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"Hi, baby." A deep voice whispers softly into my ear.
I let out a sleepy groan, curling up further into the pillow.
"I have breakfast going for breakfast in bed." Tyler chuckles at my resistance to get up... and breakfast will do it.
"Breakfast?" I pop my eyes open to look at him.
"French toast and brown sugar bacon, your favorite." He grins, raising his brows excitedly.
Yep, that'll do it.
"Mmm." I throw my arms around his neck. "Luckiest girl in Arkansas?"
His eyes shine with adoration. "Luckiest man in Arkansas." He dips his head down and our lips meet, instantly molding together perfectly. "God, I love you."
I smile, my head feeling dizzy with happiness. I've never felt this way before, and never thought I would get to experience a love like this. It seems fictional it's so good, almost too good to be true...
And it was.
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I gasp awake, the incessant alarm that's the bane of my existence reaching my ears and I quickly slap my hand over it to turn it off. I notice the battery is red, forgetting to plug it in last night after...
I sigh, running my hand through my knotted mess of hair. Coffee. I need coffee before I can function on anything else. Light was starting to peak through the window's as I pad through the hall to the kitchen.
"Oh, shit." I mutter, almost stepping on the glass of last night's mug. My eyes screw shut, why can't I just be normal? Have normal reactions and process things... calmly.
Wish I knew.
I start assembling my iced coffee together and hear loud tap on the outside of my bus, indicating we're about to take off. I'll have to check Abby's new itinerary once my phone charges up, and enjoy a taste of a break first.
Last night's dream dances through my mind tauntingly, forceful, and suppressing it to the back of my mind seems to do me no good. So I decide to do the next best thing...
I hurry to grab a notepad and pen and begin scribbling down everything thought and feeling on my mind, underlining the reoccurring words. My song writing process isn't pretty by any means, but it gets the job done.
When I feel satisfied with a few lines, I scoop up one of my guitars and start warming up as I try to find a tune like. I never use guitar picks, liking the burning feeling the strings spark on my fingertips, and the callouses that form. It sounds crazy, but the pain feels like a reward for my hard work, just as it did with riding and racing.
The pain let's me know it's real. That everything I feel and experience is real.
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"Our field of dreams, engulfed in fire."
My voice sounds like a cheese grater to my ears after two and half hours of working through this new song, but I'm happy with the outcome so far. It has a long way to go, but gotta start somewhere.
Oneee more time.
"Our field dreams, engulfed in fire. Your arsons match your somber eyes."
Best take. I had underlined dreams about fifteen times when I was drafting and spitting out ideas, and these lyrics are exactly how I feel about it...
My phone rings throughout the bus and I groan, heaving the guitar off my lap, I jog to answer it assuming it's Abby... anddd I'm correct.
"Hello?" I pick up on one of the last rings, out of breath. Abby hates not being answered...
"You sound out of breath." She giggles. "Almost miss a call?"
I roll my eyes. "May I help you or did you call just to make fun of me?"
"Mmm, both." She hums and I can hear the smug look on her face. "Our new sponsors for the next couple weeks would like to take some photos with you once we arrive today." She informs.
Of course they do. "Alright."
"So I need you start getting ready cause at our next stop Megan is switching over to your bus for makeup, your in charge of hair, okay?" Abby spouts off at the speed of lightning. Megan has been the makeup artist of this tour, using this as her internship and has been capturing her work for her portfolio for her cosmology license. I believe she's the youngest one of this tour at twenty-one and she's had the time of her life and has been so fun, running circles around the rest of us, well all except Abby. Megan gives her a run for her money on who has the most energy, I swear.
"Got it." I respond after running through my head what she said a few times. Shower is top priority since it didn't happen last night. "I'm choosing the outfit." I state, not wanting to be put in something ridiculous like people always try to do for photoshoots. I just want to be me like I get to do on stage.
"Okay, I trust." Abby hums and I hear her keyboard click a few times. "You sleep good and relax a bit this morning?" She checks, as always. Abby always makes sure I am doing good mentally and physically, especially since we've been on the road.
Hell no. "Great. I slept great." I lie through my teeth, not wanting her to worry, cause I know she will.
