33. Separation
"Mankind Is Not Evil. Just Uninformed."
Wanda's POV
My eyes flutter open softly, finding myself in the comfort of my bed. Groaning, I twist myself to see the other side empty, making me remember that Y/N isn't here...
I sigh, feeling the laziness of my body to even try and find him. I think I'll just stay inside and have a quarantine style staycation... after I get more unnecessary sleep.
As I reside under my cover, I hear a patter of footsteps coming to my side which I instantly recognise as my three little babies.
Tommy: Mama, are you coming down soon?
Daken: Our game is freaking out!
Jeannie: Yeah!
The little girl says, fitting in with her brothers. I don't reply and stay rested in my position.
Tommy: Is she asleep?
I then slowly speak from under the covers, tired to tend to their requests.
Wanda: Mama is not sleeping, honey. She's just resting her eyes...
Jeannie: My head feels weird, its noisy and I don't like it!
She exclaims, making me slowly place the cover under my chin with a soft smile, my eyes still shut.
Wanda: Resting... her... eyes.
The kids head back downstairs, leaving me in peace. I rest for about another 10 minutes before I realise my motherly duties making me sigh in annoyance.
I flip the sheets off my body and huff, looking around to see the light shining on top of my face.
This is going to be hard to endure.
I heard fighting between the boys as I made my way downstairs, ignoring whatever quarrel that was going on.
The kids share dumbfounded looks when I don't tell them off, instead, I was now in the kitchen helping myself to some cereal...
I opened our fridge and grabbed the milk, before shutting the door and placing it on the counter top.
I head to the cupboards nearby and fetch a box of cereal, then I turn back to see the milk glitching, before transforming into a different type of milk.
Whatever this glitching was, it was interfering with my breakfast. I shrug it off and pour the milk into the bowl after I put some cereal in.
The milk bottle glitches again, and I sigh heavily in annoyance. I bring the bowl up to my nose and take a whiff before concluding it was safe to eat.
A surge of sunlight causes my eyelids to open, I instantly get up, groaning a little from being on the grass the whole time.
I looked at my surroundings, turning to identify that I was in Westview, more so, a circus...
Only brief memories of what happened last night seemed to make through... but I felt different.
I for some reason could remember a part of my life, but there was already a huge chunk missing. I knew who I was, my family, my mother and my brother... but I still couldn't remember Wanda... what was an Avenger?
Did we even know eachother?
I must search for more answers, but I needed a way to get home... and it seemed that I was quite far away...
For this reason, I begin hiking my way towards the circus... I get a glimpse of several clowns and people dressed up, all busy.
I then spot someone familiar... a brunette with glasses... it was the woman who saved my life!
She was chained up to a car and seemed very oblivious to the situation she was in.
Y/N: Hey, glasses! Remember me?
???: Can I help you creeper?
Her gaze is fixated on me with an animated expression, she shakes her head making me furrow my brows in confusion.
Y/N: Last night? At the thing? We shared eye contact... like we both new something.
She looks me up and down and frowns in disgust, taking my message the wrong way.
???: Not interested.
The woman drops her chains off in an instant and struts off. I hurry myself and jog after her.
Wanda's POV
The kids were now playing video games on the sofa, with their controllers as I walked around the bottom floor of the house, with my breakfast bowl.
Wanda: Have you three seen daddy anywhere?
Daken: No... do you want to go look for him?
My wisest twin offers, placing his controller on the sofa. He was really concerned about Y/N and his safety, infact everyone was. Last night was eventful.
Shaking my head and shrugging, I act like it was nothing serious. But I was genuinely curious as to where he was.
Wanda: Well if he doesn't want to be here there's nothing I can do about it.
I take the remote from the table, switching the television from the video games to the news channel, earning a groan from Tommy who was clearly engrossed in the game.
Daken: Mama, last night uncle Pete said something about re-killing dad?-
Wanda: Don't believe anything that man says, he's not your uncle.
I get defensive immediately, making the kids look at me strangely.
Tommy: Who is he?
Wanda: Here's the thing boys... I'm your mom. And as such, you are counting on me on having all the answers, right?
The three nod nervously, as I smile sarcastically and begin to speak my own opinion, disregarding that they are only children.
Wanda: Well I don't... I have no answers! Zip! Zero! Nothing!
The three look at eachother, slightly worried while I laugh at myself, becoming hopeless and lazy.
Wanda: I'm starting to believe everything is... meaningless... I mean, you're welcome to draw your own conclusions, but that's just where I'm at.
I purse my lips giving them a warm smile but they were still gazing at me oddly, not translating what I said very well. But I didn't feel guilty...
Yeah, I think I might've been a little harsh there but they're literally the children of Y/N and I! They probably inherited a vibranium skeleton... well I know Daken definitely has for some reason... the boy doesn't break his bones...
Putting my statement away, I return to being the mother I am by sitting in between the kids on the sofa. Daken then snuggles up to me which I accept, before I run my fingers through his hair.
