the plan
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The following day, Nagisa enthusiastically rallied his friends to the rooftop during their lunch break, the excitement radiating off of him so much that (Y/N) would be able to sense it a mile away.
He holds up a piece of paper, decked out with information about their positions in the club. "Since everyone's on board, I got us an application." His friends all listen along, Haru to his right while Makoto nods along to his left.
(Y/N) sits next to Haru, her shoulder resting against his. The dark haired boy didn't seemed to mind, and shifted his weight against his friend. He leans into her as if to claim the space.
"Let's see, the main purpose of our club will be to train our minds and bodies." The younger boy continues. "Improving our overall educational experience through the recreational wonder of swimming!" His small rant causes (Y/N) and Makoto to sweat drop at the intricate explanation.
"You definitely know how to market an idea." (Y/N) chuckles, and Nagisa nods vigorously. "Since there's only four of us, we'll be the founding members." He turns his attention to the taller brown haired boy. "Mako, how do you feel about being our captain?"
Makoto's brows furrowed at the suggestion. "I don't know..shouldn't it be Haru? He's the faster swimmer." Haru's only response is a side eye towards his friends, but continues to munch on his lunch with a nonchalant air to him.
He looks down and notes that (Y/N) had a much more appealing spread, dried squid and a fried egg on the side topped with rice. Swiftly, he reaches for the squid, only to receive a quick slap from (Y/N), who glared at him through narrowed eyes.
The two share a moment of eye contact, before reaching down simultaneously to steal a piece of each other's lunch, and turning away with puffed out cheeks.
"This isn't about speed, it's about leadership!" Nagisa's words make (Y/N) look down in thought.
She envisioned Haru, dressed from head to toe in a flashy coaching outfit, a rare smile on his face while he orders third and second years around. The thought makes her laugh, but stops midway when a piece of rice lodges itself into her throat.
Makoto quickly reaches out and rubs her back to calm her down, and sweatdrops. "Yeah no way.."
"So Mako, if you're the Captain that means Haru gets to be your second in command!" Nagisa exclaimed, and Haru perks up at this, before finally speaking.
"Guys..please don't volunteer me.."
"Don't worry! Relax!" Nagisa tries to ease his worries and holds out the piece of paper to the blue eyed boy. "The vice Captain is just a figure head, you'll have zero real responsibility!" Haru seems to relax more as he listens, and moves to steal another piece of squid from (Y/N)'s bento.
(Y/N) ignores her vulture of a friend. "Nagisa, you just offended every vice Captain there ever was.." she mumbles, and jerks away when her sunshine friend leans his face closer to hers, his eyes sparkling. "I'll be the treasurer, and (Y/N), you'll be.." he pauses for dramatic effect, his nose practically brushing against hers.
Haru sighs and gently nudges Nagisa away, his pointer finger pushing into the boy's forehead. Unfazed, Nagisa flings his arms out wide, a grin spreading across his face.
"Our swim instructor!"
The group all pause, their voices overlapping in surprised unison, "Huh?" Nagisa puffs his cheeks out in a mock pout. "Come on! You'll be helping us to improve on our forms!" This doesn't seem to sway (Y/N), as she just stares at him and continues to chew on her lunch.
"We'll be able to win actual matches?" She slowly blinks, and Nagisa thinks for a moment before looking up and grinning.
"You can boss us around more often than usual?" Finally (Y/N) stops her chewing, and thinks for a moment before nodding with a small smile. Makoto closes his eyes and chuckles with a shake of his head, before looking down and pointing to an empty slot on the paper.
"Now we just need a faculty advisor."
"Anyone in mind?"
Nagisa giggles enthusiastically, "Since you brought it up, I thought we'd ask Miss A." (Y/N) nods, and thinks back to the joyous human that is Miss Amakata. "You think she'd be into it?" Her friend merely shrugs his shoulders before standing up, his hands resting on his hips.
"Based on this crazy rumor going around I think she would!"
