015- affairs
song: Take what you want - Post Malone
Anastasia walked down the stairs to see Thor sitting alongside Steve Rogers. After her run, she seemed too hyper, not even close to burnout. Her body kept flinching with every step she took, somehow she seemed to calm down, but something could easily tick her off.
"Lady Anastasia" Thor quickly got up greeting the young girl, Anastasia could feel the wet sweat begin to stiff against her body. He sat next to Steve Rogers also known as Captain America having a conversation about the immortal.
"Hey Thor," she walkes to the two, "Mr. Rogers" she giggled trying to hold it back but failed when she saw him smile. The man reached out his hand for a handshake, but Anastasia caught herself from making contact. Instead, she smiled almost blushing as she watched the tall blue-eyed man's gaze.
"Please call me Steve, how are you feeling Anastasia." He smiled taking back his hand, understanding the young girl's situation.
"I-" She hugged her hand, "Nice to meet you, but Please call me Ana." she smiled trying not to freak out that Captain America was standing right in front of her.
"It's funny you didn't perform this weird blushing stuff for me." Thor teased knowing it would embarrass the teen, Anastasia gave a glare, Her pupils turned into a wildfire, red hot flames coursing through her eyes as she tried to keep the uncontrollable power in her calm.
Steve chuckled, "shut up." Anastasia playfully hit Thor's arm. Both men watched the young girl blink her way out of the fire. The silence lingered as the two men stood in shock, she controlling it by a thread but it was still taking the best of her.
"So what are you guys up to? Why are you here cap- I mean steve, sorry." Anastasia Suttered as she tried to refrain from biting her nails. Steve chuckled, quickly glanced his head back up as he heard footsteps.
"We're here for you." A woman's voice approached the trio. A redhead quickly smiles, "How are you feeling?" She said checking up on Anastasia.
"I'm good." Anastasia gave a soft but bright smile.
"Natasha." She gave a welcoming smile as she held her hand out just like Steve but Anastasia looked at her hand and back at the woman.
Her eyes began to glow, "Anastasia." She glared at the woman but something was holding her back from accepting her.
"But you can call her Ana." Thor interrupted proudly knowing he was good friends with the teenager. Anastasia looked back at the god disapproving of his suggestion, his smile faded."Of course, she only allows tony... Steve... me and you know everyone else to call her that." His voice faded making the situation worse, Anastasia face-palmed her forehead.
"I see you meet the gang," Tony spoke from behind, as he caught Anastasia's red-eye glare towards Natasha. "She's not really a big touchy-touchy type of person, Don't take it personally." He pointed towards the redhead.
"noted." Natasha sighed giving the kid a wink, as Anastasia watched the woman walk towards Steve. Whispering something into Steve's ear, Anastasia couldn't help but tune into the whisper.
"What are we going to do with her?" She spoke softly into his ear. Meanwhile, Thor walked into the kitchen almost bored of the introduction causing Anastasia's attention to shift to the god and lose tune of the conversation.
"Tony," Steve sighed, fluttering his eyes towards Anastasia. "We need to talk." Tony looked back to the youthful girl, signaling to leave the room.
"Kid go get your gloves." He commanded knowing well it was for good intentions she didn't have to listen.
Anastasia nodded in agreement as she left the room, her ear was still attached to the living room. She quickly ran into her room and grabbed her gloves, quickly putting them on. "And don't eavesdrop!" Ana heard Tony call from the living room. Of course, Ana selectively chose not to.
"What Steve." Anastasia focused on Tony's tone as she hid behind her door. Tony sits down causing Natasha and Steve to follow.
"We need to talk about Anastasia." Steve scanned the room making sure the teen was nowhere near. Steve was under some sort of discomfort by the look of his body language. Natasha on the other hand was at ease to know another girl was joining the team but she was getting irritated.
"What is there to talk about?" He furrowed his brow laying his chin on his hand. Tony was glad they were here in him but the team always had their disagreements.
"Her situation." Steve replied as he adjusted his chair.
"What about it?" Tony tilted his head out of spite, he knew exactly what he was trying to say but he just wanted to annoy the man.
"If what Thor says is true she has to come with us." Steve looked at Tony.
"I already told you this Steve, she stays with me." He denied
"It's not your choice." Natasha cut in, protesting against tony. Natasha glared, "She's too dangerous, she's holding a god's power."
"It is my choice, and my choice is she stays with me." Tony quickly snapped back, holding no restraint to raise his voice if it came to it.
"Tony." Natasha sighed, shaking her head.
"she is safe here." Tony spoke underneath his breath as he ran his hand through his hair. Anastasia could hear the shallow breathing Tony usually gets when he deals with stress.
"you want to lock her here, keep her hidden. That's not keeping her safe, you're keeping her hostage." Steve raised his voice, get up from his seat.
"No, I am not." he refused to keep his calm.
"We don't know what she could do."
"Wel- well we could figure it out." Tony stuttered over his words, in the truth he's grown an attachment towards Anastasia. All this time with the teenager brought out the bright in him and pepper noticed between the months.
"What if she kills somebody? What if she snaps and this whole place blows up with you and pepper in it." The woman tried convincing him, making false excuses to take Anastasia away from the couple.
"She won't." Tony neglected her assumption.
"Tony, she won't survive here, why are you hiding her?" Natasha looked at Steve but Tony grew irritated and impatient.
"I already told you, Steve." He got up and walked to the kitchen as he rubbed the side of his temples from the headache that was brewing. Clint and Thor were chatting until Tony brought the argument to them.
"Tony." Natasha tilted her head out of disbelief, trying to catch the man's attention. "You know this is the best thing for her." Natasha yelled out from the hallway.
"She's not safe here, nobody could keep her safe, not even you."Clint snickered, offending Tony's ego.
"I am keeping her safe!" He huffed trying to catch his breath. His hands began to quiver from stress, "I am keeping her safe. You don't know what that kid has gone through," Tony paused causing Anastasia to feel chills. Nobody has ever grown to care for her as much as Tony and Pepper, it made her emotional that someone did. She was past the long overwhelming situations she had to face back in California but it was worth the wait to finally meet the love she's been waiting for all of her life.