Wanda: Sorry for seeming so negative...
Daken: You miss daddy, don't you?
Wanda: Yeah... I do.
After admitting guiltily, footsteps behind the door could be heard. I flung my arm behind myself and used my red energy to open the door. Already knowing it was my bright and sweet neighbour, Agnes.
Wanda: Hi Agnes! Come on in! I get up and I get-... I just, I just don't want to...
My smile falters into hopeless laughter, Agnes comes to the side of the sofa and leans over to looks at the children.
Agnes: Hey kids, how about we give your mom some me time?
I look at my neighbour with an unsure look, the kids have never really left my sight ever since I had them.
Wanda: Are you sure?
Agnes: Absa-positively! Come on kids!
She takes the boys by their wrists and Jeannie hops off the sofa, joining Agnes' side. The kids are still a little unhappy about the situation but I need to care for myself, especially if Y/N isn't here.
Tommy: Do we have to go, Mama?
I nod, humming at them, I really needed some time with myself because to be honest, I was stressed.
The black haired woman wraps her arms around the two boys as Jeannie seemed quite awfully quiet... and I know why.. she knew what was happening.
Daken: What about you, Mama? No one is here to protect you.
His sweet words, much like his father, aren't enough to convince me to change my mind and I signal them with my hands to leave.
Wanda: Babies, I will be fine! Just go with Agnes!
I tell them a little loud, making them jump in the woman's arms slightly. Agnes giggled and rubs their shoulders..
Agnes: I promise, I don't bite.
She shot me a supportive smile and I leaned over, still in awe by how massively she was helping me.
Wanda: Agnes, you are a lifesaver. Is there anything I can do?
Agnes: You know, there is a suspicious mole on my...
The older woman turned around, lifting the end of her shirt, before she revealed anything she stopped and realised by my staggered look.
Agnes: Oh I get it, boundaries. Say no more.
The woman waves off and guides the children out... as soon as the door clicks shut, a grin appears on my face as I feel some relief in body. Don't get me wrong, I love my children with every part of me, but there's so much I can take emotionally.
I grab the remote and turn the TV on, finally having some alone, self care time.
I continued to follow that woman through the circus, knowing I needed answers immediately and she possibly had them since she was out there.
Y/N: Ma'am! You have to listen to me!
She finally stops, turning around with a look of annoyance painted on her face. I lean over and explain further.
Y/N: Hear me out, I believe you were part of the team investigating this anomaly and somehow got caught in and now.... you're one of these characters...
???: Fine, I'll go out with you but I'm ordering the lobster.
The woman sighs, making me realise that I have to hit her on the head. As she walks away, I turn around to be behind her, I quickly look around before hitting her on the head lightly with my hand.
A gasp escapes the woman's lips and her entire body language and voice changed. She seemed exhausted so I came closer to make sure she was okay.
Y/N: Awake?
???: Ooh uh yeah... you know, part of me secretly wanted a guest spot on this show, but seriously that sucked.
Y/N: Look, uh, what's your name? Your real name?
???: Darcy Lewis.
I recognised that name, this was infact the right person I was looking for.
Y/N: Doctor Darcy Lewis, you hacked a scoreboard with a message.
I muttered to myself, as she looked up at me with a concerned look. A wrestler from the circus than yells at us, most likely thinking I was a wrestler due to my basic white vest and pants I was wearing.
Y/N: Doctor Lewis, I have questions.
Darcy: I have answers... ooh! Should we take this convo on the road?
She offers brightly, pointing at a circus van parked nearby, I put my thumbs up, slightly in a hurry. The wrestler from earlier then comes behind Darcy, grabbing her arm roughly.
Wrestler: She's not going anywhere!
He said angrily, the woman simply punched him in the face, causing him to fall backwards onto the ground.
Y/N: Come on!
We both began running towards the van frantically, as the injured circus man started to chase us.
Eventually, we got on board the truck and Darcy shifted into drive, allowing us to escape the trapping circus.
3rd Person POV
At the humble abode of Agnes, the L/N children were inside, enjoying themselves quietly. Jeannie found herself stroking the pet rabbit while Tommy sat on the other end of the sofa.
Agnes eventually came into the living room, sitting in the gap between the siblings, patting her thighs. Jeannie giggled and continued stroking the pet.
The older woman then sets the tray of snacks on the table, filled with cookies and other things that would appeal to the kids.
She leant to her side to whisper into Jeannie's ear, wanting to start a conversation with the infant.
Agnes: Penny for your thoughts.
The little girl turned around, giving a soft smile before answering, still continuing to stroke the rabbit.
Jeannie: I like it here.
Agnes: Is it because senor Scratchy is a good listener?
Jeannie: No.... it's because it's quiet... you're quiet Agnes... on the inside.
She stated observingly, making Agnes leant her slightly back, with an expression of strangeness.
Tommy: Do you think our Mama is okay?
