Back to Alison's POV
After a quick nap, and more irritatingly long driving, we pull into some very large building I figure out is a dingy arcade once we enter. I cringe. This place smells like greasy fries and sweat mixed with a little teenage desperation.
"Let's make this quick," I grumble. Why are we even here again? We actually got rid of the brat, why are we trying to get her back when we could just be going straight for the crazies? I swear! This is why I'm always in charge.
Dick just shakes his head before pointing to the magenta-haired woman he spots at the counter and we head over. Dick stops a few feet behind her and I wait a couple steps behind him.
"Excuse me," He calls out. Nothing. "Hey." She finally turns her attention to us. "We gotta talk to you."
"Yeah, take a number," She says, completely unphased and uninterested. Dick looks quite amused by her reaction.
Okay bitch, my turn. I step around Dick, apparently the we part wasn't clear since half of the we cannot be seen.
"As much as I'd love to do that," I pause, looking her up and down. What on Earth is she wearing? "I'm on business, and you should never mix that with pleasure. Or so they say." Dick quickly covers up a chuckle with a cough.
"About Rachel," He adds, giving me a look that reads 'not that you need my help.'
The woman turns back around, "You're Dick and Alison from Detroit."
"Where is she?" Dick asks, face and tone dropping any amount of fun.
She takes us over to her and some kid with green hair. Does everyone get their dyed like a highlighter around here?
"Hey, come on. We're going," Dick orders.
"What are you doing here?" Rachel snaps.
"Ugh, don't start," I roll my eyes.
"Now's not the time, okay," Dick jumps back in before I start.
"Why are you here?" Rachel raises her voice. Oh, I am two seconds away from dropping kicking a kid in public.
"Can we talk about this somewhere else? Let's go," Dick says firmly and walks off. I smirk before following him, magenta hair follows behind me.
"Rachel, we gotta get you somewhere safe," Dick starts back up as soon as she's in earshot.
"Do you know who sent that weird family after her?" Magenta hair asks. Wait, why is she coming too?
"Who the hell are you?" Dick snaps. Yes, I would like to know as well. I'm already tired of calling her magenta in my head.
"I don't know. But somehow Rachel's the key to me figuring me out," She answers with a sigh.
"Is that why you kidnapped her?" Dick says firmly.
"She didn't kidnap me. She saved me," Rachel pipes in. I rub my temples. Too much is happening at once and I'm on an empty, sober stomach.
We finally make outside, thank god. The arcade stench was starting to make me choke. I invite the refreshing, crisp air heavily into my nostrils. If I don't get my hands on something good soon, and if Rachel doesn't lose her fucking attitude real quick, this day is about to turn into hell for everyone involved.
"How's Dawn?" Rachel's tone finally softens.
"I read what happened online," She cuts Dick off before he can sugarcoat it. "Is she gonna be okay?" She better be. No way does Dawn get to leave this hell before me and leave us to deal with Hank.
"Who's Dawn?" The woman speaks up, a few steps behind us. She's still following?
I whip around, "Who are you again?"
"We really can't talk about this right now, okay?" Dick once again mediates, "The cops are looking for you. They think you killed your mom."
The woman lets out a chuckle, "That's new." You know, I may have found someone who annoys me more than Rachel. Huh, who knew?
"I may have failed to mention-" Rachel starts.
Dick doesn't let her finish, "And they're looking for you, too." He looks over his shoulder to Magenta, coming to a stop. "Assault on multiple officers. Arson." Okay, maybe she's not so bad. "And not to mention kidnapping."
"Like I said, she didn't kidnap me, she saved me," Rachel stresses. "When you didn't," She jabs.
"Well, that's technically true," The woman adds.
"I'm not going without her," Rachel states.
"Mmm. What she said," Magenta hair agrees. Dick looks back and fourth between the two. Ugh, what is this? Sisterhood camp or something?
Dick huffs. "Can you please tell me what the hell is going on?" FINALLY! He's getting fed up too. Mmm, bout time.
"You left me," Rachel snaps.
"No, we didn't," Dick defends. Oh, gee, thanks for including me.
"Yeah, technically you were the one who left us," I contribute, while examining my nails. They need redone. I made Jason do them for me a couple weeks ago, much to his disagreement before I kicked his ass in training, causing him to lose the deal we made when he said no. I glance at Magenta's nails. Now hers are cute, I wonder where she got them done.
"You might as well have. You were going to," Rachel's whiny voice brings me out of my thoughts.
"Rachel, I wasn't," Dick responds, exasperatedly, this time not including me since I definitely was.
"I read the note," She argues. Mmmm, she's got him there.
She bulldozes right over what he was going to attempt to say, "You guys were just gonna leave me with them?"
"I just needed time to figure thing out," Dick tries to explain.
"Stop," Rachel says.
"Look, Alison was gonna leave-" I shoot him a death glare. Do NOT pin this off on me.
"Stop lying!" This time her voice comes out deeper and her eyes turn black. Glass shatters on every single car in the parking lot causing their alarms to start going off. "I need to go back to the sisters!" Her voice comes out normal this time, but her eyes are still blackened and there's black circles and veins all around them.
I take a step back, Dick's mouth falls open slightly, and Magenta hair looks at her very concernedly as Rachel starts to pant.
"Okay. Okay, lets go," Dick says quietly and takes off speed walking to his car, the rest of us right behind him. I can't help but roll my eyes as we make it to the Porsche, of course its glass is still perfectly in tact. We quickly pile in and Dick peels out of the parking lot.
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