"She deserves a normal childhood." he continued. "Yes!" Anastasia jumped in excitement, "You tell them tony."
"This is her new normal." Steve defined in a pugnacious manner, he crossed his arms.
Anastasia overheard steve but small sobs began to interrupt her tune between the group.
"She is a threat." Natasha asserted as she pressed her lips together.
"She's A KID." He Remonstrated.
"Well if you are not going to let her, She has to pick." Steve spoke, almost finalizing his words, Tony looked around the room. Natasha was in agreement with steve,
"Thor?" He weakly asked hoping he would agree with Tony.
The sobs became louder in Anastasia's ear, causing her to lose a portion of focus. Slowly crawling out of the inner part of the door she walked carefully towards the sobs.
"She should stay with us." Thor spoke, Tony glared. "You don't know if this happens again Stark, what if she dies again?" Tony stood silent.
"It's final then she'll stay at the new compound."
"And if she says no?" Tony questioned as he looked at the Trio.
Anastasia followed the sobs that led to the bathroom door, the sobs grew louder and stronger.
"Then we'll figure it out, she'll come with us to the compound you were talking about. If that's fine with you we will train with her and get to know her for a couple of hours." Steve looked at Tony, "We would ask her if she would join us and if she agrees she will come with us."
"I'm coming." Tony made aggressive eye contact with The two avengers.
"no, knowing you you'll try to manipulate her to stay." Steve denied,
"I am going." He stood up for himself, "I am a part of this team."
"Tony." Natasha spoke, "We know you care for her, but let us get to know her at least." Everyone was in an agreement except for tony, who hated the idea of half of the team going without him.
Tony finally agreed, "You stay here work with banner figuring something out." Steve patted his shoulder, "She'll be fine." he reassured but it didn't calm Tony down.
"Pepper?" Anastasia spoke from behind the door as she peeked in the bathroom. "Are you alright?" Pepper quickly rubs off her tears and snot with her damp tissue.
"Just... just keep her safe." Anastasia heard Tony say with care sending chills down her spine.
"Hey" Pepper stood seated on the bathroom floor clearing out her snot with her sleeve.
"What's wrong?" The young girl walked suddenly towards the woman.
Pepper looked up at the teen, tears streaming down her face. Her smile was pure but broken, almost shaking from stability. Slowly the smile faded away from holding back a sob, wrenching her face as her face grew red.
Anastasia sat beside the crying woman, she didn't know how to comfort anybody especially somebody so close to her. Anastasia looked at her feet then back to pepper who was biting her lip.
"Hey" She gently spoke as she gave pepper a hug, without hesitation, she accepted the hug. Letting everything out she sobbed in the pit of Anastasia's shoulder, with every breath she took she would give in pain.
Anastasia didn't move, somehow the crying made her feel scared to move a muscle or say a word. Growing up she has always felt the pain instead of visualizing it, watching the pain was worse than experiencing it.
"Why are you crying?" She muttered pulling away from the hug, pepper smiled pushing bits of strands of hair behind Anastasia's ear.
"I'm sorry." she hung her head, Anastasia held her gaze.
"For not being there for you, I would have noticed all of this If I was just there for you." She threw her hand in the air as she cracked a regrettable smile. Anastasia stood in her own pool of warmth and torture that the woman cared enough to cry but it hurt too much to watch.
"I've been caught up with work that I forgot all about you, I'm worthless. I am nothing," Anastasia watched the woman rant about herself. "i- I mean come on you could have died in front of my eyes, I should be helping you, being there for you."
"Pepper." Anastasia chirped as she leaned her head on her shoulder. "You've done too much already, you helped me be better and realize I am worth something."
The room stood still until pepper sniffed with all of the nasal in her nose. "I am the person I am now because of you," Anastasia dragged her head from her shoulder.
"Pepper..." the young girl huffed, "I am sorry for acting the way I act, especially this week." She rolled her eyes causing the woman to snort from laughter. "The point is, I am sorry for not letting you in and not appreciating you more." Anastasia continued knowing Pepper wasn't satisfied with herself yet.
"I hope you realize you saved my life, and I will try to save and repay you until my last breath. I am always here to talk, and if you want to talk about anything or even a rant about how Tony is a child, I am ALWAYS free for that." They both chuckled, both seated on the cold floor beside the tub.
"Thank you pepper, I know you say you're nothing but you're everything to me. No matter where or what you're doing you're always going to be in my heart." She smiled, sending Pepper to feel this overwhelming feeling of Love. "And I will never die, well not in front of your face." She promised.
The young girl smiled as the woman tried to hold back all her tears but shortly failed. "Don't cry, you're going to make me cry." Anatasia fluttered her hands as she could feel the breeze hit her thick gloves.
Pepper grabbed her hands, "Thank you." Pepper thanked her for making her feel better. Anastasia laid back against the tub and back onto Peppers's shoulder, Anastasia felt pepper's head resting on hers.
The two sat in peaceful silence, almost comfortable to fall asleep in. Both women didn't say a word, they didn't need to, this was enough.
"I met a boy." Anastasia murmured as she tried to hide a smile, Pepper gasped. "Spill." Excitement flooded the woman's soul forgetting why she was crying.
"Well, He's kind. supper Smart. a horrible sense of style." she said causing her to giggle, "Total dork and could be a huge geek. Oh and huge Iron man fan."
"Oh god." Pepper playfully rolled her bloodshot eyes,
"I know." She rolled her eyes, "he's great, but..." Anatasia had doubts.
"But?" She mocked the teen.
"I'm just not-" She held back a sigh, "I'm not ready." She lied. Anastasia wasn't prepared for another painful regret in her life, she finally got something good in her life.
"mhm, you're definitely scared." She joked, "You should bring him over some and Grumps could meet the lucky guy."
"One foot in front of the other Pepper, it's never gonna happen." The girls giggled, "He's great but he wouldn't be able to handle my mess, plus I'm fourteen."
