๊งโขโนูญ๐๐๐ ๐พ๐๐๐๐๐'๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐: ๐ท๐นูญโนโข๊ง
In our forgotten diaries
Take me with you.ย
Take me with that secret.ย
The weekend was almost over and your dad and aunt worked on your quick trip to Mexico. You all had mixed feelings about going back to Mexico.ย
You'll go alone with your aunt while your dad will visit your grandma and get your lives resettled in Seoul.
Your grandma spoke to the principal to tell him about your sudden trip to Mexico for a family issue. The principal was very accommodating and understood. He will inform all your teachers and your schoolwork will be emailed to you so that you won't be behind in your academics.
Sammy begged your aunt to bring his sister back safely and with good news. Also to be at home on her 17th birthday.
The Sunday evening you found yourself on the flight back to Mexico, with deep apprehensions. You couldn't stop thinking about Yeonjun and the feelings of euphoric bliss just being in his arms.
You also told your two best friends that you'd be gone for nearly a week. They were so upset because they would miss you that they forced you to swear to return for your 17th birthday (soulmarked day). You also text Eunoo to reschedule your second amusement park date.
He told you that Yeji texted him and that she was so sorry for him that she let the instrumental club bring extra people to camp. The school now had two full buses. You were relieved that each member of the group could attend.
Chaeyeong and Dahyun were delighted, and Dahyun was gushing about how her crush texted her to send him all of the group's information ahead of time because he and his group would be in rehearsals all day for one of their new songs' comeback on music bank on a KBS TV show. He is a member of the camp's steering committee, which is led by Yeji.
You chuckled and rolled your eyes because Soobin made the big blunder of giving Dahyun his cell phone number. Chaeyeong also informed you that when Soobin asked her friends where you were, they looked concerned at Yeonjun, who seemed troubled about your absence. You just scoff inwardly. Why would he suddenly be concerned about you? He practically ordered you to disregard what happened in that lonely hallway on Friday.
You just prayed that everything would work out for the Hernandez family and that the curse would be lifted once and for all.
You and your aunt sat next to each other, and she was very entertaining, telling you about your cousin, Diego's daughter whom he had out of wedlock, his then ex-girlfriend died a few years ago due to a drug overdose while becoming involved with a local gang, leaving him with his eight-year-old daughter Yesenia, who is now nineteen and in college.
She had already found her soulmate. A rich man whose family found it difficult to accept her, yet she and her soulmate loved each other. She is now living in the dorm and only visits her grandmotherโyour great-auntโon holidays or weekends.
Your great-aunt also has two more adult children, Mariana, who has thirteen-year-old twin boys, and Liliana, who is married and has an eight-year-old daughter.
Your great-aunt Ines also told you about your other family members' whereabouts and who had found their soulmates. You just smiled because you were happy for them but a little envious of their simple and happy lives. You are so terrified that if your curse is not lifted, Liliana's daughter will die suddenly, or it might be the twins when they reach the age of 18...ย
EIGHT is the cursed number in your family. Yesenia, your elder cousin thankfully dodged that strike when she turned eighteen, but what if she became 28? You can't live in fear like that. You love your great-aunt's grandchildren, your cousins.
Inside your heart, there was a lingering pain because Yeonjun would never accept that you were his soulmate due to your age. You just want to stop the curse in your generation, drink the potion, and let Yeonjun be free to live his life without realizing that he already met his soulmate but he will never know. He goes through life believing that the system has failed him by not supplying him with a lifelong loving relationship. How cruel will that be, and you will be the one who knows the most pain you will inflict on him?
You'd rather live a lonely life than witness the curse take your only love in front of you. Or have the blessing of your love returned, but your future granddaughters will be plagued by the horrendous curse.
But living without your soulmate will be so lonely, even with the visions that you will receive as a shaman for your generations. Which do you refuse to do?
Yeonjun is in love with Yeji and knowing you unexpectedly had him so confused and embarrassed that he kissed you like that. Dahyun even told you that Yeonjun and Yeji were very sweet and gentle during a class dance rehearsal. She was helping the dance tutor pack up when she saw the Y3 class come in brimming with enthusiasm for the rehearsals.
Yeji looked super delighted, and her group even wondered during the day where you were. They told those talebearers in class that you had a family issue in Mexico and had to leave for a few days.
You and your aunt landed at Tijuana Airport around 6 a.m. Your aunt's son, Diego came to get you at the airport. It was still a deep, dark tint in the sky and not quite daybreak.
"ยฟEstรกs bien, mi hijo? (Are you all right, my child?)" She gazed back at you from the front seat to your serious expression as you gazed out of the car window. Your uncle is a short very chubby man whose round cheeks show how much he loves beef burritos and enchiladas. Diego is very humorous and loves to make silly jokes that you do not always like or appreciate. No wonder Sammy called you "Doncella aburrida" a boring maiden.
