Italics: (Na'vi language, Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)
Jake and Quaritch's fight had begun. Jake was the first to lunge towards the Colonel. "Ma Jake!" You yelled out from the water, feeling nothing but fear for your mate. Before reaching Quaritch, Jake had grabbed a nearby life jacket and smacked the man in front of him, making the Colonel stumble backwards a bit. When Quaritch had regained his composure, both men started to swing at each other with their knives. Jake was actually able to slice a part of the protective vest Quaritch was wearing.
Both men were starting to make their way back onto the deck as Quaritch was forced to walk backwards and Jake remained looking forward. They continued to swing at each other, with crates sliding in between them as the ship began to sink deeper. They were on borrowed time and Jake needed to get this over with so he could go back to you and his kids.
A few seconds later Quaritch and Jake got to a position in which they had their forearms locked together, pointing each other's knives directly at one another's faces. They both groaned, using all of their strength to divert the sharp weapons away from their faces. Jake soon enough got the upper hand, and flipped Quaritch's knife, pointing the serrated tip of it dangerously close to the Colonel's face.
"Jake!" You yelled again, calling to your husband, right at the same time as flames and explosions started to rage across the very same deck they were on. Soon enough, flames would get closer to them and Jake would have no way out. The kids gasped as another explosion went off nearby and flames started to surround them in a circle of fire. "It's coming!" Tuk said in fear, and you didn't hesitate to grab her hand.
The circle of fire was beginning to spread and close in on you and your kids, blocking any sort of escape. "Get back! Back to the ship!" Spider urged everyone, and you all began to start swimming back to the sinking SeaDragon as fast as you could. Kiri swam beside Spider, and turning to look at Tuk, anxiously urging her younger sister to swim fast and to keep up.
Jake and Quaritch were still fighting on the deck, having detached already from the hold they had on one another as well as removing the knives from each other's faces. Now, they had their weapons against each other, pushing as hard as they could. In the corner of his eye, Quaritch saw a capsule sliding down from the ramp and directly towards him and Jake. Trying to get him run over, the Colonel kicked Jake in the chest with his foot, making him stumble and fall back. Fortunately for Jake, the capsule had rolled off between them quickly enough and didn't hit the ex-marine at all.
Meanwhile, you and the kids had gotten back onto the flooded deck again, guiding them through a safe path. "Stay close to me! Stay close!" You said to them, holding onto Tuk's hand as she stayed on your left. Spider and Kiri were ahead, but you and Tuk were still behind.
When Kiri and Spider got farther ahead, you failed to noticed the opened hatch that had opened and was now swallowing water in with strong currents. Tuk was walking right by it. Before getting to the other side, Tuk took one wrong step, squealed with fear and slid into the opened hatch with flowing water, still holding onto your hands with as much strength as her tiny ones could muster. "Tuk! Tuk!" You exclaimed, holding onto your youngest daughter for dear life. Her screams of fear elicited panic through your entire body.
Kiri and Spider came right back and took ahold of your free hand so all of you could try to pull out Tuk. "Mom! Take my hand, hold on!" Kiri said as she grabbed onto your hand, preparing to start pulling, but before any of you could do anything, the currents and flowing water ripped Tuk away from your grasp as your daughter fell into the abyss of the ship with terrified yell. Your eyes widened, your heart plummeted, and your face paled.
"TUK!" You screamed, immidiately jumping into the hatch to go after your daughter. Kiri watched what you did and her eyes widened as she reached out for you from above, even if you were far from reach now. "Mom!" Kiri yelled, watching more and more water get sucked into the hatch. Spider continued to hold Kiri's hand, making sure she didn't fall in either.
Kiri attempted to get out of Spider's grasp, but he knew they had to get out or they would sink with the ship. Spider had no doubts you would find Tuk and get a way out, but now, Kiri had to go back to Lo'ak and Tsireya to safety. "No!" Kiri said as tears began to fall from her eyes, even as Spider urged her to move forward. "Kiri, we have to go. Come on," Spider said, knowing that they had no time to lose and this boat was a like a ticking time bomb.
After jumping in for Tuk, you fell into an abyss of strong currents that was slowly filling up the insides of the ship. As if by chance, the currents took you straight to the direction where Tuk was in. So, when you saw Tuk ahead in the currents trying desperately to stay afloat, you swam closer to her and grabbed her hand. The girl turned back and smiled when she saw you. "Mama!" She called, beaming with relief even through such dire situations like these ones. You hoped it was a quality that your daughter never lost. "Tuk!" You exclaimed through the noise of water crashing and pouring inside.
The SeaDragon continued to tip itself more and more onto its sight, giving Spider and Kiri less places to run to before it sank. "Go! Come on! Kiri, come on!" Spider said as he ran ahead of her and grabbed Kiri's hand to help her make her way up the deck with him. The floor beneath them was tilting to an angle so steep that it would soon be impossible to run on. Spider saw Kiri stumble against some objects that were sliding down the deck, but he grabbed her hand continued to help her. "Come on, let's go!" He urged Kiri even more.
You and Tuk were continued to be taken through the stream of harsh currents, and an idea surged in your head when you saw a staircase in the distance that wasn't flooded with water yet. Tuk let out a yelp as she struggled to stay on surface, but you quickly guided her towards the stairs, ushering her to the top as the SeaDragon filled up with water. "Mom!" Tuk yelled as she tried to hang onto the railing of the staircase as best as she could.
"Go, Tuk! Climb up," You urged your daughter, getting her up before you. After she was at the top, you quickly started to make your way through the tilted and slanted hallway that would soon flood with water if you didn't hurry. Water was chasing after you and Tuk, catching up faster than you would've wanted it.
