𓆩𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2𓆪
Well, it turns out that Steve couldn't hold the doctors back for long, they said it was too important to wait, they needed to see the damage that had been done and how well Eddie had healed from his wounds. Eddie didn't mind, he hated hospitals but the faster they got it done the faster he could leave and see Wayne, though he wasn't excited for all the heckling he would when he stepped outside, but it didn't matter. Eddie was getting way too ahead of himself anyway acting as if the chance of him walking out in handcuffs didn't exist
Just then the door opened making Eddie's head pivot towards the door, he hoped it was him...
But it ended up being Hopper... Wait, Hopper! Wasn't he also supposed to be dead? Died in the line of duty at Starcourt saving others, how was he even here? Did this mean that maybe... No, no he couldn't get his hopes up, he couldn't live with the disappointment.
"Hey, kid, how are you feeling?" He asked walking slowly over to the seat beside the bed and sitting down. "Like complete shit, in fact, I think I might be getting worse. Talking to ghosts is never a good sign." Eddie says with a sigh as he looks back down at the sheets, Hopper chuckles as he shakes his head.
"Yeah you're not the first to think that but I can assure you that I'm not a ghost, so you're all in the clear." Hopper clarifies but it does little to ease Eddie's worries. "You sure, 'cause last I heard people were yelling 'Kill the freak' and carrying their great grandparent's pitchforks and torches," Eddie adds, this time it was Hopper who sighs.
"Yeah, but don't worry we're all working on it, in fact, that's what I came to talk to you about. We already have the cover story. Now I wish I could be the one to do the interview but considering I just 'came back from the dead' they will be sending someone else." Hopper explains as Eddie stayed silent listening to his words. "Luckily for us, they still have a good while before they can make it here due to all the damages, this comes directly from the letter your brother gave Steve, that letter is gonna be given to the police and we need your story to match." Eddie's face twists in confusion but he nods anyway as Hopper pulls out the letter from his pocket, looking it over, and then handing it to Eddie. Eddie grabbed the paper and immediately he could recognize that it was indeed (Y/n)'s writing; it was messy in a way that very oddly was still legible, and he began to read it.
This is my confession, I, (Y/n) Munson killed Chrissy Cunningham.
Eddie had absolutely nothing to do with it, I was the one who forced him to bring her to the trailer, that is all he did. In no way shape or form did he ever lay a hand on Chrissy, it was all me, her blood is on my hands.
I killed her, it was all me.
Eddie looked up at Hopper confused but before he could even speak Hopper jumped in.
"Your brother wanted Steve to give that letter in, in a separate letter (Y/n) explains that dead or alive he was going to take the blame for it all, so I'm gonna need you to listen carefully because this is what you're gonna tell the police." This time Hopper didn't even give him a second to react as he explained the story that they had to spin, the one that (Y/n) came up with.
Fury and pain are all Eddie felt as he listened to the story, he tried to keep quiet but eventually, he couldn't hold back and he snapped.
"Bullshit!" He yells, wishing that his legs were no longer weak so that he could storm out of the room, but he couldn't so all he had left is his voice. "That's all bullshit! You want me to paint (Y/n) as an abusive prick! Is that what you're saying?!" Eddie shouts as tears start to form in his eyes, he couldn't believe it let alone the fact that this was supposed to be (Y/n)'s idea.
"Fuck this shit I'm not doing it! I rather get arrested than spill that bullshit! How the hell do you think I'm gonna explain that to Uncle Wayne huh?! You think Wayne's gonna follow that story as well?!" Eddie continues, Hopper only sighs as he saw it coming, he understood where Eddie was coming from but unfortunately, this was their best bet at saving him, after all, they couldn't save (Y/n), so the least they could do was save Eddie.
"Eddie this is more serious than going to jail, Chrissy's death was a violent one in a house that belongs to your family and unfortunately your father has already dirted the Munson name. They will call you crazy and deranged, they'll use every name in the book until they convict you of murder and sentence you to death. If you want a chance to live then this is our only choice." Hopper explained trying his best to keep his cool as they would get nowhere if they both started yelling.
