lvii. out of the darkness
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"Oh, dear, Albus. We need backup," said Madame Pomfrey frantically.
Having calmed down a bit, Harry, Hermione and the others looked at each other. What did she mean backup? Dumbledore looked at her gravely before he spoke. "How many?"
"3, Albus."
And with those words, Albus Dumbledore quickly conjured up his Phoenix Patronus as it went away. "What happened, Poppy?" And Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Neville leaned in, all of them worried for Blair's health.
"She's dying, Albus, we need to save her before she does," she then glanced at the shocked group of six students, "and keep them out of here. We need silence." With that, Madame Pomfrey went back into the Hospital Wing.
Dumbledore sighed and turned to the group. "I must go and find the Healers. Please keep silent, and stay here." When they had nodded, he turned around, walking quickly, but after a few steps, he glanced back and sent them a smile. "She's a fighter, she'll get through this." And Dumbledore went on his way.
Hermione sighed shakily and leaned on the wall before looking around her. Harry closed his eyes tight, not wanting to cry anymore. Ron was wrapping an arm around Luna, who leaned against him. Ginny was hugging a shaking Neville while wiping away the tears on her face. Suddenly, Cedric, Dean and Seamus came running towards them, panting.
"Where is Little B?" Cedric went to Harry's side immediately, hugging the boy who felt relief at the sight of his boyfriend. He was thanking the deities Cedric was there to save him from going insane.
"Gramen, what's wrong, what happened?" said Seamus in a panicked voice.
Neville looked too shaken to speak so Hermione spoke up in a small voice. "We don't know."
Dean whipped his head around and looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Will she live?"
Silence. Nobody answered for nobody knew. Seamus looked at them confused before glaring at them. "Why aren't you answering? Why wouldn't she? Shouldn't you be saying that she will?"
"We don't know, Seamus," said Harry frustratedly. "Please, just wait with us." Seamus looked as if he wanted to say something else, but he shut his mouth when Dean pulled him into his arms, and Seamus sighed before relaxing. Silence fell again among the group, but they knew. They had one thought on their minds and that was Blair.
Blair had always been there for them, no matter what. Blair had always been kind to Luna and a big sister to Ginny. Blair was always the ringleader of the Prancers. She was there for each of them and provided them with laughter and friendship. Blair was the one who brought out the lion in Cedric and led him to the most precious person in his life. She was only starting her life. It wasn't going to end now.
She was always there to cheer Ron up. Even when Ron ignored her, she always found a way to make him feel good, intentional or not. Blair was always there for Harry, understanding everything he had gone through because she was there through it all. Through everything they've been through, it had always been the two of them until the end.
And Blair was always there for Hermione. She was there to love Hermione and make her feel like the most special girl in the world. She was there to make Hermione laugh with all her stunts and jokes. She was there to protect Hermione from the taunts of the Slytherins and Umbridge herself. She was just always there, and Hermione's heart was breaking at the thought that she might not be able to be there anymore. She hadn't even told Blair yet those three words. Her I love you.
Dumbledore came with the three healers on his heels, and when he saw that some of them were about to speak up, he held his hand up and went to the Hospital Wing with the three healers running in and closing the door. The Prancers, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Cedric, Ginny and Luna exchanged glances before rushing to press their ears against the door and listen in, but it was quite hard because they were speaking in hushed voices.
"What do we need to do?" An unfamiliar voice said.
"Let me check," said a motherly voice, Hermione thought it was one of the Healers as well.
After a few moments of silence and mumbles, they finally heard something again. "She's lucky."
"What do you mean?" Dumbledore said.
"We don't know if she will still wake up, but whatever happened, she's lucky to have a pulse and to be here right now."
Hermione's whole world came crashing down as the words rang out in her mind. 'We don't know if she will still wake up... She's lucky...' She sat down beside the door and held her head in her hands. She felt Harry and Ron hug her, but she didn't care. Not even as Dumbledore came out of the Hospital Wing and told them the news. All she wanted was Blair, and for the first time, she was not there.
