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Juniper tapped her foot impatiently, staring at a certain Weasley. She groaned in annoyance, trying to wave her arms around to grab his attention, "Stupid little rat."
"Would you stop?" Theo asked he smacked her head with his free hand, the other holding Blaises, "Mcgonagall is gonna give you a detention."
"George won't look over here, I'm trying to tell him something." Juniper complained as she huffed, rolling her eyes as she took notice of his swaying with Fred at Mcgonagalls words about the ball, "Rat."
"Don't you wanna hear about the Yule Ball? I'm sure Cedric thinks it's a brilliant idea." Blaise teased as Juniper rolled her shes, sneaking away from Slytherin section and creeping toward Gryffindor. She saw Dean and Seamus glare at her from either side of Neville, Hermione giving her a knowing look and mouthing how she'll get in trouble.
"Oh, look who it is, Georgie." Fred teased as he nudged her brother and nodded toward Juniper who was walking toward the pair, "Hey there, demented."
George elbowed Fred at the nickname.
"You calling me demented would like we saying I wished I could set all gingers on fire." Juniper said as she stood next to George, raising her eyebrows toward Fred who gasped dramatically, "Maybe not all, just you."
"I'll have you know I think demented is just brilliant." Fred said to her with a knowing look, snapping his fingers.
"Well, I actually like most gingers, they remind me of little pumpkins." Juniper said with a nod of her head, "Sometimes I like to smash them with a hammer but most of the time I like to smell them and keep them in my room."
Fred and George shared a crazed look, George looked to her again as she hit him in the arm and pulled a small, well made potion bottle from her robe pocket, "For our finger popping potion."
"You're still on about that?" he asked with a sigh, Juniper nodded as he took it from her hands, "Suppose we could figure it out."
Juniper grinned as she went to open her mouth to speak before a specific sentence left Mcgonagalls mouth that had Juniper stiffing a laugh, "The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly centuries. I will not have you in the course of that evening behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."
Junipers sniffed laughed came to a halt, feeling a hand wrap around her school tie and pull her closer, "Try saying that five times faster."
Junipers eyes widened as she looked to George, he let he tie go with a encouraging look, "Babbling, bumbling, hand of baboons. Babbling, bumping-"
"Told you you couldn't." George teased with a grin as Juniper rolled her eyes at his words.
"You're a rat." she insulted him as he put a hand on his heat to show his offense to her words.
"Now, to dance is to let the body breath. Inside every girl, a secret swarms them, longing to burst forth and take flight."Mcgonagall announced as she blushed as looked to Gryffindors female group along with Slytherins right after.
"My best friends are in love with each other but pretend like they aren't." Juniper said over toward the twins, getting both their attentions, "Do you think the two of you could throw something together before the ball so they will go together?"
"Depends how much you're coughing up." Fred said as he rubbed his fingers together, George pushed his hand down with a knowing look toward Juniper.
"I'll give you fifteen galleons and take your name off my list." Juniper said to Fred as his eyes widened at her words, Juniper only smirked with a nod.
"Whats the list for?" Fred asked with a curious expression, "Hogwarts most brilliant boys?"
"Not even close." Juniper shook her head, "Help me and you'll never have to know."
"Deal." Fred said as he reached across George to shake Junipers hand as she grinned and paid attention to Mcgonagall again. Fred elbowed George with a half grin across his face, "I like her mind."
"Brilliant, isn't she?" George whispered back, "Try sitting with her in Snapes potions class."
"Inside every boy lives a lion, prepared to prance." Mcgonagall said as her eyes fixed to Ron who made a comment, "Mr Weasley?"
Juniper hid her snort with a cough, George and Fred giggling alongside her.
"Yes?" Ron asked with a tucked head and red face.
"Will you join me please?" She asked with raised eyebrows and snap of her fingers, demanded him to stand. Juniper bit her lip to hold back her laugh as Ron stood with a flushed expression, taking the older womans hand and was lead toward the middle of the ball room.
"Oi, never gonna let him forget this, are you?" Harry asked hopeful toward the twins, flashing a confused look toward Juniper before switching it with a grin.
"Never." they said on sync, watching their younger brother sway with the woman, a look of humiliation across his face.
"Poor baby." Juniper spoke with a snort, "I almost feel bad for him."
"I wouldn't." George said knowingly, "Trust me."
Juniper gave a playful eye roll, "Never."
"Everybody come together, boys on your feet!" Mcgonagall demanded as the two houses walked toward the middle of the floor hesitantly, "Grab a partner and get to practice!"
"I'm leaving." Juniper said as she grabbed George and Fred by the back of the neck, "And you two are coming with."