The woman then looked to the boy, still weirded out by awkwardness of the situation. She then looked back at Jeannie, then Tommy, then Jeannie before ultimately bringing them in closer by wrapping her arms around their shoulders.
Agnes: Of course! Your mom will be fine! She's literally super mom!
She reassured them, giggling even though deep down they knew there was something not right... then something occurred to Agnes causing her to stop and furrow her brows.
Agnes: Where's Daken?
During our drive, Darcy filled me on everything and I was enlightened and very suprised to see what has happened in my life.
I was a hero, I made new friends and Wanda was the love of my life, and she made this out of grief.
Y/N: So I decided to time travel with these guys to save Wanda who disappeared with half the universe, then to save the universe again, I sacrificed myself and Wanda didn't like that so she brought me back to life?
Darcy: Yeah, that's to set up the context.
Y/N: So she died, I didn't like it so I died.
Darcy: And your daughter had to experience it.
She said with a pout, making me feel slightly guilty for the way I spoke to Wanda a few days back, now I need to get back and fix this once and for all.
Suddenly, the vehicle halts at a red light, making the two of us groan in annoyance, as we kept experiencing red lights and constant traffic.
I believe Wanda is creating these blocks to stop me returning home... I'm not amused.
Darcy: It doesn't rain in Westview right?
Suddenly, a large truck along with crew comes right across us, making Darcy yell at them but it was no use. I decide to use this to ask more questions.
Y/N: So when I 'died' in the war, it was actually just Hydra making me a weapon, then Wanda found me and freed me? Hence the metal claws?
Darcy: Correcto.
Y/N: And if I'm truly dead, how am I living?
I ask the Doctor making her look down, as she thinks of an answer before looking into my eyes, sorrowful.
Darcy: Honestly, I'm a stem type of lady so I just assumed she magicced you back to life... what I don't get is why you can't leave the Hex and why Hayward wants you so bad.
I faced down, slightly upset by what she said, how I couldn't come home.
Darcy: What I do know, is that I've been watching WandaY/N for a while now, the love you have for eachother is real... you deserve to be together.
Her meaningful words caused me to feel better about the situation, Wanda never intended to hurt everyone... she only did it because of love. I had to find her now, urgently.
Y/N: I gotta go now, thank you so much, Darcy. You have fixed so many things for me.
I gave a soft smile and opened the door to exit. After closing it, I ran out towards my neighbourhood.
Wanda's POV
After dealing with Monica, who somehow intruded again, Agnes brought me back to her house. I started to fear what was happening, the people from the outside are now onto this and these glitches keep happening around me.
As she made me a cup of tea, I sat on the couch, looking around. There was tray with half eaten cookies infront of me, and a pet bunny in a cage. Cartoons were playing on the TV but something occurred to me...
Wanda: Where are the kids?
I called out, my eyes fixated on different objects in the house, every detail was coming to notice.
Agnes: Oh, they're playing in the basement!
She replied, I then slowly got up from the sofa, still concerned about Monica and everything I just went through. I went through the door way and found the closed door, very out of key with the rest of the colour scheme of the house.
I slowly took a step, and went further down into the dark basement. With only a few specs of light being seen.
Wanda: Jeannie? Daken? Tommy?
After getting no answer, I went further down. Feeling a whoosh of wind hitting my face, causing me to not question but walk further into the doorway in the distance, that was filled with light.
The further I went, I found branches stuck the walls, and it was dark, but I couldn't help but go further...
I found myself in a room, with mystical objects laying on the side. There was a book that looked scorched and sizzled.
Where was I? What is this place?
A noise in the distance caused me to look infront of me, and a woman came over with a bunny in her hands... it was Agnes... but different.
???: Wanda, Wanda, Wanda... you didn't think you were the only magical girl in town, did you?
She questioned, as her hand produced magic wisps much like but purple, she then forced the doors to shut, locking us in.
???: The name is Agatha Harkness. Lovely to meet you dear.
It was Agatha all along.
3rd Person POV
At the sword site outside of the Hex, Hayward observed the anomaly, feeling fire rage inside of him each minute at the woman and her husband.
The Director was then called back into a tent, after being notified that the plan was ready for initiation. When inside, he greeted a few scientists and workers before looking what was ahead of him...
Hayward: We took this thing apart and put it back together again a million times, tried every power supply on the planet when all we need was a little energy from the source...
He looked back at the drone that was used to infiltrate the Hex a few days back, which was covered in the forcefield. The director then looked back at this creation, before locking eyes with a nearby scientist.
Hayward: Let's initiate Weapon XI.
The scientist nodded and flipped a switch, causing a sound of power to be heard, as it charged up what was infront of them, it was the body of Vision, the android who died in Sokovia.
He was modified to challenge the Wolverine, no cape, but retractable swords in his wrists, the perfect weapon.
Hayward: I used to think you were one of a kind, Wolverine. Nice to know you aren't.
The android kept inside was fully charged up, and the eyes lit up... Weapon XI was ready for Hayward's vicious plan...
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