"Do you hear them? Can you hear Scott?" Stiles asked. Malia shuts her eyes again to concentrate, "Can you hear Kira, Lydia, anybody? What are they saying?"
"I... I can't. I can't concentrate. I... There's too many sounds and voices."
Stiles kneels down in front of her, "Okay. It's okay. Well, just breathe. Breathe with me, all right? You practiced this with Scott before, remember?"
"Okay, I get that this is supposed to be some sort of lesson, but do we really have time for this?" Anna asks, "I can hear them."
"Just- please." Stiles sighs
"I'm trying."
"It's okay, it's okay. Just focus on something. Here, look at my eyes. Very good. Just focus on the sound of my voice. All you have to do is try to concentrate. Concentrate-" He's cut off when Malia leans forward and kisses him. Anna rolls her eyes dramatically when they pull away.
"Tell me! Who actually has Derek? Who had a reason, a vendetta particular to the Hales?" Araya says
Ariane looks over again as the electricity crackles from the cuffs. Scott pants, "I said I don't know."
"Oh, you don't know because you haven't figured it out yet. So think! Who could've taken him?"
"Tres." Severo points
Kira looks over to Scott and the boy nods, "It's okay." Kira turns away as she turns the dial up again.
"Who had the power? The power of a shapeshifter?" Araya says
"I don't know." Scott grunts
"Oh! Someone who could have turned without you knowing. Turned, but not by a bite!"
"I don't know!"
"Diez!" Araya says. Ariane sits up as Araya turns to Kira, "Diez!"
Luisa looks up as the lights flicker above them. She turns to Anna with furrowed brows. Anna looking to her realizing her heart rate had doubled.
"They're killing him." Malia says
Luisa's eyes widen as the lights flicker more frequently.
Araya pushes Kira aside and turns the dial up. Ariane struggles against her cuffs as Scott yells out in pain. His eyes turn red as he roars before breaking out of his cuffs.
"Say the name, Scott."
Scott looks up with labored breaths, "Kate."
"That's impossible." Stiles says before turning to Luisa, "It's impossible. That can't be what he said."
"Why? Who... who's Kate?" Malia asks
"She's a hunter. An Argent."
"So... you're just letting us go?" Scott asks as they step outside
"I sent four men out to where Kate was rumored to have been seen. None of them came back." Araya says, "Let's see if you can do better."
"You could've just told me she was alive."
"You wouldn't have believed me. Now I know what kind of Alpha you are. And where your next step lies."
"What next step?"
"When you take the bite of an innocent, when you make a wolf of your own, when you do that, then, I will cross your border and come knocking at your door." Araya says. She turns to Ariane and smiles, "Your mother would be proud."
Scott and Ariane watch her turn away and leave before walking to the others. Stiles steps up, "So what now?"
"She thinks she knows where we can find Derek."
"She gonna tell us where?" Malia asks
"Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide." Scott says. The group turns as a motorcycle comes toward them. They step out of the way as it slows down.
"You know her?" Stiles asks as the woman takes off her helmet
"Who's Braeden?" Luisa asks
"She's a mercenary."
"Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you to La iglesia." Braeden says
"The Church?" Luisa asks with raised brows
"What's The Church?" Stiles says
"It's not a place you'll find God." Braeden says
As Ariane, Anna, and Luisa rode together to follow Braeden to the church, Anna could feel the tension. Since finding out about Araya, she knew Luisa was upset. Especially since she believed she and Ariane had no family left.
And it seemed that she wasn't the only one who could feel the tension. Ariane sighs from the drivers seat, "What's wrong, Luisa?"
Luisa looks over, "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. You've been quiet and distant since we left." Ariane says, "Is it about Araya?"
"Why didn't you tell me about her?"
"Because she's never been there for us. I didn't think we'd ever see her again."
"But we have family, Ariane." Luisa says, "After Mom and Dad died, I thought we were the only ones left."
"She's the reason they died."
Luisa's brows furrow as she stares at the side of Ariane's face, "What do you mean?"
"She's the one that sent them on that assignment." She says turning to her briefly before turning back to the road, "And anytime it's brought up to her, she takes no responsibility for it. Like their deaths don't matter to her."
"I didn't know." Luisa mumbles shaking her head
Ariane sighs, "I didn't want you to know. About any of that."
Before Luisa can respond, Ariane stomps on the brakes. The three girls jerk forward.
"What the hell?" Anna says
"It's Stiles, not me." Ariane says
Luisa is the first out of the car and approaching the jeep, "What happened?"
