Pay Your Respects
Over the course of the last month, Y/N had gotten back to work for both Wayne Enterprises and under the mask. First order of business was firing Derek Powers, he had violated plenty of laws and his contract so getting him out was easy. Getting control of Wayne Enterprises and ridding it of the Roman's influence. Any members of staff who were directly hired after Powers took command and had any connection to any enterprise of the Roman? Gone. It would still take months, but Y/N purifying Wayne Enterprises. Making sure no one will endanger the legacy of Thomas and Martha Wayne.
As Batman, first thing Y/N did was let the criminals know he was never gone. Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot, and they would always need something to strike terror into their hearts.
Flashback, 2 hours after being freed from Ivy's control
As Batman swooped down from the darkness, his cape billowed behind him like the wings of a giant bat. The thugs below were caught off guard by his sudden appearance, but they quickly recovered and pulled out their weapons.
Without missing a beat, Batman leapt into action. He dodged a swing from a thug's baseball bat and countered with a swift kick to the ribs. Another thug tried to tackle him from behind, but Batman spun around and knocked him to the ground with a brutal uppercut.
As the remaining thugs closed in, Batman seamlessly transitioned from one foe to the next, throwing punches and kicks with incredible precision and power. He used his gadgets with skill and agility, throwing batarangs to disarm his enemies and deploying smoke bombs to disappear into the shadows.
Despite being outnumbered, Batman never faltered. He moved with the grace and speed of a predator, taking down his foes one by one until the last thug was left standing. With a final flourish, he delivered a devastating finishing move that sent the thug flying across the room, knocking him out cold.
Breathing heavily, Batman surveyed the scene around him. The thugs lay groaning on the ground, their weapons scattered about. For a moment, the Dark Knight stood in silence, his cape once again billowing behind him as he prepared for whatever challenge lay ahead.
End of Flashback
And that's how it was for the past few weeks. Y/N maintained his grip on the underworld, tightening it around the super villains who would swear allegiances to either side of the Cold War. Many were locked up in Arkham, so only smaller villains, such as Tweedledum and Tweedledee were left in the City, and they weren't exactly going to turn the tide of war now. So now Y/N could attempt to solve the case of Holiday, and await for when the killer might strike next. In hopes Holiday might screw up during their next kill.
May 14th, Mother's Day
As per usual, Holiday had struck again. But this time it wasn't something connected to the Roman or even a member of the Rogue's Gallery who had sworn allegiance to Maroni. Holiday had struck a teahouse in Chinatown, while it seemed innocent it was only a front. As the teahouse was actually a front for black market dealership, dealing in stolen guns. A crime scene was set up, with Gilda Dent driving her husband to the scene, she looked quite disappointed in Harvey.
"Gilda I'm sorry" Harvey tried to say grabbing his wallet from the car door. "We'll make the late movie" he tried to assure as she didn't even loom at him. "I'm looking forward to it".
"I think I'd like to go home" Gilda said, turning out her head to look out the window. Watching the rain illuminated by the many police lights around them.
"Why we can-" Harvey shut himself up mid sentence, knowing that look on Gilda's face. He couldn't remember the last time he saw her smile. "Yeah, yeah okay" he said, exiting the car and leaving Gilda alone. Her face still miserable and emotionless, devoid of life.
Harvey entered the teashop, four officers were inspecting the area. The DA showed his identification, an officer letting him pass as he entered through a busted metal door marked 'employees only'. A steps down, and Harvey was met with a full armoury, literally. SMGs, handguns, revolvers, RPGs, shotguns, snipers if you could name it there was mostly a gun type here. Officers were taking photos of the many guns, Dent looked in utter shock which was broken as someone got his attention.
"Harvey" Jim Gordon said, inviting the DA over to show him something. "Seems like Chong was busy" he noted, in front of Gordon was a familiar gun locked in a vice, the beginning of the serial number scratched off. "Supplying Holiday with his guns".
"I knew it" Harvey noted, turning round to look at the corpse laying in the middle of the room. "I said we should've checked him out" Harvey pressed. "We might have learned something" Dent said as he looked at the basket of flowers next to the corpse with a card labeled 'To Mom' on it. "Seems like the Holiday Killer's covering his tracks" he summarised. "Where's Bats?" Harvey asked turning to Jim. "Haven't seen him recently" he added.
"You just missed" Jim noted taking a puff of his pipe. "He left about twenty seconds ago".
"I didn't even" Harvey began but cut himself when realised who he was talking about. "Any reason why he left in a hurry?" he pondered with a raised eyebrow.
"He said he had....." Jim frowned, trying to remember the exact words the Caped Crusader used. "Something to attend to".
Y/N looked down in sorrow, dressed in an all black suit and holding an ensemble of flowers in his hand. He walked through a cemetery, passing families burying their dead or paying their respects. He was soon approaching a tombstone that looked well kept, clean, sharp, as if the person had been buried just today despite them being dead for over a decade. This was the grave of Y/N's mother, M/N L/N.
As he approaches his mother's resting place, Y/N feels a mix of emotions - sadness, longing, and a deep sense of love for the woman who gave him life. He kneels down by her gravestone and carefully placed the bouquet of flowers he had brought with him. Y/N took a deep breath, closing his eyes, and began to speak.
"Mom," he starts, his voice breaking with emotion. "I miss you so much. It's been hard without you here, but I know you're watching over me. I hope you're proud of the man I've become, and I hope I can make you proud every day."