"What if I don't wanna live..." Eddie mutters catching Hopper off guard. "What?" He asks, his eyes wide, he wanted to make sure he was hearing him correctly.
"I said, what if I don't want to live! Huh?! What do I have to live for?! My brother's dead, the whole town hates me, and now you want me to lie about my brother abusing me so that in court everyone feels bad and instead of killing me they'll sentence me to a few years in prison?!" Eddie snaps, he was exhausted and he was done with it all, if he was sentenced to death so be it, maybe then he'd get to see (Y/n). "If you want an abuser you can go get my dad! That's an abuser right there, (Y/n) is far from him. I won't do it, this is Hawkins for Christ's sake, you all have been covering up stuff like this for so long and now you're telling me that I have to lie about my brother to save myself." Eddie glares over at Hopper, this was absolutely ridiculous and he wanted out.
"You don't think we would have given you a different story if we could, we have tried Eddie, we really did but your brother wrote a solid case for himself and he wants us to go through with it. If you're not gonna do it for yourself then do it for him and Wayne." Hopper says but it only made Eddie's mood worse as he throws the letter back at Hopper, who sighs. "Look I'll give you some space but I need you to think about it quickly. Oh and have this." He says as he pulled out an envelope from his back pocket, it was folded in half but Eddie could still see his name written across the paper, (Y/n) handwriting...
"I'll leave it here, no one's looked at it so go ahead and read it if you want to, but please make a choice before they get here," Hopper says leaving it on Eddie's lap before walking out the door.
Eddie stared down at it almost as if he was praying for it to just disintegrate, but it didn't it laid there taunting him. Eventually, Eddie grabbed it tired of looking at it, and instead opened it, pulling out another letter.
Hey Ozzy,
If you're reading this, chances are I didn't make it.
I hope you don't hate me for it but whatever I did I had my reasons, whether it was to save you or the others or maybe I didn't even save anyone maybe I just got unlucky. That last one seems more likely though, we all know I have the worst luck, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I left you and Wayne alone but at the same time, I'm not because someone had to stay with him after all, I couldn't let Wayne lose both of us, so the best bet was for him to lose me. I've already lived my life, Eddie, you still have so much more to go. You need to get on out there and explore the world, you need to keep rocking with Corroded Coffin so you guys can make it to the top, and you need to keep coming up with new creative campaigns that blow the party away.
Eddie, I know you and if my hunch is correct I know you probably feel lost, you're probably wondering what is even the point in continuing, but the point is that you have to continue for those kids. They need you more than ever, they need you to guide them like you always have, you are a hero to those kids whether you admit it or not. Wayne is going to need you and I need you, I need you to keep living as if I am there, and if that's too hard then just live for me. Live as if my memory will fade if you don't, live as if it's 1971 and I just showed you Electric Funeral, live as if a piece of me is still with you, I don't care how you do it but just live.
I know it's going to be hard, especially when Steve tells you that I'm gonna take the fall, and I don't expect you to be grinning the very next day but please keep trying for me. Please let me take all the blame, it's my job to protect you, I always said I would, so let me do this for you so even in death I can be useful to you. You can't be the next rockstar if you're in jail after all, so please just accept my help and listen to Steve this is all for your own good. I love you, Eddie, thanks for being my brother.
Hell sure is hot,
P.S. If my records and cassettes are safe, feel free to grab whichever ones you don't have, my bandanas are also all yours. ☺︎
Small spots on the letter began to dampen as Eddie felt the tears rushing down his face, he hugged the letter close to his chest trying his best not to laugh at the way (Y/n) had signed off the letter, typical of him even in death he still made him laugh...
Right dead, this was it, this was his confirmation. (Y/n) was dead and he was never coming back, now Eddie knew for certain that he had lost him, now he wondered what Wayne's confirmation had been or had the group not told him yet?
