Yeah, I already know that there ain't no stopping
Your plans and those
Slow hands (woo)
Slow hands
~Slow Hands ~ Niall Horan~
...October 4, 2010...
Happy Harbor High School was cancelled because a new villain has appeared in Happy Harbor. Miss Martian and Superboy were the first to arrive to the scene. Aqualad quickly followed.
Currently I'm in Family Studies, the most annoying and uninteresting class I have ever been in. I'm fast asleep and am awoken by the vibrating of my pocket. I sit up immediately. "Hey, teach? I need to go pee! See ya!" I gather my things and leave before she can say no. I hurriedly shove all my things in my locker then disappear into the bathroom, locking myself in a stall. Turning my hair to pink and shifting glasses on my face, I answer. "What is it? I told you to only call me in emergencies. I'm in school."
I'm surprised to see Robin, Kid Flash, and Artemis also on screen. I take notice of Robin only wearing his mask and the top part of his jacket looks like a Gotham uniform.
"People are in Happy Harbor cowering in pain after getting blasted with some sort of energy. Miss Martian, Superboy, and Aqualad are on the scene now and need backup," Batman reports.
"Why can't you help? Or any other leaguer for that matter?" Artemis asks.
"Yeah, I'm gonna get detention for skipping!" I complain.
"Every other member is at work or on another mission," he informs. "I can exempt Robin, Kid Flash, and Artemis. You chose to keep to yourself, so you're going to have to survive a day of detention."
I groan. "Fine..."
Batman has sent us out to investigate and take her down. We dodge around citizens, screaming and running away from the villainess. The woman is holding a blaster gun and whoever the beam touches, topples over in pain.
"What do you want lady?" I huff, dodging a beam.
"For real, what is your goal, weirdo?" KF asks, running next to me.
"My name is Genderbend," she growls, blasting a shot at Robin.
Robin easily flips over the shot and returns it with an exploding birdarang. "Nice name."
She falls back, causing the blaster to fall. "No!" she shouts, reaching for the blaster.
Artemis counteracts by shooting an explosive arrow to knock it away from her. The blaster cracks from the blast and explodes over all of us, knocking us all unconscious.
~3rd person POV until Bolt wakes~
Robin is the first to stir, hearing Batman's voice shouting over the earpiece. Robin groans and sits up, pressing his finger to the communicator. "I-I'm fine." He slightly tilts his head in confusion at the sound of his voice.
"You don't sound normal. What about everyone else?" Batman asks.
Robin looks across the area, seeing the blurry outlines of his teammates all passed out around him. "They seem to be okay. I'll contact you back after I know more details." He drops his hand from his ear and brings both hands to rub his eyes, trying to clear his vision. He tries to stand up, only to fall back down and having to hold his throbbing head. "Am I... shorter? And why is my chest so heavy?" He looks to his body and gasps. "This is so not happening... So not whelmed." He crawls over the nearest person, who happens to be Superboy. He gasps. "Whoa. Him too?" He shakes him. "Superboy?"
Superboy stirs and opens his eyes to see Robin. "Robin? Is that you?"
"Yeah, it's me. Kinda hard to recognize me as a girl, huh?" Robin sighs.
Conner looks up and down at Robin then looks to himself. "Since when was I wearing shorts?"
"Really? That's the first thing you question?" Robin sighs.
"Looks like KF is up," Robin sighs.
Kid Flash quickly stands up, feeling himself all over, mainly squeezing his new boobs and bubble butt. "This is so not awesome." He strikes a pose. "I'm still sexy though, right?"
"You're an idiot," Artemis groans, sitting up and running her hand through her hair. Then she shrieks. "WHERE IS ALL MY HAIR?! KID FLASH!"
"I swear I didn't do anything!" KF shouts, running to Robin. "Whoa, dude! You guys are hot!"
"Not what I wanted to hear," Conner groans.
"Why is my hair long?" Kaldur asks, looking at his body. "I am a woman?"
"Wow, Kal, why are you all so hot as girls?!" Wally shouts. "This is freakin' weird. I need to wake up from this dream. Someone pinch me." Artemis pinches him. "OWW! That hurt."
"Guess we're not dreaming," Artemis smirks.
"You enjoyed that," Wally snarls, rubbing his arm.
"Of course I did."
"Guys? Either I just learned how to shapeshift into boys or I'm really confused," Megan says dazed, walking over to join the others.
Robin moves over to Bolt, rolling her to her back.
"Whoa, is that Bolt?" KF asks, moving over beside Robin. "Why is her suit different? She even has goggles. Wait, should I be using his and he now? Ow! Would you stop smacking me?!"