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Summer vacation soon came, and three weeks have passed since the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and Blair was now moved to 12 Grimmauld Place. They knew it was the safest place for her. While she was at the Hospital Wing, many people came and visited. Blair was after all, loved by many, and the Prancers and Luna, knowing they couldn't visit during the summer, visited a lot, just as much as Harry, Ron and Hermione did.
Oliver came immediately when Dumbledore told him about the news. He was frightened at the thought that he could lose the last bit of family he had and he made sure to see Blair everyday, taking time off from work. Cedric who was now a member of the Order after graduating made sure to never miss a day of checking up on Blair. He always challenged her to Quidditch matches in the hopes that Blair would suddenly wake up and take up the challenge. Moody, Tonks, Zoey and Kingsley were also frequent visitors. They all had a soft spot for their little B, and they always hoped every time they visited that she would get right back up and challenge them to duels.
Blair was as still as a mannequin, but Hermione didn't give up hope. None of them did. They knew Blair was a fighter, and she would wake up. She wouldn't give up, and she would probably fight with Death if she had to. Hermione smiled slightly at the thought.
Hermione sat down beside Blair's bed and took her hand. It was cold, just as it had been for the past three weeks, and the only signs that Blair was still alive were the light breathing and the small, rhythmical movement of her chest. "Hey, baby, it's been three weeks, and my parents asked if I would be coming home soon, and if you don't mind, I used Herman again. Well, he did come to me."
Hermione let out a sigh and pressed her lips gently to Blair's hand. "I don't think I'm coming home soon. Not until you're okay. We know you're fighting, and that's why we're never giving up on you, no matter how long it takes. Don't let go, no matter how hard, all right?" She blinked back the tears that came into her eyes and took in a deep breath. "We need you, baby. I need you." Her voice cracked and a tear fell out of her eye. "We miss you, Blair."
A knock on the door broke Hermione out of her thoughts and she hastily wiped her tears away and cleared her throat. "Come in."
The door opened to reveal Sirius Black with a grin on his face. "Good morning, Hermione, Little Caelum."
Sirius had lived. In fact, he was saved by Blair. He had fallen into the veil and even saw Lily, James, Blake and Olivia, but warmth filled his body and he was suddenly thrown back, out of the veil. That moment, that single moment that Blair had grasped his hand. That moment was enough for Blair to save Sirius, and though he felt guilt in him, he knew he had to stay strong for everyone. He knew Blair would want him to be their pillar.
"Hey, Sirius," said Hermione with a smile as she caressed Blair's cheek.
Sirius walked towards them and kissed Blair's forehead. "You better get up soon, Little B. Uncle Padfoot is finally free."
Hermione's eyes widened. "Really? You finally won?"
"Really, Hermione," said Sirius cheerfully. "So, come on downstairs, all right? They're all waiting for you."
When Hermione looked hesitant, Sirius let out a sigh and patted her on the shoulder. "Look, it's just for a few minutes, and we can come back to see Blair, okay?"
Hermione still looked doubtful so Sirius said, "She would want you to take care of yourself, Hermione. And while she's resting and finding her way back, we're going to take care of you."
Hermione smiled up at him and stood up, leaving one last kiss on Blair's cheek. "I'll see you later, love." Sirius grinned at her and led her out of the room.
They did not know where Blair was. She was in some place where the light did not shine. It was pure darkness, back in that empty room, and she had been roaming for a long time already, trying to find her way to everyone, to her friends, to Oliver, to Hermione. Blair groaned before she lay down on the ground and closed her eyes, so exhausted. She was desperate for light, any source of light that could bring her back, but it seemed that she was stuck in this place forever.
Blair's eyes fluttered open. "No, I can't give up! I need to go back." As she uttered those words, as if magic, a light suddenly came towards her. Blair stood up shakily and reached out towards it, her grey eyes filled with exhaustion and relief. And just as she touched it, Blair felt herself being sucked into the light and as if she Apparated, she appeared somewhere else. She looked around and her jaw dropped in amazement.