As Jake continued to swing his dagger at Quaritch, but he dodged every move. At one point, Jake swung at Quaritch once more but the man was able to grab the ex-marine's arm and knocked the dagger out of his grasp. Jake, not giving a chance for Quaritch to get to him now that he was weaponless, your husband raised his foot and kicked the Colonel in his chest just like Quaritch did before. The said man stumbled, right as an empty submarine started to slide down the tilted deck.
He was able to narrowly avoid being crushed by the submarine as he fell in the water, but it shortly before the underwater vehicle came down too. The Colonel struggled a bit to stand back up, having the submarine slide further onto him. This gave Jake time to retaliate, getting leverage over a distracted Quaritch.
Meanwhile, you and Tuk continued to run frantically through the tilted hallways of the ship. You were running as fast as you could, turning every few seconds to see that water was rushing in faster and faster behind you. You let Tuk be ahead of you so you could help her get by, but it was hard for her to be fast when they were in such a compromising situation. "Mama!" Tuk yelled, turning around to check on you, but she stopped paying attention to where she was going for one moment and the little girl slipped, making her fall sideways onto the tilted, far wall of the hallway.
This didn't help at all, because the moment Tuk slipped, you stopped running in order to check on her, but it prompted for more water rushed in and catch up to the two of you. "Mom!" Tuk yelled out again with pure terror, scared at the feeling of water reaching her ankles and calves. "Go! Go! Go!" You urged your daughter, pushing her forward before you, guiding her away from the water as much as you could.
The battle between Jake and Quaritch was still raging. As Colonel was struggling to get out of the water with the submarine almost crushing him, Jake used this as his time to prepare. Your husband unclipped his military vest and removed it from his body, right as Quaritch was able to get out of the water, over the submarine, and made his way towards Jake.
As Quaritch lunged at Jake with his knife, your husband was prepared for this attack, so before the dagger reached him, Jake proceeded to tangle his removed vest around Quaritch's hand that had the knife, bringing the Colonel down to the ground with a thud. Quaritch groaned as he attempted to get Jake off of him, but the ex-marine wrapped the cloth of his vest around the Colonel's neck, who gritted his teeth as he brought his elbow backwards and hit Jake's jaw harshly, enough to get him to lose his composure even for a few seconds.
Even so, your mate did not falter and held his grip on Quaritch. Having a good hold on the Colonel, Jake used the grip he had on Quaritch with his vest, lifted the man's upper body off the ground and then quickly brought him back down on the deck, smacking Quaritch's head hard on the ground in the process.
While this happened, Kiri and Spider were continuing to make their way up the deck that was losing its ability to be walked on every second that passed. "Keep climbing! Go!" Spider said to Kiri, keeping her in front of him. With the deck being on fire, and the ship turning on its side, their stress levels were through the roof. They needed to get to the top when the ship was completely upside down.
It was getting harder and harder to fight on a tilted surface like one Jake and Quaritch were in right now, but neither of the men let it stop them. After getting out of Jake's hold by some miracle, Quaritch raised his knife and brought it down in hopes of stabbing Jake, but your husband was quick enough to move out of the way just in time, right as many other objects continued to fall in between them from above.
It wasn't very long until the ship was at a 90 degree angle, straight on its side. Kiri and Spider were continuing to make their way up. Eventually, the two of them encountered a recognizable edge that led to the underside of the boat, so Kiri grabbed Spider's hand and helped him up first. "I got you!" She said over the ruckus of the ship sinking, and as soon as Spider was up, he extended his hand down to her. "Give me your hand! Come on!" Spider said as he helped Kiri up to where he was. They both continued their trek to get to the boat's underside, which would soon be the top of it.
You and Tuk were now running on what used to be the wall of the hallway, purely because of the fact that the SeaDragon was on its side. As before, you kept Tuk in front of you while you ran right behind her. Water was at the level of your shins, so you desperately looked for an exit. Your heartbeat could be felt drumming and pounding in your head and your ears.
As if your prayers were heard, you and Tuk eventually reached a door, and you didn't hesitate to rush towards it in panic as water continued to fill up the space around you and your daughter. "Open it!" Tuk urged as she pulled with you as well, hoping to be of any help. You used all of the strength you had left, but if you were being honest, it was quickly depleting. But, the adrenaline that was rushing through you made up for that. Tuk pulled on the handles too, trying to get the door to open.
The more the ship tilted on its side and beginning to turn over, the harder it became for Jake and Quaritch to continued their brawl. The two men had moved from the deck, that was now useless to them, and onto a platform that served to them as a sturdy surface. Jake was high up in a beam while Quaritch stayed on the ground swinging his dagger at him.
Jake looked down, avoiding Quaritch's attempted swings, but then he looked to his side and saw a couple of chains that hung loosely beside him. Jake got an idea and grabbed onto the chains, sliding down to the platform and to stand in front of Quaritch, and beginning to use the chains as a whip of some sort, smacking Quaritch in the face and head with all of the strength he had left. The Colonel let out yells of pains at this, stepping back as Jake continued to fend him off with the chains.
By the time you and Tuk were able to even get the door open, the water was at shoulder level for you and for Tuk, it reached up to her chin. Once the door did burst open, the water that was surrounding you and your daughter poured into the next room. The currents brought Tuk in through the door first, with you getting in through shortly after. "Tuk! Go on!" You said urge to your daughter to go forward as you tried your very best to stay behind her.
As Tuk got in through the door, the water that poured and cascaded in like a waterfall made Tuk yell out as the speed that she was being dragged down by the currents. You fell in shortly after into the pool of water that was forming, with Tuk struggling to stay afloat as you held her hand to keep her close. The water was filling up the room so quickly that at this point, you could barely keep your head above the surface, with Tuk in the same dilemma.
Quaritch now had a bleeding nose and lip caused by Jake's chains. The Colonel growled angrily as he began to swing his dagger at the ex-marine in front of him once again, but when he did, Jake caught Quaritch's hand with his chains and forced the man to stick the knife in the open slots in the wall. With a single tug and jerk of his chains, Jake made Quaritch lose his knife as it dropped to the ground, leaving him without a weapon. But that didn't stop him.