"Here's the thing, If a boy or man is in love with you..." Pepper squeezed her hand, " He will go head over heels for you, He will make you feel like the only girl in the world. He would wait for you." Pepper said as she visualized Anatsaia growing up.
"Don't settle for the sneezy Rich guy," Anastasia squinted her eyes, pepper partly offended."N- no! anyway, money doesn't matter. The right boy will come along and he will treat you like a queen."
"How long, What if it takes forever?" Anastasia asked like an impatient child,
"It may take longer than expected but it's worth it." Pepper rubbed her finger against Anastasia's palm, it was calming to feel somebody's touch and Love, It reminded her of her mother.
"I mean come on, look at me and Tony. I worked as his assistant and now I'm his partner, the love of his life and he is mine." Pepper smiled.
"And sugar daddy." Anastasia faked a cough underneath her words.
"He is not my 'sugar daddy" Pepper air quotes denying her comment.
"uh yes, he is, Pepper he gave you his Company." She looked up as pepper tried to spill out a word. "I got you there."
"He is not, I really love him and yes he could be a dill hole but he will forever be my Love." Pepper gazed out of the conversation, this was the first time Pepper spoke so highly of Tony, it was kind of shocking to Anastasia.
"For his money, no shame in it." Anastasia smirked,
"for who's money?" Somebody said interrupting their moment.
"Fucking bitch you scared me." Anastasia cursed as Both women quickly flicked up to a man's voice.
"How did you not hear me? I thought you had those weird ear things." Tony said showing no interest, placing the dishrag on his shoulder before sitting on the other side of Pepper.
"I wasn't paying attention." She scoffed, Tony noticed Peppers baggy eyes and red eyes. He rubbed her head knowing she would have a pounding headache from the crying.
"So what do you lady's want to do for Dinner?" Tony questioned,
"Well we have guests, so I will probably ask happy to get some take-out for all of us. Maybe a movie after?" She looked at Anastasia, "how does that sound?"
"Sounds good." She hesitantly nodded knowing she had to go with the other Avengers to do some sort of training. Anastasia was kind of looking forward to going out there and figuring out more about herself and her power she holds. According to Thor, she is the most powerful bean, holding too much power.
With that nod, Pepper got up and looked herself in the mirror rubbing off all the dried-up tear stains with a wet tissue.
"Sounds good babe go do that," Tony said as he slapped Pepper's ass.
"You really got to stop doing that." Anastasia cringed face-palming her forehead causing the couple to chuckle.
Pepper left the room leaving the Two most immature people in the building alone in the bathroom, but instead of tormenting and arguing the room was silent.
No eye contact, No sounds, just the two staying in their own sanctuary of silence. Anastasia closed her eyes feeling a little worn out from all the day, she felt Tony's presents watch over her.
"You know she cares for you, right?" Tony spoke disrupting the peace. Anastasia opened her eyes slowly,
"I know." She looked back at Tony, "I care as well."
"Di- Did you just say that in an accent?" Tony chuckled.
"What no." Anastasia held a smile,
"Stop playing around with the accent or you get stuck with it." Tony warned
"But it's fun!" She gave up her cover, Tony's eyes frowned of confusion. "I get to be the queen." She admitted with a hint of defeat, the man bursts into laughter. "That sounded more french to me but okay." Tony shrugged his shoulders.
"The U.K. Is beautiful in the spring, Pepper likes to go when the tulips are blooming." He said as he pictured their last trip to the U.K. He realizes it's been awhile since their last vacation.
"Must be fun." She wiggled her eyebrows,
"We'll go one day." Tony smiled back at the girl.
The room fell silent again but it wasn't comfortable for Anastasia, they weren't a close distance to one another. "They're waiting for you," Tony muttered.
"I know." She smiled back, "But they could wait, I'm tired." She snuggled her head in her hoodie, Tony chuckled.
"You should get going, they're already mad at me." Tony interrupted her peace.
"Ugh fine." She whined as she stood up from the floor adjusting her gloves.
"One more thing kid," She looked back, Tony buried his face in his hand. "Be careful."
"Don't be getting soft on me, Stark." Anastasia joked, She knew he cared and so did he.
"Go easy on them, they're getting pretty old." He grinned,
"So are you, grandpa!" Anastasia teased before exiting and leaving the man alone in the Bathroom.
"I am hurt." He scoffed, Tony heard her laugh crackling from across the hall.
Anatasia ran back to the restroom, Tony looked up. He looked well-rested but stressed out from everything that has been going on. "I'll be careful, don't worry. I'll be back before dinner, if not, don't watch the movie without me." She warned as her eyes burned red in her iris.
"I wouldn't count on it! I call picking the movie! ha!" He said like a child.
"Damnit!" She stomped her foot, "ugh, anyway See ya!
"bye kid."
Anastasia walked into the living room only eyeing Thor, Steve, Natasha, Pepper, and Hawkeye. They were discussing some stuff about the tower and other business until they caught Anatsasias eye.
"Hey Ana, they were telling me that they want to take you out somewhere and get to know you a little bit more. You should go, have some fun!" Pepper suggested,
The gang warmly smiled, Anastasia rubbed her elbow. "Sure." She faked a smile.
"Okay, we should get a move on then, before sunset hits." Steve approached the elevator as the rest followed inside.
"Great! Be back before dinner." Pepper waved from the living room.
The group stayed in the elevator as Anastasia watched the door slowly close in her face eyeing pepper wave her goodbye. Anastasia didn't want to go, she grew this closeness to pepper and tony. It was different for school because she was just with a bunch of other kids her age but this made her feel anxious. These humans were powerful superheroes and older adults she hadn't known of.
"So Anastasia what do you like to do? Any cool hobbies? Tony tells me you like to listen to music." Steve asked, Asking for the 5th time this month, she was getting really annoyed with the question.
"I like to kill people." She bluntly said looking back to the team, which none of them were cracking a smile except for Thor. Natasha shook her head, and Steve's eyebrows rose in shock.
"Kidding." She quickly took back as she felt the tension build upon her.
