I knocked softly on the door of Eileen her room. Her voice sounded thick with sadness and her sobs made her voice broke when she told me to go away.
"Eileen... can I please come in? We're worried about you princess."
It was silent for a little bit before the door opened a tiny bit. Enough to let me face the beautiful girl in front of me who looked touched. A tear fell from her left eye following the path down her cheek like many others before this one. I smiled softly at her before cupping her cheeks and gently wiping her cheeks dry with my thumb. Her face sinking into my touch like ice cream could melt into your hands. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into a hug. I closed the door behind us as she hugged me back still softly crying. In the years I knew Eileen I had never seen her cry and that made that I thought she looked so vulnerable in this situation. We climbed onto her bed and I let her climb into my embrace as I comforted her still not saying any word knowing it would only set her off more. She just needed a hug and some love. She knew I wouldn't judge her and I think that's one of the reasons she let me into her room instead of Charles. He always had something to judge on his little sister and I even if he didn't now he would make his guilt her problem, even if that wasn't what he intended to do. I knew them both well enough for that. Eileen her face was buried into my t-shirt as one of her hands played with the fabric. Her tears had dried by now and my hands drew soft circles over her back on top of her button up. Her phone started ringing and she looked at the number with a sigh. She untangled herself from our embrace and sat up straight on the bed as she picked up.
"Hello Eileen Leclerc speaking."
Her voice was perfectly carried as if she didn't just sob her heart out and I was quite impressed with that. She swallowed as she bummed in response to something that was said on the other line of the phone. She stood up and on her bare foot she opened the door and made her way down the stairs. I sighed kind of frustrated by the fact our little moment was ruined by a stupid phone call. Wait how didn't I notice how comfortable this bed is? It's so soft like a freaking cloud or something.... I moved a little on the bed and only sunk further into the damn soft mattress. You could literally melt away in it. I felt my eyes become heavy and I fell asleep slowly.
When I woke up I looked to my side. It was 2AM and the bedroom looked exactly like when I fell asleep. Is Eileen still up? I rubbed my hands over my eyes and got out off the bed. I walked through the hallway and saw no lights on but the lights downstairs were still on. I walked down the stairs and walked around the living room and kitchen. She wasn't there. Then it's not so hard to guess where Eileen could be. I walked to her office and softly peeled through the half opened door. Eileen had fallen asleep on her desk. Her arms folded beneath her head as she was peacefully asleep. I walked around her desk and saw 3 of her screens occupied with files and data. I would get a headache looking at it let alone working on it. I saved all her files for her before turning everything off. I grabbed the small monegasque on the small of her back and beneath her knees to carry her upstairs and her head laid on my shoulder as she was still fast asleep. I walked us up the stairs carefully and when I arrived in her room I carefully opened the duvet to scoot her in underneath. Her arms softly wrapped around my neck as I looked to see her face softly smiling with half lidded eyes. She pecked my cheek as I laid her down on her mattress and closed the duvet. I pushed a strand of her brown hair behind her ear as she looked at me sickeningly sweet. Those damn eyes are gonna kill me one day I know that for sure.
"Your too sweet for your own good..."
Her words took me by surprise but after it settles a soft chuckle escaped from my mouth. I kissed her forehead and smiled softly at her.
"Get some sleep princess... I'll see tomorrow."
"Good night..."
I gave her a soft smile when she snuggled herself deeper into her sheets and mattress and closed the door on my way out. Walking to my own bedroom for the few nights we staid here. Charles his door opened and he stood there looking at me. He leaned against his doorway casually as he eyed me suspiciously.
"you are so fucking in love with my damn sister."
"Believe me... I know that. It scares me sometimes."
"Be good to her. She's worth even more then I thought..."
He walked past me to the shared bathroom across the hall and when he closed the door behind him I walked further to my room. Only to notice a door besides mine. I had never seen anyone go in there or talk about it. I pushed the door open and was faced with a perfect clean white room. In the middle a piano as the rest of the room was empty except for the few pads on the wall to make the sound less echoey. I walked around the piano and towards the glass to ceiling it was only one side of the room and you couldn't see it from the outside of the house but it perfectly overlooked through a forest that was next to the house. It was a nice room but so so not personal. I would have to ask Eileen or Charles about it. Speaking about Charles. He appeared I the doorway and looked at me.
"It's her room. She uses it to escape her own world. That's why it's so empty... so it doesn't remind her of anything."
"I was already wondering."
"I figured that..."
He turned around again and I decided to follow after him. It was time to go to bed.. and now for real.
(1100 words)
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