"It wasn't me this time," Artemis says, glancing at Superboy. She looks at Bolt and kneels next to Robin. "She's actually kinda hot for a guy with pink hair."
Megan giggles. "Yeah."
"It makes me wonder how even Batman can't figure out who she is," Artemis inquires. "There can't be many girls in the world with natural pink hair."
"That's probably because she didn't have it until she got her powers," Wally says.
"So? Her info should be updated." She sighs. "I-Is she gonna be okay?"
Robin takes in her appearance, noticing the large gash across her cheek. "She took most of the blast, but her fast healing should get her back to normal. Her and... where is Genderbend?"
A few feet away is a man in the same costume Genderbend was in.
"I shall contain her," Aqualad says, moving to do just that.
"Oh man, what are we gonna do?!" Wally huffs. "I don't wanna be a girl forever!"
"Miss Martian, can you collect the gun?" Robin asks, seeing the gash begin to heal on Bolt's cheek. "We need to take it to Batman."
She nods and moves to find the gun. Superboy goes to help her.
Bolt stirs, blinking a few times before opening her eyes. Immediately feeling that something is off, I sit up. Next to me is a girl who looks a lot like Robin. "Wait... Robin?!"
"Holy crap," I say, sitting up and looking at everyone. "No way. You all swapped genders?"
"You did too, sweetheart," KF says.
"What?!" I shout, looking down at myself. I look at my suit, feeling everything different. "I have a dick?!"
"Bolt!" Robin shouts.
"What?" I question. "Jeez, you get embarrassed over the littlest things." I move to grab his boobs. "Like if I did this."
He smacks my hands away, his face immediately putting Wally's hair to shame. "Don't d-do that!"
I cackle as I pick myself up. Artemis immediately tackles me in a hug.
"You had me worried," she admits, moving an arms length back.
"Whoa! Artemis! You are h-o-t, hot!" I confess. "Well, as a guy."
She laughs. "I can say the same to you. Am I really? Do I have a nice butt too?"
"Give me a twirl." She does as told. "Oh yeah, you do! Just like Roy!"
We begin to laugh.
"I'm glad you two think this is funny," KF pouts, crossing his arms and having difficulty with his new grown boobs.
"Aww, you have a nice butt too, but only as a girl," I admit, looking at his butt.
"Why do you do this to us?" Wally huffs. "And stop looking at my butt!"
"You're just mad that you're shorter than Artemis and I now," I scoff.
"No, I'm not!"
"You know who has a really nice butt?" I ask, moving back to butts. "Robin. For both genders. Robin, you're almost as curvy as I am as a girl!"
"Stop," Robin groans.
"You don't leave much to the imagination in your suit," I comment, towering over Robin with a smirk and pulling him by his hips to me. "It's really sexy."
Robin pushes me away to hide his embarrassed self in his cape. I snicker. Kaldur comes over with Genderbend over his shoulder.
"Genderbend is contained. I have contacted Batman and told him of our situation. He said the police is on the way to get Genderbend then to return to the cave," Aqualad says.
"Whoa, Aqualad is pretty," I say, playing with his hair. "You look majestic. Holy crap! You look like Beyoncé. Ha! No, you'd be Seayoncé!"
Wally laughs with me as Kaldur awkwardly gives me a look, saying please stop. I grin, moving over to braid KF's hair. He swats at me, still annoyed about us making fun of him. I smack his hands back and continue.
"I found the gun and we collected as much of the serum as possible," Miss M says, floating over to everyone.
"Wow, even Superboy is hot or should I say Supergirl?" I grin.
"You're having way too much fun with this," Wally says.
"Well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts," I say. "Kinda like when you all turned into babies."
"Don't remind me," Conner grunts.
"Oh, I am so taking a lot of pictures," I squeal. "I can't wait! I can update my Instagram. Say cheese!" I get a group picture, none too happy. I immediately post it, automatically receiving likes.
"I've heard you've gotten a lot of follows for that," Artemis says. "Young Justice, right? Nice name."
"And the fact that Batman is infuriated by it," Wally adds.
"Yeah, he's hacked his way into my accounts and shut them down completely, but then I make a new one. He's finally to the point of not doing it anymore. I have 50 thousand followers and growing. Can you believe that?! That's more than like anyone!"
"That's unbelievable!" Artemis gasps. "I didn't even think that many people used Instagram since it's such a new thing."
"Yeah, it's only a few days old," I admit. "Only five days, I believe."
