I2I Dungeon Baal
SINBAD AND ŞEVVAL LOOK AT THE DUNGEON WITH AMAZING, dragons in the dungeon start attacking everyone. Almost 100 of Dragul's soldiers are already dead, just as a dragon is going to kill Dragul, Sinbad saves him. And they go to a safe place with Şevval.
"How did you get to Dungeon before us? We were here first." asks Sinbad and Şevval.
''You are that pacifist boy and girl. Mind your own business.''
''I am a soldier. I don't need the help of traitors against our nation."
''I don't care about things like 'reasons'. It is not possible to change what has happened and Şevval is from another country, do not involve her in this.'' retorted the sailor.
Then the two continue at the same time, "We saved your life too, but you don't even say thank you. Who is a child?''
''Are you two calling me kid? Well, let me explain in a way that people like you can understand. Don't forget my noble name."
Then Dragul proudly puts his hand in the middle of his chest and says,
''I am the Parthevia General, the youngest of the Dragul family. I am the son of General Draguliel Henrius Nomidus Pertegomidus. Commander of the Western District army. Dragul Nol Henrius Govius Menudias Partenuvonomias Dumid Os Kartanon.'' and ends with a smile that looks like an evil smile.
''Too long. I'll call you Drakon for short." declares Sinbad
"Your name is Drakon okay?"
''Too long! My name is S-I-N-B-A-D only 6 letters!"
While they are fighting, Şevval and Luna sweatdrops, then they see a huge dragon above and hide.
''Seems like...''
"We don't have time to waste."
"Yeah, we'd be in a better place if you never had to fight over names," says Luna. Drakon and Sinbad look at the cat, then at Şevval, waiting for an explanation in surprise.
"Yes, my cat Luna speaks, I don't know how, but that's it." replies Şevval
"We got it, now let's go," says Drakon.
"Wait, Şevval needs to transform!"
''Transform?'' asks Sinbad.
Şevval's brooch starts to shine and everyone is surprised except Luna
''You still don't believe me huh? You should say Moon Prism Power Make Up!''
Şevval is stunned for a second, but then she starts to say the words with determined eyes,
(Just focus on Sailor Moon please!)
''W-what happened? why am I like this?!''
''Wow! You look really good in that Şevval.'' Sinbad exclaimed.
''Eeh!? Thank you!'' Şevval says with huge blush.
''Just cut the flirting and lets go!'' says Drakon.
''We are not flirting!''
And they go, Sinbad says that that huge dragon eats what they don't like, just like the king of humans,
Drakon gives orders to Şevval and Sinbad, but they refuse. Drakon himself quickly reaches the door, but the door does not open and he faints when he sees the dragon king.
''You idiot!''
''Stand up or you will die!''
The dragon king begins to roar and Drakon asks Şevval and Sinbad to kill him. Both refuse
"I'm getting this!" Sinbad says
"Hey you ngh!"
"Watch out, Drakon," says Şevval and Luna.
"Can you hear that, Drakon? Lives were sacrificed for people with power. This is the sound of their vengeance."
and Sinbad uses Drakon's shield to slither over the geysers, wounding the dragon king. The attack causes an electrical discharge from the dragon's mouth. Then Şevval goes up to Sinbad,
(Just focus on the attack please!)
Şevval uses her sailor senshi power and Sinbad uses his sword to strike the dragon's head.
The dragon disintegrates into pieces, all sides begin to glow, Sinbad and Şevval show Drakon the two green orbs they found when they kill the dragon and they come to the door. Şevval goes to Drakon and hands him the green orb in her hand,
"Drakon, you put this on the door."
"Why do you want me to do this?"
"Because that's what I want, hehe."
''Okay that doesn't mean I'm thanking you.''
Sinbad and Drakon put the orbs in the recesses in the door, the door begins to glow and the door begins to swing open, and the foursome, who are dazzled by the light, close their eyes for a moment and open again.
"Wait! Who are you guys?"
"You asked me who I am? I am me. Sailor Sinbad!"
''And I'm Şevval the Moon piece!''
As they continue their journey, Drakon thinks about what she thought about Sinbad and Şevval, and they finally reach a door on the mountain. And they enter the door,
"I don't see anything out of the ordinary here, all made of stone," says Drakon.
"We too!" exclaim Luna and Şevval.
"I won't agree with that," replied Sinbad, rubbing the lamp standing in front of him, and suddenly an electric current swept over all, and a huge blue creature appeared.
"My name is Baal. I am djinn of Wrath and Heroism. Who will be king?" Baal asks
Sinbad, Şevval and Luna think of this power as the power that Yunan speaks of, and Drakon thinks of it as the power that the sorcerers talk about.
' who will be king is...
Me!''says Sinbad and Drakon at the same time.
They begin to fight and then stop with the question Baal asked Şevval.
"What are you doing here Messiah of Light?"
''Me? I am not that Messiah of Light.!''
'Messiah of Light' they think in their head, Sinbad and Drakon
''I understand.''replies Baal.
And then Sinbad and Drakon continue to fight Sinbad thinks of his mother, father, Şevval and the villagers, while Drakon thinks of Serendine , Seeing this fight, Şevval realizes that they both did this for the people they love and wanted to take the power of the djinn.
''I won.''
''I've also witnessed it. I approve of you being my master. Take this. Here is the power you crave." Baal replies as he gave the power Sinbad.
"Congratulations Sin!"
"Thank you, Şevval."
and they disappeared with a light
Sinbad, Şevval and Luna are unconscious and wake up in the middle of the treasures Sinbad has won,
"You did well with your friend, young conqueror, now give the treasure and the power of the Dungeon," one of the soldiers gently orders
"I am not like you. I gained the treasure and the power. I would never give them to you," Sinbad replies.
