3: Poor Unfortunate Soul
"I'M CONFUSED", JULIET admitted, scratching the back of her head, as the high ponytail was really starting to make her head ache.
"What Azul's trying to say is that we're offering to help you clean up this place in exchange for something. A pretty fair trade, don't you think?", Jade persuaded with a friendly smile.
"I knew something was fishy with these three", Grim mumbled, circling around the eighteen year-old, as he cautioned her about their slyness.
"Umm...then aren't you gonna sing me the song?", Juliet mentioned.
"Song? What song?", Floyd questioned, intrigued once more.
Floyd and Jade flinched in sync, as Azul simply stared at the girl with great amusement.
"No? Okay, well, I just thought that we were friends", Juliet huffed.
Azul's eye seemed to twitch upon hearing that word, causing the eighteen year-old girl to crack a slight smirk.
Snatching Azul's hands in hers, Juliet had stuck her bird mask in the house-warden's face.
"We're friends, right Azul?? And you know, friends should help each other out when in need!"
"Hm~ Then are you saying that you'll help me whenever I'm in need?", Azul mused, as Juliet tightened her grip around the boy's hands.
"OF COURSE!! Anything you need, just tell me! And I'll try my best to help you, because I'm the best friend anyone will ever have!", the light-haired girl proclaimed.
"Alright", Azul agreed, causing the twins to snap their heads towards their leader.
"We'll help you clean today, but when I'm in need of your help, I'll be coming for you", the gray-haired boy stated, "Since we're...friends".
"YAY!! I knew I could count on you three!! You're the best, Azul! Now, can you use your magic thingy to swish all the dust away??", Juliet requested.
"Sure. Something like that..."
"Mya...what're we still doing here??", Grim yawned, laying on the counter, as he could barely stay awake.
"Obviously making food, can't you tell?", Juliet sassed, as she painted the raw chicken wings with a layer of egg yolk, before dipping it in some breadcrumbs (since they didn't have Doritos).
"But why? Also, can I have a tuna sandwich for tomor...row..."
As Grim dozed off, Juliet happily finished her chicken wings and got started on making some takoyaki.
It was then that a hooded boy had come across the lit kitchen of the school. Usually, nobody really used the scullery. However, it seemed that the human that everyone was secretly gossiping about was surprisingly skilled in such areas.
"Eh? How come there's no button for turning on the oven?? Do I have to get firewood and light a fire like a caveman??", Juliet genuinely questioned, causing the mysterious boy to softly snort.
Entertained, he wondered how the girl was going to light the magic stove, as Juliet scratched the back of her head with confusion.
"Man...hey Grim!! Wake up!"
"Myahhh!! What do you want?! Can't you see that I was sleeping?!", the gray cat whined.
"Can you light a fire for me? Because you know, you're gonna be the best mage in the future!", Juliet flattered.
Grim's ego inflated along with his energy, as he crackled with much pride.
"Fine! Since you so kindly asked of me. I suppose I can help you out this once", the gray cat declared, blowing out blues flames, as he aimed it towards the bottom of the stove.
However, the flames had instantly disappeared, as if there's a magic barrier that prevents the stove from accepting any other fire than its own.
"L-Let me try again!", Grim stated, as he blew again and again and again and again.
The dark-skinned boy covered his mouth and held his stomach as he tried to keep his laughter to a minimal.
"Huh?? Who's there?!", Grim inquired, to which Juliet had shot her attention towards the entrance of the kitchen, where she noticed the uniform of a dorm that she does not remember.
"W-Wait...what if i-it's another ghost?!", Grim gasped, "N-NOT THAT I'M SCARED OR ANYTHING!!"
"I don't think ghosts wear school uniforms", Juliet deadpanned, as she skipped towards the Scarabia student that was hiding behind the wall.
"Hey! Can you—"
"I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING SUSPICIOUS!", the dark-haired boy immediately denied.
A moment of silence ensued, before Juliet had let out a snort.
"Uhhh...okay then...I was just gonna ask if you could help us light the oven..."
"Oh", he said, "Sure..."
With a snap of his fingers, the oven fire immediately flared, to which Grim had just scoffed.