"I'm fine, Aunt Ines...just exhausted." You gently assured her. A tense tremor is still racing up the spine. You just can't relax, now that you are nearer to your answer.
" no te preocupes niรฑa. (Don't be concerned, girl). Everything will work out just fine. If we can get the relic from that family and return it to the museum, we might win the battle. But we are not sure if the curse will just silently leave you. I hope there will be no effect on you after the oracle effect has been thwarted." She looked a little concerned but she suppressed those expressions not to bring alarm to you.
The shaman told her that Luna might experience strange recurring dreams for a while and if the quest is deemed successful then she will be ok.ย But nobody can predict if the oracle will leave her family alone.
The oracle was always vengeful. Thus if she chooses the Oracle to protect her Soulmate, her heart will be broken. So it's better for her soulmate not to "recognize" her as his soulmate for a while until they figure out how to deal with the remainder of the curse.
Diego drove into their city Tijuana. You smile slightly as you reminisced about your life here but it lost its color after the death of your mother. Sofia, you could feel your heart constrict as a result of your sudden yearning for your mom.ย You desperately need her right now.
Her loving touch and her soft way of speaking. ย She suffered so much but she is at rest now. Something you can accept. She no longer has those terrible pains and aches her suffering is gone forever.
You just inhaled deeply as Diego reached one of the affluent districts where your aunt resides. Your aunt moved there a few years ago to make sure Yesenia would not be raised in a drug and gang-infested neighborhood. Diego moved out a while ago and got himself an apartment near their business in the city. You sigh as you open the door. When you stood in front of your aunt's magnificent story house, your eyes shone brightly. The house is very peculiar with a flat roof and massive aluminum windows.
Your aunt is a wealthy entrepreneur who sells cell phones and accessories, which Diego oversees daily. But since she is so busy with getting information and doing research about the family curse, Diego is busy full-time running the shop in a nearby mall.
You appreciate your great aunt because she is the only relative who still views you as normal and never turned her back on you like your cousins from the extended family. Just the lineage from Josรฉ Hernandez is considered as the cursed family, but they don't realize that the impacts of death might transcend into their families not only Josรฉ's line. His brothers and sisters are not immune and their kids are not immune. Past deaths can testify to this fact.
If your Korean grandmother did not invite you to live with her this year, your aunt wanted you and Samuel to live with her. Your old family home is near the beach city. It is already sold thus your dad's presence in Seoul,
Your aunt sighed a very satisfied and content sigh as she unlocked her gate and you and Diego strolled behind her up the stairs inside the beautiful entrance.
The house is spotless, and one of your aunt's maids and the cook came to greet you all cheerfully. Maria is a thirty-something woman who has been looking after your aunt for the past year. She is very friendly and approachable. Your aunt told you that Maria referred her to the local Shaman for advice.
She also informed your aunt that she prepares breakfast burritos for you as a light snack to welcome you home. Your aunt has a lovely open-plan house and it was always very clean because she was strict when it came to cleanliness.
Maria's wide rubyred smile shone brightly, and her dark ombre eyes sparkled as she embraced you tightly,ย ย ", "Oh Luna, nos faltaste tanto, especialmente durante los fines de semana, cuando tรบ y tu padre siempre vienes a visitarte. (Oh Luna, we missed you so much, especially on weekends when you and your dad would always stop by.) "
You smirk and look at her with soft eyes, "No me he ido ni un mes, Marรญa.ย (I am not even gone for a month, Maria.")
" Sรญ, bien, cuando usted no nos visita, se siente como mil aรฑos...(yeah well, when you not visiting us it feels like a thousand years.") she retorted back.
Your aunt smiles at Maria, "Sabemos que disfrutaremos de su desayuno burritos. Esta maรฑana, ni siquiera la vi comer en el aviรณn. Ella tiene que comer. ( I think we will love to have your breakfast burritos. I didn't see Luna ate on flight this morning. She needs to eat."
You were not that hungry because there was a hollow feeling in your stomach just thinking about the artifact. What if it doesn't work when the artifact is restored to its' rightful form?
Your aunt places her handbag on the table and looks at you with a smile," Well, my girl. You know which room you always occupied. You can use it again because Maria prepared clean bedding for you. Whilst she made your food you may go make yourself at home."
Your aunt grabbed her phone and dialed the number of the curator from the Anthropology Museum. She was contemplating flying with Luna to Chapultepec Park in Mexico City. It is an almost 31-hour flight to Mexico City.
She sat down on one of the dining room chairs amid the preparation of the food on the table.
"...Senor Sanchez...hey, "your aunt's jovial voice was echoing through the room.