She was in a place where there was pink grass and a single tree of yellow leaves stood in the middle. Blair started her way towards it and smiled slightly when she saw a lake. She ran towards it, hoping that it could give her something, anything to go back. Just as she passed the tree, her eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks. They were there. James and Lily Potter, Blake and Olivia Wood.
"M-Mum, dad?" Blair whispered softly, staring at Blake and Olivia, before she looked at Lily and James. "Mr. Prongs, Ms. Lily?"
The group of four laughed and Olivia smiled before pulling Blair into a hug. Blair's eyes widened because she felt it. She felt the familiar arms wrap around her, the warmth she had not felt in a year, and she let out a sigh of contentment before hugging Olivia back. "I missed you, mum."
"We did too, Little B," said Blake before hugging his wife and daughter, and Blair blinked back her tears. She never thought she would be able to be in their arms again, to feel the warmth and love of her parents, but here they were. It was as if they were alive.
Blair's eyes widened as she looked around. "Where's Uncle-"
"You saved him, Blair," said Lily with a smile on her face. "You saved Sirius."
Blair opened her mouth then closed it before pointing to herself. "I-I did? But how?"
"Your powers, Blair," said James, grinning and wrapping an arm around the surprised Blair. "You healed him and brought him back. He's free."
Blair smiled widely at the thought that Sirius was finally free, but at the mention of her powers, the memory of the night of the third task came into Blair's mind as she looked at her parents. She immediately looked down and muttered. "I can't. These powers are good for nothing. I couldn't save you. Any of you."
She heard a sigh then saw a flash of red hair and she felt herself being pulled into a gentle hug. "We don't blame you, Blair. It was truly our time, and we're fine here. We're looking after you all. We're staying with you, right here," Lily pointed at Blair's heart.
Blair lifted her head and looked into the green eyes that resembled Harry's so much. "You'll stay with us?"
"Always," said Blake, and Blair smiled softly as she now felt four pairs of arms around her. They were always there. They never left after all this time.
"It's time for you to go back, Blair," said James. "Say hi to Harry, will you? By the way, congratulations on getting your love. It took me until seventh year to get my Lily flower to like me."
Lily rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up. You were quite the arrogant toerag during the first five years. Blair is nice."
"I will," Blair said, grinning at him and Lily. "And I'll keep her forever." Then, she turned to her parents. "Will I see you again?"
"Of course, love," said Olivia, fixing her hair and smiling. "We're with you all the way, and we're proud of who you've become. We're proud to be your parents, and we're proud to call you our daughter."
Blair couldn't resist her tears as she hugged her mother and father tight. "I love you."
"And, we love you, Little B, now go," and Blake's voice was the last thing Blair heard.
The surroundings changed and Blair found herself, lying in a bed in their bedroom with Harry and Ron at 12 Grimmauld Place. Blair let out a groan as she sat up. She looked around and saw nobody was there so she stood up and walked to the door slowly, hearing the laughter and cheers from below, but she frowned when they didn't seem cheerful at all, and then it became silent. Blair pushed the door open and made her way down, doing her best not to make a noise.
After making her way down two floors, Blair smiled as she could hear everything so clearly now. She walked over to the open dining room, and saw that Sirius, Remus, Mrs. Weasley, Oliver, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George and Ginny were there. She smirked when they looked too absorbed in their thoughts to notice her.
"I was expecting a warmer welcome, but look at you all looking so grim and old here in 12 Grimmauld."
All heads snapped up and looked towards Blair, and they looked as if they were seeing a ghost and there was silence for a few moments as Blair looked around at them and they all stared back at Blair.
"BLAIR!" Ron broke the silence and went running towards her.
Blair laughed as he pulled her into a tight hug. "Yes, Ronnie, it-" She was cut off when someone else joined the hug and more and more arms wrapped around her. Blair winced when she felt a sudden pain. "Godric, I know you missed me, and I really appreciate it, but I'm fine. I really am."
They all pulled away, tears running down their faces, and Blair smiled back at them, looking at them one by one. Mrs. Weasley wiped her face and cupped Blair's cheeks. "I'm glad you're back, dear."
