‧🧨˚໑ ✧ Mayday jako Mastermind [danganronpa] (11/11)
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𝐜𝐳𝐲𝐥𝐢 moja Gacha OC gdyby była Mastermind'em w Danganronpie. dodałam kwestie Mayday w tym 'AU' pod i nad rysunkami. Danganronpa NIE należy do mnie. w pewnym sensie zawiera spojlery do Danganronpy :
"the Mastermind is..."
"Me! Mayday fuck!ng Hill!"
"This Despair... Oh, look at your face! It says everything..."
"This is... The Despair of death!"
"What the h!ll are you!?"
"Of course, you HAD to break my plans."
"You think I don't regret it? You think I'm not sad about it?"
"Phuhuhuhu... It may be just a little lie that you made up!"
"Looking at all of the arguments I made, you have no chance to survive outside the school."
"My sweet Despair killer, be the one who push that button! This is the true Despair of death!"
"No..? Well then... Let's give it everythink we've got! It's..."
aplikacje użyte :
a) gachaclub
b) paint3d
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