Jack is standing the garden with the hose in his hand, watering plants. Suddenly Sam, Elena and Dean emerge through the backdoor to the garden behind Jack. As they walk over to him, Jack seems completely spaced out, just holding the hose, and staring into nothing.
"Jack Montgomery?" Sam Asks
Jack doesn't turn right away, take a moment, and then he just looks around, over at them.
"I'm Sam Winchester. This is my brother Dean and our friend Elena" Sam Says
Jack turns around and looks at them as they walk up to him.
"We need to talk." Sam Says As Jack looks at him and then at Dean and Elena then he looks back at Sam.
"About?" Jack Says
"About you. About how you're changing." Sam Says
"Excuse me?" Jack Says
"You're probably feeling your bones move under your skin. And your appetite's reaching, you know, "hungry hungry hippo" levels. How am I doing so far?" Dean Says
"Who the hell are you guys?" Jack Asks
"We're people who know a little something about something." Elena says
"We're people who can help. Please, just hear us out." Sam Says
Later On
"A-a what?" Jack Says
"A rougarou. Sounds made-up, I know, but believe me, it's not." Dean Says
"Alright, I've noticed certain things. I mean, some strange things. But I just, I-I don't know. I'm.. I'm sick or something." Jack Says
"Your father was one of these things, Your real father. He passed it on to you." Sam Says
"No. Are-are you guys listening to yourselves? You s-sound like you're-" Jack Says
"Skip the whole "you guys sound crazy", shall we? You're hungry, Jack. You're only gonna get hungrier." Dean Says
"Hungrier for?" Jack Asks
"Long pig. You know, a little manburger helper, may have crossed your mind already." Dean Says
"No." Jack Says
"It doesn't have to be like this, Jack. You can fight it off." Elena Says
"No." Jack Says
"Others have." Elena Says
"We're not gonna lie to you, though. It's not gonna be easy. You're gonna feel like an alcoholic swimming around in whiskey. But I'm telling you. You gotta say no... or-" Dean Says
"Or what?" Jack Says
"You feed once, and it's all over. And then we'll have to stop you." Sam Says
"Stop me? My dad, did uh, somebody stop him?" Jack Asks
"Yes." Sam Says
"Get off my property right now. I see you guys again, I'm calling the cops." Jack Says
"Jack, your wife, everybody you know, they're in danger." Sam Says
"Now!" Jack Says
"Good talk." Dean Says As Jack watches them leave.
Later On Jack is sitting on a bench, listening to a message from Michelle on his cellphone.
"Jack, I don't know where you are but you're scaring me. Come home. We need to talk. Please?" Michelle Asks
The mailbox beeps and Jack lowers his phone, closing it. He then looks up at the building across the street from him where a woman is undressing. He watches her for a bit and when she closes her drapes he slowly stands and with his eyes fixed on her window, he crosses the street. As he walks out of the camera shot, Elena, Sam and Dean are parked in the Impala watching him.
Elena turns around in backseat as he see's Jack running across the street, to the woman's building.
"Uh Guys Look" Elena Says
"Damn it. Jack. No." Sam Says As He pulls up the flamethrower and exists the car. Dean grabs a flamethrower and hands Elena one as well and they gets out the car too.
"Come on." Dean Says
Jack is climbing the fire-escape, heading for the woman's window. The boys and Elena run up to the building, looking up at Jack. They head for the stairs to the entrance and hurries in, Jack has reached the woman's floor, and we can hear a heartbeat as Jack watches the woman walk around in the appartment. He's breathing shallow breathes. His head is twitching a bit unhuman. The woman removes her bra with her back to Jack and then puts on a t-shirt. She turns off the light and Jack's reflection is in the window and he sees his bloodshot eyes.
"No. No." Jack Says As He moves away.
Sam and Dean kick down the door and They All hurry through it, flamethrowers at the ready. They meet the woman, who's just coming out of her bedroom and they scare the living hell out of her with that entrance. She screams and backs into her bedroom.
"Wait!" Dean Says
She slams her door. Dean, Elena and Sam is still standing by the front door, looking a bit confused.
"Whoa, uh, we're here to save you, I guess." Dean Says As Sam looks around and they hear the woman locking her bedroomdoor.
"I'm calling the police!" The Woman Says
"We should go." Elena Says
"Yeah." Dean says As They hurry out, Dean turns around and closes the door with a little embarassed laugh.
