2|A New Life
Lunette Le Laurant was a women who was graced by God. Her mother was a slave from her father Andrew's friends plantation. He had slept with because of her rare beauty and unlike the women he had married, divorced or even whored by his side. Never produced anything. Fertility was a slight issue when it came to the man but the woman was lucky. Sadly. Death in childbirth but he did the honorable thing and named the girl after her mother. Lunette.
Most would throw her away into slavery but her beauty was unmatched. Her eyes a light brow almost a yellow in the sunlight. Skin and hair soft and gently to the touch.
"Baba....Can't I go out and get a doll?" The 6 year old girl asked her hair tied up into a bun with a blue ribbon. The male in his office chair looked up from his papers and pen shaking his head sadly.
"Sorry my beauty. But you know you can't go off by yourself. I will try to see when I'm finished." Andrew said smiling gently at the girl. His suit rich for the 1700's and her dress. The best fabric out there.
"But why not?" The french girl asked him raising her voice slightly.
"All the other girls will be playing with each other. Showing of their dolls, dresses and shoes. Playing with eachothers hair." Lunette spoked up clearly upset. She had never been able to play with anybody other then some adults she met at her father's parties but he rarely rarely had those anymore.
Andrew stared at his girl narrowing his eyes closing them taking a deep breath then opened them again. Taking off his glasses nodding. "Come here sweet girl." He said keeping his calm. She didn't understand fully the world out there. As the girl made her way and sat in his lap staring up at him.
"Yes. The other girls play with each other. Yes they are wealthy just like you but....You're. A rare gem. You are precious to be out in those streets alone." He tried to explain sugar coating it obviously but still trying to give her a reasoning.
"But I can't have at least one friend?" Lunette's voice was softer while she looked down earing a heavy sigh nodding his head.
"A friend.....Alright. A friend you will get." He responded kissing the top of her head picking her up walking out of his office and to the main hall setting her down. "Tomorrow we will dine with a friend of mine. His son is about your age may a little older. I'll have someone ride with a letter letting them know we will be there tomorrow. How does that sound?" Andrew asked the girl lifting his brow smiling.
"Deal!" Lunette shouted giggling. Her father's brows knitted together smiling widely nodding his head. "Now....bed." he said kissing her head once more before walking away.
A friend is what she had that next night. Going to the Manor introducing herself. Though the family was skeptical but they enjoyed their presence. Leaving the two children alone.
"Im Louis." The brown hair green eyes boy introduce holding out his hand looking down at her.
"Lunette." She responded looking up clenching her porcelain doll tightly slowly reaching her hand out for him to shake but instead he picked it up and kissed it. The 8 year old male let go of it as she snatched it back.
"Father said to always kiss a ladies hand when first meeting her." Louis explained his logic.
"I'm not a lady yet." Lunette responded.
"Aren't you?" Louis asked teasing slightly chuckling.
Now that was the introduction to the friendship years went on and she came over to the planting planting least 3 times a week. Her maids and coaches bringing her over whenever she wasn't writing a poem, practice her Viola or other academic things she had in private. Years went by and she grew feelings towards the Pointe le Du Lac boy.
But that came to a halt once she found out his engagement. She wasn't surprised but the again was. She never confessed but knew....knew for a fact it was because he needed to keep the legacy going. As she needed to.
Lunette became close friends with his wife a sweet, kind women nothing less but she felt anger towards her some how and didn't understand why. Why she did she hate a woman she had no reason to. Or maybe...maybe it was just because she had one thing she wanted the most.
Their wedding was great, everyone cheered but Lunette made a speech. Once she composed herself pretty well when doing so. "Louis, is a dear friend of mine. The first friend of mine when I was little. Now he's all grown up and married to a beauty, a king caring woman." She spoke in front of the ground smiling raising her cup.
"A toast to the groom....to the bride. And may you always be satisfied." Lunette spoked out as every shouted happily taking a drink including the woman and man. Louis stared at her with a slight pained look smiling weakly.
Before the night was over Louis went on a walk with Lunette just the two of them. "You know. That speech you did was quiet big of you in such a big crowd." He admitted to her.
"Well I'm not a child anymore. I'm a lady." Lunette responded smiling weakly while he let out a chuckle.
"Ah. Now a lady I see. When we were children years ago. You said you weren't a lady but now...you've grown into one. Thank you for everything." Louis explained to her.
"Thank you. For being a friend to a girl who had none. But I must confess." Lunette grabbed his arm tightly staring down at her pink dress and the braids that layed on her chest and down her back before looking up at him.
"I've loved you for a long time now, My feelings only growled stronger the longer we spent together." She explained his lips parting to speak but she shook her head.
"I know. I know you're married. You have a life to build with your wife. As I will with my husband. I just. I didn't want you to go on without knowing." Lunette told him the weight lifted off her chest letting go of his jacket he swooped down taking her hand and placing a kiss on it.
"I love you as well....but we both are faithful to the ones we have." Louis spoke wisely while her eyes began to become watery smiling and laughing while they fell.
"To you Louis." The dark skinned woman spoke putting a hand to his cheek caressing it with her thumb before pulling away from him walking back to the Manor on the plantation to grab her father and go.
As they arrived home to their building she quickly went to her room locking herself inside lighting another candle by her desk quickly pulling out the letters on top of letters she had written for Louis staring at one reading it. Shaking her head slowly sniffling realizing she had started crying. Her father had married her off to a man she knew it was her duty and he was getting older but. She didn't want to. Luna wanted Louis, the girl wanted to take the boy away from their lives and live in secret together warm in each others embraces but no. They couldn't they had their own lives and she needed to think realistically.
Lunette groaned in pain from her emotions gritting her teeth. Going to her wardrobe opening it going to the bottom behind the cloaks sniffling there was a white box she had kept her jewerly in. But instead dumped it out onto the floor walking back over to her desk and stuffing the letters in them her tears fell onto the paper some new...some old but still stuffing in the box locking it and putting it under her bed before opening her canopy and laying down on top of her pillows.
She needed to move on
He had nothing left for her, the thought of him made her heart ache. Loving someone was more than words when you grew up with them. Telling them every little detail that happened when you were in the streets. But every good story had its end. This was there's.
A month later from her demise.
Lunette was married to a man name Lucius Whitlock. A man of such stature he heard of the dark skinned woman being in such a high class but was amazed when he saw her. He was about 5 years older than her, but still in a great place to care. Lunette moved in with him he lived on the other side of New Orleans glad to still be able the city.
Her suitcases moving in with the help of the servants staring up at the chandelier that hanged in the kitchen of the Manor. A large golden dog on a black leash that was wrapped around her hands the other down by her side.
"How do you like it Sweetheart?" The tall male walked in beside her putting a hand around her waist.
"Ah.. its really something else." Lunette responded in disbelief, it was slightly cold and uninviting but yet so elegant and tasteful.
"Isn't it?" He asked excitedly kissing her cheek. The 21 years old girl smiling from the mark on her cheek looking at him.
"Its all ours. Imagine it the children running down the halls chasing each other. While you hold our newborn in your arms while we talk to our parents over tea." Lucius dreamed out loud smiling widely which slightly scared the girl but nodded keeping her smile.
"Truly amazing." Lunette forced out.
A new life in front of her.....
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