"That's impressive," Artemis says.
I smirk, looking to Robin, who's back is turned to me. I give Artemis a wink before I move over to him and grab his butt. I manage to get in a few speedy squeezes before he realizes and jumps into the air about 20 feet. Artemis and I burst out laughing. Robin shrinks to the ground, hiding completely in his cape. Wally goes to speed over and join us, catching himself from falling because of the height difference. After figuring it out he speeds up next to me and Artemis, laughing himself.
"C-come on guys! N-not f-funny!" Robin squeaks.
"Bolt, you should probably stop..." Megan mutters.
"I just had the best idea," Wally whispers. "Let's make this a game. Whoever can squeeze Robin's butt the most wins and one of us has to see it. Game is on until we change back."
"And what do we win?" Artemis asks.
"I'll delete the most embarrassing baby pictures I took of the winner," I say.
"Deal," the two immediately agree.
"Alright, I got 5 points!" I cheer.
"What? You've only squeezed his butt once!" Wally harshly whispers.
"I did more with speed. Also, I did squeeze his boobs and that's double points."
He groans. "Fine, you're in the lead."
"Yaah!" I cheer, moving back over and give Robin two grabs before racing back next to Wally and Artemis. "7 points."
"B-Bolt!" Robin squeaks. "I'm t-trying to talk to B-Batman!"
"Okay, it's not fair if you use your speed," Artemis complains.
"Alright, fine," I pout. "But my points still count."
"K, sure," Artemis huffs. "Wait, what do you get if you win?"
I smirk. "I leak one embarrassing photo of each of you on Instagram."
"Game on!" Wally shouts.
"Artemis, Kid Flash, Bolt, Batman has told us to come to the cave," Kaldur says.
"What about Genderbend?" I ask.
"The police have her handled," Kaldur says, pointing in the direction.
I watch the police stuff the male Genderbend in the back of a police vehicle. Megan calls to the bioship and it lands a few feet from her. Wally races by, giving Robin's butt a light squeeze.
"It wasn't me this time," I chuckle. "It was a different speedster."
"Wally!" Robin shouts, chasing after the speedster into the bioship.
"Even though I'm a man now, I'm liking how tall I am," Artemis says.
"Yeah, you say that now. Just wait until we have to pee," I say.
"You had to go and ruin it," Artemis groans.
We follow the others onto the bioship. Artemis, Wally, and I group together in the corner, watching Robin continue to be pink.
"Alright, 5 points for grabbing Conner's butt and 10 for his boobs," I whisper. "10 for Kaldur's butt and 20 for his boobs."
"Not including M'gann," Artemis says.
"Not including Megan," I clarify. "Because I know neither of you are brave enough to do that. Me on the other hand... 100 points for a squeeze."
"What?!" the two shout, earning a few looks from the others.
"So not fair!" Wally whispers harshly.
I cackle. "No, I'm just playing. Artemis, you need to start. You're the loser right now."
"Well, both of us are," Artemis points out to her and Wally.
"True, looks like those pictures are getting uploaded."
The two pout as we enter through the hangar doors. Megan lands the ship and we all exit to head to the mission room. Batman and Flash are there waiting for us. Flash opens his mouth.
"Not. One. Joke," Wally growls.
"Your parents are so going to kill me," Flash groans. "But first..." Then he bursts out laughing.
"It's not funny!" Wally shouts.
I give Artemis a wink before snaking my hands around Wally's backside and squeezing his boobs. "I just gained 5 points!" I speed over to Artemis and laugh with her.
"H-Hey!" Wally huffs, face matching his hair.
"Did you collect samples?" Batman asks, ignoring our little scene.
"Yes, M'gann?" Robin calls out.
Megan and the others deal with the gun and the solution used to change us, meanwhile I'm going to have some fun.
"BOLT!" about a million angry voices shout.
I snicker as I skid to a stop in the living area. Artemis, Conner, and Megan look up from the couch.
"What did you do this time?" Artemis asks.
"Just gaining a few hundred points," I smirk.
"Who'd you get this time?" Megan asks, having heard about the game.
"Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, Robin, KF, Kaldur, and Black Canary," I admit, counting off my fingers. "FYI, you can't tell because of the cape but Batman has a really nice firm ass."
The three gape.
"Alright, I admit defeat," Artemis sighs, throwing her hands up. "Getting Batman is like winning the whole thing. I quit."
"Alright!" I whip out my phone and get on Instagram to upload the embarrassing toddler photo of Artemis. "Embarrassing photo of Artemis! #lostabet #youngjustice #babyArtemis. Aannnnnnd uploaded!" I grin.
