Close Encounter of the Steel Kind
It's been 6 months, 6 months since Kal-El, Superman fell from the sky. Cut down but a hellish demon bred by Lex Luthor. While in other times Earth would fall into despair, chaos, and hopelessness, but here, on this Earth, it had a new Superman. A Superman who would do his best to carry on the legacy of his deceased brother, and by the light that would shine in the darkness. This Superman was Y/N Kent.
Currently this Superman was floating in orbit, eyes closed and soaking in the rays of he sun. Y/N did his best to listen in on everything that was happening, his super human hearing beaming from country to country. There was so much terror, crime on the rise, he couldn't stop it all....but he can be there to help nonetheless. Superman rocketed downwards into the atmosphere, both fists forward and to the naked eye he would look like a meteorite crashing into the planet.
As Superman descended into the clear blue skies made sure to maintain his speed to a certain point where he could be seen by planes and commercial aircraft. Passing one, many people rushed to the windows in hopes of seeing Superman flyby. He gave a two fingered salute, and he then turned downwards into Keystone City. Coming to a halt just above the tallest skyscraper, Superman homed in on the noise once again. Gunfire, a single bullet ricocheting off metal, screams erupting and Superman headed over to the location of the show.
A man, man with with greasy hair, growing beard unkept, his clothes were clearly creased although they did appear to be smart with a suit and tie. The man had a hostage, gun aimed at a poor woman's head with tears flowing down her face. They backed up to an alley with a brick wall behind them, a line of police was in front of them. And press behind the police. By the panic on the polices side, one of them tried to get a shot on the man, which seemed to have failed.
"Please sir, no one needs to get hurt. Just lower the gun" the police chief called out through an amplifier. Several SWAT members held shields at the ready, further escalating the situation. They were only making it worse, the man was getting nervous and his trigger finger twitching.
"Look up there" a member of the press called out, many turning their gaze towards Superman who slowly descended in front of the police. Many cameras blazed and whispers began to flutter.
"Let me handle this" was all Superman whispered to one of the cops who seemed to freeze with his nerves flaring. "I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone" Superman said raising his hands. "And I'd rather you not get hurt either" he clarified stepping forward.
The man was drenched in sweat, he swung his gun forward with it aiming at Superman. "S-stay back" he warned.
"You know what happens when people shoot a Superman right?" he said, stepping closer but his voice was gentle and soothing. He didn't want to scare the man, just calm him down.
"Stay Back!" the man repeated the gun now shaking with the metal rattling.
"They tend to waste their bullets" Superman finished, he came to a stop. His chest about half a metre away from the gun.
"I said stand back, I WILL SHOOT!" the man roared, the gun shaking even more now.
"You don't want to do that" Superman began. "You haven't hurt anyone yet. You can still surrender. You can serve time, because you're going have to do time. But you can do it with integrity" Superman carried on, his face soft and showing that he truly cared for the well being of this man he just met.
"They'd put me away for years!" the man shouted, worry and panic still visible on his face.
"For what you've done, a few. But less if you give up without pulling the trigger. You'll have the rest of your life ahead of you" it seemed the little speech Superman was giving, was getting through to the man. His eyes and face slowly calming and shaking of the gun started to stop ever so slightly. "Make the right choice, please" Superman added, walking straight up until the barrel of the gun was directly on his chest.
"You can trust him" the woman whispered to the man, her tears starting to try up. "He's Superman" she added. "My name's Sarah, what's yours?" the woman new identified as Sarah asked.
"I...." the man stunted, falling over his own words. "I'm Mick" the man said as he slowly let Sarah go with the gun dropping to the floor. Sarah ran to the police, but Superman stayed there, shaking Mick's hand slightly ensuring him everything was going to be okay.
"It's okay Mick" Superman said, with a sincere smile.
Superman stayed at the scene for roughly 30 minutes, making sure that Sarah was fine while Mick was escorted away by the authorities. Mick, seemed to almost smile as he put in the back of a cop car, almost knowing he made the right decision at that moment. But then, Superman flew off to solve yet another crisis that was occurring across the planet. He couldn't be everywhere at once, but he could do what he could.
Y/N retuned to the Kent farm, with Martha on the porch waiting for him. She was drinking coffee, looking over the corn fields and a smile.
"You sure did a lot today" Martha called out as Y/N neared the porch.
"Gotta keep myself busy, it's way he would've wanted" Y/N said as Martha handed him his own cup of coffee. The smell of caffeine soothing his senses, it was fresh and it brought a smile to Y/N's face. "You know their raising banners across the world for him, one big S across London bridge" he noted as he leant against the wall.
"I don't blame them, they all act like they knew who Clark was. Like he was family" Martha said, what seemed to be almost distaste in her voice.
