{7.13} πππ πππππ πΆππππ πΏπππ 1
A Man carrying a cup of coffee walks over to the sofa, sits down, hits a button on a laptop on the coffee table and picks up a piece of paper. A door opens and an Intruder, visible only from the legs downwards and wearing black boots with rubber soles, steps through the doorway. The Man looks behind him.
"Barb, that you?" He Asks
The Man goes back to his work. The Intruder, who is holding a knife and is still visible only from the legs downwards, approaches. He turns off music that was playing and gets up to close an open window. He sits back down on the sofa and continues to work. Something grabs him from behind and he goes flying with a yell into a framed picture on the wall.
The glass shatters and he falls to the ground. The Intruder swings the knife at the Man, he screams and blood splatters over his face. The Intruder continues to use the knife on the Man as he screams, then rips open his shirt and cuts him repeatedly. The Intruders face is indistinct. We see that a large design has been carved into the Man's chest. The camera pans out and we see that he is dead and that his hands and feet have been cut off.
A car is being driven down the road, Dean is asleep in the passenger seat and Sam is driving and he sighs and Dean wakes.
"Morning." Sam Says
"Hey." Dean says As He takes a flask out of his jacket, shakes it and unscrews the lid.
"Is that Bobby's?" Dean takes a drink. "I didn't know you kept that." Sam Says
"Yeah, mine sprung a leak." Dean Says
"You know, most people would just carry a β a photo or something for a memento." Sam Says
"Shut up, man. I'm β I'm β I'm honoring the guy, all right? This is, uh, grief therapy, kind of like you and your wild-goose chase." Dean Says
"Wild-goose chase?" Sam Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"Four guys murdered in two weeks, hands and feet cut off." Sam Says
"Yeah, well, some guy with a foot fetish run amuck." Dean Says
"Grown men thrown so hard they went through walls. Did you β did you even read the article?" Sam pushes a newspaper at Dean.
"No, I was napping." Dean Says
"Well, anyway, what else you got going on? Dick Roman's a dead end for now, you might as well β" Sam Says
"Stay busy." Dean Says
"Exactly." Sam Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"But I called in for help along the way." Sam Says
"Oh really who?" Dean Asks
"Denny, he and Corinna were nearby so I asked him to join along if he was up for it." Sam Says
"Oh and what about Corinna?" Dean Asks
"She's Um...she went back home withβ" Sam Says
"Oh I get the picture don't need to paint it for me." Dean Says
"When was the last time you both spoke?" Sam Asks
"Sam-" Dean Says
"Look I'm just asking, she hasn't been with us in a while..so when Dean." Sam Says
"Since that night." Dean Says
"Oh...that long." Sam Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
A Forensics officer wheels the man who was murdered in his apartment, Dean, Sam, Denny and are wearing their FBI suits. Dean, Sam, Denny and the Forensics Officer leans over the body.
"The latest, but probably not the last. You guys always work this late?" He Says
"Ugh, hours suck. But, uh, great benefits package." Dean Says
"Oh yeah" He Says
"Yeah. 10% co-pay on all drugs." Dean Says
"Seriously?" Dean smiles and nods. "Oh, but just generic, right?"
"No, no. Name brands are cool." Dean Says
"Oh." He Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
Sam clears his throat. "So. What's our boy here weigh?"
"Uh. A buck ninety. Thrown against a wall so hard it buckled. Based on the blood flow at the crime scene, the hands and feet were cut off while he was still alive, just like the others. The killer wanted him to suffer." He Says
"And all vics are male, right, with the same kind of, uh, artwork as this?" Denny Asks
"Yeah. Identical." He Says
Sam takes a picture of the design carved in the Man's chest on his phone.
"So, uh, DNA left at any of the scenes?" Sam Asks
"All of them. One before this, the guy bit the attacker. Still had a chunk of flesh in his teeth when he came in. That's about as good as it gets." He Says
"Right." Dean Says
"So, we have a match?" Sam Asks
"We do not." He hits a button on a computer keyboard and a window that says "Sample Rejected. No Known Genetic Markers" pops up on the screen.