"I don't know. It felt like we hit something." Stiles says
"Scott, we need to get there by night. It's too dangerous otherwise." Braeden says
Noticing Scott's hesitancy, Stiles waves him off, "Go."
Scott turns to him, "Not without you."
"Someone needs to find Derek." Luisa says, "We'll figure something out. We always do. Just go."
Scott sighs as Braeden walks back to her bike, "Okay."
"Scott..." Kira calls out walking over to him.
"Are you sure you hit something?" Ariane asks
"Positive." Stiles says opening the hood
"I don't see anything." Anna says. Malia gets down beside her and reaches under the car.
"Stiles." She grunts, "I don't think we hit something. I think something hit us."
Ariane's brows furrow at the sharp object as it's handed to Stiles. The boy looking at it with confusion written in his features.
"Maybe we should just walk." Lydia suggests. They had been out there for a while and they only knew that since the sun had begun to set. As much as she knew Stiles loved his jeep, she couldn't help but to agree with Lydia
"Hey, I will never abandon this jeep. You understand me?" He says messing with some parts under the hood, "Ever. Ever. Ever."
"Work faster, Stiles." Anna says. Luisa and Stiles look over as she stares out ahead of them, "There's something out here with us."
It was completely dark out now and Stiles hadn't quite figured out what was wrong with the jeep. Ariane had gone back to the car to grab her gun since Anna had brought up someone being around them. She, Anna, Malia, and Kira were keeping lookout while Stiles worked and Luisa and Lydia stood with him.
"Lydia, could you please hold the light still for a second? It's really hard to see anything if you keep shaking it like that." He says
"I'm shaking it like this because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster. And I'm terrified." Lydia explains
"Well, just be slightly less terrified." He says before handing Luisa a part, "And hold this."
"What's this?"
"I don't know. I'm hoping it's not important." He mumbles before turning his attention back to the jeep
"Oh, God."
"Anything?" Kira asks
"It's too hard to see. We should've brought another flashlight." Malia says
Kira steps back and holds her sword up to the headlights. The girls look out into the desert and notice something move. Kira's eyes widen, "Did you see that?"
Malia's eyes turn blue before she roars and runs off. Anna stands upright, "Malia, wait!"
"Hey, Malia!" Stiles calls out as Anna runs after her
"Anna!" Luisa yells as Kira runs after them
"Kira, go!" Lydia yells before shining the light at Stiles, "You. Fix the jeep. Stiles, focus!"
"Anna!" Luisa tries again, but the girl was long gone. Ariane groans before running behind Kira.
Kira pants as she and Ariane come to a stop. It was pitch black and they had no idea where the two girls had run off to.
"Do you see anything?" Ariane asks holding her gun by her side
"No." Kira breathes holding her sword up, "Malia?"
A twig snaps behind them causing them to turn quickly. Ariane turns trying to catch sight of the girls or what was with them.
The two turn at the sound of footsteps. Anna and Malia breathe heavily as Malia stops Kira from hitting them, "It's us! Uh, it's us, it's us."
"What happened? What's out there?" Kira asks
"I don't know, but it is big and fast." Anna pants
"And it cuts deep." Malia says moving her hand from her stomach to reveal her gash.
The four look up at the sound of an engine starting. Ariane turns to them, "Come on."
Fortunately, Stiles finally got the jeep to start up and the group wasted no time in continuing down the path to La Iglesia. Luisa turns to Anna, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine."
"What did you guys see?" Ariane asks
"Nothing really." Anna says, "It was fast and its scent was really strong."
"What was it?"
"Like.. death?"
"Death?" The sisters exclaim
"And Malia was stabbed by it?" Luisa says
"Yeah." Anna nods, "Probably would've been worse if I hadn't convinced her to just run."
"Great." Luisa says, "My first trip to Mexico was just perfect."
Ariane lets out a sigh as she continues following Stiles.
After a while, the car had finally come to a stop. All three girls jump out as Braeden and Scott walk out of the church with someone's arms wrapped around their shoulders. Stiles is the first to approach them. His body immediately tensing as the girls stop beside him.
Luisa's brows furrow as she looks down at the person hanging from their shoulders. She looks over to her sister taking in her unreadable expression.
"Is that him? Is that Derek?" Malia asked
Stiles tilts his head, "Uh, sort of."
Derek finally finds the strength to look up at them. Ariane's heart races as she stares back at him. His face was a younger version of himself. Bringing her back to the time she realized she was in love with him.
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