"I like her." Anastasia heard a man say in the back of the Elevator.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" She snapped back as she tried to swift back. She saw the man's smile fall into a frown.
"Clint," He extended his hand, which Anastasia hesitated to take. "Barton." He finished.
"Pleasure." She mumbled, taking his hand.
"Back to the question," She turns to the door from all of the looks she was given, "y- ya I like to listen to music." She murmured, quickly running out of the elevator. She facepalms her forehead out of embarrassment,
"Why the fuck did you say that." She mumbled to herself underneath her breath. The team all looked at each other smiling almost breaking a laugh.
The group drove off, Anastasia silently sat in the back of the SUV as the other talked. She left her phone at the Tower so she couldn't surf online for books or listen to music. Instead, She just watched the tall skyscrapers pass by which never failed to amaze her, she also watched the group have a conversation and laugh together.
She was nervous around the group, practically intimidated by them. She smiled to see happiness but something was still wrong, she was scared. That anxious feeling you get when you're about to do something spontaneous fluttered in her stomach.
They arrived at a hidden abandoned Stark industries facility, her legs began to tremble with fear. Everyone exited the car and waited outside as she stayed behind, Anastasia huffed anxious air as she stroked her hair back.
"I got this," She tried to say but choked on her air, "ugh, You're not a loser, You are NOT a loser." she said to herself as she tried to avoid an anxiety attack.
"What is taking her so long." Anastasia heard from outside, the words began to ring. The blood pounded in her ears, Her heart thudded in her chest. Her hands shook. Her feet tingle. Her vision disfigured as if she were looking through a fish-eye lens.
"You Alright?" Steve knocked on the window causing everyone to turn back, she simply gave a thumbs up.
"I'm fine!" Anastasia yelled out from the inside of the car, snapping out of her trance.
She noticed her gloves were on the side of her lap and her eyes were swollen red from the rear mirror. Although she doesn't remember taking them off, she must have removed them when she was daydreaming.
She quickly put them back on and rubbed her eyes, she felt her power control her more, she was driven to the power. "Sorry, I just-" She rubbed her eyes again as she jumped out of the car. Anastasia looked up to see everyone staring at her, her eyes burning against the sun. "Nevermind."
Everyone entered a large plain field with old machines inside of an open shed, someone was here recently. Some doors were open and the vending machines were on, along with old blueprints.
"Alright, this will do." Steve said as he settled in and grabbed his Captain America shield. Anastasia thought it was weird to see them in casual clothes in combat.
"Kid, have you ever fought someone?" Clint approached the young girl, but she shook her head.
"I've never hurt a soul." Anastasia was proud with the mindset that she hasn't hurt a fly.
"Guys she's a newbie, let's go easy on her." he teased, making Anastasia hate him already. Clint walked away placing his things down and grabbing his bow and some arrows.
"He already seems like a douchebag," she mumbled, Thor walked behind the young girl.
"Don't underestimate her Barton." Thor defended his friend.
"I wouldn't doubt it." Natasha winked.
"Alright everyone listen up," Steve approached the group, "Since Anastasia is a beginner, you know the drill." He commanded as everyone followed his order.
"And that is?"
"Everyone is going to be in a circle and you're going to be in the middle of it. We are all going to show you one unique combat and you are going to mimic the move. Or depending whatever we tell you to do, you will choose who will fight you in combat " Natasha explained.
"Did you guys just come up with that recently?" The group fell silence,
"Doesn't matter."
The team circled around the teenager, "Natasha, you're up" Steve commanded her to go first.
"You." Natasha pointed to clint. "Ugh." Clint whined, putting his stuff down.
"Now Anastasia, I want you to look carefully. If somebody is going to throw a punch at you. I want you to grab his arm," Clint faked a punch as Natasha twisted his arm slowly, "Twist." She said in sync with her movement.
"Now this is where it gets tricky, I want you to twist it to the point where they lean forward. Then you're going to put both feet in the back of his neck and let your body weight take him down, but you have to do it fast because you're just going to go down with him." Clint winced from Natasha's grip.
"I am going to demonstrate, it's going to go fast so keep up." The redhead aggressively twisted the man's arm and quickly wrapped her feet around his neck and putting her body weight on his neck, causing him to fall flat on his face. Natasha laid on the floor hugging his twisted arm with legs wrapped around his neck.
"Easy right?" She quickly got up with no pain, Clint on the other hand rolled in agony. "You're going to feel a little pain in your back but not as much as him so don't worry."
"Sure..." Anastasia cringed, she was lost at the twist part.
"Nat, I think we should go easy on her, this is a little too much experienced for her. Try something easier." Steve suggested as he watched Anastasia lost expression.
"No." Thor interrupted, "Let her try."
"If something happens to her, Tony will kill us all." Clint whined on the floor.
"It's fine I got it," Anatasia nervously smiled, but doubting herself.
"Don't be afraid to hurt me." Natasha approached her, "Ready?" She began to stand in her combat position.
"Don't hold back." Anastasia blurted out before Natasha began her punch.
Natasha ripped a fast hook to the jaw, without hesitation Anastasia gripped her wrist tightly enough to burn her skin through the gloves before it could hit her. With her motion and weight, Anastasia used her knees instead of her feet to swing her to the hard grass. Face planting to the floor and almost eating a bit of grass, Nat crashed hard to the floor. Anastasia landed with one foot on the grass and her knee pressed against Natasha's neck.
"Hurts doesn't it?" Clint nagged as he gave her a sneering smile. Both Thor and Steve ran to assist the woman who was thrashed into the floor.
"Yup." Natasha shrieked underneath Anastaisa's grip.
"I am so sorry." She quickly got off and held her hand to pick up both the redhead and Clint.
"It's fine." She declined her hand and got up herself.
She didn't mean it, she just protected herself, something came over her but this time it wasn't her power. It was something deeper than that, she's practiced this art before but she had no recognition of it.
"I thought you haven't hurt a soul." Clint groaned, accepting her hand.
"I haven't, I don't know what that was." She shrugged her shoulders.