Quaritch quickly resorted to use his physical assets now that he lost his last weapon, relying on his strength rather than a weapon. The Colonel punched Jake square in the jaw, and then grabbed the back of his neck to then knee him in his stomach, nearly knocking out the air out of him. Jake shouldn't have expected anything less than that, so he didn't falter.
You and Tuk were relying and running on pure luck right now. The room you were both in was filling up with water at an abnormal rate, but you still kept Tuk in front of you at all times. Both you and your daughter continued to make your way up of what used to be tables and chairs, but now you and your daughter were using as ways to get climb up the tilted ship.
"Up! Come on!" You said, watching as Tuk started to climb up the tables and chairs on what used to be the floor, but now served as a narrow wall. After your daughter was at a better distance, you started to climb up to catch up to her, making your way up side by side.
"Climb! Go! Go on!" You exclaimed, watching your daughter's steps to make sure that she didn't slip. More miscellaneous objects began to fall down onto the water below, and you watched as they did so, while Tuk refused to look down and kept her gaze upwards as she climbed. She knew that if she looked at what was happening below her, fear would take over.
By now, both Jake and Quaritch were running on fumes. Both of them struggled to fight on limited space, and it became harder and harder with every passing attempt. Quaritch kicked Jake directly in his chest, sending your husband to fall onto a sinking platform nearby. Before Jake even had a chance to get up, Quaritch advanced on him and lunged more punches at Jake, which he was able to dodge.
Kiri and Spider was sitting on the side of the ship, waiting and watching as it tipped over more and more. They were waiting for the perfect chance to get onto the underside of the ship, which would soon be upside down. Soon enough, when the SeaDragon was closer to turning over. Spider turned to Kiri with urgency. "We're rolling over! Go, go, go!" He said, Kiri nodded, and started to climb again to get to the other side with Spider close behind.
Because the ship was now on the verge of rolling over, it became futile to climb up the chairs and tables, which made you and Tuk resort to start climbing up what used to be the ceiling. Waves of water grew behind you and Tuk, prompting the two of you to grab onto whatever was near you to get ahead. "Mama!" Tuk called for you, and as a response, you put your hand on her back and gave her impulse. It was a cry for help that she had no other way of getting out but by calling out to you.
Eventually, the ship rolled over and was now completely upside down. As the SeaDragon crashed onto the water, Jake and Quaritch were in the middle of a hand to hand brawl. Jake had Quaritch in a headlock, but both men were soon submerged as soon as the ship had turned over. Of course, none of that stopped them and the two men continued as if nothing happened, even underwater. Now, the ship itself was going to begin its descent straight down to the bottom of the ocean floor.
As for Kiri and Spider, both of them were able to make it onto the underside of the ship right as the ship had turned over. They were now running on the bottom surface of the ship, being careful not to slip on the dented surface."Kiri! Keep going!" Spider said to his friend, keeping the girl nearby. As the two came over to the other side, Kiri slipped a bit and almost fell into the dented hole in front of her that was probably the cause of the flood.
Preventing herself from falling in, Kiri used her hands at her sides and placed her feet on the dents to keep her stable and so that she didn't fall in. She didn't even take time to realize how the ship was surrounded by a circle of fire that would soon close in on them. "This way! This way!" Spider called out, bringing Kiri back to her senses and followed right after the boy.
You and Tuk eventually reached a door, and you had somehow gotten ahead of the water, but you needed to be fast if you wanted to keep that up. Instead of the water being at your necks, it was at your knees this time. You grabbed onto the handles of the door and began pulling it open while Tuk stood behind you. You groaned as the door opened slightly, hopefully enough to get Tuk in first, but your hopes were crushed when the water's pressure that was rushing in through the small crack you opened made the door close and slam shut.
"Open it! Hurry, Mom!" Tuk said as water started to reach her neck and for you, it was already at your waist. You yelled as you pulled on the door again, using all of your strength, and you were able to get it open like before, only for the water to close it again. The impact of pulling so hard on the handle sent you back onto the water. Knowing that this door would not budge, you started to bring Tuk over to the other side and go the other way to see if there were other doors or exits you could open.
"Mom!" Tuk yelled out with desperation while you looked around the area, searching for a place to go, but this was a dead end. "It's okay, Tuk," You said, breathing heavily. You could try to go back to where you came from, but that wasn't an option. The water currents were too strong to go anywhere else on the ship, and you wouldn't risk letting Tuk drown while trying to swim underwater for so long trying to find a way out. There had to be another way to do it.
Spider and Kiri were making their trek up the underside of the ship, making sure not to slip, but also grabbing onto the motors and the propellers that were that were on the side, using them as something to hold on to and a way to get up quicker. "Come on!" Spider said to Kiri as they continued to make their way up, making sure she didn't fall behind. Soon enough, they were able to get to a part of the surface that was more leveled compared to the slanted one they were in before. They both crouched down and looked around their surroundings, trying to decipher what to do next. It was absolute chaos and panic.
Both Jake and Quaritch had to come up for air after fighting underwater for several minutes and to recover from the shock of the water disrupting their brawl. It took the heat off of the fight for a few seconds, but soon they both looked at each other and that rage returned. They came up to the surface at the same time, were breathing heavily, and held onto the poles beside them. This small pocket of air they were in was not going to last them that long, so they had to settle this right here and now.
You and your youngest daughter to continued to swim through the cramped and narrow hallway that was filling up with water much faster than you would like. The water was up to Tuk's chin, and for you, it was at shoulder level. "Go, Tuk," You said, pushing your daughter in front of you as you looked around, and it felt like it was closing in on you more and more.
"There's no way out!" Tuk pointed out, turning around to face you, pointing at the dead end. You whimpered with panic, breathing more heavily than before. You refused to give up now, and there had to be another way out this place. You frantically let your eyes search the area, but your hope was quickly depleting.