Eddie supposed that it didn't matter yet but at least by now he had made his decision, if this is what (Y/n) wanted then it would be unwise to ignore a deadman's words. Eddie had a reason to live.
After one last talk with Hopper and Steve, the police finally came and rushed everyone out of the room, Wayne and some of (Y/n)'s friends had arrived but they weren't allowed in the room till the interrogation was over. Hopper said he'd explain the situation to them since he wouldn't want them to hear the story from the news, he'd let them know that it was all (Y/n)'s idea and the only account that made sense.
"Alright, we are not gonna take long Eddie we just need you to answer a few questions. It is our understanding that (Y/n) was prepared to confess and even gave you a note about it just before the earthquake happened. Steve was the one that had your vest and so he was the one that turned it in. Is all that correct?" Eddie lets out a sigh and uses all his strength to nod, the officer looked at him for a second before also nodding. "Alright, and what was life at home like for the both of you?" He asked, this time Eddie paused to think not that he needed to but for some reason, his mind went blank, then he remembered. This scene felt familiar because it was the same as that night.
Eddie woke up the next morning to (Y/n) standing in the doorway a soft smile on his face.
"Morning Eddie. How are you feeling?" He asked though Eddie could see in his eyes something was wrong, his eyes quickly darted around his brother's body trying to find any new marks that could peak out of his clothes, at this point, it had become a reflex one a child should never have and yet he did.
"Good... Is he home?" Eddie asked moving the blanket off of him as he sat up. "Yeah, bud he is home, but don't worry he won't do anything at least not today." (Y/n) says but Eddie doesn't believe him as he looks down at the sheets.
"How do you know?" Eddie asked, hearing (Y/n)'s footsteps approaching the bed as the older crouches down to his level with a smile. "Because, and I don't want you to get scared but, the police might be coming over to the house." Eddie looked back at him confused, why would the police even think to check here, unless a neighbor happened to hear the commotion but then again their dad always made sure no one would hear. But then again he couldn't possibly be able to check so maybe their luck had changed and they would get out of here, together.
"So then we can tell on Dad? We can get out?" Eddie asked trying not to get too excited, he was tired of this house but they knew their father, he always got what he wanted. "No, I'm sorry Eddie but we can't..." (Y/n) mutters tears forming in his eyes as he looked down at the ground, Eddie shouldn't be able to see him cry he had to stay strong.
"What? Why not, if we tell them then he can't do anything right?" Eddie asked once more concern growing on his face. "Eddie, we have no one else, just dad. Uncle Wayne can barely take care of himself right now and I don't wanna risk getting separated from you. We have to stay here." It hurt, it hurt so bad to tell Eddie that they had to give up their chance at salvation, but it had to be done. If the police did take legal action against their father then that meant they could take them away and with no other living relative other than Wayne they ran the risk of being separated, (Y/n) couldn't protect Eddie if they were separated. Even if it meant getting beat by their father at least (Y/n) knew Eddie was safe, he knew he was taking Eddie's place, and he knew no one would harm Eddie.
"I wanna get out of here too but it's just too risky, so I need you to lie okay, tell them everything is fine and that we are happy here. The old man doesn't hit me or you, the bruise on my stomach was my fault, I got into a fight at school, you got that?" Eddie hesitated for a bit but eventually, he nods his head, (Y/n) told him not to be scared but this was making him scared, it made him realize how much power their father really had. How easy it was for him to install fear into (Y/n).
All (Y/n) ever talked about was how he wanted out, that he was gonna leave someday and take Eddie with him, and now was their chance but (Y/n) wouldn't take it because all he ever thought about was Eddie and Eddie's safety.
Eddie always thought that (Y/n) could never be controlled by their father and yet here he was his strings being pulled like their father was some master puppeteer. Eddie wished someone would cut their strings free.