"You alright?" Steve questioned, eyeing her busted lip.
"I'm fine." Natasha tried to catch her breath by rubbing her neck.
"Thor you go while I help these two out." Steve was about to put his shield down but Natasha interrupted him.
"I said I am fine, WE are fine." Natasha snapped, raising her voice to Steve. "I'm not" Clint winced as he held his rib cage.
"We are fine" She again assured Steve causing him to nod. Steve puts his shield to the side, passing it to the injured.
"Alright, I'll take you, Anastasia." Steve approached her ready for a fight, his body in a ready position. His body was firm and his posture was perfect, no crack of weakness.
"Alright what are we doing?" She questioned, examining his body language.
"I'm going to see what you got." He waved his hands to come into the fight.
"Get the shield back, you might need it." The young girl taunted as she got into the combat position.
"Remember Steve, she's just a child." Clint yelled out from the spot of grass between him and Natasha. "This should be fun." Clint whispered to the woman.
Both opponents put the fists up, indicating they are ready to fight.
"First one to fall." The young girl smirked, Steve nodded. Thor was still standing where he was assigned in the circle, just watching the 14-year-old girl fight the 100-year-old man.
Steve throws the first punch but Anastasia quickly blocks the shot with her forearm, she swiftly grabs his elbow and twists it back but Steve breaks hold. She then begins to punch his core but there was no luck he blocked every move that came his way. Anastasia thought of another alternative, She quickly kicks his torso causing him to stumble. Before regaining steadiness, she climbs on his back and drags his body to the ground. Due to how much body mass he had, she had no chance of dragging him down.
Steve grabs her and throws her, The young girl landed on the palm of her feet and the other slanted to the floor, she began to sprint to steve. He quickly reacted to her movement but Anastasia was quick enough to strike first. Anastasia dove underneath the man and hit the back of his knees and swiftly knocked him over with a finishing double kick to his lower back.
"Your legs are your weak spot." She exhaled casually as she tried to control her messy hair.
"A little girl kicked your ass." Clint teased as both he and Natasha burst into laughter.
"I was going easy at her." Anastasia extended her hand, which Steve gladly took.
"Didn't look like it." Natasha joked,
"She's just so small and pitty, it's too hard to get a hold of her." He defended himself, Steve grabbed his shield from the floor. "Now you're up Thor." Steve groaned feeling the pain on his limbs. Steve began to walk to Thor causing Anastasia to follow.
"You're going to have to step away from this demonstration." Thor warned Steve, Anatasia glared at Thor who held his hand up to steve. Steve took a couple of steps back but it wasn't far enough.
"Anastasia," He looked at the young girl, feeling a distance between one another in the open field. "take your gloves off."
"I don't think that's a good idea Thor" Steve interrupted but he got shut down.
Thor ignored his words and walked to the young girl, he placed his hammer beside him as he knelt down to the girl. Anastasia fell to her knees coping Thor, she looked down at her hand in fear and terror. Her palms were sweating underneath the thick leather gloves, fingers trembled of doubt.
Thor gently held her hand, "There is nothing to fear, You can't hurt me." He whispered softly, trying not to startle the teen. "Don't be traumatized by your demons, nobody will hurt you nor you can't hurt anyone."
"It's okay." With his words, Thor convinced the girl to cave. She took off the gloves one by one as Thor cupped his hand for the gloves. Feeling the cool fresh breeze between her fingertips flow between her skin. For one second The feeling of relief flowed in between her fingers, giving her one chance of solace.
The god slowly moved his way to Anastasia's touch, He had no bad intentions but he was looking forward to helping her conquer her fear.
"wh- What are you doing?" She jerked her hands away from his touch, "You could get yourself killed!"
"You won't hurt me, you can't." Thor held out his hand waiting for her touch but she denied it.
"I believe in you, you won't hurt me." he continued, trying to convince Anastasia but her stubbornness ignored him.
"no, please. Just don't touch me." She spoke softly almost hurt, Anastasia hugged her hands. She quickly stood up away from his grasp. Holding back tears, Anastasia was reminded that she wouldn't have any physical contact with another human being for the rest of her life unless she chose death. "please" Her eyes began to glow.
"That's enough." Steve protested, protecting the young girl from the god.
"Alright, I won't touch you." He verified as he slowly got up, "but we need to do this together Anastasia."
She nodded, looking back at Steve she gave a brief reassuring nod. He steps back away from the god and Young teen.
"Miss Anastasia, I want you to channel your power." He spoke suddenly with his rich accent.
"How do I do that?" she questioned.
"Close your eyes and feel the energy flowing in you, feel it go through your bloodstream." Thor closed his eyes, as Anastasia tried to focus but nothing came out.
"Nope, nothing." She slaps her thigh, "Channel your anger, be who you were chosen to be." Thor ignored.
"I can't, I can't do it."
"Yes, you can now close your eyes and focus. Once you focus and put your fear and doubt to the side, I want you to strike me" He casually said.
"Are you crazy?" Anastasia complains as she held her hands out in the open.
"I'll be fine."
Anastasia closed her eyes and zoning every sound she came across.
"Focus, who are you, Anastasia? Who really are you" His voice grew deep, familiar deep. A scary horrifying voice she hoped she'd forget but would never will.
Her father,
He was her source of anger, he was her pain, her flame. Anastasia could feel her eyes boiling like a wildfire through her eyelids.
"You were never good enough" She heard from the figure in front of her, the field was empty with nobody around just the tall man.
"I am good enough." Anastasia exclaimed in defeat.
"you never were and you never will be. And to be an avenger, pathetic." He repeated as he moved closer to the girl. "Somebody is just going to abandon you again, you worthless piece of shit."
"I am worth something, I don't need you. I've never needed you, yo- you selfish ignorant child. All you put me through was pain, It's your turn to feel how I felt all those years." Her eyes glowed like the red-orange sun, flaming of fire. Her palms began to spark with bits of red lightning.
"You'll have no choice but to come running back to me, and I won't let you see another day of daylight." The man smirked but it was wiped away from a lightning bolt to the face.