The ship was starting to sink now, directly downwards this time. Kiri and Spider huddled close together when they realized that the surface around them was being cornered with water from every direction and angle. Spider and Kiri linked their arms together, holding on tight, seeing as they would go underwater soon. "We stay together, okay? We stay together," Spider said, reassuring Kiri. His words earned a nod from the girl just as they both took a deep breath, and with that, they were below the surface. The ship creaked loudly as it continued to sink further down, with lights flickering on all areas of the ship. They'd stop working soon.
Spider and Kiri tried their best to keep their conjoined hands together, but the pressure of the water forced them to pull away and try to regain their composure and control on water. They could still see each other, but keeping contact was becoming especially difficult. Unfortunately, Spider lost sight of Kiri and when he came up to the surface again and noticed she wasn't with him, he began to panic.
Quaritch grinned maliciously at Jake, knowing that this would be the end for him too, not just the Colonel. They had no other options but to settle their disputes right there and then. The ship began to sink further, and that gave them limited time. Jake inhaled deeply, along with Quaritch too, and then they both submerged themselves again to resume their fight.
Jake sent a kick directly in Quaritch's stomach, letting out a muffled groan underwater. The Colonel sent another punch at Jake, but your husband dodged it swiftly. Both men struggled to fight in such a condition that didn't let them breathe like they needed to, but it didn't stop either of them. Quaritch twisted Jake arouns, giving him the perfect chance to wrap his legs around the ex-marine's neck in attempts to strangle him. Jake gritted his teeth as he put his hands on Quaritch's calves to try and pry them off him, but it was too damn hard.
Jake used all of his remaining strength to try and get out of his hold. He thought about you, and the future he continued to fight for where he could live peacefully by your side along with your children, even if Neteyam's death made that picture a little harder to imagine. He wanted to come back to you so badly, and he wouldn't stop fighting until the bitter end, when he could finally kill Quaritch and be in your arms once again. Where he's meant to be.
Quaritch kept a strong hold on Jake, even attempting to hold his arms down so he couldn't move and try to pry off his legs. Your husband let out a muffled yell as he felt the effects of being strangled were settling in, but he still gave it everything he got. He thrashed his body in Quaritch's hold, remembering the breathing exercises he learned from you that you had learned from Ronal. He never forgot them, and he would continue to fight.
Knowing that there was no hope at this point, you resorted to pleading to Eywa for help. Tuk stayed close to you, looking around the darkened hallway with fear. She was so young and already started to accept that she might die here, but she deserved to live a long life, and you didn't want her to have thoughts like that, even if you didn't blame her if she did.
You were thinking the same thing. You wanted to make it out of here with Tuk and go back to your children, to your family, and to Jake. You wanted so badly to see him again, and have him reassure you that everything was going to be alright. You wanted to be in his arms again, safely, and not ever daring to let go. "Oh, Great Mother! Great Mother! help us! Please!" You pleaded with desperation, holding Tuk close.
Quaritch gritted his teeth into what looked like a very sinister smile, already feeling victory over Jake. Your husband's face was riddled with cuts and bruises, continuing to fight against the Colonel's hold. But, the man celebrated too soon. The ship eventually landed onto the ocean floor of Three Brothers Rocks. The impact of the landing gave Jake the opportunity to liberate himself from Quaritch.
Not wasting another chance, Jake lunged punches at Quaritch repeatedly, as well as the Colonel who attempted the same thing. Wanting to end this now, Jake put himself behind the Colonel, held down Quaritch's arms, and wrapped his own around the man's neck, strangling him just like he did to him.
Quaritch began to choke as he began to feel himself lose the path to his airways, trying to desperately pry off Jake's arms from around his neck. Jake only did the only thing he could in order to win this fight and proceeded to tightened the grip that he had on Quaritch around his neck, which slowly but surely, made the Colonel lose his consciousness.
Eventually, It only took a few more seconds until Jake noticed that Quaritch had stopped fighting his hold and that his body had gone limp. Jake let go of his body and pushed Quaritch off to let him descend to the bottom of the ocean floor. As the Colonel floated down, Jake watched as his body went down to the abyss of the sea with an empty expression, feeling like this moment was anticlimactic.
At least, the biggest of his worries had been taken care of and now, he could go look for his family. Still, Jake wouldn't let his guard down. There were still enemies out there, aside from Quaritch, and he would be more prepared now than he ever was before. All Jake wanted to do now was get back to you and the kids, even if his lungs were begging for air right now.
Spider was still floating above the surface, searching for any sign of Kiri, even by ducking his head back in the water. Although, that method wasn't very effective because bubbles from the sinking ship were still plaguing his view. The boy lifted his head out of the water again and after a few seconds, Kiri came up to surface with a gasp, filling Spider with relief. "Kiri!" He said, watching as she looked around frantically for another direction to go to now.
Now that Quaritch was taken care of, Jake was now swimming through the cramped spaces of the sunken ship, looking for a place that hadn't been flooded yet, like maybe a pocket if air, and that he could use to take a breather, even if it was just to stop for a moment and then go back underwater to look for a way out. He swam upwards and saw a metal grate, so when he got closer, Jake grabbed onto it and began banging on it hard hoping it would come off, but after a few attempts, nothing happened.
Jake started to feel his lungs need for air intensify, and when the grate didn't come off, he quickly began swimming again through the cramped area to see if he had any luck looking somewhere else. Even if he couldn't afford to take his sweet time. He fit himself through every nook and cranny he could go through, looking for any way to get some temporary air or even better, an exit. The more he searched and realized there wasn't any place he could go to, the realization dawned on him that maybe he was so far down on the ship that the area where he was had been completely flooded already, which meant that he would have to find a way to get to an even higher level.
