it and act as if they can all be just one big happy family, Lord knows if it wasn't for her John would have already left the boy with his uncle or worse in an orphanage.
Siempre hay por que vivir por que luchar
"Umm, well... I'll be sure to talk to him then, I promise you that we will make this all work out. We all just need some time to adjust to this new situation." Finally, she spoke, hoping her answer would satisfy the boy if not at least it would stall him for a bit.
Al final las obras quedan las gentes se van
Eventually, the two went back to John's house, to which (Y/n) stuff had already been moved into the spare bedroom.
"Alright, and your bedroom is going to be right down the hall right across from our's so don't be afraid to pop in if you need anything," Jessica explains pointing down the hall as John rolls his eyes taking the lighter up to his lips where his cigar was. (Y/n) nods looking at the ground and speed walking to the room, it didn't look much different from his old room the only real difference was that the walls were now (R/c) instead of (F/c), and a few things were positioned differently but that wouldn't bug the boy too much.
Otras que vienen las continuaran
A few hours later there was a sicking silence as the sun began to set his father was in the living watching Tv and Jessica was cleaning the dishes from tonight's dinner, which hadn't gone so well after (Y/n) had accidentally dropped his glass of water causing John to explode. The boy was now in his room his eyes red from crying as he let out a few sniffles, wiping his nose on the back of his hand, his ears now on high alert for anyone who might come by. But no one ever did instead that silence was broken through by two voices, Jessica and John, who now seemed to be having a screaming match as they bickered on about tonight.
"He is a child John! A child! What did you expect him to do?!" She yelled glaring at her husband who didn't even seem to feel any remorse for what he had done. "I don't care, he could be an old man for all I care, I did not allow you to bring him here just so that he can make a mess of my house!" John yelled back, lighting yet another cigar and taking a quick puff.
"John that is your son right there! I shouldn't have to obligate you to care about him! You do realize that he knows just how much he is unwanted by you?!" Her voice grew louder almost as if they had forgotten that he was just down the hall. "Good! I told you not to bring him around here! Didn't I?! I made it very clear that I didn't want shit with him! We could have passed him onto Wayne, the little shit likes him better anyway, it would have saved me this headache!" John walks back over to the couch and takes a seat rubbing his temples with his right-hand cigar in the left.
"Right... Well, I hope you enjoy sleeping on the couch." She states as she turns on her heels and heads back to the room slamming the door shut just as John arrived. "Jessica! Jessica! Open the goddamn door right now!" He demands twisting the handle, once he saw that it was locked he quickly changed to banging on the door.
"Jessica! You better open this door right now or I'm gonna break it open! This is my house!" The screaming continued till eventually, John had given up, but not before stumbling into (Y/n) room and pointing his finger at him. "You see, you see the kind of trouble you put me through?! Be grateful I can't throw you out of here, and it's gonna be like this every night if you don't get your act together got it?!" The man screamed, (Y/n) quivered in fear as tears blurred his vision, the boy was practically too afraid to speak but John wasn't taking his lack of response lightly and so he slammed his hand on the door creating a big bang making the other flinch.
"I said got it?!" By now (Y/n) was nodding rapidly wanting his father to just stop, fortunately, he was satisfied and slammed the door shut heading back over to the couch. The silence crept back in as the boy tried to calm his sobs, laying down on his pillow he brought up his blanket and turned away from the door. He hated his new life but there wasn't much he could do, he would just have to learn to live with half a family.
La vida sigue igual
(Y/n) opened his eyes as he bit his lip to hold back a sob, standing back up he heads over and takes out the cassette placing it back in its proper spot. (Y/n) let out a small sigh as he wiped the tears from his eyes clearing up his vision.
It may have been 22 years but (Y/n) still missed his mother all the same, he was just glad to have had Jessica in his life, even if it was just for a short time. Looking around the room he tried to find something to distract him because when he thought about his mother he thought about Jessica and when he thought about her it always led back to the horrible memories of his father.
Eventually, his eyes landed on the small blue radio that was up on the top of another shelve, it was the one that Wayne had given him when he first moved in with him.
"It's alright (Y/n), you know your uncle is going to take great care of you," Jessica was crouching down on the ground looking into (Y/n)'s eyes as the boy nods, he was grateful that he finally got to live with his uncle but now that he had spent a year with Jessica he knew he would miss her the most. After all, she was always there to protect him from his father, whenever Jessica was around he wouldn't have to worry about any outbursts or insults like he had experienced the first night he had stayed there. Though it was clear to everyone that a home with John would never be the place for him, (Y/n) needed to be with someone who really cared for him, someone who he shared a strong connection with, and that person was his uncle.
"Are you ready son?" Wayne asked as (Y/n) looked back with a smile before running over to the man who quickly scooped him up into his arms. "Hehe, I'll take that as a yes, well then let's not keep your new room waiting." He says turning to wave goodbye at Jessica who returned it with a warm smile, (Y/n) also turned back to look at her a huge grin on his face as his little hand waved, the mere sight making Jessica tear up. That was the first smile since he had moved in and with that, she knew that he would be in good hands, she knew that he would be happy.
Arriving back at the house (Y/n) rushed in as soon as Wayne had opened that door, causing the male to chuckle as he placed his keys on a nearby counter.
