π πππ
lena, please answer.
you've been ignoring all of my messages.
lena, please. . . I'm scared for you.
I groaned in frustration. That was one of many countless attempts to try and get ahold of Lena. Unfortunately, those were not very successful attempts.
It has been a couple of weeks since I've seen her. To most, that wouldn't be such a big deal. People had best friends they didn't see for weeks on end, without worries. With Lena, it was a bit different.
She was more of an outgoing person. At least she used to be. Ever since the 'incident', Lena's entire mental health has been haywire. Lena was not used to things like that changing. And now it has gone to the point where she has completely ghosted me.
Why can't she just answer one text?
I knew the only efficient way left to talk to her was to go to her house. Easy, right?
Her parents were split at this point, so Lena had moved neighborhoods, which made things complicated. Before, I was able to ride my bike to her house. Now, it most likely involved me persuading my mother to drive me there.
Life had its ways to make it harder everyday, huh?
"Bella, I'm bored! Can you get me ice cream?" my little brother, Oliver whined, letting himself into my room. He dramatically sighed, before plopping next to me on my bed. "Please?"
"Not now Oli, I'm busy." I muttered, shooing him away.
"Doing what?"
"Does it matter?"
"Yes it does matter, what could be more important than ice cream?!" he questioned, rolling his eyes.
Ten year olds these days have the nerve to question everything.
"A lot of things are, actually. Go do something productive for once!" I waved him away, looking back down at my phone.
"You owe me though."
I was about to lose it with him. He obviously didn't have anything better to do, than to bug me. Wonderful.
"For what?"
"For that one time you told me not to tell mom and dad about breaking-" I cut him off before he could finish.
"Okay, okay you won. Happy now?" I asked, annoyed.
"Of course I am, I'm getting free ice cream!" he exclaimed, smirking. He knew exactly how to annoy me, and he knew how to do it well.
How convenient.
"Can I get one vanilla, and one mint chocolate chip cone, Mr. Bentley?" I asked, glaring at my brother as I pulled out my wallet.
Mr Bentley chuckled as he scooped ice cream unto two cones, one for me and the other for my brother. I eyed him, holding back a scoff. He knew darn well of my younger brother's stupid shenanigans, except for him it was free 'entertainment'.
Oli wasn't paying attention to me or Mr. Bentley, instead he was nearly drooling at the ice cream in front of him. I mean, who would blame him.
Mr Bentley handed me the cones now filled with ice cream, and I gave one to Oli whispering in his ear, "You're welcome, idiot." before walking towards the exit.
"Thank you Mr Bentley!" Me and Oli yelled back as we walked out of the tiny ice cream shop.
I grinned at the sight of Oli skipping around, happy with his cold treat. He may be a pain to live with, but without him would be an even bigger one.
"Thanks Bella, for buying me ice cream, because I totally didn't blackmail you." Oli grinned, looking back to me. I rolled my eyes, giving him a 'really?' look. I lied, life without him may be a little better.
I smiled, nevertheless.
But part of it fell, when I thought of Lena.
I really hope you're okay.
Β β§β§β§
hey everyone! this was short, *again* but I promise I'll have some longer chapters in the near future. I also changed the banners in all the chapters to make em more 'simpler' lol. thank you for reading & voting ! luv you all β¨
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