Kiri and Spider took it upon themselves to submerge their heads underwater and see if they could spot anyone. They looked almost everywhere their eyes could see and reach. As Spider surveyed the area, he decided to pull out his flashlight to hopefully get a better look. When he pointed it at the sinking ship below and didn't see anything, he let out a frustrated groan and popped his head out of the water. Right as he came up to the surface, he heard familiar yips and calls from behind him.
Spider turned around and saw Lo'ak coming around the corner on his ilu, filling the human boy's insides with relief. "Bro," Spider called out as Kiri lifted her head from the water and turned around to face her brother. When Lo'ak got closer, he looked at Kiri's distressed face. "What's going on?" He asked with worry, not knowing or understanding why Kiri and Spider were the only ones out here by themselves.
"Mom and dad are down there, in the ship. Tuk's there too," Kiri pointed out, and Lo'ak's eyes widened. The Sully brother didn't hesitate to gesture for Kiri and Spider to grab onto the saddle of the ilu, so they could go down to the shipwreck and find their family. "Grab on," Lo'ak said to his sister and best friend, and when the two did as told, they immediately set out and dove under the surface, to the ship.
Jake wasn't having any luck at all whatsoever im finding a way out, and it felt like he was swimming in circles, then getting right back to where he started. Eventually, he started to feel dizzy, as his lungs begged for air and he started choking, letting out small air bubbles as he struggled to stay awake. It eventually came to a point where Jake was blinking in and out of consciousness every few seconds, and soon enough, his body and brain gave in as his eyes closed and he fell completely unconscious. His body started to slowly sink through the depths of the ship. He still had time to be salvaged, but now, his body was in an unresponsive state.
As this happened, Kiri, Spider, and Lo'ak were approaching the sunken ship on the ilu. As they got closer to an opening in a nearby deck, Kiri decided to split off when she spotted a school of Gill Mantles traveling as a group together, obviously heading somewhere else or just strolling peacefully through the water. She stayed with the creatures while Lo'ak and Spider continued to make their way inside the opening of the ship that they were able to find.
While the two boys made their way inside, Kiri swam closer to one of the Gill Mantles that was swimming right past her and pulled around her braid to connect her queue to it. As soon ws the tendrils made contact with the animal, the Gill Mantle glowed dimly as she placed it on her back, which began to let her breathe properly. Kiri hoped that when she found you and Tuk, she could give this Gill Mantle to either of you and get the two of you out of there easily.
Spider and Lo'ak continued to make their trek on their ilu further down to the ship. When entering the opening they found, the ilu screeched and wailed as Lo'ak commanded it to stop through the bond. The Sully brother turned around to look at Spider, gesturing to him the fact that they had to get off now and start looking. It was getting darker because of the fact that lights were starting to power off, so they didn't have much time left to look for Jake, especially since it had to be quick.
When Lo'ak finished signing to Spider, the human boy nodded. "Okay, let's go," Spider replied. Spider proceeded to get off the ilu and start swimming through the ruins of the ship by himself while Lo'ak set off on his ilu to go look in another direction. The boy had his flashlight in hand so if the rest of the lights were to go out, then he had absolutely nothing to worry about. He'd be good to go.
Lo'ak continued to cruise through the ruins of the ship, searching for any sign of his dad. He soon came to a point where his ilu couldn't go through, so he decided to dismount it and let it go free while he searched deeper inside. He was in a place where most lights were still functional, so that was good. Even so, it wouldn't last forever so he had to hurry up.
Kiri had gotten a bit sidetracked. She was supposed to go in and search for you and Tuk, hopefully give them the Gill Mantle she had on, but she started to get distracted. Kiri's eyes were centered on a school of glowing fish that had approached her, and as they swam around the girl in circles, the dots on Kiri's face and body began to have a cycle of dim and glow. They lighted up and then dimmed, repeatedly. As she watched the glowing fish, Kiri suddenly had an idea. The lights would soon go out and these creatures would be the perfect help to find you and Tuk, but she just had to gather enough to help her on the way there.
Spider continued to search, swimming through the ships ruins with his flashlight pointing at any sort of life that indicated Jake's presence. The boy ended up encountering various dead and drowned human bodies that were just splayed all over the ship, like an immense number of them. There must've been a lot of people who didn't make it out. As Spider passed through and flashed his light at those humans, his face contorted into one of pity. He had to keep going, and couldn't be distracted.
Spider continued to swim and turned around to the direction he was going. When turning his flashlight forward, he spotted what looked like an arm that had blue stripes, just like the forest Na'vi, so it had to be Jake. It did not cross Spider's mind that it could be anyone else. But, that was only the arm that the boy could see, so he had no clue who it really was. Spider's eyes widened and quickly began swimming over, thinking it is actually who he's looking for.
"Jake!" He exclaimed, coming closer, turning a corner, and flashing his light at the Na'vi who he thought was Jake, but his heart dropped to his stomach when he saw it was Quaritch. The Colonel's body was twitching, obviously with life still in him, but it only took a few more minutes for his body to give out and die.
As for Lo'ak, after searching and swimming for some time, he had been able spot his dad with his body splayed over a beam, still unconscious and letting out a few bubbles here and there, meaning that he was still alive. Lo'ak rushed over and grabbed onto his dad's arm and began to pull him up to a place further up that he knew still had pockets of air that hadn't flooded yet. There was still time to save Jake. Lo'ak had already lost his brother today, so he won't let his dad die too. He would never allow it, and he wanted to so badly make things right.
As for Spider, he had swam closer to inspect Quaritch's body and check if he was still alive, and then his suspicions were proven correct when he felt a pulse. Spider groaned and began to turn around and leave another way. When he reached a corner, he stopped and panted heavily throught his mask, feeliny like he was a crossroads. He didn't know what to do. Would he just leave Quaritch to die? Even if the man denied Spider of being his dad, how could ever live with himself knowing he left him here?
