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Someone we can see only from the legs downwards is breathing heavily as they run slowly along the railway track. The person leaves the track and bumps into a Man walking alongside it.
"Hey! Dick!"
The person who was running turns around and we see that it is Sam. He then starts to run again, goes through a gate, and walks along a heavily-graffitied alleyway. A woman is buying drugs from a Dealer. The woman leaves and Sam walks closer to the Dealer.
"Dude. Get the hell away from me." He Says
Sam rubs a hand over his face, He looks exhausted.
"You speak friggin' English? Go away!" He Says
"It's okay. No one's after me." Sam Says
"Why are you running up in here like that?" He Asks
"Just... Just leave me alone." Sam Says As he slides down to the ground with his back against a post.
"What the hell did you take, anyway?" He Asks
"Nothing." Sam Says
"Shut up." He Says
"No, he's telling the truth. Burned through that last beer hours ago. Right about the time Dean passed out. Come on, Sam. Tell the nice tweaker. You'd be sleeping by now if the devil would just leave you alone for five seconds. Stupid Satan. Chasing you all the way to... Where the hell are we?" Hallucifer Says
Sam is Holding his face in his hands "Gah! I just need some rest."
"Hey. Sam. Try the hand scar." Hallucifer Says
"Ugh!" Sam Says
"How many days you been up, anyway?" He Asks
"Four. Oh. Wait." Looks at his watch "Scratch that. Five." Hallucifer Says
Sam gets to his feet and starts to walk away.
"Hey, hold up! Wait! Hold up!" Sam turns around.
"You want to knock out? I can knock you out." He Says
Later On, Sam and the Dealer are asleep in the front seats of a car. Something shatters the windshield, spraying glass over Sam. He gets out and a bar is protruding through the shattered windshield, but when Sam looks again, the windshield is intact. Hallucifer appears behind Sam.
"Good morning to you, good morning to you..."
Sam walks away. ...our day is beginning, so good morning to you. I thought you liked my singing!" Hallucifer Says
Hallucifer is walking just behind Sam, Who is breathing heavily and blinking rapidly.
"Pills? You do get that you're just bringing free drugs to the party, right? I am inside you, Sam. Hey. Sam. What's the longest a normal human being has ever gone without sleep? 11 days." chuckles "Hey. You always wanted to be normal, Sam!" Sam is running away from Hallucifer. "If you are, you'll be dead in a week!"
Sam runs in front of a car, which hits him and sends him up onto the windshield, over the car and to the ground.
A Doctor is working at his desk. Dean opens the door he and Elena enters, followed by a Nurse.
"Okay, You can't just barge in here without an appointment!" She Says
"They said, "Talk to Kadinsky." You Kadinsky?" Dean Says
"You guys need to be scheduled!" She Says
"Well, then, schedule us! He was in a car crash. Why the hell can't we see him?" Dean Asks
"You're Sam Smith's brother and sister." Dr.Kadinsky Says
"Yeah,what's going on?" Dean Asks
"It β it's fine. Thank you. Really." The Nurse leaves.
"Sam was admitted. He was treated for a broken rib and lacerations." Dr.Kadinsky Says
"Okay. That's not too bad. And?" Elena Says
"And... he's on our locked psychiatric floor." Dr.Kadinsky Says As Dean and Elena looks surprised.
"I mean, he's had some trouble..." Dean Says
"So you're aware that Sam is experiencing a full-blown psychotic episode?" Dr.Kadinsky Says
"Psychotic? Come on. I mean, the guy's... It's not like the guy's freakin' Norman Bates." Dean Says
"No, I'm sure he isn't. We need to determine whether his state was brought on by the insomnia or whether the insomnia is a symptom of his condition. Do you understand? So that we can figure out how to treat him." Dr.Kadinsky Says
"Well, all we can say is that the sleep thing is β is kind of new." Elena Says
"Right. Well... we've pumped him about as full of sedatives as we safely can. So far, he won't go under. I've never seen anything like it." Dr.Kadinsky Says
Upstairs, Dr. Kadinsky pushing a button to enter Ward D2. A sign on the wall and the door read "High Security Area". He, Elena and Dean walk down the hallway in the ward.