"The samples were rejected. The genetic markers don't match anything we've ever seen." He Says
"Didn't match any person in the database?" Dean Asks
"No, I mean they don't match anything human." He Says
"Hmm." Denny Says
Denny, Sam and Dean walk towards the exit doors of the building, which say "Seattle Police Forensics". Sam is looking at his phone as they exit the building.
"I'll admit it could be in the general vicinity...of the ballpark of our kind of thing." Dean Says
"Yeah, uh, "didn't match anything human" usually seals the deal for me." Denny Says
"What Sam?" Dean Says
"I don't know, I've never seen this symbol before.
Let's get a bite to eat, go back to the motel, haul out the laptop." Sam Says
"That's a great idea, actually, that's a brilliant idea. here's my counter. You guys do that, I'll go undercover, go mingle amongst the locals and see, uh, what kind of clues bubble to the surface." Dean Says
"So You're going to a bar." Denny Says
"Wow. If you want to oversimplify it." Dean Says
Then walks off.
Corinna is finishing up dinner, Elena is in the living room on the couch in her pajamas with a flannel over her top. She's channel surfing until she lands on a channel playing "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
"Okay Dinner's ready." Corinna Says
"What's on the menu?" Elena Asks
"Tonight we're eating like Italians, we got the fettuccine carbonara with the chicken parm." Corinna Says
"Yay." Elena Says
Corinna walks over with two plates, she sits on the couch and gives Elena her food.
"Thank you." Elena Says
"Your welcome." Corinna Says
Corinna and Elena eats their food and watch the movie, She looks over at Elena who's picking her food.
"What are you thinking about?" Corinna Asks
"A lot of things honestly, my life, leviathans, my dad andβ" Elena Says
"Dean." Corinna Says
"Yeah, I mean the last time we spoke it didn't end on good terms." Elena Says
"The breakup was that bad huh." Corinna Says
"Yes...I mean I know it's not what he wanted but I just couldn't be with him, I'm not okay and I haven't been okay for a while now." Elena Says
"Mhm." Corinna Says
"I tried to kill my self, that's how low I felt in my life and I hated feeling like that but that's how I felt...you know sometimes I kinda wish he didn't save me." Elena Says
"What?" Corinna Says
"Yeah, A small part of me kinda wished that I did die right there in that moment because I was ready, I wanted to be with my family..." Elena Says
"I know you felt very alone in that moment, but Elena you need to understand that your not alone ik this okay we're all here and dealing with it as well." Corinna Says
"I know but...why do I feel like this, I know I'm not alone in this but why do I feel so alone. I'm so sick of just being angry." Elena Says
"Hmm...you ever heard of the five stages of grief." Corinna Says
"What?" Elena Says
"Yeah, I remember this from one of my college classes that I cared enough to stay awake in but, there are five stages of grief that we all go through.
There's Denial, I mean when Bobby was dying you didn't want to believe but it was happening, there's anger I mean when you lashed out on everyone including slapping me really hard in the face." Corinna Says
"I am sorry for that, I didn't mean to hurt you or say any of those things Corinna." Elena Says
"No it's okay, look I was mad for a moment but I realized that this wasn't you and you were obviously hurting so I put my feelings aside because I care about you it's all water under the bridge." Corinna Says
"I love you." Elena Says
"I love you to, Now back to what I was saying after anger it comes bargaining which sucks, because you have this feeling of helplessness and hostility." Corinna Says
"Which I have been feeling as of late." Elena Says
"Exactly, and the last two is depression and acceptance. Now I know you've always suffered from bad depression ever since we were kids but I know you and I know how I strong of a person you can be, Elena you will get through this I know you can and if you somehow have to do it alone then okay but the only person who get yourself out of this is you." Corinna Says
"I want to feel better I do, when I'm like this I hate myself and I hate everyone and everything but...this isn't my first time experiencing grief I mean it took me a long time to accept the fact that my mom is gone but now my dad...he's gone and it's just so harder now because he has been in my life for as long as I can remember so accepting his death might take a while." Elena Says
Corinna holds Elena's hand. "Take the time you need okay."
