Chapter Twenty Two-Oh, Carl
"Listen, Carl, I don't care if you don't like him that doesn't give you the right to try to murder him, okay," El said, trying to defuse the situation.
"Uh, yeah, it does!" Carl protested, holding the repulser of the iron man suit he stole out at Spider-Man. El stepped in between them and held her hand out defensively. She hated her powers, but if it came down to her feelings or her family, the choice was non-existent. Though, she was kind of annoyed at the entire situation.
Tony and Steve had been out on some sort of adventure, a trust-building exercise, or something like that. Apparently, they hadn't had the greatest past. So, of course, nothing wanted to go well, and some weird dude with a thirst for vengeance shows up and interrupts Good Omens. So now, here they were, standing in the living room ready to destroy him.
When El saw Carl start to power up the repulsers she acted quickly, starting a fire on the man's clothes and though you couldn't tell it was there from the outside, you could hear his screams.
Once she thought the man had gotten enough of a char, she put out the fire and watched as he dropped to the ground.
"Can you leave, I really want to see how this man reacts to talking to aliens." The man scrambled up and went to leave, "Without the suit, " El pushed. The man reluctantly removed it before running away.
"So, wanna go back to watching this?" Peter just stared for about three minutes before replying, "uh... sure."
"Why is there a suit in the middle of the living room?" Was the first thing Tony said when he walked in, "Because El is a badass that defeated this fool that stole your Iron Man suit, " Peter pipes up eagerly. El smiled at his response.
Tony frowned and Steve muttered a small 'Language.'
"That doesn't make sense, my suits have a protocol that doesn't let unauthorized access, so he must have hacked it!" Tony exclaimed worriedly, and El made a face, "Uh, that guy didn't really seem smart enough to hack your tech."
"Jarvis?" Tony asked into the air. No response. They looked around worriedly.
"Shit," Tony muttered as he bolted to his lab. They all followed closely behind. By the time they got down there, Tony already had a computer fired up and was furiously typing.
"What are you doing?" Pete questioned.
"Making sure that prick didn't touch Jarvis." Tony spat, obviously angry. El slightly flinched at his tone.
"Goddamnit!" Tony shouted as he slammed his fist on the table. El slightly backed up after flinching.
"Tony, calm down," Steve suggested -more so kindly demanded-, noticing El's reaction. Tony ignored Steve's comment and rolled his chair to the other side of the room before firing up another computer. The split second it turned on, he began typing at the speed of light.
After entering multiple lines of code, he clicked enter one last time. The screen started flashing with a 'SUCCESS' sign.
"Jarvis? You there, bud?" Tony questioned.
"For you sir, always." He responded in his heavy accent. Tony sighed in relief.
"Show security footage for my lab and the living room."
"Right away, sir." Two screens appeared in front of them. One with the Peter and El watching Good Omens, and the other of Tony's lab. They all leaned in closer to the screens, eager to see what happened. A man entered the living room in Iron Man Suit Mark 23.
El immediately stood up from the couch to face the man. Peter suited up quickly.
"Where's Iron Man?" He asked. Meanwhile... On the other screen, somebody walked into Tony's lab and began typing away.
"Who's asking? Well, I know you're asking, but anybody else?" Peter replied.
"Why do you need to know? And who the hell are you?" El questioned.
"I'm Carl, and I came for revenge, Tony Stark killed my family, so I will kill him and also that stupid Spider-Guy because I don't like him." he squinted at Peter, "In fact, you sound quite a lot like Spider-Man yourself." Once Peter realized there was no point in keeping his identity when it was already known, he quickly changed into his suit so that fighting would be easier.
"Listen, Carl, I don't care if you don't like him that doesn't give you the right to try to murder him, okay," El argued.
"Jarvis, is it possible for you to find out who they are?" Tony wondered. The two screens with security footage disappeared.
"I am afraid not, sir." Tony sighed in what everyone assumed was exhaustion.
"So what now?" Steve asked.
"Well, now we find them," Tony responded.
"Like... Right now?" Peter asked energetically.
"Yeah. Suit up." Tony demanded. Everybody fled to their rooms, including El.