"But life goes on" Y/N said, watching as the sun began to set.
"You know you don't have to push yourself. You got that Diana to help you out" Martha said as she stood up, Y/N opening the front door for her.
"Diana's got her hands full in France. She's said it's her turf so to speak. She covers one country, I've got the rest" Y/N countered as both headed inside. It was a big task, Y/N even found himself doubting if he was doing much. But as long as he kept the flame of hope burning, he knew he was making a difference.
"Well, just push yourself" Martha noted as she headed upstairs ready to call it a night. Y/N would stay up for a bit longer, making sure to eat the meal Martha had prepared for him before he himself headed off to bed.
The Next Day
Y/N placed his Superman gear on, and once again flew off. Something he saw on the news had caught his eye, and his ear. Half way across the world in Britain a man was wreaking havoc it seemed. The attack started one and half hours before Y/N had woken up, and the destruction seemed to increase overtime. His displayed abilities like super strength and invulnerability, London was on lockdown and even the military had been called in. This man dressed in casual wear seemed to have his body morph into weapons, his very hands turning from gun, to sword to canon. And Superman needed to take him down.
Superman landed in the middle of a street, quickly moving he caught a car that was thrown at police officers who had attempted to set up a perimeter. "Go, get out of here" Superman warned as he turned around to face this menace. Whoever this was they were strong, and as they marched down a street they caught a glimpse of Superman and turned to face them. They were dressed in light military equipment, nothing that allow them take a beating shown on the news.
It was only when the man completely turned his face towards Superman did he finally realise who this super powered being was. "John Corben?" he asked, taking a step back in shock. Thinking back to the day of the Capital bombing, his while face was burnt. He should have scars, his face should melted, no amount of surgery should be able to fix the damaged that been done. But here he was, as if nothing had happened.
"Surprised to see me?" Corben asked with his hands out in a challenging manner, his voice echoing through the empty street. "Yeah the world might have forgotten who you are but I haven't" he said, his face showing anger and his teeth gritting.
"But, you were-"
"Yeah last time you saw I'd seen better days" Corben cut Superman off as he continued to walk towards the Kryptonian. "But Mr Luthor helped me, now I get the one thing he promised these upgrades will grant me the one thing I want right now..." his right hand began to morph, the flesh drawing back and a strange gun began ti unfold. Something that wasn't of human design. "Revenge".
Superman seemed almost taken aback by what Corben was doing, this wasn't who he was. Whatever Luthor had did, the argumentations to Corbens body must have changed replace part of his body with metal. This theory was conformed as Superman used his x-ray vision on Corben. There was no bones left, nothing even remotely human only the brain. The rest was metal, and in the centre of his chest something even more dangerous.
Before Superman could react Corben fired a shot from this mysterious weapon which he barley managed to avoid. The gun fired some form of plasma, plasma which seemed to resemble water somewhat as it began to melt the car it had hit.
"Corben, you need to stop!" Superman said, hovering slightly in the air a few centimetres off the ground with fists at the ready.
"Don't you get it?" Corben asked his gun canon slowly reformed into a fist and he began to run directly at Superman with his own fists at the ready. "There is no Corben, only Metallo!" he roared as Superman began to rush towards him as well. Both fists collided, causing a shockwave which shattered all the glass in a mile radius. Although it was clear that Metallo was the one who was hurt from the collision as he reeled back his hand and parts of the flesh coating were peeled off.
Superman then delivered a punch across Metallo's face sending him back stumbling slightly with the cyborgs head ringing. Metallo shook his head, a smirk appearing on his face. Ripping a door off a nearby car, Metallo threw it like it was a frisbee with it spinning at a rapid pace. As it approached him, Superman used his heat vision to melt the object before it could even touch him with it turning into a gunk of molten metal on the floor. Both Superman and Metallo began to trade blows, both trying to force the other back. Metallo punched Superman three times in his stomach, which didn't seem to do much only forcing the Kryptonian to take a few steps back.
Metallo swung his right fist forward, with it to be caught by Superman with no effort whatsoever. Even though he was losing the fight, Metallo's smirk never faded from his face.
"You can't win Corben, give up while you have the chance" Superman let out as he began to bend back Metallo's fist with the metal twisting.
"Maybe you didn't catch what was powering this rig with that fancy vision of yours" Metallo said, suddenly his chest began to twist. The military gear tore apart as Metallo's chest began to unfold, soon the inner workings of the exoskeleton were soon unveiled, showing that Metallo was in fact powered by a Kryptonite heart. The junk of rock was no bigger than a normal heart yet it powered Metallo enough were he could stand his ground against Superman.