"Me too, Mrs. Weasley," said Blair in a sincere tone. Fred and George slung their arms around her shoulders, laughing tearily.
"Of course, mum. Little B won't give up that easily, right, Freddie?"
"Right you are, Georgie, what did you do, Little B? Wrestled with death?"
Blair laughed loudly before shaking her head. "I didn't get to see death. Maybe next time."
And she felt a punch on her shoulder before she was attacked into a tight hug by Ginny. "You prat. There won't be a next time."
"Oh, well, too bad then," said Blair jokingly but she turned fearful at the glares pointed towards her. "I-I'm joking."
Blair was about to say something again when she saw Remus come in front of her and pull her into a hug. "Thank you, Blair, for saving Siri. But please, don't worry us like that again."
Blair merely grinned back. "No promises, Uncle Remmy. And you know I'd do it all over again."
Sirius came over and hugged her this time. "Thank you, Little B. I-"
"I'm fine, Uncle Padfoot. Please don't feel guilty, and I'm glad you're free." Blair said with a soft smile. Blinking back his tears, Sirius squeezed her one more time before going and wrapping an arm around Remus, who kissed his cheek.
Oliver now walked to her and hugged her tight while kissing the top of her head. "Don't leave me, Blair, you're the only one I've got left."
Blair chuckled before kissing Oliver's cheek. "I'm not leaving, Olli. I'm staying here. Until the end." Oliver chuckled shakily and nodded before kissing Blair on the forehead, noticing the trio behind her.
Blair turned around to see Harry, Ron and Hermione, and frowned when Hermione wasn't even looking at her. Mrs. Weasley to read the atmosphere and ushered everyone out, "All right, you lot, let's give them privacy."
With a bunch of protests, they all left Blair, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Ron didn't hesitate, pulling Blair into a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay, Blairbear."
"I'm fine, Ronniekins," Blair chuckled. "I really am, and I'm glad you all are too." Ron squeezed her again before letting go.
Blair and Harry stared at each other before Blair rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around him. "It's not your fault. I chose to do it, and I'm fine." She said firmly and wiped away Harry's tears. Harry nodded shakily and hugged her tight once more.
"They said hi. Uncle James and Aunt Lily, and they're proud of you, Harry. Just as how proud I am of you," said Blair in a soft voice. Harry just held on to her even tighter as he blinked back his tears.
When Harry finally let go, he smiled and tugged on Ron's arm. "We'll get you hot chocolate, all right?"
Blair smiled gratefully as they left before turning to the silent Hermione, who was still in her chair. She walked around the table and got down on one knee as she tried looking Hermione in the eye. "Mione? Love?"
Blair's eyes widened when she finally realized that Hermione was crying. "M-Mione?" She reached out to wipe away her tears when Hermione's head snapped up while she glared at Blair.
"Why do you have to be so reckless all the time?"
Blair rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, I-"
"Why is it that you always put your life on the line as if you don't give a damn about what we would feel?" Hermione said angrily.
"Mione, it's-"
"No! It's always like this" shouted Hermione. "You always risk yourself, not caring about what might happen to you and what we might feel. You always think of others first, and I wish you'd think of yourself first! You don't know how it felt, seeing you on the ground, the pain killing you slowly."
Hermione's voice calmed down slightly and she let out a sob. "Every day, we would stay by your side, hoping you would wake up and come back to us. Whether it's that attractive smirk or any bloody pick up line, anything at all! But I had to go sleep every night, trying not to think whether you would still be there the next day or not that I didn't want to sleep anymore."
Hermione was now sobbing so hard that Blair just wanted to pull Hermione into her arms and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. It broke Blair's heart to hear Hermione crying like that and knowing that she was the reason why, but she knew that Hermione had to let it all out and so, she waited.