Y/N takes a moment to compose himself, wiping away tears that had begun to trickle down his cheeks. He reaches out to touch the cold, hard surface of the gravestone, as if trying to connect with his mother's spirit. He continues speaking, pouring out his heart to the woman who had meant so much to him. "I told you I got him right" he said, allowing himself this moment of weakness. "Yeah I think I did" he added, caressing the tombstone gently. "I met Selina again, she's changed. I think I may-" he tried to speak, but he was forced to wipe his eyes as the tears welled up. The memories of that day coming to him.
15 Years Prior
Young 14 year old Y/N L/N walked through his apartment in the rough side of Gotham City, shouting from apartments, needles on the floor, but the boy kept a happy face. He was happy, straight A's on his tests, newest super hero movie just around the corner, and his dad was coming to visit. Y/N's dad was rarely around, he supported his family from a distance. But today was a rare sight, they were going to be a family. Just arrived at the apartment door, digging into his backpack to pull out his key, but as he did. He could hear, shouting from within.
"What are you DOING!" the voice of his mother cried out, the falling of pots and pans could be heard from within.
"What I have to" his father spoke up. The screaming of his mother could be heard, Y/N dropped his, barging his shoulder against the door to try and open it. Eventually it worked, and with a mighty charge Y/N bashed the door clean off the hinges. What Y/N saw that day would stay with him for the rest of his life. His father, the soldier, the mercenary, Slade Wilson, standing over his mother who lay next to a wall. Blood pooling beneath her from a stab wound sustained from his bloodied sword. Y/N felt like he was going to sick, the whole world spinning. Slade looked to his son, trying desperately to explain this.
"Hello, son," Deathstroke said in his gravelly voice. "I've been looking for you."
Portrayed by Esai Morales
The boy stared at his father, unsure of what to say. He wanted to run away, to hide from the man who had killed his mother. His feet trembled, he commanded his legs to move but nothing came of it. Y/N could only focus on the lifeless eyes of his mother.
"Dad?" the boy asked his voice nothing but a whisper as he swallowed hard, his breathing through his nose increasing as he saw his mother laying in a pool of her own blood.
"Son" Slade stated, turning his body. "Please" Deathstroke stepped forward with his son finally taking a single step back, Slade had his sword at his side. "I did this to make you stronger," he said. "To prepare you for the world that's coming. You need to be strong to survive in this world, son. And I'm the only one who can make you strong" he tried to reason. Y/N always knew his father was dangerous, but M/N and Slade assured the boy his father was making the world a better place.
The boy shook his head in disbelief. Eyes bloodshot, his whole body shaking, "No dad" Y/N tried to say. "This isn't, why did-" he couldn't find the right words. Y/N's young mind couldn't comprehend the sight.
Deathstroke shrugged. "Maybe this isn't how you see the world Y/N, how you think it works. But in mine, it's the only way, your mother was a weakness. What you'll soon learn is how emotions, attachments make you weak. But without your mother you can be strong" Slade wiped the blood from his sword, like it was nothing. Deathstroke smiled, a cold and cruel smile. "I want you to learn from me, son. I want you to become my apprentice, to learn the ways of the world and the ways of the warrior. You have the potential to be great, son. But you need my guidance to realize that potential."
The boy stared at his father, trying to make sense of his words. He had always known that his father was a villain, but he had never understood the extent of his madness until now. Y/N's body caught up to his mind, and slowly his legs began to move.
"Don't make this difficult Y/N, just come with me" Slade tried to say, offering up a hand to Y/N. But he didn't take it, instead he ran, back down the alleyway towards the elevators and stairs hoping to find who could help. "BOY!" Slade yelled, slipping his Deathstroke mask over his face.
Y/N ran as fast as his legs would carry him, shoving past druggies and half awake people who didn't even know what month it was. Deathstroke was different, anyone who got in his way he sliced, his son already saw him commit the crime imaginable. A few more deaths will make him stronger. Y/N soon reached the stairs and elevators, he rapidly pressed the button trying desperately to call one to get him out of here. But none arrived, his father, this monster was getting closer.
But is was that day, that Y/N lost his father but gained a new one.
As Batman crashed threw a nearby window, kicking Deathstroke away. The assassin swung his sword around, ready to engage the Dark Knight in yet another round of combat as they had done many times before.
"RUN" Batman yelled, but Y/N didn't. He saw everything, how Batman was a master in combat, the gadgets, the agility. How he seemed to know every move Deathstroke made before he made it. Snapping his sword like it was a toy.
This was Batman, the Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight of Gotham.
And from that day onward, Y/N owed everything to that man.
The Present Day
Y/N sniffed as he stood up, this was his day. The only day where he would allow himself to show weakness, to show his emotions.
"Y/N?" a voice asked. Looking over his shoulder, Y/N saw Selina, dressed in an all black dress with her own face of sorrow and sadness. "Sorry I didn't-"
"No it's fine" Y/N assured, wiping his face of the tears and looked at Selina, trying to put on a smile. "I was just-"
This time it was Selina who cut him off. "Yes, I was...." her words drifted off, looking at a tombstone not too far away. ".....Doing the same". While Y/N and Selina walked to a nearby bench, simply taking in the silence. Listening to each others tails of their mother's and how they died.
Y/N found that day, that emotions are not meant to be bottled up, but shared. And he thinks he's found the perfect person to share them with. If he only he could undo what he said.
Author's Note
Big origin reveal, I know this didn't connect to the actual story much. But I know some people wanted to know Y/Ns backstory and I hope this met your expectations. Been holding onto this origin story for a rainy day book just like this one. Been on a roll with these chapters lately, here's hoping I can finish up the story in the next few weeks.
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See You Next Time
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