4|The Man
Sending a letter to him. Letting his know she cares for him, and apologizing for her absence. Lunette needed a way to clear her mind other than walking her dog, and buying expensive things to try and find her happiness. But when she was out in the town. Word on Louis spread about another blonde male who'd he had been housing. Curiosity filled her but didn't like hearing the rumors.
Lunette arrived home to a letter reading it. Louis's handwriting she'd recognize in a heartbeat reading it. The letter invited her to a dinner that very night. A small smile grew on her face hoping they would catch up and rekindle what friendship they once had.
She dressed in her Yellow dress. Over the years she tried to expand her dress palette and colors. But always seemed to like yellow.
Leaving her dog with the maids...his collar with the name V. Meaning Vincent she never named him because she never thought of a good one for her partner in crime. Vincent seemed to meet him just right finding the name elegant and warming.
The night fell upon her. Her hair brushed, for the first time in weeks. Going to the carriage that awaited her outside getting in and getting bring to the estate. A man dressed in rags ran to the horse and stopped him as she stepped out on her own. Yvette opened the door bowing her head to the woman. "Master....Your guest is here." She announced walking into the dining room stepping to the side keeping her head low.
Lunette entered the room her head high as she saw Louis instantly knitting her brows together. His eyes seemed to be glowing his hair ruffled but yet calm on his shoulders. Before her head snapped the the blonde who appeared right in front of her. Pale skin and veins very pronounced.
"Madam~" The blonde said taking her hand kissing it gently while his blue eyes met her brown.
"Minsour. I don't believe we've ever met." Lunette said in response composing herself the things with true. The town folk were right about her old friend and the new man.
"Ah forgive me. Lestat. I've heard about you one or twice since my arrival." The blonde introduced smiling before putting a hand on her back leading her to a chair that was close to Louis. He seemed pained and struggling like he was fighting himself.
"Lunette...its good to see you." He said. Truly it was. His old life had been gone but yet she was the moon in his night sky. The only person he had left but. Controlling himself was hard. It was hard once her neck was exposed he felt her pulse. Turning his head away to look at his plate.
"And you. You seem different. I'm sorry I should've come sooner. Would have gave us more time to catch up, and meet your friend." Luna responded gulping slightly while Yvette made her plate placing it down in front of her. Taking whiff of the food.
A small smile growing onto her face. "Lamb...." She said staring down at the meat. Everytime she came over to his house when they were children she'd always want lamb. It was her favorite. A memory unlocked again.
"Your favorite." Lestat said out loud while he sat at the other end of the table crossing his legs and leaning on the table amused at the scene he had made and was playing out. "I heard, so I had it prepared." He added smiling widely. Putting his handkerchief to his mouth whole he laughed.
Slightly confused but turned to Louis staring at his perfect nails then looked back up at him. "Louis." She whispered to him.
His eyes looking back at her with no face closing his eyes then looked back at Lestat.
"Mmmm." The blonde hummed out before sighing.
"Sweetheart. I'm deeply sorry for hearing about your father, your husband, and your child most of all." Lestat said sincerely.
Lunette stared at him knowing he sounded sincere and kind. Her face shakily trying to think of what to say or do her hand gripped the fork gently, but Louis reached forward putting his hand on hers. Looking at him he stared down at his plate not making eye contact but his hand on hers.
"Thank you. It- it was a process to go through. But I like to think that I'm in a better place." Lunette explained her voice slightly cracking.
"I'm sure it's lonely living in your estate watching your days turn to nights, then nights turn to days. In a full cycle." Lestat spoke staring at Louis while the two made contact. He seemed to care more about her then Louis.
Lunette pulled her hand away from Louis. Yvette came back in shyly clearly uncomfortable. "You've haven't touched you meal." She spoke looking at him painfully leaning down to take his food reaching for it. Louis grabbed her arm tightly causing the air to be tensed.
Louis paused for a moment restricting himself. "I'm not done. Now leave us." The brunette groaned putting the plate back down bowing her head and rushing back out of the room.
Lunette felt uncomfortable with everything. Her friend changed, and yet aggressively.
Lestat stood up walking to them both. "Why don't you two go on a walk. Just the two. I'm sure it may be different with me around. A new presence." He said sadly bowing his head.
"I actually am fond of you Mr. Lestate. I'm sure you've been taking care of Louis when no one else has." Luna admitted looking up at the blue dressed male while he smirked down at her.
Louis stood up all of a sudden. "A walk." He demanded then walked out the room outside pacing while he waited for her.
Lunette watched him get up and leaving standing up herself. "Tell me one thing Lestat." She said staring into his eyes.
"Anything my dear." The blonde responded smiling widely nodding his head.
"What happened to Louis?" She asked. Even thought she was skeptical of the male. She still found him the only connection to the one she loved. Luna wasn't there for him when he needed her most, failing as someone he cared for.
"Well..." Lestat began putting his hands behind his back walking back to the end of his table. "He lost his wife and child in the same day. With nothing from his childhood friend." He guilt tripped her clearly.
Lunette eyes widen slightly from his words. A clear attack to her she winced slightly nodding her head in understanding before she began to walk out as she walked past him he grabbed her wrist.
"But you've also lost a lot...I hope when a good deal comes. You'll take it." Lestat said leave a kiss on her knuckles. Before she walked outside to Louis who stopped pacing looking at him.
"A walk." Lunette cracked forcing a smile.
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