"Where are we going?" George asked as the pair shared a frightened look across their face.
"How do you know which ones work?" Juniper asked as she sat on her stole in the pottery room, watching George's hands as he messed with different substances to add into the small potion that was boiling between them. George flicked his eyes up at her with a half grin.
"Years of nearly putting my siblings in a grave." George said honestly as Juniper cracked a grin, leaning closer to watch him do so.
"It's brilliant, I could never do this stuff." Juniper said, looking down at the potion that had nearly all the ingredients in. George watched her eyes, watching as they expanded and then flattened, explaining again, "It's why i'm failing potions."
"M' failing potions too." George said knowingly as he nodded his head, "Snapes the issue, not us."
Juniper didn't say anything which alarmed him to glance her way, watching as she stared at the potion before she sigh, "He's not the best but he has to treat me good I guess, I liked Professor Lupin a lot."
"Me too, rubbish the way Snape said that stuff about him." George agreed. He hadn't realized how easy it was to just talk to her until now. He usually had one of his brothers saying how crazy she was in one ear each time she spoke to him, or they'd be cut off by Snape hitting him in the back of the head with a paper. Juniper had never thought anything bad about George, she didn't feel a sense of realization that he wasn't completely insane like he had about her.
"I hexed his potion book to turn into Russian because of that, it's why he uses those old books now." Juniper said as George laughed loudly at her words, his laughter bouncing off the the stone walls of the small pottery room Dumbledore continued to let Juniper use once a week even with Hermione and Ginny being the only ones to show up.
"Thats wicked." George spoke with a shake of his head, chuckling as he added one of the last ingredients before holding up a small bottle with what seemed to be a sort of plant inside, "And a touch of Juniper for the dramatics."
She smiled widely as her eyes bulged out of her head, watching the plant get sprinkled into the potion. George handed her the wooden spoon, nodding for her to stir. Juniper did so, leaning a little to close to the potion as George watched her closely to avoid her accidentally hurting herself, "How do we know if it works?"
"We test it out, of course." George said as Juniper gave him a worried look, watching as he poured the small amount into the potion jar she made.
"What if it makes our toenails fall off though?" she asked as he snorted at her words and looked at her with a odd expression across his features. He took notice of how ridiculously large her eyes were, thee times bigger then his with a much deeper story behind them then what he knew.
"Not us, mate, someone else." George said casually as if he had expected her to know it, "Now all we have to do is name it, even if it does make people's toenails fall off."
Juniper thought for a moment with a sigh, "Jor- no, no, maybe Ju- no, that's so stupid. Well, Weasley because you and Fred. Juniper for me, we maybe go with Wu- no, no. Or, Weasliper."
"Weasliper." George repeated with a frown of his light eyebrows, "It sounds like wet slippers."
"It's brilliant!" Juniper announced a shes clapped her hands together quickly. George laughed as he copied her actions, gasping sharply as her hands wrapped around his head and pulled his down so she was smelling his hair. George's eyes were wide down at the floor as she bend him in a odd way to sniff him relentlessly.
"Juniper?" George asked with a clear of his throat, "What're you doing up there?"
She let him go as he sat up right with wide eyes, "You do smell like a pumpkin."
George blinked at her words, not sure if he was amazed or freaked out by her actions, she only smiled at him casually.
"Ive got it." Fred said as he walked into the room, waving a potion in his hand toward her, "One truth telling serum for the crazy lady."
Juniper took it from his hands, taking the potion on the table and pushing it to him after checking his fingers to make sure they were poped, only one not , "Try that."
Fred hadn't asked any questions as he downed the potion. George and Juniper shared a excited expression, mimicking the other as they rocked on their heels, watching Fred as he only stood there with a confused expression. Juniper became impatient as as she took his fingers quickly.
Juniper let out a excited yell as George and Fred cheered, high fiving her at once as the three pumped their fist into the air and continued to yell before a knock was heard at the door.
"Hate to interrupt." Cedric said with a odd look at the three, "Did a quidditch team win?"
"No." Juniper said as she stood before the potion, hiding it from him. Fred and George shared a odd look at her action, "Is everything okay?"
"It is." the handsome boy nodded his head with a flushed expression, "I was hoping I could talk to you about something."
"Yeah, sure." Juniper nodded her head as she sent a smile over her shoulder toward George, "Thanks for helping me with my homework."
He looked confused for a moment, "Any time."
"You're off my string up and burn at the stake list." Juniper said to Fred as his eyes widened, sharing a look with his twin before the pair watched Juniper and Cedric join hands and walk away together.
kylie speaks
ceds gonna be
such a little simp
next chapter.
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