sometimes i forgot what just happened and it's christmas??
if this is a jump in the story i'm sorry i don't remember what happened last even after reading the last part ❤️
i wonder who's calling me.
you looked down from the tall hut, only to see the mentalist himself.
"what's up?"
you asked. Sure you and gen had your moments but it was out of the ordinary for him to call for you specifically.
"do you wish to go on a walk with me?"
he asked. A closed eyed smile on his face.
"ummm sure, why not."
you hop down from the tall hut, gen led you into the woods.
this is weird. young girls should never follow men they don't know too well into forests. but if i were to be murdered i'm sure senku would figure it out and then get on with his life.
"how are you feeling, (y/n)?"
"uhh.. nervous i guess? lonely? happy? i'm not sure i feel a lot of things."
"you know, i find you really odd."
you and gen kept walking the scenery was beautiful. A perfect place for any kind of ceremony. honestly everywhere in this stone world was a perfect place.
"what's makes you say that?! i'm perfectly normal!"
you huffed out, crossing your arms.
"i mean in the way you present yourself. you're loud, and often embarrass yourself. and you wear your heart on you sleeve. It's like you're an open book. But at the same time that's only the surface. what really does deep down. You put out this persona, when in reality there's more to your character. I mean a doctor at 17? how is that even possible."
"this feels insulting? where are you even trying to go with this??"
you just confused at this point. did gen pull you all the way out here just to give you personality test results??
"Well as you know i specialise in reading people. However i'm having such a hard time with you and Senku. so i thought maybe if i just asked you what really goes on you'd tell me."
what if up with this dude. he was an option to be a bachelor for me but who just says this kind of stuff. i mean i would but that's not the point.
"i just want to make others happy. in any way that i can. it's as simple as that."
you said looking directly at him. He gave you a small smile.
"i see. that actually helps a lot. thanks (y/n)."
"why'd you wanna know so bad though?? it doesn't affect your life in any way if you don't know how every cog in my head works."
"well maybe that's something you can figure out about me."
he said turning away from you and walking away.
who does he think he is?! sure i embarrass myself a lot like with hyoga... and tsukasa... and senku and even ryusui to some extent. but im not loud, am i? and so what if i wear my heart on my sleeve at least im open about my feelings unlike half the people here.
you walked back in the camp in anger. After that things were a bit weird for you. Days passed and it felt like you didn't nothing, then weeks, then months. it's not that you weren't doing anything, you were just doing everything everyone else said. It felt as if you were just a side character in everyone else's story.
The nights got colder, then the days. and then it was snowing. You were doing your usual planned routine. sleep until it got warmer mid day, do whatever senku needed, eat, then sleep again. However today you got woken up at the crack of dawn.
someone was shoving you awake.
you said groggy.
"wake up you gorilla. we got things to do today!"
you immediately recognised that nickname.
"Senku... get someone else to do it. It's too cooold."
you turned over. only for your bedding to ripped off of you.
you put on the warmest clothing you could possibly find, and left your lovely bed.
"what the fuck do you want senku!"
"it's christmas today."
senku put a hand over your mouth.
"Anyway i need your help to set things up. A celebration will do everyone good after all the work."
"okay but why do i need to help?! you also know how bad my immune system gets in winter."
senku just shrugged.
"you're a doctor. you'll figure it out."
"you're so inconsiderate sometimes."
you said punching him in the arm. causing him to flop over.
"whatever. I need your help setting up the tree and secret santa."
"okay so what do we decorate the tree with??"
Senku thought for a moment.
"we could dye snowballs and throw them on the tree."
he suggests, picking at his ear. causing you to sigh.
"i see why you need my help. why don't we maybe a little rock barrier around the tree first and then for the trees decor we can get a lot of fabric and get the villagers to write there wishes and then hang them up."
"okay so fabric, ink, and string. let's go, i'll get all the materials. You start the secret santa stuff and make sure everyone knows in an hour."
you nodded and got to work.
first you need to find a table and a box, then a lot of paper and some ink. Senku labs was the first place you checked. there you found most your items. A table, box and even paper which is shocking. all you need now is ink.
maybe i should wait for senku. he will have ink by then. for now i should organise someone making food, bringing wine and the must important part. people's knowledge. well i can't really write people's names now can i... but i can go into the village and make an announcement.
so i go into the village and talk to rui about it, she seems very excited to experience something from the past, so i make an announcement to all the people
"hi guys i'm (y/n) you may or may not know me, but i have something very important announcement about a celebration! we're going to do secret santa..."
and then i proceeded to explain it to them 5 times until they got it
"... and there's a lot of food and a big tree! do you guys get it now?"
the crowd nodded
"okay i'll be back in an hour with all the names and you gotta get them a gift before midnight! Make sure you don't tell anyone though, cuz it's a secret!"