Later that afternoon there was a knock at the door, John had answered it and it was the police. John welcomed them in and lead them over to the living room, where he was questioned for a bit before the officer asked to see the kids as well as their rooms, John complied pointing them to the hallway. The officer heads to (Y/n)'s door first and had a discussion with him and then went over to Eddie's knocking on the door, the officer opened the door a bit seeing Eddie sitting on his bed.
"Hey, kid, I'm Officer Webber. I just wanna ask you a few questions and I want you to answer honestly, okay?" Eddie nods his head as the officer walks closer taking a seat next to Eddie.
"Okay, first can I get your name?" He asked turning to a fresh page in his notepad. "Edward, but I like Eddie better," Eddie answered as the officer smiles.
"Alright, then Eddie, do you feel safe in this house? Does your father ever do anything that scares you or harms you?" He asked, Eddie, paused to think, the answer was clear it was a yes. Their father beats (Y/n) and tries to beat him as well, he throws glass everywhere and slams (Y/n) into walls and beats him till he can barely breathe.
And now Eddie has a chance, he can tell this officer everything, they can be saved, they can be free. They don't have to see their father again they can...
Eddie's eyes land on the picture frame on the nightstand, it's a photo of him and (Y/n), they are together outside in the park. They weren't free but they could pretend to be even just for a little bit.
They weren't free but they were together.
"I like it here, Dad takes care of us, and (Y/n) likes to take me out to go play, sometimes dad comes along as well," Eddie says, a piece of him wishing that it was real, that they were a happy family that went out on fun adventures. It was nice to pretend but that's what it was pretending.
"Alright, thank you, Eddie. I'll be heading back now to get this new information processed, rest well and we'll see where all of this goes." The officer says as he stands up and leaves the room, Eddie sat there staring at the blank wall, he did it. In the eyes of the law, his brother was just as bad as his father, he was the victim, the poor boy who had been deceived by his family. The one who had no free will, (Y/n) was also the puppeteer while also being the puppet.
Eddie had been so lost in thought he hadn't realized that the door was open and Jasper, Slyvia, and Calvin rushed inside. (Y/n)'s friends, they all had a mix of sadness, guilt, and concern.
"Hey Eddie, bud, sorry for not being here sooner the whole place is messed up from the earthquake." Oh, so that's what everyone is calling it then, an earthquake. "I would ask if you are okay but, um, I think there is an obvious answer." Jasper finished his arms folded over his chest, he looked like he had been crying, and Eddie's guess is that they must have known.
"Eddie we just came here to tell you that we're here for you, okay, anything you need just call us up okay?" Eddie only nods as he doesn't trust his voice, knowing he'll crack if he even tries to speak. "You're a strong kid Eddie, I know you and Wayne will pull through." Now it was Calvin who spoke up.
"Yeah, thanks, guys." Eddie finally spoke a soft smile on his face as he tried to keep it together, the group nods and the room goes silent. Nobody knew what to say, I mean what could you say Eddie lost his brother and the group lost their best friend, and the worst part is that Eddie couldn't even tell them how he really had died.
All they knew was that he died protecting him and would later be portrayed on the news as the mastermind behind Chrissy's demise, they all just had to silently accept it.
"Hey, you guys remember the first campaign in '75? (Y/n) was the dungeon master and we were all still trying to figure out how the game worked?" Jasper asked as the other looked over before laughing. "Yeah, Calvin fell asleep halfway through because he said it was boring," Sylvia says pointing at Calvin, who pretends to be offended.
"I did not, I was just resting my eyes, besides it was a confusing game!" Calvin exclaims trying to defend himself. "Dude, Eddie was 8! He understood it just fine!" Jasper shot back making Eddie and Slyvia snicker.
"Yeah, but that's because (Y/n) and Eddie were mega nerds, it's no surprise they understood it!" Calvin defends once more, the group then spent the rest of the day chatting about their fondest memories of (Y/n), with Wayne joining only a few minutes after.
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