Bendy's POV
'Where is he?' I thought to myself,looking for him while I fidget with my fingers.'He better not be with her..." I always,ALWAYS hated that rat!I hated her so much.
Did she do anything wrong to me?No.Did she do anything that would harm me?No,at least not physically but she had something that will be mine.It has to be mine...
'There he is!' He was standing there,talking to someone,I know it's not the rat because I have her voice memorize.I walk up to him and see he's talking to someone new,another victim for me to pray on.I think his 'new friend' notice me because I saw them point at my direction,with the look of fear in his face.
"Hm?" He turned and saw me behind him.The adorable little mouse with freckles all over his face,Mickey was his name.He look up and saw me,then he giggled that iconic,adorable,giggle. He look back at his 'friend' who appear to be a cat."Daww,it's alright Julius.Thats just my good friend,Bendy nothing to be afraid of."
He told him,'So that's his name' I thought to myself.
The cat still look at me with fear,then at Mickey,I can tell he didn't trust me but Mickey,being so optimistic said,"Well don't be rude Jul,say hi!" The mouse out of the way,gesturing him to walk up to me.He didn't.I decided to play nice and hold out my hand to introduce myself to him,"I'm Bendy,nice to meet you." He look at my hand then at me.He stayed put.I lower my hand as Mickey step back in,"I'm so sorry about that,Bendy he's not used to meeting new people yet." I smiled a toothy smile,placing a hand on his shoulder "It's alright,Mickey-" I glade at the cat "-it's alright..."
"Anyways,what is it,Bends?" He asked me,realizing that I hadn't said my question yet."Well,I was wondering if you wanna,I didn't know,hang out?" He smiled but then I quickly faded away,"I'm sorry,Bendy I can't.I promise Julius I'll show him around the place and I have a date with Minnie today to...how about-" my smiled grow wider(not in a good way tho) I never,EVER,EVER!get to spend to spend time with him,it's not FAIR!,"Umm,Bendy...your hurting me..."I snapped out of my thoughts,I forgot I still had my hand on his shoulder.I quickly removed it,"I'm sorry...it's just that-"
"OH,MICKEY~"I heard her.The rat.
I saw her coming this way,oh how MUCH I want to kill her."Oh,Mickey there you are!Don't forget our date tonight alright."She said,looking so sweet and innocent.heh,but I know she's not.She then notice me and greeted me,"Well hello there,Bendy! How are you?" She said with a smile that that felt like it mock me.
I played along,"Good..." Mickey turn to his head then at me then back to Minnie."Umm,Of courses not." He smiled at her with worry eyes.Mickey was the only toon I know who help me get through my anxiety and depression when he found me in that repulsive prison that you called a studio!He cares about me deeply,even if it doesn't seem like it.
Minnie smiled,"Good!Well see you at 8!" Then she walked away.'Good.I'll make sure I'll never see her again...heh,heh,I'll make sure of it.'
"Say,Bendy you wanna you wanna help me give Julius a tour?" I snapped out of my thoughts again and looked down at Mickey,he sounded so cute when he asked me that.I shook my head,"No thanks,Mick I don't your friend likes me." I pointed at Julius.Mickey sighed,"Alright,we'll see you around." He said as he turned around and walked away with the silent cat.I waved "goodbye" knowing he's not looking but I still do it anyways.
It was late at night.I walk to my little small house to grabbed a flashlight then head back out again.
I walk in the woods to find that repulsive prison I suffered it for 30 years because even though it's a horrible place,I still have something in there that I keep secret.Once I found it,I went inside.I'm surprise it still held up.
"Hello there my personal ____" I said as I step foot in it.I walked around in it for a bit then went to the last floor.There was a door there,I open it and in it was hundreds of photos of Mickey that I took stuck on the wall.
some of them I asked,some of them where from magazines or newspapers, most of them were from me taking pictures of him unnoticed.
In the center was a plushie of him that Alice got me to make me jealous of him,you can guess that didn't work.
Other stuff was from him that he didn't want or need anymore like book or something.
I walk inside my little personal Mickey room and sat on the floor and picked up the plushie and brought it up to eye level.
"Do you love me?" I asked it.
"Heh,your right..." I lower it down a bit and stroke it's ear,"Minnie is distracting...but don't worry,I'll figure it out." I placed my forehead on the plushie's,
"Then it'll just be us...together
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