Sam is in his hospital room, Hallucifer is sitting on a desk, playing with a piece of string. Sam is on the bed, dressed in a white T-shirt and white hospital pants.
"I'm just sayin'. Back when you had no soul..."
Dr.Kadinsky, Elena and Dean appear at the door.
"...you never had to sleep." Hallucifer Says
enters the room.
"Ah, Mr. Helpless. Pull up a six-pack, buddy." Hallucifer Says
"Hey Sam." Elena Says
"Hey." Sam Says
"How are you feeling?" Dean Asks
"Maybe you should cancel my UFC fight." Sam Says
"Yeah. Keep that sense of humor, Sam. It'll get you through this." Hallucifer Says
Dean and Elena sits down on the end of Sam's bed.
"Sam, We're gonna find you help." Dean Says
As Sam exhales and looks away.
"Now, that sounded a little cynical." Hallucifer Says
"I don't think it's out there, Dean." Sam Says
"We don't know that." Elena Says
"We know better than most. It's all snake oil. Last faith healer we hooked up with had a reaper on a leash. Remember?" Sam Says As Dean stands up.
"Yeah, Sam, I remember." Dean Says
"I'm just saying..." Sam Says
"What? That you don't want my help?" Dean Says
"No, I'm just saying... don't do this to yourselves."Sam Says
"Sam, if we don't find something β" Elena Says
"Then I'll die." Sam Says
"Oh, you're upsetting me." Halluicfer Says
"Guys, we knew this was coming." Sam Says
"No." Dean Says
"When you put my soul back..." Sam Says
"No." Dean Says
"...Cas warned you about all the crap it would β" Sam Says
"Screw Cas! Quit being Dalai frickin' Yoda about this, okay?" punches his hand with his fist "Get pissed!" Dean Says
"I'm too tired. This is what happens when you throw a soul into Lucifer's dog bowl. And you think there's just gonna be some cure out there?" Sam Says
Sam looks at Dean and Elena sadly, Dean nods and bites his lip.
"Oh, you guys are having a moment." Hallucifer Says
As Dean leaves the room, Elena sighs.
"Elena go look after him please." Sam Says
"No I rather stay here and be with you." Elena Says
"No really I'm fine." Sam Says
"You and I both know that's Bull." Elena Says
"Yeah....please go look after him while I'm in here, I'll be fine." Sam Says
Elena sighs then walks over and kisses Sam on the forehead, Sam gives her a small smile then she leaves the room.
"Aww you guys are adorable, I still don't get why you two aren't a thing." Hallucifer Says As Sam rolls his eyes and rolls over then lays down.
Dean is looking through a journal and talking on the phone.
"I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's. I'm looking for some info. If you could, uh, call me back. 785-555-0128. Thanks." Dean Says As He hangs up and crosses a name off a list.
The Nurse is taking Sam's blood pressure and temperature as Hallucifer looks on.
"I am so sorry to have bothered you." He Says
Dean crosses another name off his list. Eight names are now crossed off, Elena is cooking some food for them both as she looks over at him.
Hallucifer is reading from a large book, Sam is sitting on the edge of the bed, facing away from Hallucifer.
"Narcissistic personality disorder. Okay, now, this one I could have." Hallucifer Says As The Nurse enters.
"Time for meds, Sam." She Says
"Sets unrealistic goals. Check. But trouble keeping healthy relationships? Not so sure about that one. Thoughts?" Hallucifer Says
"Yeah. Thanks." Dean Says
Dean hangs up, crosses out another name, closes the journal and picks up a smaller journal. He tosses the smaller journal onto a table as he walks to the refrigerator and picks up a beer and drink it.
