I decided it might be fun to do this sort of thing when I see a new movie, especially since that isn't very often. It's just one more way to connect with you guys if you've seen it too or just want to hear my thoughts about it.
So, I'm not very good at criticising things and I don't necessarily know what makes a movie good or bad or what's cliche and what's a good plot or how movies even get made, so maybe take everything I say with a grain of salt or something.
Oh and, uh, obvious spoiler warning if you haven't seen it. I'm not gonna do a whole plot synopsis thing but if you want to go in blind then there's the warning.
So let's get the possibly controversial opinion out of the way first:
I LOVED this movie. It's probably my favourite movie I've seen this year (that's subject to change, of course, but as of this moment anyway). Sonic's character was adorable, his narration was super charming, and his action movie and Star Wars references were really fun.
And the big plot twist? I'm not even really a Sonic fan! I like the character and have played two of his games (Sonic Boom on the 3ds which is... not great, and Sonic Colours which I really enjoyed), but I'm not really part of the fandom outside of things I know from those games and watching Courtney (ProjectSNT) on YouTube.
Truthfully, the main thing that introduced me to Sonic besides Smash and YouTube was one of his cartoons. My brother and I would watch The Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog on Netflix sometimes because... it was fun. It was silly, fast-paced action headed by a snarky blue hedgehog that liked chilli dogs. Now I'd be one of the first people to admit that the cartoon is not that great and it's VERY 90s if that makes any sense. But it appealed to me much more than that Mario cartoon (Super Mario Bros. Super Show) so I didn't stop watching completely until this year, and the main reason for that is being busy and the fact that I watch YouTube more than cartoons nowadays.
So back to the movie, sorry about that random tangent. Sonic is an alien because of course he is and Robotnik works for the government because of course he does. That probably sounds cliche but I don't really care, I enjoyed it.
Also, Robotnik is like this insane, antisocial people-hating person who prefers robots because they listen to him without question and I Stan it so much you have no idea.
Anyway, the government is obviously after Sonic because alien and it's up some nice police officer to help him escape. I'm only saying this stuff to make sure you understand what I'm fangirling about later if I mention stuff like that.
Now my favourite part of the movie has to be Sonic himself. He's in hiding because of his super speed and the fact that people would want to use that for evil and stuff. But the problem with that is he doesn't really have any friends and he's basically that super-clingy, movie-quoting friend that never shuts up because they're so tired of being lonely that they want to tell you their whole life story. And I love it and want him to come to my house!
(Seriously, he is precious and under my protection now and if you don't like that then fight me.)
I never thought I would identify with a blue hedgehog alien with super speed, but I can relate to that so much it's kind of sad. Like, the characters in this movie are all pretty good and even the ones that are just decent aren't just completely unlikeable. Donut Lord (or Tom I guess) is just a guy trying to find some excitement in his job after doing the same thing for years now, mostly just concerned with getting the bills paid and whether or not his application to a new job gets accepted. But then Sonic shows up and he's had enough excitement by the end of the movie to decide to stay in Green Hills. Side note, can I just say how awesome it is that the town is named Green Hills? Even I know that's the first stage in the original Sonic game!
The movie wasn't perfect, I don't really know what that electric thing Sonic did at the end was (I was hoping he'd go Super Sonic but oh well) but I really enjoyed it. It was sweet and Sonic was funny and the action was fun and reminded me of The Flash at times. Which Sonic reads in the movie, by the way. Adorable little touch there.
So... there you go. This was me fangirling about the Sonic movie. I hope you enjoyed, maybe??
Um, this is a cliche way to end things, but if you've seen this movie, did you like it? What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments! You know, if you want to.
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