"YOU." She threw a bigger bolt at the man, holding an orb of Energy.
"DON'T GET" Anastasia threw another bolt like she's throwing a ball. But she didn't stop, one after another, she continued.
"TO PUT ME THROUGH" She summoned more strikes to fight the figure as she felt her teeth screech against each other.
"PAIN ANYMORE." The lightning thrashed down upon her, she held out her hands in a wide-open circle. The lightning shot out of her hands, almost like a god.
She paused her strikes and begins to levitate to the man who laid unconscious on the floor.
"You deserve to die..." Anastasia arched her back and pointed to the sky consuming all the energy. She rapidly slammed 7 lightning strikes on the man causing the ground to shake and pushing him serval feet underneath the surface.
Panting to catch her breath she fell to her knees and began to sob, "yo- you de- de-" Her sobs were louder than the word she could make out.
"Anastasia!" someone shouted, but she ignored it and focused on her never-lasting pain.
"y- you deserved to die." She continued as a flow of tears forced out of her.
"ANASTASIA!" she heard again, slowly she saw a circle of fire surrounding her. There was no other fire anywhere else expected for her circle.
"wha-" she looked at steve who ran through some of the fire. "what happened?"
"come on." Steve grabbed the young girl by the waist and carried her bridal style, taking her somewhere safe.
"What happened?" She questioned, "Where are my gloves?" Steve continued to run past the fire.
"You struck Thor multiple times, to the point he had a ditch waiting for him 6 feet under the ground."
"What? Is he okay?" She rambled with streams of tears that felt like heated blood down her face.
"He's fine, He's a god." He said as he placed her gently on the floor, her body was trembling. Natasha and Clint sprinted to the two, Steve threw his shield to the floor as it burned his skin.
"Where is he?"The young girl shouted, realizing this was all her fault. She looked down to her fingertips, not even a little scratch nor burns shaped her hands.
"He's still underneath but I don't know if he's unconscious."
"I'll go get him," Steve carefully grabbed his shield,
"No." Steve overheard behind her, turning to see the girl buried in her hair. "I'll go" Anastasia looked up as hair laid across her face. The three saw her eyes glow red, she was controlling the power. She wasn't mad with herself, it just had to be done. "I caused this, I have to clean it up." Anastasia glared as she pushed both Natasha and Steve of the way.
Anastasia ran straight for the ditch in the floor, there he laid unconscious with no burns or cuts anywhere near his skin. "Thor!" Anastasia called out as she jumped down to his body.
"Thor! Wake up." She shook the god forgetting she had no gloves on. If possible Anastasia was killing him more, she felt more power entering her body before she touched his skin.
"Alright, I'm gonna do something crazy. Forgive me if this hurts." She warned the unconscious man, rubbing her hands to make more friction between her skin. Sparks began to spark between her fingertips as she continued to run faster.
"I'm sorry." She pleaded before she placed both hands on his chest before delivering a jolt of electricity to his chest to get his heart beating faster. The man quickly rose like he was coming from the dead, panting like a dog almost rushed.
He urgently looked around "Are you alright?" She asked but far from any contact.
"I'm alright, although I've never been struck with lightning, How odd I'm always the one with the Lightning," Thor said as he caught his breath.
"Are you?" He turned to find the young girl but she was already out of the ditch.
"I'm completely fine, just a bit tired. I mean I didn't die or anything" She jokingly shrugged her shoulders. She was exhausted, but her body was hyper. She could run a mile and still not be tired but she was tired of everything and everyone.
"You did good lady Ana." he chuckled, "we'll work more on it together." he hesitated to say as he got up.
"Well, I kind of made a mess." She played with a piece of her hair, Thor slowly climbed out of the hole to find the place she was standing in was set on fire.
"It's not that bad." He lied, it was pretty bad.
"It's bad." She wrapped her hands into her pocket for comfort.
"you're right, it's very much worse." He admits as he grabbed his hammer. Thor has been informed by Tony that she never grew up in a wellful manner, but he couldn't comprehend his meaning. He grew up a royalty, never caring for anyone but himself and his selfish acts that would cast towards Asgards. He finally understood the pain she was going through, He felt every last inch of her pain.
The two walked back to the rest of the group while Thor split to talk to Steve and Anastasia fled to a lonely bench. She didn't want to tune in to Steve and Thor's conversation, rather she watched her pale fingers wiggle around as she crawled into her dark blank mind for safety.
The feeling of darkness felt soothing to her, being placed in a dark room reminded her of a haven. It was silent and cold, fearless of the monsters or demons that might be lurking in the shadows.
"Hey Anastasia" She heard a woman approach her causing her to snap out of the haven.
"Hi" she greeted peacefully as she rubbed her thumb against her palm in a circular motion.
"How are you feeling?" Natasha asked, taking another sip on her bottle of water.
"I'm okay." Anastasia smiled weekly, her eyes were on her palms. They both sat in silence until Anastasia spoke,
"Do you not like me? It's just that I have this tendency to feel when people don't like me or are afraid of me. It's really weird, it's like a warning." She informed as Natasha frowned her eyebrows.
"no, of course not." she smiled, feeling guilty for getting upset earlier. "you get to a certain age where if a kid beats you up it isn't funny anymore. When that kid is way better and special at such a young age." Natasha chuckled but Anastasia didn't crack a smile.
Natasha felt empathy for the fourteen-year-old girl. She was once a lost confused soul once, some days she still is.
"you know... I was like you once." She sighed knowing her past was too treacherous to look back on but it was a sacrifice she had to make to catch the young girl's attention.
"I was scared and felt alone the majority of my life. Like the world was eating me up in one whole and kicking my ass every time I would move a muscle." Natasha looked back at the girl. "I had some people in my life but it wasn't the same as having this family that I have now." She said as she watches the guys have their conversations.
Anastasia wasn't scared, she was tired. Tired of feeling this hopeless void in her gut that would make her feel small. This depression that overwhelmed her from being happy and the overthinking that didn't let her sleep at night. But she was right about something, Anastasia does feel alone when pepper and Tony aren't around. Like she was empty-handed without them.