"I'm in love with you," Hermione said, looking into Blair's eyes, her tears falling freely. She finally said it. Those words Blair had waited so long to hear and those words that Hermione meant with everything she had. "And it hurts to see you hurting, it hurts to think that one day, you might not be by my side anymore. And-"
Blair couldn't take it anymore. She leaned in and kissed Hermione passionately and Hermione kissed back with just as much force. Their tears mixed in the bittersweet reunion of the two lovers. Blair was crying for the hurt she brought. They had been waiting for so long. She kept them waiting for so long, but she was finally here. She would make it up to them and love them just as she always had.
Blair and Hermione parted from each other, their foreheads against each other, and they were still crying. Blair wiped away Hermione's tears and spoke in a tearful voice while looking into Hermione's eyes. "And I was never going to give up, Mione. Because I'm in love with you too and I thought of you all the time as I tried to find my way back. I-I'm sorry I took so long. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. And no matter what, love, I will always come back to you. You'll always be my destination, Mione, and that will never change."
Hermione smiled through her tears and nodded. "I know. I love you, Blair, and I'll spend the rest of my life letting you know that."
With that, they leaned in once more and this time, they shared a tender kiss. A sweet one that made them pour all the emotions they had. Sadness, love, guilt, happiness, but through all the emotions they felt, Hermione thought of one thing. She would never let go of Blair Wood and she would love her until they grow, gray and old.
Blair smiled softly and looked into Hermione's eyes. She would fight even Death if it meant being by Hermione's side. She would never let go of the one person she had always chased. It was Hermione yesterday. It was Hermione today, and it was Hermione all the way. It would always be Hermione that Blair would come back to, and she knew that she wouldn't want anything else.
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The news soon spread about Blair's revival, and that afternoon, Cedric, Moody, Tonks, Zoey, Kingsley and Mr. Weasley soon came, all hugging her and shedding a few tears.
"Well, well, Little B." Cedric ruffled her hair with a grin before pulling her into a tight hug. "You won't be able to escape our Quidditch match-ups anymore. Thank you. For showing that lion spirit."
Blair's eyes softened as she knew Cedric wasn't referring to Quidditch with his last words. "Thanks for being a badger through and through."
The two friends grinned at each other before Cedric was whisked away by his clingy boyfriend (the two's interaction made Blair roll her eyes playfully). Then, Blair saw the other Aurors going towards her.
"We're glad you're back, Blair," said Mr. Weasley, squeezing her hand.
Blair sighed in contentment. "Me too, Mr. Weasley."
"You're a tough one," said Moody with a gentle smile. "You really fought, Little B."
"Of course, Mr. Alastor. I've got something worth fighting for," she said and smiled at Hermione, who was talking to Ginny.
"Oh, Little B," said Kingsley, chuckling. "You really do love her."
"I do," said Blair softly before she grinned at Tonks and Zoey, who were blushing and holding hands. "Finally?"
Tonks rolled her eyes and kissed Zoey on the cheek. "Of course, Aika."
Blair grinned at them and pumped her first. "I knew Zoey wasn't a pussy!"
As they laughed, Tonks glared at her. "Hey, I asked her!"
Blair gasped in mock surprise. "You did? You?" Tonks rolled her eyes before going to get a drink, mumbling about how she'd kill Blair while Moody, Kingsley and Mr. Weasley went to talk with the others.
"How do you do it Blair? How do you give all of you without a fear?" Zoey suddenly asked.
Blair thought about her question before finally smiling. "Love, Zoey. We love and we fight and we find the fear going away and the next thing you know, you're standing up and giving all of you."
Zoey nudged her teasingly. "And that's why you're going to be an amazing Auror."
"You really think so?" Blair said excitedly.
"Oh, Blair. You're the courage everyone needs," said Zoey. "I know that you're going to be one of the greatest Aurors ever."
Blair smiled and gave her a quick hug. "Thanks, Zo."
"You're welcome, Little B, and... I think you have a visitor."
Blair turned around and to her surprise, Dumbledore was there. Dumbledore smiled at them. "Congratulations on being free, Sirius, but may I please talk to Blair?"
Blair nodded and followed him out of the door and into one of the rooms. "Hello, Professor."
But Blair's voice died down when Dumbledore suddenly pulled her into a hug. "Professor?"