"Sutton." She says pointedly, and I feel like a kid getting in trouble by their mom.
"Abby." I sass back.
She huffs. "Ugh, fine, fine. Don't give me that tone."
I chuckle. "Thank you."
"You know it's only cause I care." She reminds me.
"I know, and I love you for it." I tell her, looking at the oven clock. "Oh, gotta run. Got a fancy photo opt to prepare for."
"Haha. I'll see you soon at our stop, look fabulous!" She shouts as I pull the phone away from my ear and grin as I click end call.
Time to get ready.
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I sigh in the mirror as I braid my hair into a fishtail. I wish these things were more fun. My album shoot was amazinggg. Pictures with fans? I adore. When I have to do stuff like this it feels ingenuine.
A few minutes later we come to a stop and I get off the bus to stretch my legs and enjoy some fresh air.
As I raise up from touching my toes Abby is on her way over, breezing past the crew. Oh, here we go.
"Waterrr!" She sings, flashing two large bottles in her hands. "You better be staying hydrated." She points to me, her bracelets jingling up and down her arms.
I roll my eyes. "Yes, mom."
She places a hand on her hip. "I'll take that if it gets you to listen to me."
"Thank you." I take the bottles, dripping in condensation.
"Mhmm." She tilts her head at me. "You're welcome."
I jut my hip into hers and she breaks out in a smile, causing one to grow on my lips. Abby is my rock and I honestly don't know what I would've done without her these past few years.
"Get outta here." She pushes my shoulder softly as Megan rounds the corner, bouncing already as she wheels her suitcase of makeup behind her.
"Morning ladies." Megan chimes.
"Good morning." Abby returns.
"Morning." I nod.
"Wake this one up, ya hear?" Abby tells her as Megan grins evilly at me- okay, not evil, but that's how I take it when her and Abby team up on me!
"Stop that." I squint at Megan. "Stop it now."
Megan gasps innocently. "What, me?"
I eye Abby out of the corner of my eye. "Mhmm."
"Okay, good luck you two." Abby usher's us to the door. "Alright people, let's move out!" She yells louder and everyone files back in on the buses. "See you girls in Oklahoma." She calls over her shoulder.
"Ooo, I can't wait to glam you up today!" Megan cheers excitedly as we enter my bus. "As always though, I barely have to do much, you're so gorgeous." She shakes her head at me, lifting her suitcase onto the table. "Shall we?"
"We shall." I smile, taking a seat in the booth-like spot in my kitchen since this will take a bit I want to be comfy.
Megan starts playing music quietly as she begins. "Are you excited to see all the hot cowboys in Oklahoma?!" She exclaims.
A pit settles itself in my stomach, putting me on edge. But Oklahoma should be fine, I tell myself, right?
"Uh, yeah." I force out an answer after realizing I'm taking too long. "Yeah, can't wait." I say weakly.
As she continues I concentrate on not chewing on the inside of my cheek since she's working on my face.
Why do I have this... feeling?
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𝟶ʙᴜᴛᴛᴇʀʙɪsᴄᴜɪᴛ𝟽 sᴘᴇᴀᴋs!
Heyyy!! Welcome back to Chasing Ubnubilate <3
Sorry for not update last week lol, I went to my first WWE show last weekkkk!! SmackDown!! And I also had an Umbrella Academy watch party last week with my cousin where she spent the night all week & we rewatched S1-3 in honor of the new season... do not get me started. BUTTT, we're back ;)
(I have a WWE Book & Umbrella Academy Book, both published if anyone is interested btw!! Shameless self promo lmao)
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!! The beginning part literally makes me mental it's so fucking cuteee & Tyler would LITERALLY which makes it even better, ugh... him & Sutton dreaming about each other keeps me up at night😫
And Sutton is ALMOST to Oklahomaaa, y'all!! She will be there in the next chapter sooo... stay turned ;)
Thank y'all SO much for 1.5k+ reads & happy 4 weeks to Twisters!! Don't forget to comment your thoughts, questions, & reactionssss they are so motivating!!
Until next time, mwauh!!🤠
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