Being so close to the Kryptonite, Superman soon began to feel himself grow weaker. Like his whole body weighed a ton and his breathing began to increase drastically. His grip on Metallo's fist faltered, and Metallo used his other fist to clobber Superman directly in the face sending back and crashing into a truck.
"You feel that?" Metallo asked out reaching his arm with it once again unfolding into that strange weapon. "There's a lot of that coming your way" he said charging up his gun.
"Where did-" Superman tried to say as he picked himself up from the truck and barley stood to his feet. "Where did you get those weapons and the Kryptonite" he managed to breath out, since he was a bit away the radiation of the rock was wearing off, by the pain was still ever so present.
"The Kryptonite was a gift from the boss, he's still got a few connections. And the weapons?" Metallo's other harm seemed to turn into a high tech white sword of sorts, with blue lines flowing down the blade. "You'd be amazed what's hiding just beneath the surface of the sea" Metallo smiled, the comment further confusing Superman. Metallo fired off another shot as began to run towards Superman. "Do you what the best thing about this body is?" he asked stabbing forward with Superman barley dodging. The Kryptonian sucker punched Metallo, with the mechanical menace simply dove back in blade swinging. "I never get tired, I can literally keep this up all day" he laughed as Superman grabbed both his arms and held them up.
The close proximity to the exposed Kryptonite was weakening Superman, and the longer this fight went on. The more destruction that would be caused, and some people were still hiding in the buildings around them.
"Not around them" Superman said, instantly tackling Metallo and flying off. Superman carried Metallo far from civilisation, taking many punches to the face as he did so. Metallo tried to stab his blade into Superman's chest who caught it however. The blade inched forward, slicing the Kryptonians hand while doing so leaking blood across the sky. Both crashed into a deserted beach on Spain's shore. Spraying sand everywhere both creating massive craters as they landed.
Superman crawled out the hole, breathing heavily with Metallo also ascending from his own crater. Before he turned his attention towards his enemy, Superman swore he saw something or someone watching him from the water.
Metallo sprung upon Superman, a slash at his shoulders spraying blood and forcing Superman back. It was clear Superman was losing this fight, he activated his heat vision and Metallo raised both his hands to block the two beams. Although the blasts were beginning to melt the flesh away, and even the metal was reaching its limits, through sheer force of will Metallo stepped through it. Head-butting Superman and forcing the weakened and wounded Kryptonian to te ground.
Metallo pointed his gun downwards with a fiendish smirk. "I was expecting a bit more of a challenge!" he said with the weapon powering up.
Before Metallo had the chance to fire, something wrapped around Metallo, it was....water? Seemed almost like thick field of water was wrapped around his torso and starting pull him backwards his feet failing against the sand. Both Superman and Metallo looked to see who was doing this and they a woman.
(Edit made by ironboybooks)
Y/N didn't know if he was delusional from the Kryptonite or what. But this woman seemed like an angel of the water, or mermaids as humans referred to them. Dark hair which trailed off into red towards the end, a slim figure perfect for aquatic traversal and dressed in a strange glistening panelled turquoise armour.
"YOU!" Metallo roared and as this mysterious woman began to use the water to pull at Metallo, Superman saw an opportunity. Activating his heat vision once again, he aimed directly at Metallo's legs in an attempt to cripple the cyborg.
Seeing that he was being attacked from two angles, Metallo flexed all his systems. Creating a pulse of green Kryptonite which sent Superman scrapping against the sand and the woman hurdling backwards. After the pulse, Metallo's systems were damaged, sparks were emerging from small areas. His human looking eyes had vanished, replaced with the dead green eyes of the metal skeleton underneath. Metallo examined his situation, and slowly, with it glitching out his feet unfolded to reveal booster rockets underneath.
"Next time" he said glaring daggers towards Superman, and Metallo flew off into the sky with black smoke trailing behind him.
Superman stood up straight, then instantly fell to his knees. Y/N was weak, his shoulder was leaking blood, he had taken several blows and he could feel his eyes growing heavy as the Kryptonite radiation could still be felt in his veins.
"Hey" the woman said, rushing over and slapping Y/N's face trying to get him to stay conscious and she put his right shoulder over her back. "Hey stay with me Superman, stay with me".
Author's Note
There we go first chapter of this small original arc I'm doing. Sorry if it felt a little rushed, just wanted to get this out. Hope you all enjoy the casting for Mera, I know some people weren't happy with it but I think Lupita is a good choice, her scenes in WF gave off Mera vibes to me.
I recently started posting a Long Halloween story, would mean a lot if you guys went and checked that out.
Remember to vote and comment cause it does help with my motivation knowing that people are reading what I post.
Hope You Enjoyed
See You Next Time
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