Jack comes in through the front door, looking up at the top of the stairs. He walks over to the foot of them, and smiles a little, and calls out to his wife.
"Michelle! I'm home!, Hey, babe?!" Jack Says
He starts walking towards the living room.
"Are you here?" He Asks
Then suddenly he hears a muffled sound and heavy breathing. Jack stops and see's Michelle sitting tied to a chair, with a gag. She begins to move in the chair, screaming to him through her muzzle.
"Michelle." Jack Says Then Suddenly an arm comes around Jack's neck and a piece of cloth is put over his nose and mouth.
Later On, Jack is handcuffed to a pillar, and out cold. He finally wakes up and discovers he's bound. He rattles the handcuffs a few times, trying to get loose. He looks up and sees Michelle still bound and gagged, sitting next to him.
"Michelle?" Jack Says
Travis walks up in front of her, and stands in front of Him.
"Okay. We're gonna stay calm. We're gonna give this man whatever he wants, Anything. Just take it and go, please." Jack Says
"I'm sorry about this, Jack, I truly am, he walks over to Michelle and He begins to untie the gag, It's not the way that I wanted it to go." Travis Says
"Who are you?" Jack Asks
"You already met some friends of mine." Travis Says As He walks over to Jack.
"Two brothers And that Woman?" Jack Says
"They said that if I..." Travis Says As He looks over at his Michelle who's shaking. She looks back at him.
"Look, I haven't hurt anybody." Jack Says
"Not yet, but you would've, They always do. I'm doing you a favor, son." Travis Says
"Jack, what's he talking about?" Michelle Asks
"Tell her, Jack. Tell her the truth. She deserves to know." Travis Says As Jack shakes his head again, and Michelle looks from Travis to Jack.
"Just let her go. She's not a part of this." Jack Says
"A part of what?, Jack?!" Michelle Says
"I really do apologize, but she is a part of it." Travis Says
"What?" Jack Says As Travis looks over at Michelle.
"Michelle... tell him what you told me when I got here." Travis Says as Michelle stares at Travis with tears in her eyes. Jack is looking over at her, confused.
"Michelle?" Jack Says
"I said... "Don't hurt me... because I'm pregnant". Michelle Says As Her voice breaks with the last word and she begins to cry. Travis looks over at Jack who turns his eyes back to him as well.
"J-just hold on a minute" Jack Says
"Now you see the mess we're in? I can't make this mistake all over again. I won't be around in 30 years, this has got to end now. I know you don't believe me, but I'd give anything not to have to do this." Travis Says
"No. No. No.." Jack Says
Jack tries to move forward but is stopped by the cuffs. He looks back towards them as Michelle looks over at him, scared. As Travis begins to take out his weapons, Jack rattles the handcuffs. Travis takes out a can of gas.
"Oh God! Please don't!" Michelle Says
"You don't have to do this!, he begins to pour out gas, If you want to kill me, kill me, but not my wife. Okay? I'm begging you." Jack Says
"Ain't got no choice. My condolences" Travis Says
As he walks around with the can, emptying it. Desperate, Jack begins to pull on his handcuffs again.
"Jack." Michelle Says
Suddenly we get a flash of blood pumping in veins again, like we saw in the bar, and Jack's eyes becomes bloodshot. He continues to struggle and we get a shot of Jack and Michelle kissing, and then blood moving in veins again. A few more of those flashes and then of his reflection in the woman's window earlier. Finally, Jack breaks the chain between the cuffs and he's free. He jumps on Travis right away, pushing him to the floor. Sitting on top of him, Jack begins to hit Travis and Travis hits back after two hooks from Jack, and he falls to the floor. Travis moves over and sits over him, hitting him hard of the chest with his arm in a cast, while Michelle watches in terror.
"Jack!" Michelle Says
Travis hits him again and then when he goes for a third hit, Jack captures his arm and breaks the cast. Travis screams out in pain and Jack throws him to the floor and then gets on top of him, moving his arms away. There is a heavy heartbeat and Jack's eyes are completely bloodshot now. He holds Travis in a choke hold with one hand and then rips away his shirt with the other, exposing his shoulder and neck. Jack watches as the blood pumps beneath the surface of Travis throat and then he goes in for the kill, biting down.
Travis screams out in pain and Jack rips a part of his throat away with his teeth and sits up again, and chews on the piece of skin. Travis bleeds out quickly, leaving a big pool of blood underneath him. Jack just chews away on the piece he just ripped from Travis.