"I'm so sorry, Blair," Dumbledore's voice shook slightly. "I said I would protect you, but I put you in danger instead."
Blair smiled slightly and pulled away. "It's not your fault, Professor. It was my choice, and I was glad that I did it."
Dumbledore smiled back and wiped away a stray tear. "I'm grateful that you think that way, Blair, and now, I need to talk to you."
Blair had her full attention on Dumbledore. "What is it, sir?"
"I owe you an explanation, Blair. An explanation of an old man's mistakes. For I see now that what I have done, and not done, with regard to you, bears all the hallmarks of the failings of age. Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young... and I seem to have forgotten lately..."
Blair stared at him, confused about what he wanted to say. Then, Dumbledore sighed deeply. "I told you that your parents had sealed your powers to prevent people from the dark side from knowing about it. And after... after their untimely deaths, a prophecy was made... Well, it couldn't be exactly called a prophecy since it didn't happen with the work of fate. When Voldemort cast that spell on you, the prophecy was made. A connection between the two of you was created. You got your scar. And with these scars of yours, you and Harry get warnings when Voldemort is close or he is feeling an intense emotion."
Blair then remembered the images she saw when she touched the orb. She decided to wait before asking though since Dumbledore had something else to say.
"And this ability of yours โ to detect Voldemort's presence, even when he is disguised, and to know what he is feeling when his emotions are roused โ has become more and more pronounced since Voldemort returned to his own body and his full powers."
"More recently," said Dumbledore, "I became concerned that Voldemort might realize that this connection between you exists. Sure enough, there came a time when you entered so far into his mind and thoughts that he sensed your presence. I am speaking, of course, of the night when you witnessed the attack on Mr. Weasley."
"Yeah, Professor Snape told me," Blair muttered.
"The reason why I had not looked at you for months was that I believed that Voldemort would attempt to force his way into your minds." said Dumbledore in a quiet voice. "And I was not eager to give him more incentives to do so. I was sure that if he realized that our relationship was โ or had ever been โ closer than that of headmaster and pupils, he would seize his chance to use you and Harry as a means to spy on me. I feared the uses to which he would put you, the possibility that he might try and possess you.
"Blair, I believe I was right to think that Voldemort would have made use of you in such a way. On those rare occasions when we had close contact, I thought I saw a shadow of him stir behind your eyes and Harry's eyes... I was trying, in distancing myself from you, to protect you. An old man's mistake..."ย
Blair remembered the feeling that a dormant snake had risen in her, ready to strike, on those occasions when she and Dumbledore made eye contact.
"Voldemort's aim in possessing you, as he demonstrated three weeks ago, would not have been my destruction. It would have been yours. He hoped, when he possessed you briefly a short while ago, that I would sacrifice you in the hope of killing him." He sighed deeply. Blair was letting the words wash over her... She asked Dumbledore to killed her... What if he actually did? Would it have been for nothing? Would her death have been in vain?
"Sirius told me that you felt Voldemort awake inside you the very night that you had the vision of Arthur Weasley's attack. I knew at once that my worst fears were correct: Voldemort from that point had realized he could use you. In an attempt to arm you against Voldemort's assaults on your mind, I arranged Occlumency lessons for you with myself and Harry with Professor Snape."
"Professor Snape discovered," Dumbledore resumed, "that you had been dreaming about the door to the Department of Mysteries for months. Voldemort, of course, had been obsessed with the possibility of hearing the prophecies ever since he regained his body, and as he dwelled on the door, so did you, though you did not know what it meant.
"And then you saw Rookwood, who worked in the Department of Mysteries before his arrest, telling Voldemort what we had known all along โ that the prophecies held in the Ministry of Magic are heavily protected. Only the people to whom they refer can lift them from the shelves without suffering madness. In this case, either Voldemort himself would have to enter the Ministry of Magic and risk revealing himself at last โ or else you would have to take it for him. It became a matter of even greater urgency that you should master Occlumency."