It's Now Late at night, Elena walks back inside the house she and Dean are staying at. She puts the keys on the table and takes off her jacket, Elena looks over at the couch and see's the six empty beer cans everywhere.
"Oh Great." She walks over to him, She kicks his leg. "Hey wake up." Elena Says
"Huh what?, Oh it's You." Dean Says
"Nice to see you to, Did you drink the whole beer pack." Dean Nods "Great now your drunk." Elena Says
"No I'm completely sober." Dean Says
"Oh really?" Elena Says
"Yup, I can totally move and work right now." Dean Says
"Okay then." She Holds Up Three fingers ." How many fingers am I holding up?" Elena Asks
"Ummm.....four?" Dean Says
"Yeah it's time for bed, come on." Elena Says
"No Lena I gotta finish working, we gotta help Sam." Dean Says
"And we will tomorrow morning when your sober okay." She Helps Him Up. "You need sleep." Elena Says
Elena Puts Dean's arm around her and she helps him to the nearest bedroom, She opens the door and they walk inside.
"I called 13 people today Lena, 13 and no one can help us. I can't leave him in there...we can't." Dean Says
"And we won't." Elena Says
"We Failed him Elena." Dean Says
"Hey Look at me, listen he'll survive this...we'll survive this trust me. It's Sam, this guy has been through so much in his life, dying, the cage, soulless he can do this...gotta have faith okay." Elena Says
"I don't want him to die Elena." Dean Says Sitting down on the bed
"Me neither, we can't give up." Elena Says
Dean looks at Elena sadly, He hugs her and she hugs him back. Elena holds Dean for a moment as they sit in silence. They pull apart and he looks at her then at her lips, He then kisses her. Elena is shocked at what's going on, she pulls away.
"Dean weβ" Elena Says
Dean cuts her off with another kiss, She kisses him back and they fall onto the bed. Dean and Elena begins making out roughly, He makes his way down to her neck as she slightly moans. Elena thinks for a moment then stops.
"Dean." Elena Says
"Hmm." Dean Says
He Kisses her neck then trails back to her lips and continues kissing her.
"Dean....we need to stop." He Looks At Her. "We can't do this." Elena Says
"Why Not?" Dean Asks
"Because your drunk and...we can't, there's a lot going on right now. Plus you really need some sleep our main focus is Sam right now...I'm sorry." Elena Says
"No your right, I am pretty tired anyways." Dean Says
"Okay." Elena Says
Elena gets up and walks towards the door, Dean takes off his boots and lays on his stomach.
"Good night Lena." Dean Says
"Night Dean." Elena Says
She turns the light off and closes the door, The next morning Dean is eating a sandwich then the journal he was using the other day falls to the ground.
"You dropped that?" Dean Asks
"No." Elena Says
Dean picks it up then a business card for Mackey's Taxidermy has fallen out. On the back is a cell phone number.
"Yeah, hi. Uh... my name's Dean. I'm a friend of Bobby Singer's. I'm, uh, looking for some info. If you could call me back at 785-555-0128. Thanks." Dean Says Then hangs up.
Sam is sitting on the edge of his bed with his eyes closed. Dr. Kadinsky enters.
"Sam, how are we feeling today? Rib pain β scale of 1 to 10?" Dr.Kadinsky Says
"It's β it's not bad. Um...Three." Sam Says
"You don't have to lie, Sam." Dr.Kadinsky Says
"I'm β I'm not." Sam Says
"You've suffered terrible agony. I mean, your 10 must be astronomical." Dr.Kadinsky Says
"Yeah. I-I guess I have a high threshold." Sam Says
"Yeah. But the worst is knowing that there's always a new 10." Dr.Kadinsky Says
"What are you talking about?" Sam Asks
"Well, I'm talking about the truly elegant torture I have prepared for you today..."He morphs into Hallucifer. "...Sam."
Sam gets up and turns away from Hallucifer.