After a few seconds, knowing he's probably going to regret this, Spider turned around and faced Quaritch's limp body with conflict brewing inside of him. He watched as the Colonel's body twitched in response to being in its last moments, Spider groaned as his eyebrows furrowed. "Fuck!" He said, starting to swim over to Quaritch's body to fish him out.
Spider swam over to his dad's body and grabbed onto the back of his military vest, lifting Quaritch off the rock that he was splayed in. Spider groaned as he lifted the Colonel's body and began to bring him along. "Come on, you son of a bitch!" Spider groaned as he struggled to swim while bringing over his back something so much heavier. His mask was hissing with every breath he took, and every second that passed, made Spider think about the fact that he wanted Quaritch to not make him regret his decision on saving him.
After a while, Spider had been able to find a way out while carrying a barely conscious Quaritch on his back. When the boy had finally swam out into the open water and away from the ship, he reached for a rod on his life jacket, which ejected two floaties attached to it on either one of his shoulders. With that, Spider was making his way up with Quaritch up to the surface. He ignored the voices in his head telling him it was a bad idea, and did it anyway.
Like Lo'ak had planned, he was now bringing his dad over to a part of the ship that hadn't been flooded yet. When he arrived to the pocket of water he found and brought his dad over the surface, Jake started gasping for breath as his eyes snapped open and he struggled to stay afloat. "Dad?" Lo'ak started, relieved his dad was still alive, barely even. Jake started coughing while weakly holding onto a pole nearby, with almost no strength.
"Dad, just breathe," Lo'ak said as he held onto his dad's hand to keep him from sinking, knowing Jake probably had little to no energy left. While Jake himself was using one hand to hold onto a pole nearby, his other arm was being used to keep him afloat. He could barely register anything they Lo'ak was saying, or even if his youngest son was the one in front of him. "Neteyam?" Jake choked out, not completely sure if he was dead already and seeing his firstborn as some fucked up hallucination trying to torture him. Lo'ak's eyes softened at his dad's words, saddened by it.
"No, Dad. It's Lo'ak," The boy said, pretending like his heart wasn't shattering inside him. Jake heard this and realized that he was alive, and that his son had saved him. Just like Jake was, Lo'ak was wracked with guilt and shame of what happened today. All that Jake cared about was that his son was here with him now. Nothing else. "Oh, Lo'ak..." Jake muttered, barely able to keep his head above the water.
"I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry abour Neteyam, it's all my fault," Lo'ak said, feeling like it was the only thing he could get out. In the back of his head, he had been wanting to tell his father this even before, so now, Lo'ak took this as his chance to say what he was thinking. "Just focus. Focus on getting out," Jake said, his voice raspy and horse. Part of him had lost hope, and another still believed they could get out, but not many signs pointed to that.
Lo'ak started to look around their surroundings, seeing what indicated the part of the ship they were at that could help them navigate on where to go next. He turned around and saw lights flickering behind him, which didn't give them much time if they wanted to get out of there with some sort of guidance. The situation was becoming more and more direr, so Lo'ak started thinking. He thought about every possible scenario that could get them out, and it had to be quick.
"We're losing air pockets. Come on, we gotta move. Come on, Dad," Lo'ak said, watching as lights around them were starting to power off. Jake was breathing heavily and his eyes were closed shut, not on any condition to go back underwater. Your husband's face had blood streaming on his temple, and he had various cuts on his cheeks and nose. He was barely hanging on. He held onto the pole beside him, deciding his fate right then and there.
"You know your way out, Lo'ak," Jake started, making the boy shake his head at what his dad was implying. "Yes, I think so. But Dad, it's gonna be long breath hold," Lo'ak pointed out, trying to give his dad the reassurance that he needed to make it out of there with him. "I can't make it, I'm sorry. But you can. You can. You have to go right now," Jake shook his head, not believing he could hold for that long when he couldn't even have the strength to hold his head above water. "No, no. I can't lose you too, Dad. Please!" Lo'ak's voice broke as he begged and pleaded for his dad to at least try.
Where you and Tuk were, all the lights had powered off, and water was still rising. You both had your heads above water and the only thing that gave you light were the spots on your bodies that all Na'vi have. You could still see your daughter, and the reassurance that she was there gave you so much relief and comfort. As the ship started to creak which ultimately indicated that it wouldn't be long until this place you were in was flooded, Tuk looked at you with hopes to get her fears settled.
"Mama, I'm scared," Tuk whimpered, sniffling while trying not to cry. Her ears were tipped back and her eyes were softened with terror, given that she had already began to accept her fate. You brought your daughter closer, and let her cheek rest on your shoulders as you cradled her head in reassurance. "It is alright. Stick with me, Tuk. We will be okay," You cooed, earning a small but noticeable nod from her.
Your breathing had become more heavy, and you felt Tuk's small arms wrap around you, keeping a close hold. You both noticed that all of the lights had gone out now, leaving you both in pitch black darkness. "Stick to mama, okay? We will make it out, don't worry," You said, combing through your daughters short braids. "It's okay," You breathed out gently.
Kiri had gathered enough of those glowing fish now that it was finally time to send them straight towards you and Tuk. Before doing so, Kiri's eyes turned into a much brighter yellow and the glowing dots on her body were changing dimming patterns, turning on and off as she commanded the fish to go straight towards inside of the ship. By command of Kiri, the school of fish separated into different trails that dispersed into all areas of the shipwreck. The Gill Mantle was still attached to her back as well. This would make it a lot easier to find anybody that was still stuck there.
After sending arrays of different trails of fish, Kiri started following one of the paths that the fish were creating where she sensed that her mother and little sister would be. Kiri swam peacefully with the school of glowing creatures who were taking her directly towards the people she was looking for. It wouldn't be long until they would all be together again.