"But I didn't," muttered Blair, feeling a dead weight of guilt inside her. "I didn't practice, I didn't bother, I could've stopped myself having those dreams, Hermione kept telling me to do it, if I had he'd never have been able to show me where to go, and โ I wouldn't โ I wouldn't โ"
Blair was silent. She didn't know what to think. This was somehow their fault. If she just practiced, if she had done better, maybe it could have all been prevented. "I-I'm sorry, Professor, I should have-"
"It's not your fault, Blair," said Dumbledore gently. "You have been very brave and have nothing to be sorry for. No one was harmed, and everything had turned out alright." Blair just nodded, feeling numb. At least, they were all fine. No one died. They just had to do better next time.
"Blair, I already told you how Blake and Olivia sealed your powers when you were a child. Maybe, you wondered why I didn't seal your powers," he paused when he saw Blair nod. "Sealing powers cannot be done by someone who you do not share one's blood with. If I had done so, it might have gone wrong, and it would have harmed or worse, killed you instead of protecting you. So, only your parents and Oliver could do that. Now, why didn't we ask Oliver to do so? It is because sealing someone's powers is sealing one's life to that person's."ย
Blair's jaw dropped open, and her heart started beating faster. There was a part of her parents in her all those years? "W-What?"
"That's why you felt immense pain when Blake and Olivia died. The seal had come off, and that part of you that was sealed to them had died and released your pure power."
"Now, why haven't any of us told you this? We cared too much for your happiness, Blair. I cared more for your happiness than your knowing the truth, more for your peace of mind than my plan, more for your life than the lives that might be lost if the plan failed. In other words, I acted exactly as Voldemort expects we fools who love to act. Despite how you have gone through so much already in your first three years in Hogwarts, we couldn't just let the burden fall on your shoulders. You were too happy during those years. You've been through so much, and yet, you still smile and laugh."
Blair stared into the blue eyes and said nothing, but her heart was racing again.
"And maybe you are also wondering why I taught you but not Harry." Dumbledore brought up which made Blair nod. She was always curious about that. "It's because of this prophecy. The nature of your connections with Voldemort were different. You were both chosen, but one was because of a prophecy and the other made a prophecy. I was hoping to find out the truth about you and Voldemort, the connection between you two. But I was only able to find out the truth the day we encountered Voldemort at the Department of Mysteries."
"Now, it is time for me to tell you what I should have a year ago," said Dumbledore simply. "About your prophecy."
"I saw it, Professor." Blair suddenly spoke up, making Dumbledore smile as if he knew already. She hesitated before starting to recount what she remembered. "There was a lion and a snake... The snake wrapped itself around the lion who cried and bit it in the neck. The lion turned into a mix of red and green before burning. And its ashes went into the wind... That's all I remember, Sir."
"Do you know what it means, Blair?"
And Blair opened her mouth to answer, but she couldn't say a word. It was clear to her after hearing Dumbledore and that experience where Voldemort possessed her briefly. She was trying to act calm, but she knew what the prophecy meant. She was the lion, and Voldemort was the snake. He had corrupted her with the spell he cast, and if she let him win, she was going to die one day like the lion and become dust in the wind.
"A-Am I going to turn into him, Sir? Am I going to die?" Blair asked in a small voice, making Dumbledore's eyes soften. Even after coming back from a near-death experience, she was still thinking of other people first.
"I won't let that happen, Blair, you have my word." Dumbledore rested his hand on her shoulder, looking her straight in the eyes and making Blair feel a little relief. It was Dumbledore. She could trust him, and if he said he was going to save Blair, he was going to do so. "I will do everything in my power to keep you and everyone safe from him. But you have to make a promise as well."
"What is it, Professor?" Blair asked curiously.
"Everything that we discussed today stays between us." Dumbledore spoke in a stern voice, letting Blair know there was no room for arguments. "Only you, Professor Snape and I know about the entirety of this prophecy and the circumstances. We must keep it this way in order to keep you safe from Voldemort. And tell me immediately if anything happens. It is the only way we can help you fully. Can you promise me that, Blair?"
