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liked by siennapotter, ginnywl, remuslupin and others
sarlupinblack 17 is my new lucky number 🩷
August 9th
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ginnywl icon behavior 🩷🩷
⤷ sarlupinblack movie night at the potters next weekend?
⤷ ginnywl say less, i'm there
siennapotter MY COUSIN IS A MODEL 😍
⤷ sarlupinblack u are the model sisi! ❤️
bzabinii nev's shoulders are lucky too
⤷ theonott let me find out longbottom has game I didn't know abt 💀
⤷ nevillelongbottom just helping a friend out, calm down
fredweasley hogwarts isn't ready for u this year little wolf 🔥
⤷ georgeweasley speak for yourself, mate. she's clearly ready for the Burrow 😉
⤷ sarlupinblack don't u two have a shop to run? 🙃
cedricdiggory wish i was still at hogwarts! u're beautiful as ever sarah🌟
⤷ sarlupinblack miss you, ced!
marcusflint call me when longasshole fumbles 💚
⤷ nevillelongbottom literally what?!?
⤷ sarlupinblack don't start, boys 😌
margaridalestrange oh it's me in slide 2! love you, sar, my forever party girl! 🖤
⤷ sarlupinblack love you more queen
mattriddle the only lucky 17 is the number of guys u are leading on this year
⤷ sarlupinblack i'm sorry I don't remember tagging u so kindly riddle away
⤷ mattriddle u know i'm right wolfy
⤷ sarlupinblack don't call me that u weirdo, i'm not a fucking wolf
ronwl i killed the DJ set. where's my tag? 🙄
⤷ sarlupinblack relax, DJ Weasley. ur fans see u
⤷ hannahabbott he wasn't THAT good
mionegranger i was NOT confused in slide 3, i was strategically scanning the crowd. let's make that clear
⤷ sarlupinblack sure, babe. u were too busy scolding me about wine!
user5 she's unreal. slide 1 >>> 😍
⤷ ❤️ by sarlupinblack
user27 I NEED to know where that dress is from!
⤷ sarlupinblack a boutique in Paris, i'll DM u the name! 🩷
user52 Neville is the luckiest guy in Hogwarts. Calling it now—they're dating
⤷ user12 there's no way she's single. someone THAT pretty doesn't just vibe alone
⤷ user81 neville's too nice. she's probably dating a slytherin secretly
⤷ nevillelongbottom STOP
user73 maybe she is a slut like her cousin saint sisi potter
sarlupinblack blocked user73
sarlupinblack deleted user73's comment
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liked by greenie, chocho, pussy and others
littlewolfstar hi my name is sarah and i'm an alcoholic 💫
August 9th
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notturhoe hi sarah, welcome to AA
⤷ littlewolfstar thank you, theo. i'm proud to start my journey
⤷ riddlemepls step one: stop drinking wine straight from the bottle like a savage
⤷ littlewolfstar no.
ginnywl omg your tits are the star of this post
⤷ hazardone ginny, i'm right here
⤷ ginnywl ok and?? they're RIGHT THERE, harry
riddlemepls bold of u to drop that nail-painting pic
⤷ littlewolfstar what's wrong with it??
⤷ riddlemepls nothing, wolfy, just didn't know ur mini cherries grew into melons
⤷ orangeblue mattheo.
⤷ notturhoe dude, really?
⤷ riddlemepls what? i'm appreciating the art
⤷ greenie perv.
strangerdamger the oven pic is killing me. what's in there?
⤷ littlewolfstar cinnamon rolls 😌
⤷ notturhoe burnt cinnamon rolls
⤷ hazardone no, those are definitely burnt
smallarse ok but Hecate is the real star. she looks like royalty
⤷ littlewolfstar she IS royalty
weaselking is that a bloody mary or actual blood?
⤷ littlewolfstar ronald, it's juice ffs
⤷ weaselking idk, sar, u look like you'd drink blood for the aesthetic
fredsterpranks ngl, the bikini pic made me forget how to breathe for a second
⤷ ginmartini FRED???
⤷ fredsterpranks what, i'm just saying!
⤷ littlewolfstar fred, shut up
⤷ fredsterpranks ok fine, but call me baby
⤷ draydragon "hi, my name is sarah and i'm an alcoholic" is a 10/10 caption for this disaster.