"My flames are cooler", he bitterly grumbled.
"What are you trying to make?", the dark-haired male curiously inquired.
"Mm...fried chicken, takoyaki, and octopus carpaccio", Juliet answered.
"Would you like to try some?"
Now usually, the male was wary of foods, for many has attempted to poison his master through such methods. However, since it was for himself, he found no harm in trying. And plus, Juliet was a human. He doubted that she knew any sorts of poisoning tactics.
"I suppose..."
"Great! Then let's talk while we wait for the food to be ready. My name's Romeo by the way, and the sleeping cat's Grim. How about you?"
"Jamil Viper, the Vice House-warden of Scarabia", the dark-haired boy introduced.
Juliet's mouth gaped open, as she just stared at the boy.
"Is...something the matter?", Jamil questioned.
"So is this just a school thing? Or are all the house-wardens and vice wardens just collectively attractive?"
Jamil's face warmed, though he continued to display a polite smile as if he wasn't fazed.
"I'm not quite sure how to respond to that..."
"Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. It was just a genuine question", Juliet laughed.
"But your hair though...do you braid it yourself??"
"I do", the Vice House-warden of Scarabia curtly answered.
"AND YOUR EYES!! O. M. G. IS THAT EYELINER OR JUST YOUR NATURAL EYES?!", Juliet marveled, getting up close and personal, as Jamil could vaguely make out the girl's eyes that shined like gold.
"Mannnn, it must be nice to look so flawless all the time. Say, if I ever needed you to do my hair, would you be able to?? We could even braid each other's hair! You know, despite being a boy, I can do hair pretty well!"
The human girl then proceeded to talk Jamil's ear off, although still making sure to ask him questions about himself throughout it all.
"I'm kind of a boring guy to be around, you know. I don't follow the latest entertainment or trends..."
"Ehhh? But you're interesting to me because you're the way you are. I want to learn more about you, not the latest trends or whatever", Juliet chuckled, as she carefully plated a few of the takoyaki balls and octopus carpaccio.
Jamil cautiously observed, as he leaned the lower half of his face against his palm, which was propped up by his elbow.
An unconscious smile blossomed across his face, as he wondered if Juliet would still say the same once she met the others and him.
"Here ya go! Fresh out!!", Juliet exclaimed.
Grim, who was passed out on the kitchen countertop was suddenly awoken by the enticing smell of octopus.
"Myahhh!! That was a good nap! Let me eat fir—"
"Nu-uh! Jamil gets first bite", Juliet stated, stabbing the takoyaki ball and gently blowing on it before extending it out for said boy.
"Hey!! I was with you this entire time, through thick and thin!", Grim complained.
"Ah yes, because you watching me do all the hard work is so encouraging", the eighteen year-old sarcastically retorted.
Seeing that Jamil has yet to take a bite, Juliet had realized her mistake.
"Oh sorry! I shouldn't have blown on it. Are you worried that my spit got on it? Here, you can try a new—"
In a swift moment, the Scarabia boy had held Juliet's wrist in place and consumed the entire takoyaki ball.
Chewing on it, Jamil slowly nodded.
"Not bad", he complimented.
Juliet dropped the fork, as Grim shot the girl a weird look.
'H-How can someone look so hot doing something so normal?!'
"I'll go get a clean one", Jamil announced, picking up the dirty fork and dropping it into the sink, as Juliet was still stunned.
Stabbing the takoyaki ball with the new fork, Jamil replicated the same action as Juliet.
"Won't you try it too?", he slyly smiled, offering to feed the girl, as he seemed to enjoy her embarrassed expression.
Though he could not see her entire face, her quivering lips actually told him a lot.
"I-I THINK I HAVE TO GO! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!", Juliet choked out, snatching Grim by his tail, as a shriek escaped from the cat's lips.
Jamil watched the girl hastily package all the food and disappear, as he stared at his hand that still held the uneaten octopus ball.
"Pft! Ahaha! What a weird one he is".
And nothing new, just Ace being a little turd like always🙄🙄
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed,, please make sure to vote & comment so ik I'm not the only simp for them twisted wonderland characters🥲
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