""Oh, seรฑora Ines, bueno escuchar tu voz. ยฟVuelve a Tijuana? ยฟTan pronto?Oh, Seรฑora Ines...good to hear your voice. Are you back in Tijuana? So soon?" he asked friendly.
"Sรญ Seรฑor. Llevรฉ a mi sobrina pequeรฑa. ยฟCrees que la familia Gonzalez nos encontrarรก a mitad de camino?ย Yeah, Senor. I brought my little grand-niece. Do you think the Gonzalez family will meet us halfway?" your aunt queried.
Mr. Sanchez grinned, "Bueno, estamos de suerte. Usted no tiene que venir al museo en Ciudad de Mรฉxico... pero el CEO Gonzรกlez, Senor Virgil, llegarรก en un dรญa o dos a Tijuana para encontrarse con usted y Luna. en el "Quartz Hotel" para escuchar sobre su historia familiar. (Well, we are lucky. You are not required to visit the museum in Mexico City...but the Gonzรกlez- CEO Senor Virgil will arrive in Tijuana in a day or two to meet you and Luna at the "Quartz Hotel" to learn about your family history.)ย "
"Eso es increรญble. Luna y yo estaremos encantados de conocer al difรญcil seรฑor Gonzรกlez. Por favor, informe a รฉl que nos encontraremos con รฉl en el hotel en dos dรญas. (That's awesome. Luna and I will be delighted to meet the elusive Senor Gonzรกlez. Please inform him we will meet him at the hotel in two days. " your aunt sounded delighted.
Things will go smoothly from now on. If they can appease the Oracle with the lost artifact, things may change for the family, and Luna may be able to lose her seer ability and be happy with her soulmate.
But right now with the uncertainty of the Oracles'curse Luna's future soulmate needs to be "blinded". She wonders who the unfortunate boy will be and when willย the awareness kick in. Because the Oracle will make certain that she meets him before her 17th birthday, which is far too soon. She has to naturally meet him first when she turns 18, but this Oracle makes sure she knows him a year ahead. A year earlier will alarm her soulmate. of the whole strangeness of their early bond.
Unbeknownst to Aunt Ines, Luna already felt the awareness, sensed, and met her partner. She romantically touched him, which alerted her Soulmate to the strange pull. The oracle is now fervently at work but the system is working just as hard to make Luna choose love...
You look exhausted as you place your luggage bag on the bed. Youย decided to quickly unpack and place your clothes in the cupboard and your toiletries in the bathroom.
When you gazed at your reflection in the mirror you could see the dark circles around your warm brown eyes. When you took the brush and pulled your dark hair up into a ponytail, you let out a deep sigh. You dyed your blue hue hair a little brown the weekend. It helped you feel a bit better about yourself.
You took out your phone and dialed your grandmother informing her that you'dย arrived safely in Tijuana.
"Yes grandmother, I'll be very safe. "You responded softly.
"We shall celebrate your birthday when you get home. Just keep your head up, my child. Yourย dad and Sammy sent their regards." Your grandmother sounds forlorn.
"Aunt Ines said we might be back before my birthday. I'm just hoping Aunt Ines' new theory works." Your voice sounded deflated.
"Don't worry, Baby; you'll be OK, and if you meet your soulmate after your 17th birthday, we'll make sure he's safe." your gran tried to assure you.
You just inhaled deeply, knowing deep down that there was no reason Yeonjun would be safe afterย he had decided to bond with you. His only saving grace will be the "potion" that must blind him at least for a year when he turns 18 and he won't be plagued with pressing questions and his curiosity will be satisfied.
He can date Yeji without knowing you are his soulmate.
You went back into your room and just plopped down on your back gazing at the ceiling fan that is keeping the hot room, cool.
Suddenly you felt a tug in the back of your mind. Gosh, not again!
*เณโงห. โ โท...yelling...shouting...flickering lights...Mc stood with a big trophy...a group dancing exuberantly...huge stage light moving ...fell ...pink haired boy lying motionless on the stage floor...shock...screams from the audience...*เณโงห. โ โท...
You jumped up from your bed, blood drained from your face as terror took over your demeanor. You just saw...Yeonjun.
Yeonjuns'band TXT will perform at some TV music comeback shows. Omg. When will the comeback show be live? He will get seriously hurt...
You felt the cold shivers run through your spine as tears started to stream from your eyes on your pale cheeks.
How will you be able to save your 'soulmate' if you're in Mexico right now?
Is this a sinister ploy from the Oracle...to force you to choose? You are torn in two because you want to choose love, but you don't want to lose your soulmate and your family.
Now it is mission -"stop the ORACLE "
A/n Luna and her Aunt Ines arrived in Tijuana.
1. How can Luna save Yeonjun without his knowledge?
2. Will she be in time to celebrate her birthday?
3. What it's the Lunas'only option right now?
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