"Hmm, so where's Denny at?" Elena Asks
"Oh he's working a case with Sam and Dean, he and Sam are in the hotel working while Deans out." Corinna Says
"Oh he's out..." Elena Says
"I'm pretty sure he's just working." Corinna Says
"Yeah." Elena Says
Dean and a Red haired woman are at a table. They are almost finished with their drinks.
"Uh, dinner and a movie, which sounded fine, except the movie was "Human Centipede." She Says
Dean laughs. "What, so wait, uh, so you had a problem with that?"
"The date from hell." She Says
"Dating, right? Ugh." Dean Says
"But what's the option? I don't see settling down any time soon." She Says
"Well, that's something you don't hear every day." Dean Says
"Oh, what, are you ready for the big commit?" She Asks
"Me?, Well I was but you know things happen and she had different ideas." Dean Says
"Huh, Her lost I guess." She Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"Nice suit, by the way. Guys don't dress up much. I like it." She Says
"Yeah, well, it's, uh, a conservative line of work."
Dean finishes his whiskey. A waitress has given the Woman a new cocktail.
"What line is that?" She Asks
"Investment banking." Dean Says
The waitress gives Dean another whiskey.
"Oh, God I hear the hours are ridic." She Says
"Yeah." Dean Says
"But there's money to be made." She Says
"I've had a fortunate year." Dean Says
"Well." She raises her glass in a toast. "May you have many more." She Says As They clink glasses.
"Arigatou." Dean Says
"You speak Japanese?" She Asks
"Ah, enough to get by." Dean Says
"Well, look at you." She Says
"Yeah, look at me." Dean Says
Dean looks down at the table, then back at the Woman.
"You want to move this conversation elsewhere?" She Asks
Dean and the Woman enter her house while kissing. She helps Dean out of his jacket as they continue to kiss. Meanwhile A Man is watching television while eating popcorn and drinking a beer. There is a knock at the door. Dean and the Woman are still kissing. The Woman pulls off his tie. The Man goes to the door and looks through the peephole. Dean and the Woman are still kissing, She undoes buttons on Dean's shirt. The Man opens the door with a smile.
"Hi. What can I do for you?" He Asks
The Woman pushes Dean backwards, The Man goes flying across the room into a wall. The Woman takes off her shirt and kisses Dean, who is backed up against French doors. She pushes his shirt off his shoulders and pushes him backwards through the doors into the bedroom. She takes off her pants and Dean pushes his down, he falls backwards onto the bed with a grunt. The Woman gets on top of Dean, interlocks their fingers on one hand, then kisses him. Dean rolls them over.
The Man rolls over on the floor, there is blood on his back, front, face and the floor. The Woman rolls herself and Dean over so that she is again on top.
There is a knife being lifted as the Man lifts his head from the floor and raises an arm. There is a slashing sound and the sound of flesh tearing. The Man screams and his face is splattered with blood.
The Woman is straddling Dean and they are kissing. He lifts up his head to meet her and then lays his head back on the pillow. She sits back and tosses her hair, then slides her bra straps off her shoulders.
Someone takes photographs of the design carved into the mans chest. The Woman unhooks and removes her bra. Dean slides his hands up her body and she leans down to kiss him.
Someone takes photographs of the Man's blood-splattered face. The Woman and Dean kiss.
Someone takes photographs of the stump at the end of one of the Man's arms. Someone takes photographs of the blood-splattered crime scene, the Man's body, and the stump of one of his legs and the design carved into his chest. The Woman sits up. Dean lies on his back in the bed with his eyes closed, then opens them and looks at the ceiling. He exhales audibly.
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