(Y/N) raises a brow, "Rumor?" She mumbles, and tilts her head when Nagisa eagerly whispers into her ear. Her eyes widen with amusement, and the group watch as her hair begins to gently lift from the way her body began to shook with laughter.
"She was a swimsuit model?!"
(Y/N) had since then left her friends to walk around her campus. She dismissed their questions with explaining that she needed to go do something important, before giving Haru the rest of her lunch and leaving them to go consult with Miss A.
Her feet gently kick a small pebble around before rounding a corner of her school and coming towards a bundle of bushes piled against a fence. She bends down and eagerly clicks her fingers, while she licks her lips and sucks her teeth.
A small 'meow' resonates from the bushes, and (Y/N) smiles warmly when a small black and white kitten pounces onto her open palm, its small teeth gnawing and nibbling on her fingers. (Y/N) chuckles softly.
"Okay, okay, calm down." She mumbles, before reaching into her pocket and pulls out a small packet of cat treats. Ripping the packet open, she watches as the kitten jumps up and pulls it down before shoving its head inside and begins to devour the treat.
(Y/N) watches the small, fragile creature with a gentle smile, its small body shaking with how hungry it must have been waiting for her.
She had first discovered the kitten only a few months prior, when she needed a space to hide away from all the pressure she had been receiving from her teachers.
The small kitten had pounced on her shoe, startling her, before it began to nibble at her shoelace. That was the moment (Y/N) had found her love for the little being, and when the pressures of her everyday teen life slowly started to get better with each visit.
A twig snapping breaks her out of her thoughts, and makes (Y/N) whip her head around with a glare, her hand outstretched to grab the kitten just incase.
Her glare softens when she sees Gลu standing behind her, her phone out and camera pointing straight at the (H/C) girl and her small companion.
"..did you just take a picture of me?"
Gลu looks away sheepishly, her cheeks tinted red. "Maybe.." a beat of silence follows before both girls chuckle, and (Y/N) pats the ground beside her. The younger Matsuoka smiles and sits beside her, and looks down at the kitten still munching away.
They sit in silence for a few minutes, the sound of cicadas chirping between the trees and the small crunches coming from the small creature filling the empty space. After a while, (Y/N) glances and bumps her shoulder with Gลu's.
"What brings you here?" She asks gently, and watches as her friend fiddles with the sleeves of her blazers.
"I was about to leave to go and talk to my brother.." the mention of Rin makes (Y/N)'s chest sting, but she pushes it aside and listens. "And I was wondering if..you'd want to come with?"
(Y/N) moves her mouth to side, before sighing. She reaches down and gently taps the kitten's back before picking the empty packet up and scrunching it in the palm of her hand.
"Gลu.." she starts, and shakes her head, "Kลu." She corrects herself, and the maroon haired girl smiles. "Your brother wasn't exactly been the most welcoming the last time me and the guys tried to speak to him." Biting her lip, (Y/N) tries not to grit her teeth at the thought of their last encounter.
"He hates them..he hates me."
Gลu quickly shakes her head. "No! I promise you he doesn't." Her brows pull together, mentally reminding herself to kick her emotionally distant brother. She watches as the kitten moves to hop into (Y/N)'s lap, purring happily and pawing at her blazer.
"He just..he doesn't know how to express his emotions properly, I know he really does miss you guys." The words make (Y/N) scoff, her eyes never leaving the kitten.
"You don't have to make excuses for him, if he really did feel like that he would have told us that himself." Gลu puffs her cheeks out at her friend's stubbornness, but nods nonetheless.
She thinks for a moment, before looking up. "Then come with me so he can tell you himself." She stares as (Y/N) thinks the offer over. She gently picks the kitten up before placing it back on the ground, and they both watch as it runs back into the bushes, and meows once more as a final goodbye.
(Y/N) sighs and moves to get up, Gลu following suit as she bites the inside of her cheek. She shoves her hands into the pockets of her blazer, and nods.
Gลu smiles brightly, and grabs her friend's hands before dragging her away and towards the school gate, excited for her brother to finally make amends with his middle school crush.
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