"You're not alone." She continued, "Where are all here, whenever you need us or not. And if you want you could stay with us and we teach you to become an avenger."
"Thank you but I want to stay with Tony." She denied knowing the question was coming.
"Here I'll give you my number just for someone to talk to or if you want to get a cup of coffee together."
"I don't have my phone," she replied
"give me yours." She demanded. Anastasia gave her phone number and Natasha sent a message to her phone that it was her. Meanwhile, Anastasia watched the guys walk to the car. Natasha gets up from her seat while Anastasia stays seated. "Is there any way to stay with Tony and train with all of you guys?" She blurted out.
"Yes, there is always a way. Now let's go the guys are waiting." She gave a warm welcoming smile to walk with her.
They met up with the guys where Thor gave Anastasia her gloves back and she simply put them back on. But Once Anastasia laid her head on the cushion car seat she quickly fell right asleep.
They arrived back at the tower where Clint had to wake her up with a thigh tap which startled her. Anastasia's eyes were drooping from exhaustion, Thor guided her towards the elevator by placing his hand behind her back.
They exit the elevator to see Tony waiting for them by the steel doors sipping on an energy drink.
"How'd it go?" Tony asked the team but all of them stood quiet.
"She beat our asses." Natasha groaned, "She's not who you think she is." She chuckled as touched her beaten lip.
"She's no innocent little butterfly, she knocked Natasha down on her face." Clint exposed the redhead, Tony tried to hold in the laughter but some slipped out.
"If she beat all of your asses, Why did she look so tired?" He questioned as everyone looked at each other signaling not to tell him but Clint misunderstood.
"Thor made her use her power." Clint ambushed Thor, while Tony's eyes grew wide open.
"What? Why?" Tony waited for a quick response.
"Snitch." Anastasia hissed as she made her way towards her room, walking past the rest of the group.
"I wanted to see." Thor shrugged his shoulders.
"She could have killed one of you, or worse she could hurt herself." He worried about the girl, she must be overwhelmed with all that's going on. She hasn't been able to have a normal teenage life, homework, friends, going to the mall.
"Ya, it is much worse if she hurts herself rather than one of us dying." Clint sarcastically joked as the team approached a well-set table filled with food and drinks.
"so what? Does she have lightning ability like you?" Steve questions pointing at Thor, as pepper placed a plate of pizza for the man.
"No. She absorbs anyone's power, anyone she truly deserves to take or to remove with just one touch. Although with mortal humans she's at risk of causing death."
"Power assumption," Banner spoke up from the corner of the room. "Correct, and since she took some of Thor's power she was able to manipulate it and make it her own. Which is impossible for a normal human, it would burn their skin right off."
"Well then why is she in possession of the abilities can't they kill her?" Natasha asked banner but Thor took the lead.
"I don't know how she is still alive but my energy is keeping it that way." Thor sat down next to Tony, "Back in Asgard, there was this urban mythic of a witch who could take the power of any god or any immortal, just like the young one. My father felt threatened by the witch so she was later treason by death, her power was too powerful. Before she was hanged there laid a rumor, she released her power to somebody who grew with great pain and sorrow along with the seven realms."
"And you believe she was cast that rumor?" Pepper questioned getting into the avenger's conversation.
"maybe? But we don't know what could have happened in her past. With the Experience she has in combat it could be a stretch." He finished.
"What about her power are there any side effects of some sort?" Steve took the liberty to ask the question everybody feared to ask.
"She gets these episodes," Tony announced as a flash of memory washed over him remembering what Anastaisa told him yesterday evening.
"Well, that explains her brain waves." Banner blurted out,
"What do you mean?" Steve looked at Banner in confusion as he ate another hunk of his pizza.
"With those episodes could explain her brain scans, her power could trigger an image of something that inflected her in some sort of pain or anger or any kind of emotion to activate her power." Banner put together.
"or someone."Tony scoffed, "Somebody from her past tortured her and it reflected on her present self." Thor reflected on Tony's comment.
"She relies on her emotions too much, Every small emotion she expresses her powers tend to activate." He said as he grabs his napkin and rubbed the tomato sauce off his lip.
"That also explains why her eyes began to glow crazy when she met steve and I teased her earlier." Thor went along with bruce.
"But that was a bit of embarrassment, there's no harm in that." Steve remarked,
"Well not for you, but it's big for her."
"That's another thing. What if she goes to school and somebody random dick head starts to get her mad, embarrassed and what else emotion she has, she ends up breaking her secret?" Natasha cursed.
"Well there's another problem, she consumed 60% percent of Thor's power so anything could happen. But for now, stay out of her way and don't mess with her. " Banner warned as everyone looked at tony.
"And if we get in her way, what would happen?"
"She'll probably kill you." Tony muttered as he hung his head.
"Well is it fixable, those episodes?" Steve asked tony as he looked around the room.
"Only time would tell, but she has no control over it. Maybe she is having a hard time controlling her emotions and her powers or reacting to them. "
"or maybe it's just a jump start." Tony said finished his thought
"What?" Everyone said at the same time.
"As Banner said, those emotions activate her power. What if we find a way to put her emotions aside and teach her how to activate them without her jumping into an episode." Tony got up from his chair. "It's like you banner, when you turn into the ugly green beast are you in control?" he asked.
"no, but thanks for that." he gave a sly leer look.
"exactly, she has no control of who she is in those episodes." Tony said as he connected all of the dots.
"Of course but how would you control something like that?" Clint questioned
"Are you even listening?" Tony snapped,
"Those episodes help her start her powers, we don't know if it can be controlled." Tony pointed out like he was talking to a 4-year-old. "But if we find a way to help her control it and her emotions. She wouldn't jump into another one of her episodes."
"Well, what do we do in the meantime?" Steve said.
"Well, what did she choose to do?" Tony questioned,
"to stay with you."