"oi (y/n)! get over here"
you heard senku call, he must of gotten the stuff. you walk over to him with a hopeful look, maybe as a christmas present he wrote all the villagers names down for you.
"i got ink for you, now get to work."
"Senku! Please please please help me! i just spent half an hour explaining secret santa!"
you said giving him puppy dog eyes.
"ugh fine."
and so you two get to work. silently writing down the names of people. it was a comfortable silence.
"hey Senku, can i ask you something?"
"do you think i'm useful?"
Senku just laughs. probably not at you. Actually probably at you.
"what are you thinking?! you're my right hand man, how could i do anything without you. Well i could definitely but that's not the point."
translation: yes you're useful. Senku translation is easy and simple.
"thanks senku. So how are you going with the names?"
"i'm done. do you have a box to put them in?"
"yep! are you gonna help me give them out or you working on the tree? "
Senku thinks for a bit and sighs.
"i'll organise the food and then i'll do the tree."
senkus being weirdly nice... maybe he did something wrong.
"Alright let's get to work!"
you go around handing out names to everyone. Even the people outside the village.
eventually there's only one name left, which is yours. picking it up you're a bit horrified.
"senku... AH WHAT DO I GET HIM?? actually i know what. He doesn't need it but i'm sure he'll like it moderately."
so you get to work. Along with all the other villagers. all looking for presents to put under the tree.
hours pass and the sun is slowly setting. And you're also done with your surprise. running down to where the massive tree is you see so many lights, torches laid out everywhere, with a dazzling christmas tree, and you see all the villagers.
"wow... senku put in a lot effort into this..."
now you were praying he liked your gift. after all this work he put into this celebration...
"(y/n)! come here."
kohaku yelled while dragging you to the food.... and of course it was ramen... and made by some of the villagers.
"wow i'm sure this food is great!"
you didn't want to get food poisoning.
ginro then comes up to you.
"hey (y/n)! how are you going? i'm super upset that i didn't get your name! hopefully next year i will!"
a lot of interactions went like this. one person would say hi or drag you somewhere and then you'd have a short conversation with them and they left. But it's okay! everyone's happy so you're happy.
You heard gen yell. as you looked around, you saw some of the matchings, and it felt like destiny was real. For example chrome and ruri got each other, and they were both blushing messes. all the kids got each other, and it was so cute to see them giggling over the gifts they got each other.
"okay now time to find senku!"
but you looked and looked. And he was no where to be found. you asked many people if they had seen him and it was all met with no's. but then you realised.
hold on i'm like his best friend here? i should know where he is! ah he's probably some place high, looking at the night sky.
so you walk, walk to the top of the mountain, and there you see Senku.
"yo (y/n), what's up?"
"your meant to be the genius, you figure it out."
you say teasingly, while you sit next to him.
"here your gift..."
you say handing him a tapestry that has all the elements sewn into it. in order and with pictures too.
he looks at if for a moment and gives a small smile.
"thanks (y/n) only you could've made this gift for me. Quiet litreally too."
you sigh in relief.
"i'm glad. I was worried you wouldn't like it. "
"ha! when have i not liked a christmas present you've given me?"
"well when we were 8 and i got you a bug! you hated that!"
"that doesn't count you gorilla! we were young. now turn around and close your eyes. i got you as my secret santa."
you oblige, wondering what it could be, until you feel cold metal on your neck.
"okay you can open them now."
you look down. It's a star. But you remember this necklace. Senku got you one just like this, and it connected to his bracelet, which was the moon. They were a perfect fit too, like they were perfect for each other.
you almost started crying on the spot.
"wow... this is just... stunning thank you senku!"
you say giving him a big hug.
"And i know you made us get each other on purpose. you're not sneaky senku."
"oh come on! give me some slack!"
"okay okay fine only because you put in so much effort today."
you two get out of the embrace. leaving you guys looking up at the stars.
"you know senku, i still have my dream of wanting to be a star in the night sky. I know it's still silly but i don't care! And i know we technically came from stars but i want to be reincarnated as one!"
Senku just chuckles.
"To complete the set i'll become the moon then. somethings never do change do they?"
senku says rhetorically.
"Senku, i'm so glad i met you."
"me too."
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