Blair was scared as hell. Death wasn't scary. It was the thought that she might hurt the others if she let Voldemort win. But thinking of Hermione and everyone in her life was the extra push Blair needed to be brave again. No matter how much it would kill her to keep the secret, she would do so to keep them safe as well from Voldemort. She would have to die before letting him hurt them.
"Yes, Professor. I promise." Blair spoke in a tone of resolve and looked up at him and saw a tear trickling down Dumbledore's face into his long silver beard.
"Thank you, Blair. For being so brave and so kind."
"I have to, Professor. We all need bravery and kindness in these times."
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Night soon came, and though Blair was very happy to be back with all her friends, there was one place she wanted to be in the most, and there she was right now. Blair lay down, Hermione in her arms, in Hermione and Ginny's room. Ginny gave them privacy and slept in Fred and George's old room.
Hermione was catching her up on everything about how she was no longer damaged and deadly in the eye of the public, and Blair was now dubbed as "The Girl Who Saved." Sirius had a long fight in the past three weeks, but finally, he was free. He could now go out, holding Remus's hand proudly, without having to be wary of the people watching them. Cedric was now on his way to becoming an Auror, and everyone, especially Harry, was so proud of him.
Draco wasn't at all sad that his father was thrown into Azkaban. Blair was still worried for him. Who knows what would happen to him during the summer? To Blair's delight, Hermione told her that it seemed that Luna had also taken a liking to Ron and that Draco always sent her letters. And Blair sent a letter to her fellow Prancers, Draco (under Parkinson's name) and Luna, thanking them for everything, and promising to see them back at Hogwarts.
"And that's it," said Hermione, now cupping Blair's cheeks and staring into her eyes.
Blair blushed at her intense gaze. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I love you," said Hermione softly.
Blair smiled back just as soft. She would never get tired of hearing that. Those three words from Hermione would always make her heart beat faster and the butterflies in her stomach flutter. "And I love you."
Blair leaned in, but just as their lips were about to touch, Hermione turned her head, and Blair's lips landed on her cheek. Blair pouted at her. "Why?"
Hermione giggled and pecked her on the lips. "I'm just glad you're back."
And Blair grinned mischievously as an idea came to her mind. Hermione's eyes widened and she sat up quickly, but Blair had already pinned her arms to the bed and she began tickling Hermione with no mercy.
Hermione giggled loudly. "B-Blair! S-Stop it!"
But Blair wasn't relenting and she tickled Hermione harder. "That's what you get, love."
At that moment, the door suddenly opened, and they stopped moving and looked to see Harry, Ron, Sirius and Remus at the door. Sirius smirked at them. "Well, well, well, Little B. I didn't think that you would be so eager after coming back."
Blair and Hermione blushed as Hermione pushed her off. "I-It isn't what it looks like," said Blair indignantly, rubbing her head.
Harry muttered under his breath, avoiding their gazes. "It is what it looks like."
Hermione slapped Blair on the shoulder before raising an eyebrow at the boys. "And why are you interrupting our private time?"
Ron scoffed at her. "We just wanted to know if you two wanted some hot chocolate."
Remus winked at Blair. "Don't worry, we got mint for you."
Blair grinned at him before pouting at Hermione. "Can we? Can we? Can we?"
Hermione's eyes softened and she kissed Blair's cheeks. "Come on, baby."
"All right!" Blair quickly got up and walked down the stairs in between Sirius and Remus. Harry and Ron walked on either side of Hermione, who was smiling softly at her laughing girlfriend.
"I was surprised when you told us," said Ron. "I never thought you'd actually fall for her, you know."
Hermione looked at him and chuckled. "She's just hard not to love. She's everything I want, and I want nothing more."
Harry slung an arm around her shoulder. "We're glad, Hermione. You two deserve each other."
Hermione smiled at her two friends. "Thanks, you two. And I'm just grateful that she never gave up, and that she's still here."
The two boys agreed as they finally arrived and saw Blair, waving them over while drinking her hot mint chocolate beside Oliver. Yeah, she was a fighter all right. And Blair Wood would always find her way out of the darkness and back to her friends. Especially her lovely Granger.
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