After the team talked and had dinner they all agreed to stay the night and make their way out tomorrow after Anastaisa left for school. There were two deserted hydra bases that had the same signal as the scepter that went missing months ago after SHIELD fell. They had an order to search and raid the area for the missing artifact, if not there they return and searched the last base once led by Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker, Captain America's feud against Hydra.
A shock filled Anastasia's body creeping her awake, her eyes felt heavy causing her vision to be blurred. She laid on the floor as she arose from the cold pavement. Anatasia looked around to find her surroundings but nothing seemed familiar.
She found an old jail cell filled with a small twin bed, a rusted sink, and a toilet. In front of her was a foggy mirror placed on the wall with a picture sticking out of its corner. Cautiously she approached the mirror and grabbed the photo. It was a photo of her family and a phone number on the back of it. She looked back up at her reflection to only find herself in a different attire and seeming tired and beaten. She wore old rags of clothes and no shoes along with her hair draped down onto her cold body.
Anastasia walked out of the cell but it was deserted, empty halls bombarded with old papers scattering everywhere. She encountered two other empty cells which seemed trashed, and rusted. She made her way to the filing room where she found a pile of folders laying on a steel table.
She searched around for any clues of where she could be, as she searched she dropped the pile of folders. She quickly bent down and picked them up but two, in particular, caught her eyes.
"Anastasia S. Alarie"
"Charlotte Alarie"
Imprinted in front of the file was a red logo with a skull and octopus tentacles as hands. And a recent photo of Anastasia attached to the corner of the folder.
She grabbed her file in it but everything was crossed in black ink except for words, "wrong file." and the initials of C.A.
Anastasia opened the Woman's file, skimming through some of the papers. Her vision began to impair as she continued to read, she found the blood relatives section two names appeared, Anastasia's name, and another one but it was blacked out. She couldn't wrap her mind around Why was her file in here, along with the relations to this woman.
"Next Subject." Anastasia heard from a different room, she put down the files. She began to follow the voice and came across a door with the same emblem as the red stamp on the folder.
She entered a room with a large scepter with a Blue star-like glow centered in it. The doors close behind her causing her to fearfully look back. "For our notes Miss Montgomery, please state your Real name and status." She heard from the other side of the glass walls.
"Anastasia Alarie . Volunteer." Her voice shrieked, Anastasia could feel her whole body quiver from the cold.
"Begin Experimentation." She heard a different man say from the intercom.
"Doctor, with respect, not one person survived after the twi-" The intercom clicked off.
"Touch the sample." Her body was in shock, she completely forgot how to talk or walk at that point. Her feet were glued onto the floor, as they waited for the subject to lose her life.
"So i... I just..." she muttered her words as she took a couple of steps towards the scepter.
It began to rattle until the star-like glow detached from the sharp weapon. Swiftly the fiery blue stone levitated towards the young girl stopping inches in front of her face. Carefully she raised her hand to touch the glowing stone that approached her. The Stone began to tremble, shattering into a million pieces, a new stone appeared firing yellow flames instead of blue. Anastasia watched until the stone brushed power tower her body, like air pressure pushing your body back. The yellow flames brushed upon her as she saw a woman come out of some sort of yellow portal. The energy she was consuming became more aggressive until she finally touched the yellow stone causing her to faint.
Anastasia's Eyes snap open, she is covered in a cold sweat, shaking, heart pounding, looking around the room suspicious and paranoid that the horror may have followed her here. She gets up cautiously, shivering, as she rubs her head and eyes trying to fully awaken. She stumbles to the bathroom, looking in the mirror slowly, cautiously, as if not sure of what she'll see this time.
She didn't have enough time to look at her phone but by the looks of no sunrise, she got into the habit of waking up at 3 am.
"That wasn't a nightmare... " her voice quivered, "It was real." Anastasia needed more information. She was driven to know what had happened to her before she met Peper, her brain was hurting from the missing piece she tried to put in place but something was blocking her from remembering.
"I have to do this." She mumbled to herself as she felt a hot flash hit her dead.
Anastasia quickly picked out her favorite black Nike hoodie and her vans shoes. On her bed was her black leather gloves and phone, she stood still looking at the items.
She quickly grabbed her phone and left her gloves behind, running out the door she instantly puts her hoodie on.
Anastasia made it to the elevator but a man's voice stopped her. She turned to see Steve come out of the terrace.
"Where are you going?" Steve asked as he approached her.
"Going for a run." She didn't make contact with the man, which concerned him.
"By yourself?" He questioned as he walked closer to the teenager.
"Ya." She hung her head hiding the sweat that was dripping off her face.
"You can't go out alone at this time." Steve could tell that she was lying. Her body felt like she was having a fever, hot flashes hit her head harder making her bite her lip from crying out of pain.
"Yes I can, Tony lets me all the time." She defends her lie with even more lies.
"Are you okay?" He moved closer to the girl, making sure she was okay.
"I am fine, I have to go." She tried to move but steve dodged her exit.
"I can't let you do that. You could put yourself in danger." He stood by the door as she grew impatient.
"Steve, don't get in my way." Anastasia's eyes glowed red, "Don't make me move you." She threatened as a red orb of energy and lighting hovered in her hand.
"Is that a threat?" He questioned,
"Do you want it to be." She tilted her head.
"Move steve." The orb grew bigger. "I really don't want to hurt you. " her voice grew vicious and violent.
"I don't either." Steve stood firm by the door crossing his arms.
"you've seen what I could do, I suggest you move." He shook his head no, but Anastasia couldn't hurt him. She put her orb of energy away and quickly sprinted for the door, steve grabbed her wrist. Anastasia quickly places two fingers on his temple for more than five seconds causing him to fall hard to the floor.
"I'm sorry Steve, I told you to move you should have listened." Anastasia snickered as he laid unconscious in the middle of the hallway.
I finally finished so sorry this is late but I'm so proud. This is a really long chapter and it does not have Peter or Spiderman sadly but Ting and I really wanted to bring in the Avengers and start AOU.
Quick life update, I'm just depressed lmao, and like I said in the previous Chapters this is the only keeping me alive :) jk.
thank you for the 1k!
Question: Why do you think Charlotte is so Important?
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