Tony waited patiently in the living room for everyone in his Iron Man suit. Captain America was heading to the living room and Peter was sliding into his suit. El stood in front of her closet, completely lost.
"I don't have that many clothes, so it shouldn't be that hard, right?" She muttered to herself. El sighed as she made her way downstairs. She was still wearing a t-shirt and jeans when Tony saw her he frowned at her.
"Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you that I made a suit for you, " he said before handing her a catsuit, "It's fireproof, obviously, " Tony said with a hint of pride in his voice.
It was black and had long sleeves and pant legs. The collar of the catsuit came about three inches above her collarbone and it hugged her body.
She walked back to her room to change and soon enough she was ready to go. She didn't miss the way Peter was looking at her, probably because she was staring right back at him. She also didn't miss the chuckles and groans from both Tony and Steve.
She blushed and rolled her eyes with a sheepish smile before quickly turning away. Tony groans, "You two are dating right?"
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the bright red of Peter's cheeks. She turned and even darker shade of red and buried her head in her hands.
"Well, let's go," Steve suggested, seeing how uncomfortable El and Peter were. Tony just laughed and nodded, leading them into the Quinjet.
It was ten minutes later they realized they had no idea where they were going, and that they had no leads. So they sat on the jet as it flew around in circles, brainstorming while the people on the ground were probably taking videos and pictures.
"You have security cameras outside of the facility, right?" El asked.
"Well then check them for the escape and track the license plate."
"Oh," Tony said sheepishly.
"Duh," she mocked. Steve snickered from the pilot seat of the Quinjet. They all sat in awkward silence as Tony tried to find their location.
"So... um... How has school been?" El asked, trying to make small talk. Her voice was timid as if she was worried she was a bother.
"It's been good," Peter stated.
"Speaking of school... El, we have to get you enrolled some time." Tony chimed in.
"W-what?" She stuttered.
"Well, technically, you still have two years of school left." He replied without looking up from his laptop screen. The Quinjet fell silent again.
"Yes!" Tony yelled after thirty minutes of silence. El's head shot up and she looked at him, confused.
"Right there, look!" He said as he pointed to a spot on his screen. It was a location. Tony entered the coordinates into the Quinjet's navigation system.
"We're here." Cap stated as he landed the Quinjet in the middle of a field, "Just remember, you get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off." Tony rolled his eyes. Oh, the cringe.
Cap opened the large door on the Quinjet and got out of his seat. Peter looked around, using his spidey senses to find the bad guys. They heard a noise and their heads jerked towards that direction. Flames hovered above El's palms, Spidey had his web shooters ready, Iron Man had his repulser ready to fire at any moment, and Captain America had his shield and was ready to knock someone out cold with it.
A gunshot was heard. Steve jumped in front of Spidey and reflected it with his shield.
"Thanks," He muttered quietly. Steve only nodded. Another gunshot rang through the field. They heard a ding and looked over at Tony. A small dent on the shoulder of the suit could barely be seen. He slowly turned around and looked very annoyed.
A person was holding a gun. Carl.
"Did you really think that was a good idea?" Tony sarcastically asked. Carl made a hand gesture and several more people came into view. Each one with a different weapon.
One had a large machete. One had a machine gun. One had some exotic looking weapon. One of them had throwing knives. One of them had a Kanata. One had what looked to be grenades. One had a bow and arrow. One had a spear.
The one with a spear threw it at Spidey with a grunt. El somehow caught it right before it skewered Pete in the face. Now she had a spear in one hand and fire above her other hand.
"You killed our family, Stark." Carl plainly stated. Everybody charged at the Avengers that stood before them. The one with a machete charged at El. She threw the spear at him, but he dodged it and the other guy picked it up. Now she was fighting the one with a spear as well.
A string of fire emerged from her hand and she surrounded the two she was fighting off. Cap was fighting the one with throwing knives and the one with a bow and arrow. Iron Man was fighting the man with the exotic weapon and the woman with a Kanata. Spider-man was fighting off the one with a machine gun and the one with grenades.
Carl came up behind El and held a cloth to her mouth and nose. She tried not to breathe it in, but to avail. Everything spun, and she blacked out.
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