"It's been a while since you've been here, don't worry everything is still the same except for the guest bedroom which is now yours. Don't be shy running along and go check it out, I'll let you know when dinner is ready." Wayne says waving the boy off who does exactly as told and heads straight for his room. It was a bit smaller than before but then again there was no need for him to worry as he didn't have too many things with him anyway, so instead, he threw himself onto the bed and laid there staring at the ceiling. For a while, there was a comfortable silence, which the boy found odd as he couldn't remember a time when anything was truly silent but he loved it. He loved it so much because it meant he was safe, safe from his father who would come back home from work itching to pick a fight, there was no man to insult or berate him. There was only him and his uncle.
Though the silence only lasted a while as the house was slowly filled with music, it wasn't any kind he had heard so far, but then again his mother was always busy and didn't have time to listen to music when she was alive and his dad absolutely hated music, he called it an unnecessary racket, which meant that Jessica only played it when he was out or at work. But never the less (Y/n) interest was peaked, sitting up he stayed on the edge of the bed questioning whether to go and investigate. He knew Uncle Wayne wouldn't mind but (Y/n) was still scared to disturb him, but the more he sat there the more the curiosity ate at him. So with a small sigh, he pushed himself off the bed and walked toward the kitchen, the music grew louder with each step he took.
As he arrived at the kitchen he could see the blue portable radio that rested on the kitchen counter, the same one that his uncle was currently resting on, walking closer he made his presence known as his uncle looked over with a soft smile on his face.
"Hey, did you like your room? I know it ain't much but I tried my best to make it look exactly like the one back home." Uncle Wayne says as (Y/n) nods his head his eyes glued to the blue radio, the older of the two looks confused as he followed his nephew's gaze before his smile returned as he realized what had caught the boy's attention.
"Ah, I see, the music caught your attention. Didn't it?" Uncle Wayne asked as (Y/n) looked over at him giving yet another nod, Wayne chuckled as he turned back around grabbing the small radio, and handed it over to the boy. "Here, why don't you go put that in your room, that way you can listen to all the music you like and maybe even find some new music," Wayne suggests completely unaware that this was the first time (Y/n) had heard music in years, all music was basically new to him, but the boy nods and scurries back into his room. Sure his room was now half the size and his family had shrunken to half the people as well, but he could live with it because half was already enough.
A smile grazed (Y/n) face as he stared at the radio, it didn't matter how much time had passed the blue radio followed him everywhere he went, it even followed him to his fathers when Wayne inevitably couldn't support the both of them anymore and sent (Y/n) back to live with Jessica. Back then (Y/n) was convinced that going back into his father's house would be absolute hell. He really did wish that he wasn't right.
It had been a couple of months since (Y/n)'s birthday and things weren't going so great, in the last couple of months Wayne had lost his job due to some complications at work. They could no longer pay all their workers and unfortunately, Wayne didn't make the cut and now he barely had enough money to keep the two of them feed as well as to pay all the bills.
"I don't want this either Jess but I can barely feed myself let alone the kid. I'm gonna have to downsize and you're gonna have to take him back... Yes, I know that means putting him back with John but what do you want me to do? I'm still looking for a job, just give me some time, I'll get all my stuff in order and then take him back. I just can't do it right now." Wayne was on the phone with Jessica, their voices were hushed and low as (Y/n) was watching tv in the living room. "Look it's the only choice we have right now, I hate it as much as you do but we gotta do it... Yeah, don't worry I'll find a way to break it to him. Okay, bye now." Wayne hangs up the phone with a sigh burying his face into his hands, the last thing he wanted to do was put (Y/n) back in a house with John. But John had the money, he could afford to take care of them. Now looking over at the living room Wayne walked over to the couch sitting down with (Y/n).
"Hey, um, (N/n) we need to talk..." He starts off, grabbing the boy's attention. "You know how I told you money was a bit tight right now?" The boy only nods in response.
"Well, that money is getting a bit tighter and I can't take care of you anymore. I'm gonna have to send you back with Jessica-" Wayne didn't even get to finish his sentence as he was cut off. "No! I don't wanna go back! That's not fair!" (Y/n) interrupted a frown on his face as he crossed his arms glaring at Wayne.
"I'm sorry kid, but it'll only be for a little bit, just until I get a new job and find somewhere else to live. Then I'll come right back to get you." Wayne tried to explain but (Y/n) wasn't having it as he stood up from the couch. "No, I don't want to! I hate it there, I hate him!" (Y/n) shouts storming off into his room and closing the door behind him, Wayne sighed once more shaking his head before hiding them with his hands.
A week later Jessica and John came by with Eddie, Wayne was packing (Y/n)'s things into the car as the boy stood by the door only looking at the ground. Once they were done packing Wayne walked over to (Y/n) and kneeled down beside him.
"It's only gonna be temporary (Y/n), I promise. Once everything is in order I'll come to get you." He explained once more grabbing onto the boy's shoulder but the other shrugged it off. "Don't even bother." (Y/n) says walking over to the car and getting inside, leaving Wayne at the door with a heartbreaking expression. Jessica walked over to him placing a hand on his back.
"You know he didn't mean that, just give him some time," Jessica advised trying to reassure Wayne. "I know." Wayne's voice cracked a bit as he tried to put on his best smile, Jessica nods before walking back over and putting Eddie into his car seat, Jessica waved at Wayne one last time before getting in and driving away.
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