"Just stay the hell away from me." Sam Says
"But it's β it's so nice chatting. Sam, I hate these one-sided conversations. Come on, buddy." He raises fists "Engage. Sam? You... me... locked ward. Is it me, or is this just like the Cage?" Halluicfer Says
Sam is sitting on the bed, yawning. An orderly brings in a tray. He picks up a plate holding a sandwich and sits down on the bed again. He takes a bite, then looks down at the sandwich and sees that it is crawling with maggots. He drops the sandwich to the floor and moves further up the bed. A Girl wearing white hospital clothes with a bandage on her neck is watching from the doorway.
Dean is doing a search on the laptop. He brings up the "Amazing Grace Helping Friends" website. His phone rings. It's Mackey who's standing next to his truck.
"This is Dean." He Says
"Mackey. Calling you back. Hey. Real sorry about Bobby." Mackey Says
"Yeah, me too." Dean Says
"Look, what you called about β I might have something for you. There's this guy. He goes by "Emmanuel." He kind of roams. First started hearing about him a couple of months back. How he was healing the sick, curing the crazy." Mackey Says
"Uh-huh." Dean Says
"Naturally, I think something in the milk ain't clean. Find this sucker, punch his clock. Right?" Mackey Says
"Right." Dean Says
"Heard the best way to get to him is through his wife, Daphne, out in Colorado? So, I go. Tell her I'm going blind. It's true. My right eye's burnt out. She says, "Go home. He'll come." So, I go. I set every trap, every test in the book." Mackey Says
"That's what I would have done." Dean Says
"Emmanuel shows. He passes every one. There ain't nothing weird about this guy. Except... he's the real deal." Mackey Says
"What do you mean?" Dean Asks
"He touched me, and my eye was fixed. Look β I don't believe in much that don't suck your blood. But I wouldn't call you on a maybe." Mackey Says
Sam is sitting on the edge of his bed, covering his ears and facing away from Hallucifer, who is talking through a loudspeaker.
"Oh, my head hurts. Make it stop!"
"Hello?" She Says
The Girl who watched Sam from the doorway earlier is standing in the room. She holds out a chocolate bar to Sam.
"You want this or not? I saw you yesterday." Sam takes the chocolate bar. "You didn't look too happy with your in-flight meal." She Says
"Thanks. Uh..." Sam Says
"Marin. No problem. Sam. Right?" She Asks
The loudspeaker blares and Sam winces.
"I'm Sam." Sam covers his face and Marin leaves.
"Hello, Sam. Hi." Hallucifer Says
Dean and Elena walks up the stairs to the front door and knocks. A Man opens the door.
"Hi. Uh, is this, uh, Daphne Allen's house? I'm looking for Emmanuel." Dean Says
"Well, you found him. Daphne's resting. If you don't mind." He Says
"Oh, yeah, sure." Dean Says
Emmanuel steps outside and closes the door.
"Um... So, we were hoping, uh..." Dean Says
Through the window, Dean and Elena sees a Woman who is bound to a chair and gagged. They looks back at Emmanuel, whose eyes turn black and he is a Demon. The Demon punches Dean, He knees Elena in the stomach and throws her down the stairs, He then grabs Dean and throws him against the door.
"You were saying, Dean?" Demon Says
"You know, I'd think twice. Or don't you know that your boss issued a hands-off memo." Demon Says
"Please. What have you done for him lately? Roman's head on a plate? No? Whatever Emmanuel is, Crowley's gonna want him β a lot more than he wants you these days. So..." Demon Says
The Demon starts walking towards Dean, Elena thenΒ stabs it with his knife. The Demon yells and light flashes from his eyes and mouth as it dies. Dean pushes the Demon down the stairs as Elena withdraws his knife. A man is standing at the bottom of the stairs. Dean and Elena stares because it is the body of Jimmy Novak, Castiel's former vessel.
"What was that?" Emmanuel Asks
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