''What? This is an uprising against the empire. Catch him!"
"Şevval, get behind me!"
"Aren't you going to use your power?" a voice speaks.
''Yunan!''says the three as they looked at him shocked.
"I see you don't know how to use that power," says Yunan and touches Sinbad's sword. The sword begins to glow. And Baal appears.
''Isn't it too soon to ask for help, my king?''
"Blue giant!"
''what's this?''
''is this a monster?''
"Listen to your heart," Yunan says to Sinbad. Sinbad is stunned for a second, then calms down and says,
''The djinn of Wrath and Heroism, I command you and your messengers...
Using my magoi as your source... grant my will great power
come forth, Baal!"
A big grin comes across Baal's face, and Baal immediately knocks down all the soldiers with his lightning bolts,
"This is my power," the sailor says, stunned.
"This is great Sin!" Şevval exclaimed as Luna nodded her head.
"Sinbad, Şevval and Luna." Yunan calls out and blows up the trio and the treasures with his wand.
"Yunan, what.." The trio asks in surprise.
"A gift from me," says the mysterious magi with a smile, and blows them away with his wand.
Soldiers stare in amazement,
"What?" and Yunan vanishes in mystery again
At the Tison Village
The trio descends to the entrance of the village
"I've never flown like that," Sinbad says, feeling nauseous.
"And ask me," said Şevval, trying not to throw up.
''Brother Sin? Sister Şevval, "It's you!" a boy comes.
"We're back," said the sailor and the moon princess.
"Where did you two go?"ask a woman
''We were in Dungeon...''
"Where did you two go, leaving Esra for two months?!"
Sinbad, Şevval and Luna entered the house, were surprised to see Esra very pale and immediately sat next to Esra. Esra extended her hand to her son and said:
''My darling? Is this you? Badr?" she asked, continuing assuming Sinbad was Badr. "If I can see you... I think I'll be leaving the world soon.
''Sin, our little boy met a very innocent and pure girl who seemed to come from heaven, named Şevval, then our son took your sword and embarked on his own adventure with Şevval...
''Esra...'' said Şevval, while tears were almost flowing from her eyes, Esra continued,
"Energetic, inquisitive and always reckless...but he values his family and friends. He's so kindhearted and looks like you..." Sinbad squinted his eyes to hold back his tears, Esra continued,
"He's an adult now. And while Şevval is with him, I am sure that nothing will happen to him.
She finished her speech with tears in her eyes, saying, "I love you, Sin" and she passed away.
Sinbad's eyes widened with astonishment, he remembered what Esra had told him
''You found it, didn't you?
It's something only you can do.
Do what you have to do,
nothing will happen to me."
and started to cry. Şevval said "Sin..." and hugged him, Luna joined them.
and at that moment everyone cried but Sinbad, the miracle child, understood better what his mother said about Şevval when he felt Şevval's hug.
his body and mind felt like everything would be okay. Then he swore to his mother in his heart that he would protect Şevval no matter what .....
''Listen to me. Sinbad and his comrade Şevval will definitely try to save him. Make sure you find them and catch them." orders Serendine Dikumenowlz Du Parthevia, the princess of the Kingdom of Parthevia.
''The Princess herself is coming...''
''So sad.''
''Do not say that! There are no other units we can mobilize at this time and we will no longer be making proposals. Also... "
"We will never make offers. Sinbad and Şevval sold treasures and bought a ship!" complains a man.
"Who follows a fool who doesn't know how to fight and is useless. Go home, dogs!" a man with a scarred face agrees as well.
"Walk!" Serendine shouts to the soldiers trying to suppress the men, kicking the injured man in the stomach with a fury and continues to speak, grabbing the man by the collar,
"I won't let you insult my father. I will cut your tongue and burn you." Someone grabs the pink-haired princess by the wrist, this person is Sinbad, accompanied by Şevval and Luna.
"This young man and young lady..." mutters a commoner man.
"You two are Sinbad and Şevval, right?" she asks angrily.
"Nice to meet you, I am Şevval. But you seem like a very spoiled person.'' says Şevval with a cheerfully sarcastic tone.
''Huh? I'm glad that a sweet girl like you knows me.'' says Sinbad with a flirtious tone.
'What did you two say? Do you two know who she is?" yells blue haired girl one of Serendine's servants Tamira, Brown haired maid, Sahel, then continues,
"She is the first princess of the Parthevia Empire, Princess Serendine."
The people are stunned by this speech, Sinbad whistles
"Let me show you both how I treat spoilers."
"Unfortunately, I don't like hurting girls."
"Me too!" As soon as the sailor and the moon princess say this, Serendine starts attacking them, Sinbad again says something that angers Serendine. She attack Sinbad and Şevval again,
"Do you know why they call me the venomous spider princess?"
"I am also aware of my other nicknames. Anyway....''
Sinbad and Şevval are stunned for a moment, then a purple mark begins to appear on Sinbad's injured arm.
Serendine explains that it is spider venom, but Sinbad laughs and shows a bottle. Serendine is surprised to see the bottle. Sinbad drinks the antidote.
Serendine's chestplate opens, her breasts are revealed, Sinbad takes her on his shoulder, they get on the boat with Şevval and Luna, Sinbad and Şevval put Serendine in a barrel and throw it into the sea,
"Aah!" cried Şevval, clutching her hands to her chest.
"Are you okay?" Sinbad and Luna asks with worry.
"I'm fine," said Şevval, as purple marks formed on her chest and disappeared without anyone noticing.
Let's go and change the world!"
to be continued
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