oh sh*t
March 2021
The Hollywood life is something that no one really prepares you for. You either get thrown into it and are expected to know how to deal with it or if you're lucky enough, there's a guide. A guide who is someone already in the industry and they direct you.
Luckily, Alina has two best friends who are in the industry who have taught her to always be prepared for what is thrown at her. Essentially, expect the unexpected and look like you know what you're doing. But right now was a different story.
Alina and Harry are getting an escort out of the sushi restaurant by the owners and two strange tall men.
After the pictures leaked online, the two were about to leave, but then took a look outside to see pure chaos. A big group of fans mixed with paparazzi.
"You go here, you go with him." Kiki, the name of one of the owners the two had learned, instructed.
With Harry and Alina standing next to each other, the two tall men stood on one of their sides.
Turning around, Harry and Alina thanked Kiki and the other owner, Lin.
"Of course. And I'm sorry you guys have to deal with this. You make lovely couple," Lin complimented.
"We're not-"
"Thank you, Lin." Harry interrupted Alina.
The two were then led downstairs. Almost instantly, the chaos intensified. Paparazzi taking pictures and asking questions. Fans were screaming and asking Harry for a picture.
"Harry! Who's your new girlfriend?"
"When's the new album coming out?"
"Do you have a new type?"
"Harry! Can I get a picture with you?"
"Will One Direction ever get back together?"
The loudness meshed the questions together, Alina didn't know who was who. She felt overwhelmed. How could Harry do this all the time?
The two tall men opened the doors for Alina and Harry. Telling the crowd to make space for them.
"Have a safe drive." One of the tall men told Alina before closing her door.
"What the shit?"
"I'm so sorry," Harry apologized.
"What are you sorry for?" Alina asked as she turned on the engine.
"You shouldn't have gone through that." Harry clarified as he looked at the now passing stores.
"No, you shouldn't have to go through that. I mean who do these people think they are to ask you these questions?"
"You get used to it. That's why I always ignore what the media says." Harry waved it off.
"Shit!" At a red light, Alina had a little time to think about it. When something in realization came.
"What?" Harry tilted his head, now looking at Alina.
"The contract! You and Olivia are supposed to be dating. Not me, no wonder why they asked if you had a new type."
"I'm going!" Alina yelled when the driver behind her honked.
As she started nervously combing through her hair with her fingers, she felt Harry's hand grab hers. While her left hand remained on the steering wheel.
"Alina, you need to calm down. Besides, would it be the worst thing if I was?"
"If you were what?" At another red light, Alina looked over at Harry.
"Dating you instead of Olivia. Realistically, I would be better off dating someone who's not in the limelight. Don't get me wrong, my ex's are wonderful people, but it was mostly PR."
Alina made a turn to head into the studio lot. "Yeah, well I don't really fall under your dating type so I doubt that."
Letting go of Harry's hand, she handed her I.D. to the security guard at the gate, she then headed to park her car.
"What is my type exactly?"
"I don't know. Blonde, green or blue eyes, being a model, and pretty." Alina shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing.
His mouth being agape, Harry was left speechless.
Thankfully, Alina quickly found a parking spot and turned off her car.
Hastily getting out of her car, she started walking to Sofia's office to meet up with Darcy.
"Woah! Woah! Hey!"
Turning around, Alina met Harry's eyes. "Yes?"
"I wasn't done talking to you."
Crossing her arms, Alina looked at him expectedly, waiting for him to continue.
"I'm sorry for putting this all on you. Sometimes I can come off too strong." Harry apologized.
The long haired brunette examined Harry's expression before slowly nodding her head. "It's okay. I just never really encountered someone like you before."
"Like me?"
"Someone who barely met me a few days ago and can already be straightforward and open with me. Especially in this industry, it's hard to find people like that."
And everything she has said was true.
When she was in college, she was made well aware of the kind of people she would encounter as long as she continued in the path she wants to. But no matter what, she was optimistic to find the good in people. Even if they came off as egoistic and stuck up.
Holding his hand out, Harry was looking for a fresh start. "Friends?"
Alina looked at his hand strangely.
"We start over, a new start, pretend everything that has happened never did. A fresh start as friends and not coworkers. Just me, Harry, not Styles, just Harry, and you're Alina, who also occasionally helps me write songs for fun." He continues to suggest.
A few seconds go by before Alina asks an important question.
"Can I still call you Cheeky Man?"
"Not a chance." With a roll of his eyes, Harry held a smirk.
"Fine." Huffing out a sigh, Alina rolled her eyes trying to contain her growing smile. "Hi, my name is Alina, I hope you have enough patience to deal with me as your friend."
She then placed her hand in Harry's and shook it.
"Hi Alina, I hope you know this may be the worse decision you've made in your entire life. I can be a bit of a handful myself." The smirk still plastered on his face, he was content.
"Then I think we'll get along just fine, Cheeky Man."
"Alina." Harry warned her.
"What?" She kicked some pebbles on the ground. "You really thought I would stop calling you that?"
"Alina, can I speak to you?" Another voice sounded from behind the two.
kami speaks!
- sorry for the short chapter! i promise
the next one will be longer
- this one was more of filler
i know, boring
- also! please, let me know if you
see any errors
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