Michelle watches all this, in shock and Jack goes in for another bite, and Travis dies. Jack takes a second bite and his face is changing, becoming ugly and contorted. Michelle just stares, in shock and terror. Suddenly Jack whips around and looks at her, his face compeltely covered in Travis's blood. He turns around and then stands up. He walks over to Michelle and is crying now, and he squats down next to her. He frees her and she jumps out of the chair quickly and moves away from him.
"Stay away from me!" Michelle Says
"Michelle." Jack Says As Michelle bolts for the door and runs out.
Michelle runs over to her car, keys in hand, and pulls open the door to the drivers side. She gets in and drives off quickly, tires almost screaming.
Jack is standing in the same spot where Michelle left him, breathing heavily with sadness. Slowly the monster takes over though as his eyes falls on Travis body. He walks slowly over to him.
The boys and Elena pulls up in front of the house, and we see a car on the otherside of the street. They slowly gets out, flamethrowers in hand, Dean walks around the Impala to Elena and Sam
"I guess now we know where Travis is." Dean Says
As They start walking towards the house.
"That stupid son of a bitch." Sam Says As Dean and Elena looks over at Sam by that comment. They reach the porchsteps.
The frontdoor slowly opens and Dean comes in first, eyes on the stairs. As he moves in, Sam and Elena follows and they look into living room, The chair Michelle was tied to before has fallen to the floor. Neither Travis body or Jack can be seen and down on the floor there is a blood pool soaked up by the carpet. Elena, Dean and Sam stop by the entrance to the livingroom when they see that. A bloodtrail from the pool to behind the couch can be seen, from where Jack as dragged Travis behind it and They share a look.
There is a piece of meat on the floor, as Sam walks over to it, closely followed by Elena and Dean,They stop by it and looks down.
"Damn It" Dean Says
"Oh, God. Think that's Travis?" Elena Asks As Sam sighs.
"What's left of him, Guess you were right about Jack." Sam Says
Before Dean can respond he's suddenly pushed forward and Jack jumps him from behind.
"Dean!" Sam & Elena Says
They slam down on the coffee table, knocking out Dean. Elena quickly moves around them and pulls up her flamethrower and puts up her lighter in front of it, to light it. Jack turns around to him and jumps him before he can get a flame. They slam to the floor, Elena hits the back of her head and Sam Tries to Stop Jack but Jack grabs the Flamethrower and hits Sam in the face repeatedly knocking him out, Before Elena has a chance to do anything, Jack takes the flamethrower and slams it into Elena face really hard She tries to get him off but he slams it hard again effectivly knocking her out.
Later On, Sam is on the floor of the closet, knocked out, then he slowly wakes up. After a second he remembers where he is and he gets up and goes for the doorhandle, but it's locked.
"Elena?,Dean?," Sam Says
"Dean and Elena can't come to the phone right now." Jack Says
Sam slams his hand against the door twice, angry.
"Jack! If you hurt them, I swear to God!" Sam Says
"Calm down!" Jack Says
Dean is still lying on the coffee table, knocked out and Jack is sitting by his feet While Elena is still knocked out tied up in a chair
Your brother and Friend's alive." Jack Says
Sam relaxes a bit with that news and rests his head against the door, panting.
"But not if you don't calm down." Jack Says
Sam is completely calm now.
"Alright, Jack. Listen. Open the door. We can figure this out, okay?" Sam Says As Jack laughs at that.
"We'll have ourselves a little brainstorming session."
Jack Says As He's close to tears out of desperation.
"Jack." Sam Says
"Please." Sam Says
"I don't think so." Jack Says
"After what you did?" Jack Says
"What? What are you talking about?" Sam Asks
"You send your friend here. He tried to burn my wife alive." Jack Says
"What? Why?" Sam Asks as he goes through his pockets.
Jack realizes they don't know, so he lies.
"He didn't say" Jack Says
Sam looks around and sees a metal hanger. He grabs it.
"I guess psychopaths don't have to explain themselves." Jack Says As He looks over at Dean and slowly begins to move along his body.
"Listen to me. You gotta believe me." Sam Says
"We Would have never would have hurt her, okay?" Sam Says
Jack comes up by Dean's face, who's still knocked out. With a shaking hand, Jack reaches out and dips his fingers in the little pool of blood that has formed by Dean's head. He turns his hand over, looking at the blood on his finger. He then sucks it off, enjoying the taste. He begins to rock back and forth.
