◦ NAME ◦
Eliana Zatara
◦ AGE ◦
Same age as Bruce
Eli is an extremely stubborn woman, she refuses to budge on an idea, thought, or belief ever. It's rare to get her to change her mind. She is ambitious, she goes for whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She is always looking for ways to learn more and more about anything, she is just interested in being well versed in many areas of life. She knows how to fake her smile, and keep her cool, she works in business, and she can't allow herself to get upset or bothered by others. She is very persuasive and knows how to make one hell of a deal. She is charismatic, she attracts plenty of people. She knows how to keep a secret, and her lips shut. She isn't afraid of much.
Homo Magus is a sub-race of naturally magic-wielding humans. The Homo magi evolved in a parallel but separate line, alongside Homo sapiens. Homo Magi are naturally adept at magic; since many humans possess the Homo Magi gene because of their relationships in the distant past, these humans can learn to use indirect magic by performing rituals, but pure Homo Magi or their direct descendants can use direct magic, too. The Homo magi existed for as long as the human race, but due to their special abilities, they did not expand as the Homo sapiens. Eventually, they started to inbreed with normal humans, resulting in many generations of Homo magi turned to Homo sapiens. As the number of pure Homo magi dwindled, they decided to recede and went into hiding
emeraude toubia
- Tea
- Sweets
- Taking Lead
- Crossword puzzles
- Bruce lying to her
- Not knowing what is going on
- Bugs
Eli was raised in the famous Zatara family, though unlike the rest of her family, she is completely unaware of their true nature. She doesn't know her family's secret. Her mother was never around or in the picture, according to her uncle, her mother was arrested for crimes that she committed when Eliana was born. She never questioned them about it either, she simply went along with it. Her uncle made it his job to keep Eli away from most things magic-related, though sure he did teach her the lore and she had read some books growing up. But Eli never attempted or was made aware of what she could do. Zatanna had even been forced to contain her magic ways. Her uncle did show her how hypnosis, a few languages, even backward language but never magic. Alfred had Eli hired to help take care of Wayne Enterprises while Bruce continued to be Batman and focussed on that.
Bruce Wayne (they are currently together)
* ◦ OTHER(s) ◦
- Takes care of any and all Wayne Enterprise related
- Learned Bruce was Batman by complete accident, she so happened to find the Batcave while trying to find Bruce one day.
- Speaks Spanish, French, Arabic, Italian & Backward Speech
- Learned how to fight when she was younger with Zatanna
- at one point in time her parents once was involved with the Wayne family and Falcone.
* ◦ FAMILY ◦
- Maeve Zatara (Mother)
- Unknown father
- Giovanni "John" Zatara (Uncle)
- Sindella (Aunt)
- Zatanna Zatara (Cousin)
We shall discuss
If you want me to make you a love interest just ask. Leave me the faceclaim you would want them to be, whether or not they will be friends, or whatever.
◦ ABILITIES (anything * is what she can do)◦
- *Hypnosis
- Meditation
- Astral Projection
- *Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
- *Occultism: As a chronicler of magic she possesses an extensive understanding of occult lore due to her mystic background.
- *Multilingualism: Able to speak English and many other languages and her signature "Backwards Speech".
* ◦ POWERS ◦
Now, Eliana doesn't know about her magic at all, she's clueless about it. But these are the abilities that anyone of her species is capable of.
Sometimes called "Sorcery", Magic is a term used to describe the mystical ability of some characters to use their ethereal abilities to cast spells, conjure magic and create a large number of other abilities from it. To cast a spell, the sorcerer requires a source of magical energy. These sources can include internal reserves, mystical beings, alternate dimensions, or from their surroundings, supposedly from thin air; the dimension of the Earth was once full of these energies.
Elemental Control: She can manipulate magical elements such as:
- Pyrokinesis: Generate heat and manipulate fire.
- Cryokinesis: Generate cold and manipulate ice crystals.
- Electrokinesis: Generate electricity and manipulate lightning.
- Hydrokinesis: Generate and manipulate water.
- Geokinesis: Generate and manipulate rocks.
- Aerokinesis: Generate and manipulate wind.
- Photokinesis: Generate and manipulate lights.
- Umbrakinesis: Generate and manipulate shadows.
- Telekinesis: She can move/obtain objects at a distance with her spells.
- Telepathy: She can also read minds, view, and erase memories of others with or without the person's consent.
- Teleportation: She can send herself and/or anyone to any place she/they wish to visit without any space/time restrictions
- Reality Alteration: She can manipulate reality at will to inflict confusion and mental trauma on her target.
- Antipathy: She can reverse physical trauma so all damage that comes to her will hit her target instead.
- Deflection: She can return energy projections sent to her back to their source without loss of momentum or power.
- Chronokinesis: She can move time forwards or backward or even stop time in demand.
- Weather Manipulation: She can control and affects the weather in a certain area.
- Eldritch Blast: She can blast enemies with mystical energy.
- Energy Construct Creation: She can use her magical energies to create inanimate objects such as traps or devices to suit her needs.
- Flight: She can fly or levitate however she says that this requires a lot of energy and concentration and therefore she chooses not to fly if possible.
- Force Field: She can create magical shields to withstand bullets, blasts, blows, and explosions. The greater the size or density of the shield the more effort it takes her to hold.
- Healing: She can heal herself or whoever she chooses from most injuries.
- Phasing: She can make herself into her "phantom form" and become intangible.
- Size Alteration: She can increase or decrease her size or the size of others to any conceivable size.
- Transformation: She can turn anything into anything else, essentially.
- Mnemonic Incantation: She casts her spells by saying the words of her incantations backward. Mnemonic incantation is the most complicated of the mystic arts.
- Vulnerability to Magic: Powerful enchantments against beings of magic, like gods, are able to restrict her as well, preventing her from accessing enchanted places or dispelling the adverse charm. Harmful magical realms such as Hell can also hinder how often she can speak her spells and can cause her great physical damage.
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