33 • Vansh's prays for riddhima
Hi guys how are you thank you so much for waiting ❤️❤️
Angre called someone : thank you... thank you so much
Within 15 mins there were many people standing infront of vansh
Vansh : aap sabh yaha
Angre : boss I have called them I asked them and they agreed
Vansh : but how will you al....
A man came infront of him
Man : sir you gave always helped us they why can't we help you
(They were his employees and some of his works whom he always helped them both financially and emotionally)
After sometime
Person : sir we should leave , sir I hope she will be fine
Vansh : thank you so much
Person : it's our duty
Vansh was sitting on the bench, devastated it's been 2 hours and there was no information about Riddhima
A woman saw him looking at her from the small glass hole it's was not sufficient for him he he wanted to see his riddhima not this one the one who roamed here and there not the riddhima who was lying on the OT bed the riddhima who used to fight with him for small things not the one who is fight between life and death this was piercing his heart . A woman saw him taking round outside the OT
Vansh felt Someone's hand on his shoulders he looked back
Women : beta doctor are doing there work but there is one who has the power to ment everything to save everyone and anyone but can also destroy they pray to that God if you will pray whole heartedly and with good intentions he will definitely listen to you (she warmly smiled at him )
Vansh looked at the idol of God which he considered a stone or still considers it a stone but for the first time is heart was insisting him to pray to him for riddhima his riddhima
Vansh kneels down before god's idol and joins his hand
Vansh : I never believed on you because you snatched the person I loved my mom so much but you took her away from me . Then riddhima came in my life i shared my each happiness and sorrow with her and you are snatched her from me you can't do this i haven't gave you the permission to do this , you have to return her to me I can't let her go please, riddhima used to say that you always help her when she needed you and today she needs you the most ❤️ please give my Riddhu back to me please
Tears where flowing throw this eyes he was praying for the most precious person of this life for the first time vansh rai Singhania was bowing his head just for riddhima his riddhima
Angre saw him praying and he was surprised to see this but this was not the correct time to think these things so he left from there not before joining his hand and praying
Angre : please god save riddhima she was my duty and if I will not be able forgive myself if something happened to her
After sometime
Vansh was still sitting there and was thinking about riddhima his thoughts were broken by angre who was called him
Angre : boss docter is out of the OT
Vansh quickly came to meet the doctor
Vansh : doctor how is riddhima is she fine
Doctor : we cannot say anything if If he regains consciousness in two hours, it's fine otherwise ....
Vansh's anger raised : what do you mean by this ....
Angre holds him
Angre : boss control (to the doctor) can we meet her
Doctor : yes you can one at a time
Angre : thank you doctor
Doctor left
Vansh goes inside the room
She was looking pale with many matine contacted to her he sat beside her and controlled his tears
Vansh : riddhima (her came out as a whisper )
He was not able to speak
Vansh : riddhima what you have done to your self hu I told you come with me but no you always do whatever comes in your mind the only person who can disobey me and now look at yourself (he choked words were not coming out of his mouth ) riddhima please open your eyes please rabbit ..who ... riddhima who will scold me when I will do something who will fight with me for chocolates and whom I will call rabbit and will irritate by saying this ..... please if you wili wake up na I promise you I will never irritate you pakka please wake up
Saying so he again started crying
So guys done for the day finally my test are over and I am free....... ❤️❤️❤️ Feeling like dancing god.....chodo thank you so much for waiting please please do vote and comment I will update a new chapter tomorrow for sure but if you will vote so till then bye
Thesleepysoul di kar diya 😁😁✌🏻✌🏻
Take care 😊💕
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