⤷ zucchini draco's first correct opinion of the year.
loonsnargles the pic of you and Hecate feels like pure love
⤷ littlewolfstar it is 🥹 she's my baby
itsbabyzab the fair pic is giving "small-town hottie but also secretly a dangerous woman"
⤷ notturhoe you forgot "lightweight wine addict"
⤷ littlewolfstar i'm going to fight u, theodore 😡 u're always bullying me!
⤷ notturhoe bc it's so much fun sarsar
weaselking last question—how much wine did u drink before posting this?
⤷ littlewolfstar only like... a bottle?
⤷ hazardone classy.
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sirius —daddy 🖤
remus —papa 🤍
sarah —little wolf 🩷
family pack 🎀
22:25 | today
daddy 🖤
papa 🤍
Sweetheart, what happened in the kitchen?
daddy 🖤
Don't call her sweetheart.
She abandoned us in a PINK WAR ZONE.
little wolf 🩷
hi, love you both 🥰
daddy 🖤
Don't "love you" me right now, young lady.
There is flour on the ceiling. The ceiling.
papa 🤍
Darling, Hecate has bright pink paw prints all over the floor.
She looks like she walked through strawberry jam.
daddy 🖤
And she's tracking it on the rug.
little wolf 🩷
she's an artist,
don't stifle her creativity 😔
papa 🤍
I appreciate creativity, but there are six bowls in the sink
and none of them appear to have been used properly.
daddy 🖤
There's a whisk stuck in the toaster.
little wolf 🩷
ok, but hear me out
daddy 🖤
We are not hearing you out.
little wolf 🩷
the full moon was a few days ago,
and u know it messes with me 🥺
papa 🤍
Sweetheart, that doesn't explain
the pink frosting explosion.
daddy 🖤
Or why Hecate looks like she's been dipped in Pepto-Bismol
little wolf 🩷
the moon was especially bitchy this month!!!
it's science!!!
daddy 🖤
You know what's also science?
The fact that I'm going to throw out
every bottle of pink food dye in this house.
little wolf 🩷
papa 🤍
Sirius, don't escalate.
daddy 🖤
Moony I'll escalate all I want.
Our entire kitchen looks like
the aftermath of a toddler's birthday party.
little wolf 🩷
technically i'm ur toddler,
soooo your argument is invalid
daddy 🖤
Invalid is my sanity right now.
papa 🤍
Sarah, where are you?
little wolf 🩷
at the potters 😊
papa 🤍
Of course.
daddy 🖤
So you abandoned ship while
we came home to a crime scene??
little wolf 🩷
i left the cinnamon rolls in the oven for you! 🩷
daddy 🖤
They're BURNT.
little wolf 🩷
extra flavor?
papa 🤍
Sweetheart, you can't keep doing this
You stress bake, leave chaos in your wake, and then
vanish to Prongs' and Lils' like you've committed no crime.
little wolf 🩷
i'm sensing judgment
it's bad vibes pls stop
daddy 🖤
You're sensing a murder,
is what you're sensing
little wolf 🩷
ok, FINE
i'll clean it up tomorrow, promise 🫡
daddy 🖤
You'll clean it tonight,
or I'm grounding you from your pink motorcycle.
little wolf 🩷
daddy 🖤
Try me.
papa 🤍
Sirius, let's take a breath.
Sarah, we love you, but this is the third time this month.
We need to set some boundaries, okay?
little wolf 🩷
boundaries are boring 🫤
daddy 🖤
Then so is your bike.
It will be gone for the rest of the summer.
little wolf 🩷
papa 🤍
Thank you, darling.
daddy 🖤
And Hecate better be spotless by the time I see her again.
She looks like a cotton candy disaster.
little wolf 🩷
she's beautiful,
and i'll clean her too
i promise
papa 🤍
Please don't leave again without finishing what you started, alright?
little wolf 🩷
yes, papa 🥹🩷
daddy 🖤
Don't "papa 🩷" your way out of this.
You're still on thin ice.
little wolf 🩷
you're my favorite dad.
daddy 🖤
little wolf 🩷
harry just handed me popcorn.
gotta go. love you!!! 🩷
daddy 🖤
papa 🤍
We've lost her.
Penny Speaks
hi loves
— so first chapter is up, let me know what u think, this was just for u to get to know sarah ofc and to see how her and mattheo interact before the night that changes everything
— if you are reading 505, this chapter takes place the summer before chapter one of 505
— mattheo will always bring nsfw content to the chapter, you've been warned
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