ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯




"IT IS ALL over the police scanner, they are hunting you. What happened up there?" Splinter asked as his sons walked through the lair entrance

"Tell him, Raph. Tell him how you broke rank and got us all exposed." Leo begins

Walking up next to Raph, he takes the ooze out of his hands and shows his father

"For the most selfish reason."

"The Foot were going to get their hands on it." Raph protested

"You didn't know that!" Leo argued back

"Stealing from police headquarters... There's no scenario where you wouldn't get caught." Donnie adds

"Maybe if you hadn't lied to your own flesh and blood..."

"Oh, wait. The way you lied to April and Kylie? And now they're taking the fall for your mess."

"Kylie knew! She trusted me and I was right!" Raph yelled at him

"We both know that you didn't break into Police HQ to prevent the Foot from stealing the ooze."

"Maybe the real reason you're mad is because your new girlfriend doesn't even agree with ya'!"

"You should've seen the looks on their faces. They weren't just scared. There was... actual hate." Mikey says as Splinter sits him down

Leo watches his younger brother, anger boiling inside of him. He walks away

"It will be all right, my son. People fear what they do not understand." Splinter reassure his son

He then walks after Leonardo

"You can't walk away from this." He says to his oldest

"I told him, Master Splinter. But Raph, he never hears a word I have to say. Now, I knew they couldn't handle the truth about the purple ooze, and you know what, they proved me right."


"I don't know what to do! Donnie's nose is in his computer, Raph's brains are in his biceps, and Mikey's head's in the clouds! I can't get them all on the same page."

"To think with one mind." Leo finishes

"You shouldn't want them all to think the same. It's their different points of view that make the team strong." Splinter starts

Leo turns his head towards his father

"A good leader understands this. A good brother accepts it."

Before Leo can respond, Donnie's voice can be heard calling to his brothers.

"Guys? I got something!"

"Talk to me, Donnie." Leo says as he jogs over to Donnie

"The computer pinpointed the isotopic signature of the purple ooze. I can track Bebop and Rocksteady's exact coordinates. I got 'em. They're at 36,000 feet, traveling at 490 knots."

"Wow. They've achieved the power of flight! Good for them, you know." Mikey says nodding his head

"They're on a plane, Mikey. It looks like our mutant buddies are headed to Brazil."

"How do we get there?" Leo asked

"We sneak onto the next cargo plane from JFK." Donnie says turning to his older brother


"They're not monsters, okay? The only real monster in this city is Shredder and the two mutants that he created." Kylie says

The Jones' and April were sitting in the integration room in Police HQ

"Bebop and Rocksteady." April finishes

"If you think anything coming out of your mouth is going to add to her credibility, you are sorely mistaken." The chief says turning to the three

"Shredder mutated them with the help of Baxter Stockman. That's actually who you need to go see." April says

"Funny you should mention Dr. Stockman because we just finished analyzing some security footage from T.C.R.I that he gave us." Vincent says

"Great." April says

Kylie sits quietly watching

"Guess who's on it"

The three watch the footage from TCRI.
It shows April running and grabbing the ooze but doesn't show Bebop and Rocksteady.

"That's not what happened. That footage has been altered. It's been edited." Kylie states

"We checked its authenticity. It's clean." The chief says

"I want a phone call." April says

"I hate to break it to you, but all the phones have been shut down on account of monsters breaking into our station house."

"You're legally obligated to give her a phone call." Kylie tells her

"I'm not obligated to do anything one ofΒ  you tell me where they are." The chief says

"I don't know. But if I did, I wouldn't tell you." April says cooly to her

"Chief, the turtles are not the ones you should be chasing." Casey says

"If you're going to press charges, just press charges." Kylie says, exhausted

"And you still owe her a phone call." Casey says motioning towards April

"I don't owe anybody anything until you tell me where those turtle things came from."

"From New Hampshire." Casey snaps

Kylie snickers before fist bumping her brother

"Wow. You're actually even a bigger loser than I thought."

Kylie gets up from her seat quickly, a looked of defense and rage plastered across her face.

"Don't talk to my brother like that. I don't give a fuck who you are. Keep the name calling to yourself."

Vincent and Kylie lock eyes with equal challenge, before the chief exits the room.

"Don't worry about her, Casey. She's just trying to get under your skin." April says

Kylie sits back down and squeezes her brother's arm comfortingly.

"Nah, she's right. Been hearing that my whole life. You know, I've only ever really had one goal. I wanted to make detective in the New York City Police Department. I wanted to put criminals away, not just keep them in cages." Casey says

Kylie frowned at him, having received the same laughs and mocking in school for the same reason.

He walks over near the table and looks down at the girls

Kylie and April share a look as they listen

"But working Corrections, you do learn two good things. One, justice comes in all shapes and sizes."

"And two, it's way easier to pick a cop's pocket than you might think."

Casey pulls the chiefs phone out from his pocket and throws it to April

"Make your call."

Kylie smirks and gives him a thumbs up. Casey smiles at her before turning and winking at April. Kylie rolls her eyes as April dials a number into the phone.

Kylie and Casey walk over to the other corner.


"O'Neil!" He answers

"Vern, listen, I need you to... What is that sound?"

Vern stops blowing into the bag to answer

"Just a little side venture. Falcon breath. Turns out, people are willing to pay $200 a pop for a bag of my hot air."

"Okay, look, forget that I asked. Casey, Kylie and I are in police custody."

"Shocking! Why would they want to question you? I mean, just because you broke into their headquarters."

"Vern, look, I've got bigger problems than myself right now, okay? Baxter Stockman doctored the footage from T.C.R.I, but I'm betting that there's some sort of a secondary feed that will show that he's been working with Shredder and that they turned Bebop and Rocksteady into mutants."

"Look, uh... What do you want from me?"

"I want you to be the hero that the whole city thinks you are." April finishes and hangs up

"Dang that was cold." Kylie comments

"Vern needed the push. He's been playing hero to long."

Kylie laughs, laying her head on her older brothers' shoulder.


"You think standing on the side lines makes you some kind of hero?" Raph asked Mikey

The boys were sitting in a cargo hold on a plane, headed back to New York. After losing to Bebop and Rocksteady, and falling down the waterfall, the team was in shambles.

"You can't just push past me like that bro!" Mikey snapped at him

"You were being a nitwit! You were going to lose that thing!" Raph says as he gets up from his 'seat'.

Donnie joins in and begins to yell at Raph and Mikey. The three turtles argue and yell, Leo sitting with his head down in shame, until Donnie drags him into it.

"You acted like I was even there!"

"It is not my job to make your presence known, all right. Get out of your head and communicate!" Leo says sternly

"Well, what do you expect? he's all logic no skill." Raph snaps

"Coming from the guy whose all instinct no no restraint." Mikey says to him

"What do you know about anything? You're all heart and no brains!" Leo says harshly to the orange clad turtle

"How could you? You may know a lot about strategy, but you know nothing about feelings!"

Raph lets out a sarcastic 'ha' before seating behind where Donnie stood.Β 

Leo sits there, letting the silent rage within fuel his next response.

"We may be brothers, but we are not a team."


After a while, a guard comes to get the three. Once they make it to the office area, the see Vern talking with the Chief.

"Let them go. Thank you, "Falcon." The chief says

"Uh, Chief? You might need this."

Casey hands her back her phone

"Well played."

She walks of and continues to talk to her assistant

"Good looking out." April says, slightly punching Vern


"I want an APB on a Dr. Baxter Stockman. And get a few..."

The chief stops when the build start shaking, April and Kylie rush to the windows. Where a huge rift in the sky, is sucking up metal objects.

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