"Oh, God. I'm so hungry." Jack Says As he looks over at Elena and walks closely to her and See's that her nose is bleeding, Jack lifts Elena's head up wipes the blood from her nose then taste's her blood enjoying it
Sam has used the metalwired hanger and re-formed it so he can pick the lock.
"Jack, don't do this." Sam Says As He bends down and goes for the lock.
Jack turns towards the closetdoor.
"I can't ever see my family again." Jack Says As Sam works the lock.
Jack turns back to Dean.
"You, your brother ... your friend. You made me into this!" Jack Says
"No one's making you kill us." Sam Says As The lock won't agree with him and he takes down his hands for a moment, Listen to me."
Jack is looking up at the ceiling and then he looks down again as Sam speaks.
"You got this dark pit inside you. I know." Sam Says
Sam is leaning against the door again, with his eyes closed.
"Believe me, I know, He opens his eyes. But that doesn't mean you have to fall into it. You don't have to be a monster." Sam Says As He begins to work on the lock again.
Jack laughs at that.
"Have you seen me lately?" Jack Says
"It doesn't matter what you are." Sam Says
"It only matters what you do. It's your choice." Sam Says
Jack sits still for a moment and then he grunts in pain. Then he begins to move up to Dean's head again, with his mouth open, looking like he's slowly going down the road of eating Dean and He slowly begins to wake up now. Jack puts a hand on his shoulder, eyes completely fixed upon Dean, Then suddenly hear a door slam open.
"Jack!" Sam Says
Then Jack whips around towards the closetdoor, and we see Sam is standing there, flamethrower and lighter in hands, ready. Jack sits still for a moment, like he decides something, while Sam is only watching him.
Then he lunges for Sam and as Dean slowly lifts his head and is slowly turning it around over his shoulder we hear Sam flip the lighter and the flamethrower goes off. Dean turns his head back around, to shield it. And then he turns back and watches while Sam burns Jack alive and he finally falls to the floor, in flames. Dean looks over at Sam, who's sad by this outcome.
"Sammy You Okay?" Dean Asks as he stands up
"Yeah Im Alright, you?" Sam Asks
"Yeah, they look over at Elena still unconscious, Lena? Lena? You okay wake up" Dean Says As he cups her face trying to wake her
"I'll untie her" Sam Says
"Lena Come on wake up god Damnit, her eyes slowly open and she groans in pain, Ahh there you are" Dean Says
"Hey What happened, Where is he?" Elena Asks
"Jacks Uh...He's Dead" Dean Says As Elena looks at Dean Then at Sam with a Sad Face
"Shit" Elena Says
"Yeah I Know" Dean Says As Elena stands up and they all look at Jack's Burnt body
The Impala comes down a road fast
They're driving under silenean is Dean is behind the wheels. He looks in the mirror looking at Elena Sleeping peacefully, Then he looks over at Sam who's just staring out the window then he turns back to the road.
"You did the right thing, you know. That guy was a monster, there was no going back." Dean Says
Sam doesn't respond, he only lowers his head.
"Sam, I wanna tell you I'm sorry. I've been kind of hard on you lately." Dean Says
"Don't worry about it, Dean." Sam Says
"It's just that your, uh, your psychic thing, it scares the crap out of me." Dean Says
"Look, if it's all the same... I'd really rather not talk about it." Sam Says
"Wait a minute. What? You don't want to talk? You?" Dean Says
"There's nothing more to say. I can't keep explaining myself to you, I can't make you understand." Sam Says
"Why don't you try?" Dean Asks
"I can't. Because this thing, this blood, it's not in you the way it's in me. It's just something I got to deal with." Sam Says
"Not alone." Dean Says As Sam sighs and looks out through the passengerwindow and we see him reflected in it. He's silent for a while.
"Anyway, it doesn't matter. These powers... it's playing with fire. I'm done with them." Sam Says
Dean looks over at him.
"I'm done with everything." Sam Says
"Really?" Dean Asks
Sam continues to look out his window and Dean turns back to the road.
"Well, that's a relief. Thank you." Dean Says As Sam turns around to him and scoffs a little.
"Don't thank me. I'm not doing it for you. Or for the angels or for anybody. This is my choice." Sam Says
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