hσmє ѕwєєt níghtmαrє
(Wattpad Is Giving me a hard time with the chappy photo so I'm just gonna put it here)
(It took me many days of searching through swag Chara photos on Google to find it)
(Very 10/10 suitable)
You finally were able to return to your apartment. HOORAY! You still had to be careful of your wound, you didn't want to stretch it back open.
It felt nice to be home, breathing in the sweet air that smelled sorta like freshly mowed grass and bits of honey, but despite the freshly mowed grass and honey air, you were still happy.
That morning you thought everything was gonna go well. No more red face guy, no more hospital atmosphere, just peace and relaxation. You wanted to Netflix and Chill with some //Favorite Soda\\ and extra buttery popcorn. Those were very excellent plans, Y/N.
You eased out of bed and took a deep breath. You changed into some comfortable day clothes and brushed your hair. You carefully made your way into your living room and towards the kitchen. Your stomach growled. "Hey! Where's that popcorn!" It grumbled.
But when you entered, you saw a boy that looked about 19 years old with short auburn-brown hair, pale white skin, and a pink circle on the one cheek visible. He wore a green sweater with one big yellow stripe, jeans, and brown boots. He was admiring your many cooking knives that were aligned on your counter.
"ϒϴῠ'νϵ gϴt α ϼrϵttϒ ͷῖͼϵ kͷῖfϵ ͼϴllϵͼtῖϴͷ, ϒ/ͷ. (You've got a pretty nice knife collection, Y/N)." He commented without looking at you. "Specifically, I prefer this one." He pulled the biggest blade out of it's area and swung at it at you. You stepped back a couple paces in alarm, he snickered and looked at you.
Those eyes.
You knew those eyes.
Those very eyes that left you to die with the wound they gave you.
Those eyes that spilled the damn water in your hospital room before fixing it.
"How...?" You grimaced.
"You remember me." He sighed. "Before you kick me out of this damn house-"
"Ha, watch your language." You interrupted, remembering your small talk together in the abandoned yet small asylum.
"-let me explain."
"Get the heck out of my house."
"I'm dead and ya know, to not go in the afterlife, I have to-"
"Get out of here you son of a-"
"-attach or haunt a human being."
You frowned. "And you chose me?"
"Pretty much." He smirked and eyed your curves.
"Wow, I feel special now." You said sarcastically and sent him a glare. He tilted his head.
"I thought you were weak, Y/N. Where did this sudden confidence come from?"
You didn't have a response for that. Where DID your sudden confidence come from? Well, you were cooped up in a hospital room for three weeks with no way to release your energy.
The boy nodded like he knew what you were thinking.
"I can't get far from the one I'm haunting or I'll fade into my next life." He continued.
"I don't want you anywhere near me you Clod." You growled.
The boy gave you a confusing glance but you shrugged it off.
"So you're a ghost?"
"Yep. I clearly stated that like five minutes ago."
"Can you see through doors or go through walls?" You had to ask that question. If you had to even live with this damn creature you had to a least know if he could do that stuff. You didn't want him to watch you sleep because, ya know, that's creepy.
"No." And he was honest about that.
You let out a breath you've obliviously been holding and went over to him. You grabbed his wrist and started to drag him across the floor. Once or twice, on the way to your destination, his fingers curled around yours, but you sent him a glare that clearly meant, 'I will lock you in the freaking basement if you do that.' (Hint Hint)
You took him to a door.
You unlocked the door.
You opened the door.
And you shoved the boy in there.
You locked the door.
You smirked and cackled.
It was your basement.
You heard a screech of fury from behind the door, and you grinned mischievously. Then you saw a few dents in the door. No, he couldn't be punching the door- You let out a screech owl screech as a red colored knife was shoved through the door. That door was solid metal! It's either the knife was really tough or the ghost boy was inhumanly strong. You went with the knife idea only because you hated the guy.
The hole was about the size of a hand, and of course, you saw a hand go through it. And do you know what you did?
You bit that hand really hard.
You tasted something metallic. Blood? But you thought he was...
You pulled your mouth away from the struggling hand and the hand went back in it's hole. The denting of your door ceased, but you could hear the thump of a butt landing on the concrete ground. You sighed in relief and tapped your foot against the ground in concentration. What were you gonna do again? Oh yeah, sit in front of your TV with //Favorite Soda\\ and some extra buttery popcorn whilst watching some Goddamn //Favorite Movie\\. That little turd in the basement ruined your plans, and you grumbled about it on the way to your kitchen.
You intensely watched your favorite movie while silently insulting the characters for not doing what they should have done. But what you didn't hear was the sound of metal against metal coming from your locked basement door. He was pounding his all time favorite blood red colored knife against the barrier, already plotting what sinister thing he should do to you. Should he stab you multiple times in the chest and then take your SOUL? Nah, you already proved that you could survive a vital blow to the chest. Should he cut off your head like he did to that lousy skeleton in that one Timeline? Nope, too much blood. But of course, if he stabbed you a lot in the chest there would be a lot of blood, but who cares. No, he needed a way to kill you without any evidence. A picture formed in his head about how he should do it, and he smirked madly. He continued his work, jamming his knife in the door to make a opening big enough for him to climb through. He often paused to listen to see if you were getting up for the bathroom or more popcorn, but every time he lingered to hear your rants.
He sawed a chunk of the door off and put his head through to see if it was big enough. It was, and he wriggled through it. He grabbed his knife and put it in his inventory before leaping to his feet and heading towards where all the loudness was coming from. He may not seem angry, but he was. He had learned to not show virtually any negative feelings so he could not get a bad impression on creatures he wanted to murder.
His usual red eyes had darkened into a menacing dark blood red color, the usual white around it fading to black. His hands were twitching with every step he took. The pink circles on his cheeks were dark as well, his skin white.
He turned the corner and saw you huddled in a cloak of several blankets on your //Favorite Color\\ couch. Your eyes were transifxed on the screen, and you didn't hear the teen that crept up behind you. You didn't notice that every layer of blankets were slowly getting peeled off you until last minute, when you realized you were blanketless and shivering.
"Wha-" you weren't able to continue when a green blur pounced on you, wrapping his hands around your neck. He pressed onto ypur neck, choking you, and your face went red with lack of air.
Warning: Swearing.
(If you are at the age where you basically live with swearing, like me, you can read forwards. If you are too young to read curse words, I approve your decision to make a Wattpad account when you are too young. That's basically what I did. My parents don't know I have a Wattpad Nyeh heh heh....)
(So if you are okay with swearing read ahead and if you're not, uhm, deal with it. Also, yeah, I know, the chappy name isn't in the same font as the other chapters, and that's because I don't have my phone. I'll edit it when I get my phone back.)
(There is only swearing wheen Chara's insane angry side gets out, so yeah.)
"You fucking idiot!" Chara snarled, thrusting your head against the floor with a sickening crack. "Don't-" CRACK! "You-" CRACK! "Dare-" CRACK! "Fucking-" CRACK! "Shut me-" CRACK! "In that filthy-" CRACK! "Basement-" CRACK! "AGAIN!" CRACK! You were barely conscious, but somehow, you were still hanging on. That's another reason why Chara was frustrated. Your DETERMINATION was too high.
He knew you would live through this, injured, hurt, but fine. He knew you were slipping in unconsciousness, so he thought he'd let you off.
"Just remember my name bitch."
"My name is Chara."
"And you'll never be fucking safe for as long as your shitty life continues."
"You'll never be safe when I'M around."
"You're never waking up from this hell of a Nightmare."
"This is Reality."
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