[Chapter 7 - The Suspicious Looks]
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For days after Halloween and its events, Severus had made it his life's goal to avoid Genevieve at all costs. From the moment she entered the great hall for breakfast, late again, he didn't even pass a snide remark on her tardiness, raising eyebrows amongst the staff; and Genevieve herself.
Throughout the entire meal, every glimpse she made in his general area, every attempt of conversation she made with him was met with a quick glance, then back to his meal.
It was driving. Genevieve. Mad.
Just as he was rising from his seat, making his way out of the hall, she waited until he had left the room before leaving her own seat, and follow him out. None of the other staff members commented on the situation, returning to their gossip, while Minerva and Albus shared a quizzing look, knowing they'll discuss the matter later away from prying eyes.
Following him around the corner, Genevieve crept behind him, waiting for the opportune moment in time to confront him.
Rounding another corner, she noticed they were in a rather remote part of the castle.
'Great. Now I've lost him' she huffed to herself, realising Severus was nowhere to be found.
Just as she was turning around, giving up, a rough pair of hands latched themselves around her waist, pulling her back into a vacant classroom. She tried to scream, but her assaulter quickly covered her mouth, leaving no trace the witch was there.
Back against the wall, she tried to squirm away to no avail. But her thrashing came to a sudden halt when she identified her captor, a small streak of sunlight framing his face.
"What on earth are you playing at Blackwell?" Severus accused her, locking the door by magic, making Genevieve slightly uncomfortable, all while still keeping a hold of her.
"What am I doing? What are you doing?!, " she backfired, pushing him away and standing her ground, "Kidnapping me and locking me in a room, what's gotten into you, Severus?" The tables turned, now Severus on the receiving end.
"Kidnapping?! Really Genevieve? Do you think so low of me?" Severus sneered at her, running his hand through his hair, pacing to contain his anger.
They were both getting worked up, failing to see why there were in the classroom, to begin with. The tension in the room was rising, so thick you would need a hatchet to cut it.
"Yes, well being held in a room against your will usually is classified as kidnapping." Genevive disputed back, still standing against the wall.
"For Merlin's sake!, " he slammed his fist on a desk, the bang causing Genevive to jump, a flash of fear present in her eyes at the sudden violent outburst.
"All I wanted to do was ask you why you were following me, but you had to ruin it as you always do!"
At this stage, they were calling each other every name under the sun, nearly shouting at each other to get their points across.
"Ruin everything! How dare-"
"Yes everything you touch, you poison-"
This continued on, each voice getting louder and louder until they were screaming profanities at each other. Before she could stop herself, Genevieve had had enough, and raised her hand, slapping Severus across the face effectively ending their row.
Silence eloped the pair, Severus's hair covering the handprint on his face, while Genevive was shaking, not fully realising what she had done.
"I was following you because I care for you" As she went to place her hand upon his shoulder, Severus jerked away, huffing to himself.
"I don't need your pity-"
This explosions anger quickly shut Severus up, gaining her his respect.
"I know what you've been through, I know how much anger and sadness you harbour. I wanted to help you when you needed it" she spoke softly, directing Severus's gaze to her, looking into each other's eyes.
After what seemed like forever, getting lost in the iris's of her eyes, Severus mumbled something inaudible.
"Was that a 'thank you' I heard, from the dungeon bat?" Genevieve teased him, smiling at the small grin Severus showed.
"Don't get used to it"
Genevieve burst out laughing, and they both left the classroom and headed out for a walk through the castle together,
As equals.
And I have posted eventually!
Hope you all enjoy it!!
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