"Bolt!" Artemis shouts.
I cackle as I speed out of her way.
"How much longer are we going to be stuck like this?!" Wally exclaims, throwing his hands up as he enters the room. He crosses his arms and slumps onto the couch. "I'd like to get out of my suit now, but I don't have any clothes to change into!"
I skid to a stop, causing Artemis to run into the back of me and fall to the floor. "That's it!"
"Oww!" Artemis huffs.
"We need to go shopping for clothes!" I cheer.
"Ooh! I've been wanting to go to the Happy Harbor Mall!" Megan cheers.
"Why do you need to go to the mall? You can just change your clothes into whatever you want," Artemis says, rubbing her nose from pain.
"I like to go to see different clothes to change into," Megan admits.
"There aren't just clothes at the mall, Arty," I chuckle. "But that's the reason we'll be going. KF, go get the rest of the team, we're going shopping."
"Team meet up in the mission room. We have some information on the blaster," Batman announces through the speakers.
We all hurriedly head into the room, eager to hear the news.
"Are we going to turn back to normal?" Wally asks. "I really don't wanna go shopping for girl clothes."
"You don't really have a choice," Flash sighs. "We are able to make a counter-serum, but it will take about a week."
"A week?!" everyone shouts.
"Reason being is the blaster has been damaged and needs repairs," Batman says.
"What about school?" I huff. "I can't miss any more days! My parents will be furious and they're not even the ones that scare me! It's those teachers holding me back! I've had to forge countless doctors notes. I can't go home looking like this!"
"Then we'll give you a room until you're back to normal," Batman says.
"So, are we going to go shopping?" Megan asks.
"Oh, definitely," I smirk, grinning at the girl turned boys. "We're going to have a lot of fun. Just let me call my parents real quick."
"I am not going in that store," Wally huffs, looking up at the store in hatred.
The team is standing outside a certain store for the new girls, wearing either really loose clothing or too tight. Megan and I being the only one with fitting clothes. It took a few tries for me to form clothes the right size to my new body. Deciding to change it up a bit, I change the shades to the color blue, so everyone can see my eyes but can't tell what color they are.
"You got to," I state. "Bras are an essential."
"Come on, we're just going to get you each a sports bra," Artemis says.
"Conner, Robin," I call out. "You two come with me. Apollo, you take the other two."
"Apollo?" Artemis asks.
"Yeah, Apollo is Artemis' twin brother. I'll still go as Bolt. Robin can still be Robin. Kaldur can be Kallie. Megan can be Matt. Conner can be Connie. Wally can be... Wanda!"
"Ah, man! Don't give us nicknames! That makes it more real!" Wally complains.
"Alright," Artemis nods. "I'm cool with that. Apollo, I like it. Alright, Kallie and Wanda, let's go get you measured."
"Matt, you can come observe," I say, leading them over to the sports bras. "Robin, I'm going to guess you're a 34C and Connie probably a 32B."
"How do you know?" Megan asks.
"Well, I myself, am a 36C," I admit. "Robin can't be much smaller."
After the hassle and fighting of them getting bras, we move on to get us all some shoes and are now on the way to get clothes. The boys and girls split, Megan going with the new females to help them with clothing choices.
"Wow, guys have a really small category of clothing," Artemis says, pulling out a muscle shirt.
"Well, I've chosen all my clothes already," I admit. "Thank God for superspeed!"
"Aren't you worried about getting caught?" Artemis asks.
"Uh, no. I'm not going to look like this forever, so may as well do what I want," I smirk, holding the single bag over my shoulder.
Wally speeds to a stop beside us. "I'm finished. Never want to do that again."
"I'm gonna go check on Kal and Robin," I respond, giving Wally my bag.
"Why do I have to hold your bag?" Wally scoffs.
"Because there are only a few things in it and you're supposed to be the man not me," I grin, racing over to the girl's section. "Hey, Kal. You find everything alright?"
"I believe I am doing well," he says. "My mother would take me shopping with her a lot when I was younger."
"I like the choices you've made so far," I nod approvingly at the clothes in his arms.
"Hello, gorgeous."
I turn towards the voice somewhere nearby, seeing a tall blond guy looking at someone a few clothe aisles away.
"Not interested," a voice responds, a voice I quickly recognize as Robin's feminine voice.
"What, not gonna even give me a chance?"
"I'll be back, Kallie," I wink as I move over to Robin. I snake my arms around his waist, giving him a kiss on the cheek before looking to the dude flirting with him. "You finding everything alright, babe?"