Lo'ak was guiding Jake through breathing exercises that he learned from Tsireya that would get that out of this situation. "You just have to slow your heart down, okay? Be real calm" Lo'ak explained while Jake looked at his so quizzically and weakly, not having the courage or strength to go about it. "Breath from here," Lo'ak said, moving his hand to place it on his dad's chest where his heart is.
Lo'ak started to inhale deeply, expecting his dad to follow along. Jake looked at his son for a few seconds, not feeling up for it, but the ex-marine complied and started following his son's instructions. Part of him still believed they had a shot, but now, that was just a very small portion of his mind. Either way, he believed in his son, and that Lo'ak could help. Jake soon was in sync with his son's breathing technique, breathing in and out at the same time as him. "The way of water has no beginning and no end," Lo'ak started while Jake looked at his son with a weak expression.
"The sea is around you and in you," Lo'ak continued, recalling those same words tyat Tsireya told him. He took another deep breath before continuing. "The sea is your home before your birth and after your death," He said, and Jake let out a relaxed exhale after that. His son's words were soothing him. "The sea gives and the sea takes. Water connects all things" Lo'ak continued, feeling their small space begin to fill up more and more.
Kiri was now a lot more further into the ship, and was now going in the same direction that you and Tuk had used previously when attempting to escape. The school of fish were Kiri's guide, and told her that this is where you and Tuk were at, and there was no mistaking it. Kiri passed by through many human bodies who didn't make it out, but payed no attention to them, given that she was solely focused on getting to you and her youngest sister.
Water was now at the chins of Lo'ak and Jake, but nonetheless, they continued to breathe in together, and then exhale. They never broke eye contact, because if they did, all of those fears would return and they needed to be strong in order to get out. "Life to death, darkness to light," Lo'ak said as Jake closed his eyes and inhaled deeply one more time.
Just when all hope was lost, you and Tuk spotted a bright light emerging from around the corner. You and your daughter gasped simultaneously at the sight of this, while Tuk removed her head from your shoulder and looked in amazement at the school of fish that was arriving, with none other than Kiri close in tow. The fish started to surround you and your youngest daughter at this, gaping at the creatures that were summoned to save you two.
When Kiri came from around the corner, using tables and chairs as a small push and impulse. Tuk gasped and submerged her head underwater to see her older sister approaching with a soft smile grazing her face. Kiri smiled brightly and swam over to you and Tuk, grabbing her little sister's hand as she came out of the water. "Hi," Kiri breathed out with relief at seeing her mother and sister alive and well. "Kiri!" Tuk and you said at the same time, beaming with a bright smile at your daughter.
"Everything is going to be alright, little sister," Kiri smiled at Tuk, grabbing her sister's hand underwater. Kiri turned to look at you and began to remove the Gill Mantle she had on her back to pass it over to you. "Mom, I'm gonna give this to you," Kiri said, and you turned around accordingly as your daughter put it on. "It will help you," Kiri concluded, placing the Gill Mantle on your back gently and with care.
You turned back around and saw Tuk and Kiri right next to each other; both daughters giving you the courage you needed. "Trust me," Kiri said softly, smiling at you. You wouldn't do anything less than that. You'd trust Kiri with your life if it came to it and you never doubted her. "Yeah," Tuk said tiredly, preparing to leave this place as soon as possible. You nodded with a weak smile, taking small and steady breaths. "Calm your heart. Deep breaths," Kiri said calmly, and all three of you began to mimic her breathing. In and out. Leaving all tension out.
"Follow me," Kiri said, going underwater again, immediately being followed by her little sister and her mother close behind, as well as the glowing fish who lead the way. Tuk and you put all of your trust on Kiri, and had no doubts that she knew the way out. You both followed her lead and began to swim out of that space.
Lo'ak and Jake continued to breathe in and out together, and by now, they had to keep their chins tilted up because of the air pockets decreasing and the space filling up with water. "Dad, you can do this," Lo'ak said, giving his dad the last few words he needed to make it out of here. They only had a few more seconds until this place would be filled up again, and they needed to do it sooner or later.
"Last breath," Lo'ak said, earning a silent nod from Jake, who had gotten some hope back and felt ready to attempt getting out. They both inhaled deeply at the same time, and with that, they both submerged underwater and began to make their trek back to where they came from.
It was all at the very same time, but while Lo'ak and Jake were making their way out, Kiri, Tuk, and you were doing the same thing. Kiri was helping her incredibly tired little sister by holding onto her as the three girls followed the trail of glowing fish. You were able to breathe properly because of the Gill Mantle, too, so you didn't have a problem catching up with your daughters. Lo'ak took it upon himself to guide his dad, and leading him through every possible path that could help them out. Jake followed his son without question, and not doubting for a single second that he wasn't capable of doing what he was doing.
It was like a sign of some sort, but the glowing fish that had dispersed in all sorts of directions were the ones that helped Jake and Lo'ak spot the exit up to the surface. Both men grabbed onto each other's hands, helping one another start to finally swim up to the surface. Meanwhile, you and your girls were making your way closer and closer to the surface as well. Given that you were behind Kiri and Tuk as your oldest daughter led the way, Tuk looked back every once in a while to see if you were still with them. When she did, you smiled and sent a warm smile your daughters' way.
When you three were close enough to the last door that would lead to the outside of the ship, Kiri gave Tuk one last impulse and let her go through the door first, and then, turned around to look back at you to make sure you knew where to go and so you wouldn't get lost.
As more and more glowing schools of fish continued to pour in and out of the ship, Lo'ak and Jake had made it to the exit opening and now all they had to do was swim up to the surface if their lungs allowed it. Jake was running out of oxygen in his lungs to keep going, but Lo'ak wrapped his hands under his dad's arms and pulled Jake upward with him as they both swam up to the surface. Jakw let out a few gutteral groans, trying his best to hold on, seeing as they were so damn close.
As if an angel from heaven was sent, the familiar clicks and sounds of a Tulkun resonate through the water, and Lo'ak turned his head around a bit to see that it was Payakan. The Tulkun extended its fin out to Lo'ak and Jake, offering help to bring them up above water. Without hesitation, Lo'ak grabbed onto Payakan's fin, and Jake held on too a few seconds later after registering what happened. When both Lo'ak and Jake were secure, Payakan did not waste any time in starting to swim upwards and taking them up. Through the corner of his eye, Payakan smiled with his eyes at the father and son on his fin, wailing happily as his entire body glowed with bioluminescence and bright dots all over.
Soon enough, after being underwater for what felt like years on end, Payakan brought the two men above water. Lo'ak and Jake gasped for air as they breathed in the much needed air they had been yearning for. The two were still hanging onto Payakan, but the dizziness was still there so Lo'ak made sure his dad was okay. "Hold on! Just breathe, just breathe..." Lo'ak said to his dad, watching as he gasped for breath and got some air in his lungs again.
Lo'ak turned around to face Payakan in the eye, and express his undeniable gratitude for what the Tulkun did today. The boy placed his hand above the Tulkun's eyes, rubbing the area softly. "Thank you," Lo'ak breathed out genuinely, and Payakan responded with a low guttural sound as he smiled with his eyes. Jake watched this ordeal happen between his son and the Tulkun, truly realizing now what kind of bond Lo'ak had formed with Payakan. They were spirit brothers, and best friends.
Jake lifted one of his hands from Payakan's fin and placed it on top of Lo'ak's head, just above the nape of his neck. "I see you, my son..." Jake panted, rubbing the top of his son's head with his thumb. He knew those words were long overdue, and he should've said them sooner. Lo'ak's eyes widened at his father's words, thinking that those were the last thing he would ever hear from his dad. Jake thought that Lo'ak was much more capable that he gave himself credit for, and he would tell him that every day if it's necessary from this day forth.
You and your daughters had made it out of the ship shortly after Lo'ak and Jake. The fish had guided their way out and Kiri had helped her sister and mother as well, not leaving them behind for even a second. When you, Tuk, and Kiri had made it up to the surface, you immediately started to look around frantically for Jake and your son. When you spotted them on the fin of Payakan, you swam over there as fast as your arms and legs could take you.
"Ma Jake!" You yelled out, hopefully for it to be loud enough for your husband to hear. Thankfully, it was, because as soon as Jake heard your voice, his head snapped from Lo'ak to search for where your voice came from. When he spotted you, his entire being blossomed with relief. "Y/n!" He called out for you, seeing you with Tuk and Kiri close in tow.
Tuk paddled with her arms and legs with all of her being, getting close enough to Payakan's fin and to embrace her dad. Lo'ak sat up and gasped when he saw the rest of his family approaching. "Dad! Dad!" Tuk called out as Jake immediately set space for her daughters and his wife on the Tulkun's fin. You swam up to be right beside Jake, with Tuk beside you, and Kiri right beside her sister. "Come. Come here," Jake breathed out as he gathered everyone. Well, almost everyone.
"Tuk! I got you," Lo'ak said as he held out a hand out for his little sister who struggled to hold onto Payakan. "Brother..." Kiri said as she reached out and placed a hand on Lo'ak's forearm. She was so glad to see him again. When Quaritch said one of their brothers had died, Kiri and Tuk didn't know which one, but seeing Lo'ak here meant that it was Neteyam who had passed away. She was so relieved to see him alive and well after everything.
The entire family put their hands in the center of the small circle they had created, and joined hands together with gratefulness to Eywa. With conjoined hands, all of you tightened your grip on one another and not ever daring to let go.
You were still trying to catch your breath, and were completely unaware with how Jake couldn't keep his eyes off you. He couldn't express how happy he was to see you. You came back to him, just like you always did. You turned around to face Jake with tears running down your cheeks, not resisting in keeping them back anymore. You threw yourself into his arms and he instantly caught you in his arms, wrapping one arm around your waist and another to cradle your head. He leaned his head against yours, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, and promising that everything was okay now. He never wanted to feel what it would be like to live without you ever again.
Kiri pressed a small kiss on Tuk's head, as the little girl continued to breathe in and out to catch her breath. Her small lungs had endured so much, but she fought through it and it brought her back to her family. You separated from Jake for a moment and reached over to cup Lo'ak's face, rubbing his cheekbone with your thumb and sighing with content. Jake brought in the family for a loving and grateful hug, with you and the kids huddled together.
"Thank you, Great Mother. Thank you..." Kiri said as she looked up and closed her eyes, keeping Tuk close by her side. It didn't feel perfect, because the presence of one person felt so big, but this family would fight through it. They always did, and they'll overcome any circumstance, even if there would always be a missing piece in the puzzle of their family.
Sully's stick together. That was our greatest weakness, and our great strength.
As promised, this was the last chapter of Barricades: Book 2. Well, almost, since the Epilogue will come after this but still. I can't believe we've made it this far. Also, I think this is the longest book Ive ever written in terms of reading time that it has accumulated, so that's a first.
Also, I didn't run this chapter through grammarly yet like I do with the others in the past, but I figured it was okay since I would spend time revising both books anyway after they're done. Besides, grammarly was glitching and it was really annoying lmaoshsjs
I cant believe this chapter was 10.4k words long- I tried my best to squeeze it all in here because I didn't want to drag it out shejs but I did it! And I honestly really liked how it turned out.
The schedule for the next few chapters and book updates will be like this:
Epilogue: Monday/Tuesday
Alternate Ending: Wednesday/Thursday
Prologue of 'Your Existence': Friday
As soon as this book is done by around the end of next week, I'll keep you guys posted on the start of updates for 'Your Existence', but most likely on the coming Friday! <3
Also, as I said before, I wanted to point out the fact that as soon as book 1 and 2, Im going to start revising both of them. I run them through grammarly, but I still want to improve the chapters already up <3
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