"B-Bolt!" Robin squeaks surprised.
"Is this guy bothering you?" I ask, glaring.
"So, she's your girl?" the guy scoffs, looking to my hair. "Nice hair."
"Thanks, it's natural, unlike yours," I retort. "Now, leave my girlfriend alone. She's mine. Shoo, shoo."
The guy grumbles as he stalks off. I release my hold on Robin and check him over.
"If h-he touched me, I would've handled him myself..." Robin pouts.
"I know," I smirk, grabbing his hips and pulling him to me. "But, I just wanted an excuse to hold and kiss you."
He covers his face with his hands and leans into my chest in embarrassment. "That w-was totally embarrassing and so weird."
I laugh and wrap my arms around his shoulders as I'm much taller than him. "You're too cute, Robin."
"I'm not supposed to be cute, I'm supposed to be sexy."
I laugh even more as I bury my face in his hair. "You'll always be sexy but will always be cute to me first. I'm supposed to be the sexy one."
Footsteps walk up from behind us.
"Oh, are we interrupting something?" Artemis asks. One could hear the smirk in her tone.
Robin quickly tries to get out of my grasp, but I hold on tight, giving a really look to Artemis. "Yes, we're bonding."
Artemis laughs as I pout, releasing a red Robin.
"We've bought everything we need, so we're heading to the food court so Kid Mouth will shut up about being hungry," Artemis says, gesturing to Megan, Conner, and Wally. "Kallie, still needs to buy clothes."
"So does Robin," I admit. "I'll stay here just in case any other weirdos decide to flirt with either of them."
"Alright, bro," she laughs as they depart.
"Well, as a speedster, I'm hungry myself, so you two need to hurry. Protecting delicate woman is a lot of hard work."
Robin rolls his eyes as he heads back to look for clothes. After I help the two (fe)males with choosing clothes, we meet up with the others or really Artemis, Conner, and Megan. Everyone is now dressed in their new clothes. Basically, everyone is in sweatpants and a T-shirt.
"Where's Wally?" Robin asks.
"She's over there getting flirted with by some guy," Artemis snickers, pointing.
We all look in the direction to see the guy who was flirting with Robin earlier.
"That's that same weirdo," Robin scoffs.
"Well, get over there and protect your girl," I say, shoving Artemis in his direction.
"Kid Mouth is not my girl," Artemis scoffs but heads over to the table anyway. She slaps her hands down on the table, giving the flirt a glare that'd give Batman a run for his money.
I chuckle as the remaining three of us go to different places to get food. Robin and I both end up getting Chick-fil-A, pay for what we want, and head to the table Wally was at, finding that the flirt is still there along with the others, leaving out Kaldur. The guy notices our arrival, eyes widened.
"Hey guys, is he bothering you at all because I'd be more than happy to take care of him," I grin at him, setting our bags down.
"You again," Robin scoffs. "It was one thing that you were flirting with me, but now you're flirting with my best friend. Bolt, I can take care of this loser."
I smirk. "I know you can, Robin."
"Is it against the law to flirt with single woman?" the guy asks. "Blondie here isn't her man."
I snicker, crossing my arms over my chest and flexing my muscles to appear more threatening. "Flirting with any of us is a mistake. Leave or I'll make you."
"Is there a problem?" Kaldur asks, arriving with his food and stepping between us.
"This loser won't leave us alone," I spit.
He turns to look at the flirt. "Do we have a problem?"
"Yeah, this–"
I get irritated and cut him off by wrapping a hand around his throat. "Leave. Leave or I'll snap it."
"Bolt!" Kaldur shouts.
My eyes widen as I snap out of it and release the boy, who quickly runs away.
"Bolt? W-what was that? You-you just threatened to kill him!" Wally gasps.
I run a hand through my hair, letting out uneven shaky breaths. "I-I-I'm sorry, I don't–I didn't mean... I-I... I need some air..." I quickly grab my food and bolt off to the roof of the mall, burying my face in my hands. Many breaths are taken as I try to compose myself. "I'm not a killer. I'm not a killer. I'm not–"
You're not?
"No!" I scream, feeling the smirk from the imaginary voice in my head.
You've tortured, killed, murdered, and have shot many people. You know that you like the feeling, the thrill that you get as you kill.
Yesss... Stop trying to be good. It doesn't fit you. The feeling of bloodlust that you get from hurting people is overwhelmingly powerful. You know you like it.
"Get out of my head!" I tell, gripping my hair between my fingers.
The villain look suits you better, more powerful, more free!
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